ch 13 study qs

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A DIAGNOdent reading or greater than 80 indicates which actions? A. reclean, dry, and reexamine the tooth B. preventive therapy C. sealants D. preparation

The answer is A

a clean, healthy tooth will have little or no fluorescence when a laser caries detector is used resulting in ______ readings A. very low B. moderately low C. moderately high D. very high

The answer is A

incipient caries is the ______ stage of development of a carious lesion A. first B. second C. frank D. overt

The answer is A

the ______ protection of saliva is dependent on the water content in the saliva and the amount or flow of saliva A. physical B. chemical C. antibacterial D. buffering

The answer is A

the three factors required for the development of caries are a susceptible tooth, specific bacteria, and A. fermentable carbohydrates B. any bacteria C. fats D. acidic food

The answer is A

what does the "M" in CAMBRA stand for A. management B. marketing C. malocclusion D. manipulation

The answer is A

which of the following is one of the causes of rampant caries? A. xerostomia B. not flossing C. open tooth contacts D. acid reflux

The answer is A

which of the following is true of dental caries? A. it is a communicable bacterial disease B. it is a disease that affects older adults but is rare in children C. it has been largely eliminated with the use of fluoride D. the emphasis in fighting caries is shifting toward restorations

The answer is A

demineralization occurs when calcium and phosphate dissolve from ________ in the enamel A. calcium B. hydroxyapatite C. sodium D. potassium

The answer is B

what is the primary reason why root caries is becoming more prevalent? A. there is a greater consumption of fermentable carbohydrates B. people are keeping their teeth longer C. there are better diagnostic methods D. fluoridated water creates more acid oral conditions

The answer is B

which is not true about the process of demineralization and remineralization? A. demineralization and remineralization may occur without loss of tooth structure B. demineralization and remineralization always causes loss of tooth structure C. caries is an ongoing process characterized by alternating periods of demineralization and remineralization D. caries develops if more demineralization than remineralization occurs

The answer is B

which of the following are examples of caries risk assessment tests? A. production of stomach acid and GERD B. saliva flow rate and bacterial testing C. saliva pH and buffering capacity D. maternal DNA

The answer is B

which of the following groups of bacteria are responsible for dental caries? A. staphylococci B. mutans streptococci and lactobacilli C. bacilli D. spirochetes

The answer is B

which of the following is an infectious disease in which children live in constant pain from decayed primary teeth and swollen gums? A. trench mouth B. early childhood caries C. rampant caries D. gingivitis

The answer is B

which of the following is the most prevalent disease of childhood? A. insulin dependent diabetes B. early childhood caries C. respiratory infection D. tonsillitis

The answer is B

which of the following types of caries occurs primarily on occlusal surfaces? A. smooth surface B. pit and fissure C. recurrent D. root surface

The answer is B

a laser caries detector A. works on the principle that a carious tooth will show less fluorescence and a clean, healthy tooth will show more fluorescence B. is effective for adult teeth but not for primary teeth C. can be used to diagnose interproximal caries D. cannot be used to detect caries under an amalgam restoration

The answer is C

advances in which of the following areas will provide dental professionals with a rapid method of assessing a patient's risk for dental caries? A. esthetic restorative materials B. dental explorer metallurgy C. molecular biology D. cavity preparation design

The answer is C

bacteria in dental plaque feed on fermentable carbohydrates, including all but which of the following? A. sugars B. cooked starch C. protein and fats D. fruit sugars

The answer is C

chewing one stick of xylitol gum 3 times a day will help to do all except A. increase salivary flow B. assist in the remineralization of tooth surfaces C. replace interproximal plaque disruption with floss D. neutralize mouth acids

The answer is C

which is not true of dental plaque? A. it is a colorless, sticky coating on the teeth B. it contains an adhesive substance called the pellicle C. it contains food debris and does not contain bacteria D. it contains 99% more oral bacteria than the same amount of saliva

The answer is C

which of the following can slow or prevent the caries process? A. eating more carbohydrates B. taking antibiotics C. increasing salivary flow D. using a salt water rinse

The answer is C

which of the following is not true regarding the demineralization of tooth structure? A. demineralization is caused by the bacterial acid released after eating a fermentable B. demineralization is increased as fermentable carbohydrates are eaten more frequently C. demineralization is repaired by cooked starch, such as bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta D. demineralization is increased as the teeth are exposed to fermentable carbohydrates more frequently

The answer is C

which of the following is true concerning early childhood caries (ECC)? A. it is not dependent on socioeconomic status B. it is not associated with and particular ethnic group C. it is not common among children living in an area lacking water fluoridating D. it is a transmissible disease

The answer is C

why is the cementum covering root surfaces more susceptible to caries than enamel? A. bacteria are able to penetrate dentinal tubules but cannot penetrate the hydroxyapatite crystals found in enamel B. cementum is more prone to toothbrush abrasion, which weakens its structure C. cementum has a lower mineral content than enamel D. cementum has a high mineral content than enamel

The answer is C

the study of cariology includes the causes of dental caries, process of caries development, and A. fabrication of dentures and removable partial dentures B. restoration of dental caries with direct materials such as silver amalgam or composite resin C. restoration of dental caries with indirect materials such as porcelain or gold D. science and practice of caries management and prevention

The answer is D

which is not true of laser caries detector readings? A. a false-positive is possible if plaque is present in fissures B. carious tooth structure reveals higher degrees of fluorescence C. the laser caries detector is not a stand-alone diagnostic tool D. the laser caries detector is useful for locating subgingival caries

The answer is D

which is true regarding caries detection? A. research shows that a sharp explorer stick is the most effective technique for diagnosing occlusal decay B. radiographs are effective for diagnosing occlusal and proximal caries C. a dark discoloration is always caries D. several types of devices have been developed that can provide a high level of discrimination than an explorer in the diagnosis of dental caries

The answer is D

which of the following is the most common source of transmission of disease-causing mutans streptococcci (MS) to infants? A. food B. clothing C. furniture D. mothers

The answer is D

which of the following types of bacteria is found in relatively large numbers in dental plaque A. porphyromonas gingivalis B. bacteroides gingivalis C. lactobacilli D. streptococcus mutans

The answer is D

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