CH 23 Respiratory System

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Which of the following statements about the chloride shift is false?

It causes RBCs to swell.

During quiet breathing,

inspiration involves muscular contractions and expiration is passive.

Carbon dioxide and water combine to form

carbonic acid

Expiratory movements are produced by contraction of the ________ muscle.

internal intercostal

Low pH alters hemoglobin structure so that oxygen binds less strongly to hemoglobin at low PO2. This increases the effectiveness of

internal respiration

External respiration involves the

diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood

In which direction does carbon dioxide move during internal respiration?

from the tissue cells into the blood

Air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal folds and produce


The ________ branch from the trachea at the carina.

primary bronchi

The Hering-Breuer reflex

protects the lungs from damage due to overinflation.

The number of lobes in the right lung is

greater than the number of lobes in the left lobe

The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is approximately

100 mm Hg

For maximum loading of hemoglobin with oxygen at the lungs, the

PO2 should be as high as possible

Gas exchange between air and circulating blood takes place within the


The most superior portion of the lung is called the


Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as

bicarbonate ions

Respiratory function deteriorates as a result of pneumonia because inflammation

causes fluids to leak into the alveoli.

The obstructive lung disease in which connective tissues are lost, alveolar surfaces are damaged, and the respiratory surface is reduced is called


Physical damage to the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa is likely to result in

epistaxis or nosebleeds

Alveolar ventilation refers to the

movement of air into and out of the alveoli

The auditory tubes open into the


The portion of the pharynx that receives both air and food is the


The largest cartilage of the larynx is the ________ cartilage.


________ is the amount of air that moves into the respiratory system during a single respiratory cycle.

tidal volume

If a patient inhales as deeply as possible and then exhales as much as possible, the volume of air expelled would be the patient's

vital capacity

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