Ch. 13 Concept Checks

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d. specialty-line wholesaler

A(n) _______________ is described as carrying a select group of products within a single line. a. agent b. general-merchandise wholesaler c. limited-line wholesaler d. specialty-line wholesaler e. broker

b. increases profits for the top channel members.

All of the following are ways in which supply-chain management encourages cooperation between buyers and sellers, except: a. reduces the cost of transportation. b. increases profits for the top channel members. c. reduces the cost of inventory. d. speeds order-cycle times. e. reduces the cost of administration.

e. wholesalers

Although it is true that _____ can be eliminated, their functions must be passed on to some other entity, such as the producer, another intermediary, or even the customer. a. producers b. customers c. retailers d. agents e. wholesalers

e. Primary-demand advertising

If the goal is to increase the demand for all brands of a product within a specific industry then what type of advertising should be used? a. Selective-demand advertising b. Immediate-response advertising c. Comparative advertising d. Institutional advertising e. Primary-demand advertising

a. holding; stock-out

Marketers seek to balance _______ costs and _______ costs so that the company always has sufficient inventory to satisfy customer demand, but with little surplus because storing unsold products can be very expensive. a. holding; stock-out b. materials handling; warehousing c. holding; carrier d. order processing; stock-out e. transportation; warehousing

b. category killer.

Nonstore retailing occurs in all of the following ways, except: a. online retailing. b. category killer. c. automatic vending. d. direct selling. e. telemarketing.

c. unpaid

Publicity differs from advertising in that it is _____. a. reaches a larger audience b. online c. unpaid d. paid e. informative

b. prospecting

Questions like "which customers have the financial resources, willingness, and authority to buy the product?" and "who are the most likely customers for this product?" are addressed during the ______ phase of personal selling. a. answering objections b. prospecting c. approaching the prospect d. making the presentation e. closing the sale

d. through computerized integrated information sharing, channel members can completely eliminate the need for wholesalers.

Technology has enhanced the implementation of supply-chain management in all of the following ways, except: a. firms can take advantage of hundreds of electronic trading communities comprised of businesses selling to other businesses. b. through computerized integrated information sharing, channel members improve customer service. c. through computerized integrated information sharing, channel members reduce costs. d. through computerized integrated information sharing, channel members can completely eliminate the need for wholesalers. e. as industries transform their processes, the end result is increased productivity.

c. Lifestyle, neighborhood, community, and regional

What are the four most common types of shopping centers? a. Catalog marketing, online retailing, telemarketing, and automatic vending b. Off-price retailers, superstores, warehouse showrooms, and supermarkets c. Lifestyle, neighborhood, community, and regional d. Warehouse clubs, superstores, convenience stores, and discount stores e. Direct selling, department stores, category killers, and direct-response marketing

e. Long-term customer relationships and efficient use of promotional resources

What does integrated marketing communications foster? a. Deep discount retailers and the elimination of wholesalers b. More mass-media advertising c. Stockouts and excessive inventory d. Transportation modes and warehousing e. Long-term customer relationships and efficient use of promotional resources

a. Most adaptable of promotional methods; most expensive of promotional methods

What is a major advantage and major disadvantage of personal selling? a. Most adaptable of promotional methods; most expensive of promotional methods b. Requires few staff members; only reaches customers through virtual platforms c. Least expensive of promotional methods; least adaptable of promotional methods d. Can reach the broadest audience very quickly; most expensive of promotional methods e. Requires little training; least adaptable of promotional methods

c. Minimize the number of times a product is handled

What is the goal of materials handling? a. Minimize time spent sorting delivered products b. Minimize length of time product is held in storage c. Minimize the number of times a product is handled d. Minimize the number of times a product is transported e. Minimize the time spent coding and tagging products

d. To send a consistent message to customers

What is the major goal of integrated marketing communication? a. To lengthen the time a product spends in the maturity stage b. To maximize product profits c. To reduce the number of staff needed for promotion d. To send a consistent message to customers e. To tell customers what they want to hear to continue buying the product

e. Competitive and regulatory

What marketing environment forces are most likely to affect a marketer's choice of sales promotion method? a. Political and technical b. Sociocultural and technical c. Regulatory and sociocultural d. Competitive and economic e. Competitive and regulatory

e. Event sponsorship

When a company pays for all or part of a special occasion such as a concert, sports competition, festival, or play the company is using which type of public-relations tool? a. Business cards b. Company magazines c. Annual reports d. Speeches e. Event sponsorship

d. order getter.

When a salesperson participates in creative selling (selling a firm's products to new customers and increasing sales to current customers) they are acting as a(n): a. trade salesperson. b. technical salesperson. c. outside order taker. d. order getter. e. inside order taker.

a. Develop the media plan (step 5)

When developing an advertising campaign, an organization generally decides which media (TV, radio, Internet, social media, etc.) will be used during which step? a. Develop the media plan (step 5) b. Create the advertising platform (step 3) c. Execute the campaign (step 7) d. Define the advertising objectives (step 2) e. Create the advertising message (step 6)

c. Sales promotion

Which element of the promotion mix uses activities or materials as direct inducements to customers? a. Advertising b. Personal selling c. Sales promotion d. Public relations e. Physical distribution

c. A marketing organization that links a producer and user within a marketing channel.

Which is the best definition of a middleman (or marketing intermediary)? a. Long-term partnership among channel members working together to create a distribution system that reduces inefficiencies, costs, and redundancies while creating a competitive advantage and satisfying customers. b. A person that specializes in a particular commodity, represents either a buyer or seller, and is likely to be hired on a temporary basis. c. A marketing organization that links a producer and user within a marketing channel. d. A person that expedites exchanges, represents a buyer or a seller, and often is hired permanently on a commission basis. e. A sequence of marketing organizations that directs a product from the producer to the ultimate user.

d. Shipment of goods to customers

Which of the following is NOT a common activity of warehousing? a. Sorting goods b. Recalling, picking, and assembling goods c. Dispatching goods to storage d. Shipment of goods to customers e. Dispatching shipments

e. 30- to 90-day average lead time

Which of the following is a primary disadvantage of using magazine advertising? a. Lack of creativity b. Geographic selectivity c. Requires large space to be noticed d. Large time commitment to monitor e. 30- to 90-day average lead time

d. Automobiles

Which of the following is considered a shopping product that consumers buy only after comparing price, quality, and style and thus would utilize selective distribution? a. Grand pianos b. Yachts c. Bread d. Automobiles e. Magazines

c. To invigorate the sales of a product in the growth stage

Which of the following is not a major reason why marketers would use sales promotion activities and materials? a. To neutralize the competition's promotional efforts b. To boost sales to current customers c. To invigorate the sales of a product in the growth stage d. To increase traffic in retail stores e. To attract new customers

c. A customer blogging about a product

Which of the following is not a type of sales promotion? a. Scratch off games at a national retailer for discounts b. Giving away samples of a product in a grocery store c. A customer blogging about a product d. A premium gift offered to a customer in return for buying a product e. Giveaway coupons for local restaurants

e. Physical distribution

Which of the following is not considered an element of the promotion mix? a. Advertising b. Public relations c. Personal selling d. Sales promotion e. Physical distribution

d. Airplanes

Which of the following modes of transportation is most likely to be used for high-value, perishable goods that are needed immediately? a. Trucks b. Railroads c. Pipelines d. Airplanes e. Waterways

c. News release

Which of the following types of publicity is provided by an organization to the media and is usually one typed page (about 300 words)? a. Magazine editorials b. Captioned photograph c. News release d. Press conference e. Feature article

c. Warehouse club

Which of the following types of retail stores is best described as a large-scale members-only establishment that combines features of cash-and-carry wholesaling with discount retailing? a. Warehouse showroom b. Off-price retailer c. Warehouse club d. Traditional specialty store e. Category killer

b. Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

Which of the six distribution channels is commonly known as the traditional channel because it is used for many consumer goods (especially convenience goods)? a. Producer to agent to wholesaler to retailer to consumer b. Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer c. Producer to consumer d. Producer to retailer to consumer e. Producer to organizational buyer

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