Ch. 14, Nationalism and the Spread of Democracy, 1790-1814

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What did 1800s see attempts implement when countries beyond France caught "the French plague"?

"Liberal" ideas

What did countries beyond France catch as the leaders feared?

"The French plague"

How did monarchs fight back to liberal people?

- became more restrictive, more authoritarian - squashed rebellions

Liberal ideas:

- more representation - more people should have the right to vote - nationalism

How long did the Napoleon is invasions last from?


Years that Congress of Vienna met


Congress of Vienna, powerful European rulers sought to defeat & remove Napoleon, restrain & defeat revolutionary/Enlightenment ideas, preserve their own power & set up lasting peace in Europe


Universal male sufferage

All men got the vote

Examples of Nationalism:

Austrian, Ottoman, Russian Empires

Why was the Industrial Revolution delayed in Europe?

Because of fighting/ Napoleonic invasions

Why did liberals challenged conservatives?

Because they embraced Enlightenment ideas & French Revolution

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?


What did the delay of the Industrial Revolution in Europe lead to?

Britain gaining advantage and continental Europe falling behind technologically

David Ricardo

British/ English

Adam smith


How did COV restore monarchy in France?

By putting King Louis XVIII in power

Who differed on goals?

Capitalists, or owners of businesses and workers in factories, mines

What churches did conservatives back?

Catholic, Lutheran, and Orthodox churches

Austrian foreign minister & Austria's rep at COV

Clemens von Metternich

What arrangement did European monarchs make?

Concert of Europe

Who was COV a victory for?

Conservatives (monarchs & their officials, nobles landowners, church leaders)

What did liberals oppose?

Divine right theory and tradition ruling aristocracy

French Revolution (1789-1799) and Industrial Revolution (1750-1850)

Dual revoltuion


Eastern Europe

What happened to European empires during the 1800s?

Empires remained, but became weaker until Austrian, Ottoman and Russian Empires ended after World War I, by 1918

Who did Napoleon threaten?

European monarchs

What was seen as an opportunity for capitalists and entrepreneurs to succeed (capitalists owned property such as factories, land) ?

Free market economics

What did conservatives oppose?

Freedom of the press

What did those in Caribbean and America sought at a time when European countries were weak?


Persons could use their resources freely

Laissez faire economics

What did economics did liberals support?

Laissez faire economics of economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo

What did liberals call for?

Leaders to be elevated by male property owners and for leaders to be responsible to the people (ideas of social contract theory)

What did more representation mean?

Limited monarchies with constitutions, legislatures/ and or republics

What happened during the 1800s?

Much transition, but much stayed the saem

idea that ethnicities deserved to have their own countries, not be controlled and governed by outside power, not be part of an empire; ideas "traveled" to the new world


What did liberals defend and support?

Natural rights (liberty and equality) and supported property rights and freedom of religion

What did conservatives believe would lead to chaos?

Natural rights and constitutional government (ex. France 1789)


Northern Europe

What did conservatives benefit from?

Old older

What did Napoleon undermine?

Old values/ traditions

What did liberals mainly favor?

Republic or at least constitutional monarchy

What did Clemens von Metternich believe?

Revolutionary ideas of French Revolutions (spread via conquests)

What did conservatives prefer?

Slow change and believed peace and stability benefitted all

Where was Napoleon exiled to?

St. Helena (far away, off the west coast of Africa)

What ignited revolts across Europe?

Their goals and rising tide of nationalism (ethnicities wanting own political borders & leaders)

Why did monarchs fight back to liberal thinkers?

They wanted things to stay the same/ conserve the old ways

Why were European countries weak?

They were fighting other Europeans

Why did the COV redraw European political borders?

To block France from conquering again and to keep a "balance of power" in Europe

Why did the COV meet?

To deal with Napoleonic invasions

Why did European monarchs make the Concert of Europe?

To ensure stability & prevent revolution

What did some liberals see the governments only functions was?

To protect basic rights

What did peasants want to preserve?

Traditional ways


Western Europe

What did liberals want governments to be based on?

Written constitutions and separation of powers

Who did liberals mainly speak for?

non noble professionals/bourgeoisie or middle class (business owners, bankers, lawyers, politicians, newspaper editors, writers)

What did conservatives want to restore?

royal families who had been replaced when Napoleon had invaded

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