Ch 10 Practice quiz

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Children whose mothers are depressed tend to exhibit a pattern of activation in the _____ that is associated with a greater reactivity to the environment, negative emotionality, and withdrawal.

prefrontal cortex and amygdala

By age _____, children are good at identifying situations that make people happy; by age _____, they are accurate at identifying situations that make people sad.

3; 4

What conclusion can be drawn about the cultural practices of a society in which parents ignore or scold children who express anger?

The society believes displays of negative emotion are unproductive.

At approximately what age are children able to understand that people can have mixed feelings about events or issues?


Around what age do boys and girls begin to differ dramatically in their risk of developing depression?


In everyday conversations, children as young as _____ months have been shown to mention emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, crying, and hurting in appropriate ways.


By _____ of age, infants can distinguish facial expressions of happiness, surprise, and anger.

3 months

Research studies have found that the heritability of depression is about _____%.


In their original findings, what percentage of infants fit into Thomas and Chess's "easy" classification?


By what age do infants show the FIRST rudimentary signs of emotional self-regulation?

5 months

Joanie has suddenly developed a fear of strangers. Joanie is MOST likely how old?

6 to 7 months

Allison tends to avoid stressful situations altogether. Alex faces stressful situations by seeking social support. Andrew tends to break down in stressful situations and express his negative emotions forcefully. Who might be expected to be the BEST adjusted of these three children?


Which child might we expect to freely express negative emotions such as anger based on cross-cultural research?

Anna from New York in the United States

Which example illustrates a person using a display rule in order to protect others' feelings?

Anna is disgusted by the taste of the soup her friend has offered her, but to be polite, she smiles and says, "Thank you."

Brad is a 5-year-old who is asked why his preschool classmate is expressing sadness. Which statement is likely to be TRUE regarding his response?

Brad will be able to give an accurate explanation for the cause of his classmate's sadness.

Once children are capable of _____, they are often viewed as more responsible for their behavior and for complying with parental expectations.


Libby, age 1, loves to take a bath, tries all new foods (even vegetables), and takes a nap every day at 1:00 P.M. What type of temperament does Libby have?


According to Thomas and Chess, Brian is classified as "slow-to-warm-up." Which prediction might be TRUE about Brian?

He will be somewhat difficult at first but over time with repeated experiences he will be easier.

Identical twins are more similar to each other in aspects of emotionality and emotion regulation than are fraternal twins. This phenomenon demonstrates the importance of _____ in individual differences in emotion and its regulation.


Which statement BEST demonstrates gender differences in emotional display rules?

In the United States, elementary school girls are more likely than boys to feel that openly expressing emotions such as pain is acceptable.

Which statement is NOT true regarding separation anxiety in young children?

It is a strong predictor of adolescent depression

Lila is 5 years old and in kindergarten. In a lab experiment, a researcher presents Lila with photos of faces depicting happiness, surprise, and disgust and asks Lila to point to each emotion when it is labeled. How might we expect her to perform?

Lila can correctly identify all three emotions.

In one study, preschoolers were told a story about a young girl who forgot her favorite teddy bear when she went to a sleepover at her cousin's house. Although she felt sad, she hid her feelings so the other child wouldn't call her a baby. Participants were asked to identify pictures depicting how the young girl felt on the "inside" as well as what her external expression was. Which finding of this study is TRUE?

More than eighty percent of the 5-year-olds chose the appropriate pictures.

Which statement is TRUE when it comes to measuring temperament?

No measurement of temperament is perfect, and it is prudent to assess temperament with a variety of different methods.

Which finding demonstrates the effects children may have on the degree to which their parents talk about emotion with them?

Parents engaged in more conversations about emotional past events with their 5- and 6-year-olds if the children were relatively well regulated.

Which aspect of lying do children come to understand with age?

People who are lying often break eye contact and avert their gaze.

Which statement is NOT a reason that well-adjusted children tend to do better in school than their less regulated peers?

They have higher IQ and achievement test scores.

Which statement does NOT describe an outcome that Caspi and colleagues found for participants in their longitudinal study who were negative and unregulated as young children?

They were more likely to be unemployed.

Which statement is TRUE regarding infants' recognition of emotional facial expressions?

Three- or four-month-olds who are habituated to pictures of happy faces dishabituate (look longer) when shown a face depicting surprise.

Which statement BEST describes the stability of temperament over time?

With some exceptions, temperament remains stable over time.

Social competence is defined, in part, as:

a set of skills that help in achieving personal goals in social interactions

Most children cannot label complex emotions such as pride, shame, and guilt until:

age 7

In China, mothers often discourage their child from expressing:


In China, mothers often discourage their child from expressing


Hannah, age 4, loves to color in her coloring book for long periods of time. She is also very engaged with her fellow preschoolers when class projects are given. According to Mary Rothbart, what type of temperament dimension is Hannah MOST likely displaying?

attention span

Which temperament dimension, of the five proposed by Mary Rothbart, attempts to capture the duration of time children work on one project such as a puzzle?

attention span

Nonsupportive parental behavior, such as not helping to reduce children's anger, is associated with _____ for children in the United States but does not have the same effect for the Tamang children in rural Nepal.

low social competence

Children's understanding of emotions is _____ correlated with age


Recent research regarding peer victimization and depression suggests that:

children's depression both contributes to and is caused by peer victimization.

When 5-year-old Jimmy is asked to stop playing and clean up his room, he says, "No! Ten more minutes, please?" rather than throwing a fit. This example illustrates:

children's developing ability to use language when upset by parental demands

Teddy has a difficult temperament and is unmanageable and thus evokes negative emotions from his parents. This example illustrates:

children's influence on the expression of emotion in the home.

When Tommy is teased by his peers, he takes a moment to rethink the situation and downplay the teasing by telling himself those peers aren't worth getting upset over. What does this example illustrate?

cognitive strategies to control negative emotion

Which symptom is NOT characteristic of major depression?

crying at some television commercials

In EEG studies, researchers have found that activation of the _____ has been associated with approach behavior, positive affect, and exploration; activation of the _____ has been linked to withdrawal, fear, and anxiety.

left frontal lobe; right frontal lobe

How did Thomas and Chess classify babies who were slow to adjust to new experiences, tended to react negatively to new experiences, and were irregular in their daily routines?


A social group's informal norms about when, where, and how much one should show emotions and when and where displays of emotion should be suppressed or masked by displays of other emotions is called:

display rules.

In Rothbart's questionnaire, questions that ask about how often children throw temper tantrums when they don't get what they want measure which dimension of temperament?

distress at limitations/frustration

By the time a child is between 2 and 3 years old, he or she begins to show a range of self-conscious emotions that include:

embarrassment, pride, guilt, and shame

By the time a child is between 2 and 3 years old, he or she begins to show a range of self-conscious emotions that include:

embarrassment, pride, guilt, and shame.

What is the term for parents both discussing emotions with their children and helping them learn ways of coping with their emotions and expressing them appropriately?

emotion coaching

The process through which children acquire values, standards, skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate for their present and future role for their particular culture is:

emotion socialization

Megan is afraid of heights. When she is on a balcony or deck, her mind begins to race and she thinks about herself or someone close to her falling off the side and that thought runs over and over in her head. Which aspect of emotional functioning is BEST described here?

emotion-related cognitions

Kara is afraid of spiders and when she sees one her heart rate goes up. Which aspect of emotional functioning is BEST described here?

emotion-related physiological processes

Theo's parents never express any sort of emotion in the household. Theo is likely getting the impression that:

emotions should be avoided or inhibited

Which strategy is NOT likely to produce children's feelings of guilt, rather than shame?

emphasizing the badness of the child ("you are a bad boy"), rather than of the behavior ("you did a bad thing")

Some people develop a major depressive episode as a result of genetics. Others can end up with the same psychological struggles as a result of a major life issue, while still others may be affected by teratogens before they are born. The fact that there are many paths to this same destination demonstrates the concept of:


Physiological measurements of temperament have shown that children who have left frontal lobe activation tend to:

exhibit relaxed and positive reactions in novel situations

Children who are more skilled at _____ than are their peers are also higher in _____.

labeling and interpreting others' emotions; social competence

Faced with having to undergo major surgery, older children are more likely to _____; younger children are more likely to _____.

focus on the benefits of surgery; insist that they don't need surgery

A theory of emotion in which emotions are thought to promote action toward achieving a goal, is known as the:

functionalist approach.

The degree to which an individual's temperament is compatible with the demands and expectations of his or her social environment is known as:

goodness of fit.

Empathy for others is associated with _____, but not _____.

guilt; shame

When their children experience shame, Western mothers typically _____, while Chinese mothers typically _____.

help their children feel better about themselves; use it as a situation to teach proper conduct

Which outcome have researchers found NOT to be associated with better ability to delay gratification in early childhood?

higher rates of being spiritual or religious in adulthood

Which component is NOT thought of by developmentalists as being typical of emotion?

historical factors

The Tamang in rural Nepal are Buddhists who place great emphasis on keeping one's mind-heart calm and clear of emotion. Thus, Tamang parents often:

ignore or scold children older than 2 who express anger.

European American culture tends to place a high value on _____, while Japanese culture emphasizes _____.

independence; interdependence

Which stressor does NOT appear to have the potential to affect infants' and young children's ability to regulate their attention and behavior?

late-term birth

A child's sense of well-being, both internally and externally, refers to their:

mental health.

David's parents express a lot of anger and hostility in the household. It is likely that David may eventually believe that

most people are hostile.

When they were young, Byron and Zachariah were both raised by a father who had serious struggles with alcoholism. Twenty years later, Byron has a serious alcohol problem, while Zachariah never touches a drop. The fact that similar paths can lead to different destinations demonstrates the concept of:


The text explains that, in adolescence, _____ contribute to self-regulation.

neurological changes in the cortex

Research shows that 7-month-olds exhibit different _____ when they observe fearful and angry expressions, a finding that suggests some ability to discriminate these emotions.

patterns of brain waves

Which strategy is one way African American mothers living in dangerous neighborhoods promoted their daughters' readiness to express anger and aggressiveness?

play-acting the role of an adversary, teasing, insulting, or challenging their daughters in everyday interactions

Which environmental factor does behavior genetics research suggest plays an important role in shaping temperament generally?

relationship with parents

A perseverative focus on one's own negative emotions and on their causes and consequences, without engaging in efforts to improve one's situation, is known as:


Children who are _____ tend to show more positive emotions and less social anxiety and anger than do children who are _____.

securely attached; insecurely attached

Nine-month-old Genevieve is upset, so she rubs her blanket and sucks her thumb to calm down. What does this scenario illustrate?


Charlie fusses every time he has to leave his mom and dad and go to the babysitter. This usually occurs when he sees his mother or father leave. What is the BEST description of what Charlie is experiencing?

separation anxiety

Chinese (Taiwanese) parents often try to induce _____ in their preschool children when they transgress, typically pointing out that the child's behavior is judged negatively by people outside the family.


Thomas exhibited fearful distress as an infant when presented with novel stimuli; at age 2, he showed elevated levels of fear in a novel situation; and at age 4½, he showed elevated levels of social inhibition. This example demonstrates the:

stability of temperament over time.

Genes account for a(n) _____ portion of the variation in some aspects of temperament.


Individual differences in emotion, activity level, and attention that are exhibited across contexts and are demonstrated from infancy (and thus thought to be genetically based) are referred to as:


Infants fear of strangers is quite variable and depends on both _____ and _____, such as if a parent is present.

temperament; the specific context

Which ability have studies NOT shown to be connected to being well adjusted and liked by peers and adults?

the ability to score well on IQ tests

From age 4 to 10, children are generally better at identifying emotion from pictures depicting _____ than from pictures of _____.

the cause of the emotion; facial expressions of emotion

Children's expressions of anger tend to peak during:

the second year of life.

In one study, when prevented from seeing their mother's face, 12-month-olds relied on _____ to determine whether or not to approach or avoid a novel toy.

the tone of their mother's voice expressing fearful or neutral sounds

Which factor is NOT an age-related pattern of change in the development of emotion regulation?

the transition from toddlers' expression of negative emotions to adolescent depression

Which avenue is NOT one through which parents socialize their children's emotional development?

their emphasis on academic skills such as math and reading

In one study, mothers' verbal references to others' _____ when describing a series of pictures to their child at 24 months predicted children's _____ at 33 months.

thoughts and knowledge; use of emotion language

During adolescence, girls are _____ as likely as are boys to develop depression.

two to three times

Social referencing refers to the:

use of an adult's facial expression or vocal cues to decide how to deal with a novel situation

In regard to social referencing, _____ cues seem to be more effective than just _____ cues.

vocal; visual

Conor smells the chocolate cake his mother has made, but he doesn't sneak a piece. When his friend Russ makes him angry, Conor calmly explains to Russ what is wrong. Conor is MOST likely a _____ child.


Co-rumination is extensively discussing and self-disclosing emotional problems:

with another person (usually a peer).

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