Ch. 14 The Renaissance & Reformation

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Jan van Eyck

Jan and Hubert van Eyck were Flemish painters They portrayed townspeople as well as religious scenes They developed oil paint Northern artists used the oil paints to produce strong colors and a hard surface that could last for centuries

How did the printing press affect Europe?

More people learned to read and write.


a form of art the artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid the plate is used to make prints


an ideal society Thomas More wrote book called Utopia which described an ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony.

Why was Albrecht Durer called the "German Leonardo"?

he had wide-ranging interests

Albrecht Durer

known as the "German Leonardo" he traveled to Italy in 1494 to study techniques of the Italian masters he made engravings to make prints portrayed religious upheaval his art spread Italian Renaissance ideas to his homeland

What factor, besides the plague, delayed the Renaissance in northern Europe?

lack of economic growth

Who formed a new audience for works of literature in the vernacular?



the everyday language Erasmus had the Bible translated into everyday language

For what purpose did Sir Thomas More use his writings?

to call for social reforms

Miguel de Cervantes

Cervantes produced the best known work of Spanish Renaissance literature

Johann Gutenberg

1456--Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany printed the 1st complete edition of the Bible using the PRINTING PRESS and PRINTING INKS within 20 years, the printing revolution would start

Johann Gutenberg

A complete edition of the Bible was first printed with movable metal type by Johann Gutenberg

How did Durer help bring the Renaissance to northern Europe? He became known as the "German Leonardo" which is in reference to Leonardo di Vinci.

Albrecht Durer would travel to Italy in 1494 where he would go to study the techniques that were used by the Italian masters. When he went back to Germany, he used the techniques he learned in paintings and etchings. The etchings were used to make prints. He used his art and essays he wrote to spread the Italian Renaissance to his homeland of Germany. He became known as the "German Leonardo" which is in reference to Leonardo di Vinci.

Pieter Bruegel

Bruegel painted scenes of daily life (instead of religious scenes. Used vibrant colors Flemish painter in the 1500's

What themes did Erasmus and More raise in their writings?

Desiderius Erasums and Thomas More were friends. Erasmus felt that an individual's duty was to be open-minded and have good will towards others. He was a priest and was disturbed by the corruption in the Church so he wanted reform. Eraasmus wrote In Praise of Folly which was a book that used humor to expose the ignorance and immoral behavior of the people of the day. His friend, More also wanted social reform. He wrote Utopia which described an ideal society in which men and women would live together in peace and harmony. No one would be idle, but instead would be educated. Justice would be used to end crime.

William Shakespeare

English poet and playwright Wrote 37 plays between 1590 and 1613 More than 1700 new vocab words came from Shakespeare's works (ex. Bedroom, lonely, generous, gloomy, heartsick, hurry, and sneak) Examples of his work: Twelfth night (comedy), Richard III (history), Romeo and Juliet (love and feud)

Francois Rabelais

French humanist He was a monk, physician, Greek scholar, and author Wrote "Gargantua and Pantagruel" about the adventures of two gentle giants It was a comic tale about travel and war, but it offered his opinions on religion, education, and other subjects

William Shakespeare

His work enriched the English language

What were three effects of the printing revolution? Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany printed the first complete edition of the Bible using the fist printing press and inks in 1456 which started the beginning of the printing revolution

Printed books became more readily available because they were easier to produce and cheaper to make. More people were able to learn to read because they could get books to read. Readers were able to learn things about medicine, law, astrology, and mining as well as many new ideas. Reading would make more people more educated.

Miguel de Cervantes

Renaissance in Spain during 1600s led to great works Cervantes wrote--Don Quixote is a tale that mocks the romantic notions of medieval chivalry The novel is about Don Quixote (knight) and Sancho Panza (faithful servant)

Which Renaissance writer had the most far-reaching influence?

Shakespeare. His plays are still read around the world today. His words enriched the English dictionary

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