ch 12

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what information is included in a technical description


what is a callout


what is the best organizational pattern for a process analysis

chronological organization

give three examples of topics for a process analysis

engineering, automotive sales, biomedical technology

what is a process analysis

focuses not how to do something but on how something works

what are the components of technical description

operations manual, product demand specifictation, study reports by consulting firms, constructing design, sales literature

what is a technical description

part by part depiction of the components of a mechanism, tool, or a piece of equipment

what is the difference between photographic and impressionistic words

photographic words are denotative, quantifiable, specific; impressionistic words are vague and connotative

why would you use a technical description

provide end user with info about the mechanism's features or capabilities

what is the best way to organize a technical description

spatial organization

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