Ch 18

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Why were most people looking for government jobs in the 1880s worried about having to pass an examination to qualify?

Few potential employees had enough education to pass a written examination.

How did J.P. Morgan achieve his stunning reorganization and consolidation of businesses in the late 19th century?

He sometimes formed a community of interest, comprised of a few directors he chose.

What idea was promoted by the theory of social Darwinism in the late nineteenth century?

Progress is the result of competition and social reforms and other modes of human interference impede progress.

Which of the following big businesses came to dominate American life in the second half of the century?


Which relatively new building material both improved railroading in the late 19th century and depended on it?

Steel produced by a process pioneered in France.

The industries that grew up around the revolutionary inventions of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison demonstrated that...

The age of the inventor was becoming the age of the corporation.

Which of the following was true of Standard Oil in the 1890s?

The company had employed both horizontal and vertical integration to control more than 90 percent of the oil business.

What was evident in the call for a New South in the decades after Reconstruction?

The desire among some Southerners to shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial one.

Which of the following developments was a key factor in the rise of the Gilded Age?

The growth of industrialism in the United States.

To what did the term solid South refer in the decades after Reconstruction?

The states of the old Confederacy, which voted Democratic in every election for the next seventy years.

Which of the following factors explains the high voter turnout in national elections during the last three decade of the 19th century?

Voting was an important way to get government job.

What was accomplished by J.P. Morgan's railroad companies practice of issuing watered stock?

Watered stock kept investors happy but caused overcapitalization and debt for the railroads.

How did American women respond to the denial of their right to vote in the late 19th century?

Women participated in the political process though the antilynching, suffrage and temperance movements.

Rockefeller ultimately reorganized Standard Oil as a holding company in the late nineteenth century to...

illegally combine competing companies under a central administration.

The most enthusiastic supporters of the tariff in the nineteenth century were...

industrialists and westerners who traded in wool, hides and lumber.

The tariff posed a threat to America's prosperity in the 1880s because...

it created a surplus that was not used to produce goods and services.

Democrats dubbed the Republican-dominated Fifty-first Congress the "Billion Dollar Congress" because it spent the nation's surplus on...

lawmakers own constituents.

The Supreme Court's decision in Wabash v. Illinois (1886), which reversed its ruling in Munn v. Illinois (1877),...

led to passage of the first federal law regulating the railroad industry.

The Pendleton Act of 1883 established the Civil Service Commission and...

made an examination a requirement for holding any federal job.

The presidents who served in the last part of the 19th century- Rutherford B. Hates through William McKinley-

were overshadowed by business development and party politics at state and local levels.

What was the main of crude oil in the United States before the advent of the automobile?

Lubrication and lighting in the form of kerosene.

What was an important consequence of the civil service reform of the 1880s?

Business became even more influential in politics than before.

What is an oligopoly?

A system in which smaller companies combine their influence to set the pricing structure in a particular industry.

Which of the following describes the Gilded Age?

An era marked by personal greed and a corrupt partnership between business and politics.

What was the outcome of the notion that black men were a threat to white women in the South in the late 19th century?

An increasing number of lynchings across the South.

How did Alexander Graham Bell's telephone revolutionize both communications and business in America?

Bell used a complicated organizational structure in his new company that allowed both local and cross-country communication.

Why were Irish Catholic voters offended by James G. Blaine's campaign?

Blaine neglected to respond to a slur on Catholic voters.

Who dominated national politics in the United States during the last decades of the nineteenth century?

Dynamic party bosses.

How was it possible that Jay Gould was described as both the world's richest man and the most hated man in America when he died in 1892?

He was a symbol of all the most troubling aspects of big business in America.

What was the purpose of vertical integration, which was pioneered by Andrew Carnegie in the late 19th century?

It placed all aspects of the business, from mining raw materials to marketing and transporting finished products, under the control of the chief operating officer.

How effective was the Interstate Commerce Commission, the nation's first federal regulatory agency?

It was so weak in its early years that it served as little more than a historical precedent.

What message did Andrew Carnegie promote in his gospel of wealth?

Millionaires should be trustees and agents for the poor.

Which of the following factors boosted 19th century railroad construction in America significantly?

Monetary aid and land grants from federal and state governments.

Where had electricity been put to use in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century?

Mostly in urban areas.

What did the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act have in common?

They testified to the nation's growing willingness to use federal measures to intervene in big business on behalf of the public interest.

Which of the following occurred soon after Edwin Drake discovered oil in Pennsylvania in 1859?

Thousands launched their own small refineries.

Carnegie Steel achieved the tremendous productivity that Andrew Carnegie insisted on...

by forcing employees to work long hours under extremely dangerous conditions for low pay.

Prominent business leaders of the late 19th century, such as J.P. Morgan, believed...

consolidation and central control were preferable to competition.

John D. Rockefeller first organized Standard Oil as a trust to...

control the key elements of production and corner the market for oil.

According to Ida B. Wells, lynching was a problem rooted in...

economics and the shifting social structure of the South.

The Supreme Court's late 19th century reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment helped big business by...

elevating property rights over all other rights.

Having stated "paramount issue this year is moral rather than political," supporters of Grover Cleveland in 1884 were chagrined to learn that Cleveland had...

fathered a child out of wedlock.

The turn of the 20th saw individual entrepreneurship in the United States yield to...

finance capitalism.

J.P. Morgan acquired the core of what would be the largest corporation in the world when he purchased...

steel interests formerly controlled by Andrew Carnegie.

The economic theory of laissez-fairegained political clout in the late 19th centurt because...

the Supreme Court increasingly was reinterpreting the Constitution to protect business.

The Greenback Labor Party believed that the government should issue paper currency based on...

the country's total wealth.

When advocates of bimetallism referred to the crime of '73, they were talking about...

the decision by Congress in 1873 to stop buying and minting silver.

In her History of the Standard Oil Company published in McClure's Magazine, Ida M. Tarbell characterized John D. Rockefeller as...

the man whose business methods made him a symbol of heartless monopoly capitalism.

President Grover Cleveland hoped to increase the nation's flagging gold reserves during the economic depression in the winter of 1894-95...

through making a deal with a private group of bankers, headed by J.P. Morgan, to purchase gold abroad and supply it to the government.

President James A. Garfield unwittingly helping the cause of civil service reform when he...

was shot by Charles Guiiteau, a disappointed office seeker.

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