ch 14: Agricultural Methods and Pest Management

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controls annual and perennial plants


controls broad-lead or grassy weeds

energy is used in mechanized agriculture for

harvesting; pumping irrigation water; tilling; planting

alternative agriculture

includes all nontraditional agricultural methods

the use of fertilizer has significantly __________ over the last few decades and is projected to _________

increased; increase

if the price of oil increases, the price of fertilizers ___________ and the price of food __________

increases; increases

long term solutions to feeding the worlds hungry are complex and are unlikely to be found without dealing with the following

increasing population; crop subsidies and trade barriers; higher fuel costs; poverty

What pest control strategy uses a variety of methods to control pests rather than relying on pesticides alone

integrated pest management

sustainable agriculture

involves modifications to conventional farming practices to reduce reliance on fertilizers and pesticides and protect agricultural and natural systems while producing adequate, safe food in an economically viable manner

organic agriculture

is distinguished by methods that do not involve the use of artificial fertilizers, chemical growth regulators, antibiotics, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms


kills woody plants

The use of insecticides can harm populations of non target organism such as

mammals, harmless insects, beneficial insects, birds


mimics natural growth regulators


nitrogen; phosphorous; potassium

fertilizers are valuable because they are replace soil ________ removed by plants


both _______ and _______ work by interfering with the ability of the nervous system to conduct impulses normally

organophosphates; carbamates


other elements necessary in extremely small amounts

large tracts of level land are planted with same crop for the purpose of ________ efficiency

planting; cultivating; harvesting


primary soil nutrients

persistent pesticides

remain active in the environment for long periods of time; are older pesticides and are stable

auxin, a synthetic agrochemical, is used to ______ before the harvest

removes the leaves from cotton plants

a social limitation to sustainable agriculture is

small sustainable farms demand marketing skills to be successful

fertilizer runoff

stimulates aquatic growth

polyculture is practiced in

temperate areas; tropical areas

DDT was banned in the united states what year



any chemical used to kill or control populations of unwanted fungi, animals or plants

chlorinated hydrocarbons

are a group of pesticides of complex, stable structures that contain carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine

soil erosion stems from two problems, which are

compaction of the soil; reduction of soil organic matter

shifting agriculture is also known as "slash and burn" agriculture


herbicides are used to control weed growth because weeds _________

1. take water from soil 2. may shade crop species 3. take nutrients from soil

the selective use of pesticides in integrated pest management has which of the following advantages

1. the amount of pesticides used is decreased 2. the parasite and predators of pests can survive

how does pesticide resistance occur

1. the first pesticide application kills most but not all pest insects in a population 2. the remaining population will reproduce, creating a more pesticide-resistance population 3. In the next generation, the next application of pesticide will not be as effective as the first 4. the pesticides may no longer be effective on the insect population

the world health organization estimates that worldwide between _________ people suffer from acute pesticide poisoning per year

1 million and 5 million

benefits of polyculture

1 reduction of pest problems 2. availability of nitrogen for species that require it


1. DDT falls upon or is consumed by a lower tropic level, such as an insect 2. DDT accumulate in the insect's fatty tissue 3. the small doses of DDT does not kill the insect 4. Organisms higher in the food web consumes many insects, magnifying the toxin at higher tropic levels

which of the following are reasons DDT was banned in the United States

1. DDT was found in human breast milk 2. DDT was present in the bodies of animals at great distances from where it was used 3. Eagle and pelican populations decreased

the perfect pesticide would

1. affect only the target organism 2. breakdown into harmless materials 3. be inexpensive 4. have a short half-life

three main factors that favor labor-intensive farming are

1. crops that require much hand labor 2. growing sites which do not allow for mechanization 3. economic conditions of the population do not allow for mechanized agriculture

pesticide resistance develops

1. due to variation within a population 2. in hundred of insect species

China will have to rely on other countries as the economic conditions there improve because

1. feed for animal consumption in China is growing 2. meat consumption in China has grown to about 50 kilograms per person per year

drawbacks of using fertilizer

1. fertilizers replace nutrients but not soil matter 2. water removes nutrients in soil, causing them to accumulate in water bodies 3. prices of chemical fertilizers are dependent on world energy prices

supporters of genetically modified organisms in agriculture argue that

1. genetically altered foods are prevalent in the United States and the Westerns world 2. all breeding requires genetic modification 3. genetically modifies organisms will continue to be tested

steps in creating an herbicide-resistant crop

1. identify the gene for herbicide resistance 2. insert the herbicide-resistant gene into the desired crop plant 3. spray the field with herbicide 4. weeds will be killed, but the genetically modified crop will continue to grow

steps involving in creating a crop containing a natural insecticide

1. identify the genes from Bacillus thurengiensis that produce material that causes the destruction of the lining of the gut of the insects that eat it 2. insert the genes into the genetic makeup of crop plants 3. plant cotton or corn that is now resistant to insects

insecticides are used on agricultural plants because

1. if not controlled, insects consume a large proportion of crops 2. in large fields, it is impractical to manually remove pests

What changes in agricultural production methods will reduce compaction of soil and loss of soil organic matter

1. incorporating crop residue into the soil 2. leaving crop residue on soil 3. reducing the number of times farm equipment travels over the soil

insecticides are used in developing countries because

1. insecticides kill the insects that spread malaria 2. insecticides kill the insects that transmits bubonic plague 3. insecticides kill insects that carry sleeping sickness

precision agriculture involves

1. less fertilizer applied to a field 2. geographic information systems 3. computer technology 4. varying chemicals

organic material

1. maintains pore space 2. modifies the structure of soil 3. allows water and air to move to the roots

steps in creating a dead zone

1. photosynthetic bacteria and algae bloom 2. protozoa and tiny animals consume photosynthetic organisms 3. dead cells and fecal matter fall to the seafloor 4. decomposer bacteria digest waste, using oxygen faster than it can be replaces 5. organisms that cannot flee the oxygen-poor area will parish

which of the following are broad goals that characterize a sustainable approach to agriculture

1. reduce use of fertilizer and pesticides 2. promote biodiversity in the surrounding natural ecosystems 3. promote biodiversity in the farming operation 4. conserve soil and water resources

persistent pesticides are problematic because they

1. remain in the environment for the long term 2. become attached to small soil particles 3. are moved by wind and water

economic limitations to sustainable agriculture include

1. sustainable agriculture can only be economically successful in specific cases 2. sustainable agriculture cannot produce enough food for today's population

to adequately feed the world's population, which of the following must be reduced

crop subsidies; trade barriers; world population size

an organism that has an altered genetic makeup due to genetic engineering (or biotechnology) is known as

genetically modified organism


the phenomenon of acquiring increasing levels of a substance in the bodies of higher trophic level organisms


the process of accumulating higher and higher amounts of material within the body of an animal

rodenticides are used

to kill organisms that spread disease; to kill organisms that damage crops in the field

China has 19% of the worlds population but only 7% of the arable land. Therefor, it will be unable to keep up with the surging demand for better food and will have to rely on other countries to make up the deficit


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) uses a variety of methods to control pests and demands a complete understanding of all ecological aspects of a crop and the pest it is susceptible to


despite the associated issues, mechanized monoculture is an efficient method of producing food


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