Cells and Their Organelles

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At what level of organization does life began?

Cellular level or the cell is the basic unit of life

what characteristics are shared by most cells

Have membrane-bound organelle, a nucleus, contain cytoplasm, are enclosed by a membrane, and have a nucleus, and are microscopic.

what organelle breaks down and recycles worn-out cells?



Makes ribosomes

Would it be accurate to say a chloroplast makes energy for a plant cell?

No, because chloroplasts transfer sun's energy, not make it themselves

chloroplast are found in what type of cells?

Plant cells


Provide support to cell during cell division "mitosis"


take food and converts to energy for cells

in what ways are cells similar to atoms?

they are both basic building blocks

Rough ER

transports materials through the cell and produces protein

Explain what mitochondria do and why evidence suggest that they might have descended from free-living prokaryotes in the evolutionary past.

Supply energy to the cell. They convert molecules from food into usable energy. They have their own ribosomes and DNA unlike the prokaryotic cells.

Describe the structure of the nucleus.

The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane with pores that connect its interior to the cytoplasm. DNA and the nucleolus are located inside the nucleus.


both, modifies and packages proteins


both, Makes proteins


both, gelatin like feeling that is mostly helps suspended the organelles

What surrounds all cells?

cell membrane

The largest organelle in plants is the ____

central vaculole

centrioles are found at the center of the ______ how do they help the cell?

centrosome, makes microtubule leaks and gives Provide support to the cell during cell division

What pigment traps the energy?



controls cellular function ("brain" of cell)


convert sun's energy to food (photosynthesis)

Where are organelles located?

cytoplasm (outside the nucleus)


digest food and old cell parts

How are eukaryotic cells different from prokaryotic cells?

eukaryotic cells have a distinct nucleus containing the cell's genetic material, while prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus and have free-floating genetic material instead

how did the improvements in the microscope help scientists form the cell theory?

improvements allowed scientists to see cells in greater and greater detail and enable them to discover cells in all types of living matter.

Where is DNA found inside a cell?

inside the nucleus

Smooth ER

makes proteins and lipids that will be exported by the cell

Give 3 jobs for smooth ER.

makes proteins, controls the Calcium level in muscles, and detoxifies (poisons, alcohol, and drugs)

rough ER is connected to the ______ membrane and the ______

nucleus, smooth ER

Define the following terms organelles and cytoplasm

organelles- a specialized part of a cell having some specific function; a cell organ. cytoplasm- the cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus, containing the cytosol, organelles, cytoskeleton, and various particles.

In what way are lysosomes, vesicles, and the central vacuole similar?

All are membrane-bound organelles that store or separate certain substance

Nuclear pores

pathway for substances to move from nucleus to cytoplasm

What two things make up the cell membrane?

phospholipids and embedded proteins

according to the cell theory what is required for an object to be considered alive

-composed of cells -Responds and adapts to the enviornment -uses energy -grows and reproduces

Describe how the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, and Golgi apparatus are structurally similar.

All are composed of membrane-enclosed chambers. The surface area of each is greatly increased by folds and layers.

What process takes place inside chloroplasts?


the additional layer is found around the outside of plant cells and bacteria?

plant cells have a cell wall but not bacteria

cell wall

plant, Provide support and structure to the cell

the cell membrane is also called the ______________ membrane?


nuclear membrane

processes substance to allow in any of nuclens

the process of making proteins is called?

protein synthesis


provides micro tubeless which provide support during cell division "mitosis"

where are proteins made in a cell?


central vacuole

stores water, digest food and waste

what is the energy for this process?


Food, water, and wastes are stored inside ________.


Do all cell need ribosomes?

yes(so the cell can get protein)

explain the three major principles of cell theory in your own words

-call all organisms are made of cells -all existing cells are from pre-existing cells -the cell is the most basic unit of life

The word organelle is a diminutive, or "tiny," form of the Latin word for organs of the body. How is an organelle like a tiny organ

An organelle is like a tiny organ because a tiny organ has its own functions and methods in which it knows how to preform its function inside the body which is similar to an organelle because it has its own functions and methods also.

how are the nucleus and a vessel similar and different in structure and function

Both are membrane-bound compartments that store and separate certain materials. The nucleus is an almost permanent structure protected by a double membrane bilayer, whereas a vesicle is a temporary organelle.

What similarities do mitochondria and chloroplasts share?

Both membrane bound organelles have their own DNA and help make energy available to the cell.

DNA coils tightly during Division and assembles into vision______


proteins made by rough ER travel to the Golgi in sacks called ____. Golgi____ and _____ proteins for export out of the cell.

Cistern, modifies, packages

How do the cytoskeleton and the cytoplasm contribute to a cell's shape?

Cytoskeleton has microtubules (long hollow tubes) which give the cell its shape and act as tracks for movement of organelles. The cytoplasm fills the space between the nucleus and the cell membrane.

Medicine, alcohol, and many drugs are detoxified in liver cells. Why do you think the liver cells of some people who abuse alcohol and drugs have an increased amount of smooth ER?

Increased amounts of smooth ER in the livers cells suggests that the cells have responded to increased amounts of toxins by producing more smooth ER to handle the processing.

Suppose a certain poison kills human cells by blocking pores in the nuclear membrane. Explain why it would or would not kill bacteria.

It would not kill bacteria because bacteria do not have a nucleus, so there are no nuclear pores to be blocked.

If you were looking through a microscope at an unknown cell, how might you determine whether itwas a plant cell or an animal cell?

Look for cell walls and chloroplasts (plant cell features) or centrioles (animal cell features).

Digestion takes place inside _________ containing _______.

Lysosomes, digestive enzymes

You know that many organelles are involved in protein production. Briefly explain where proteins are made, modified, and packaged within a cell.

Proteins are made in ribosomes which are located in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. They are then sent to the golgi apparatus where they are then modified and packaged.

How does rough ER differ from smooth ER?

Rough ER transports and makes proteins Smooth ER makes proteins and lipid for export

explain the structure and function of the mitochondria

Supplies energy to a cell by releasing the energy stored in food molecules. The outer membrane surrounds a highly folded inner membrane where the chemical activity occurs.

how was the development of cell theory closely tied to advancements in technology?

The cell theory depended on the invention of microscopes that allowed scientists to see cells.

what function does the cell wall perform in a plant

The cell wall protects, supports, and shapes a plant cell, and regulates what moves into the cell. The cell walls of multiple cells can help support the entire plant.

What problems might a cell experience if it had no cytoskeleton?

The cell would be disorganized. It would be weak and might fall apart. The cell would also be unable to move, divide, and transport organelles.

What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton supports and shapes thecell, positions and transports organelles,provides strength, assists in cell division,and aids cell movement.

what is distinctive about the nuclear membrane? why is it described as an envelope?

The nuclear membrane, also called the nuclear envelope, is a double membrane layer that separates the contents of the nucleus from the rest of the cell. It is found in both animal and plant cells.

what is meant by semipermeable?

allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others

Centrioles are found inside what type of cell?

animal cells

why did it take so long after cells were discovered for the cell theory to be developed?

biologist begin to organize information about cells into a unified understanding the three observation were combined to form a basic theory about cellular

cell membrane

both, a semipermeable layer that allows some substances into the cell and blocks other from entering


both, store water and waste and food being digestion

What cell process is controlled by the nucleus?

cell function and protein synthesis

both chloroplasts and mitochondria are like in that they both have ______ membrane and their own _____

double, DNA

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