Central idea,Subjective Summary,And Theme

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what is the stander

I can determine a Central Idea of a text and Analyze its Development over the course of the text including its Relationship to Supporting Ideas.

what is analyze

Study closely;break down into key parts

common theme

Be careful what you wish for. Honesty is the best policy. Crime doesn't pay. Sacrifice lead to reward. We are all the same on the inside. Money cannot buy happines Love conquers all. You can learn if you listen. Don't take things for granted

What dose determine mean

Decide, figure out

what is supporting detail

Facts,statement,specifics,and example that clarify ,explain,and describe the central idea.

what is development

The building of an idea/ideas throughout a text

what is theme?

theme is NOT the same as central idea. theme is NOT the same as topic one story can have multiple themes theme are often recognizable and repeated throughout literature.

what is theme?

theme is the life lesson,author's message,or moral of a story readers have to make inferences to determine theme in literature because theme are not directly stated. in order to determine the theme of a story,readers have to think beyond the small details. instead, readers must figure out the big lesson of the theme.

What is the step for central idea

1 steps you need to take: examine the life and any blurbs included before the body paragraph 2 pay close attention to the opening and closing paragraph 3 what is the topic? 4 why has the author written about the topic (purpose--inform,entertain,persuade)?

how can you provide an objective summary of the text?

1.Determine the central idea 2.Find important details that the author uses to develop the central idea and communicate theme in your own words. 3.Be clear,concise,and brief 4.Leave out mirror details and your own personal opinion.

what is the step to analyze its development

1.Look at the body paragraph of the text. 2.What examples is the author using to make his or her point? 3.Think about the who,what,when,where,why,and how about the topics

what is central idea

central idea refers to what the text is mainly about. central idea is NOT the topic of the text central idea can most often be stated in one sentence.

writing an objective summary

step one--topic sentence name it: 1.identify the tittle of the text the author. 2.Use one of the following summary verbs:shows,describe,explains,discusses, explores,illustrates,teaches,etc 3.Communicate the author central idea.

to determine theme,ask yourself....

1.What the character(s) learn? 2.How did the character(s) grow or change? 3.Why did the character(S) act this way

what is Relationship

A connection between two or more ideas,events,individuals,etc

common topics for themes

courage, hard worker, kindness, being yourself, hope, love, jealous, doing the right thing, honesty, acceptance,fears

writing an objective summary

step three--concluding sentence wrap up the objective summary

writing an objective summary

step two---Essential/key idea 1.Pick 1-2 supporting details for the beginning,middle,and end of the text to show how the author develops the central idea. 3.Use your own words

what is central idea

the main point an author is making about a topic;the author's primary message.Sometimes it must be inferred.

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