Ch. 16 &17 History Test

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Which was NOT a complaint of President Lincoln about his military commander in the East, General George McClellan?

McClellan failed to properly train the army.

The place where a group of peaceful Cheyenne Indians were massacred by the Colorado militia was

Sand Creek

Lincoln urged the country to "bind up the nation's wounds" in his

Second Inaugural Address.

The words "...government of the people, by the people..." are found in

The Gettysburg Address

What advantage did the North have over the South in the Civil War?

The North had a superior railway system, which could efficiently transport troops and supplies.

How did the South's economy put it at a disadvantage in the Civil War?

The South did not have the industries it needed to make war supplies; Slavery reduced the number of men available to serve in the army; It had a poor internal transportation system because it depended on exports.

Why did Abraham Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

He hoped to weaken the South's ability to fight the war.

What did "Stonewall" Jackson's death mean for the South?

It deprived Lee of one of his best generals.

What was the effect of the Thirteenth Amendment?

It ended slavery in the United States.

Which was NOT true of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It gave freedom to enslaved persons in the border states. (It DID free only a very few slaves; some abolitionists criticized it; & some Northern whites opposed it.)

How did the U.S. government raise money to fight the war?

It taxed people's earnings.

Which of the following is NOT true about the South after the war?

Its labor system remained undisturbed. (But it is TRUE that the South accounted for only 12 percent of the nation's wealth; 50% of all farm machinery was destroyed; & factories and railroads were demolished.)

The person who assassinated President Lincoln was

John Wilkes Booth

Why did Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation free slaves only in the South?

Lincoln believed he had the authority to free slaves in rebelling states as a military tactic.

What strategy did the South have for fighting the war?

Withhold cotton from the world market to pressure Britain and France to help the South.

Why was the 13th Amendment necessary

because the Emancipation Proclamation had not freed all enslaved persons.

Lincoln handles Northern opposition to the war by

having protesters arrested and put in prison with no trial.

William Tecumseh Sherman's conquest of Atlanta

helped Lincoln win reelection in 1864

The biggest assets of the South in the Civil War was its

military leadership.

Lincoln's chief purpose during the war was to

preserve the Union

Appomattox Court House is important because it was

the site where Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.

What was the main cause of the Civil War?

to decide whether or not the Union could be dissolved

The purpose of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was

to end slavery in the United States.

The war was especially difficult for Southern women because

troops marching across their land took their supplies and burned their homes.

What resulted from the Emancipation Proclamation?

African Americans rushed to enlist in the Union army.

The Union victory after which Lincoln issued a document freeing the slaves was


How did the Union draft compare to the Confederate draft?

Both sides allowed drafted men to hire substitutes to serve in their place.

What was the result of the First Battle of Bull Run?

Both sides realized that a quick victory was not possible.

How did Americans feel about the Civil War before the fighting began?

Both sides thought it would be a short war; Some Confederate leaders hoped the North would accept secession; & Some officials in the Northern border states did not want to provide troops to fight against other slave states.

Which of the following made army life difficult?

Diseases spread throughout camp because of unsanitary practices.

Which of the following statements about Civil War soldiers is true?

Farmers made up the largest group among Civil War soldiers.

The successful combination of Northern generals included

Grant, Sherman & Sheridan

Which is NOT true about the human costs of the Civil War?

More Southern soldiers were killed than Northern soldiers. (But it was true that more than a half-million soldiers died; more Northern soldiers were wounded than Southern soldiers; & about 10% of all Americans served in either of the Union or Confederate armies.)

What was the 54th Massachusetts regiment?

One of the first African-American regiments organized in the North.

Which of the following was NOT a "border state" in the Civil War?


Which was true of the battle for Fort Wagner?

The fort was located in Virginia; Confederate forces were defeated and suffered huge losses; & the Massachusetts 54th regiment led the attack on the fort.

Confederate troops invaded Maryland in September 1862 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT which one?

To convince Maryland to secede and join the Confederacys. (They invaded to move the war out of Virginia so its farmers could harvest their crops; & to convince Lincoln to make peace with the South & to seize food from Northern farms.)

What was one Northern strategy for winning the Civil War?

To cut off the South's imports and exports with a naval blockade.

Why were the Northerners most eager to go to war?

To preserve the nation Union.

The blockade of the South succeeded in closing off the coast from

Virginia to Texas.

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