CH 24 Exam study

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urinary tract infections

-more common in females -burning sensation during micturition

posterior pituitary secretes

ADH, which increases permeability of collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubles to water

what are the 2 classes of nephrons, what percentage of each class exists in the kidney, & where is each class located

Cortical nephrons- 85% -Renal cortex Juxtamedullary nephrons- 15% -next to medulla (still in cortex, but closer to medulla)

Identify the letter that indicates the major calyx


A network of peritubular capillaries surrounds the convoluted tubules and nephron loop for the purpose of filtration


The epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubule have an abundance of absorptive microvilli.


which cell secretes renin

Granular cells

Glomerular (Bowman's) capsule

Parietal layer—simple squamous epithelium Visceral layer—consists of podocytes

Venous structures of the kidney mirror those of the arterial circuit, except for the absence of segmental veins.


An increase in the permeability of collecting tubule cells to water is due to

an increase in the production of ADH.

The ________ artery is located between the interlobar and cortical radiate arteries.


The external urethral sphincter is located

at the urogenital diaphragm.

Which of the following regions of the nephron is most likely to be found in the renal medulla?

collecting duct

The most superficial layer of the kidney is the


Identify the letter that indicates the parietal layer of glomerular capsule.


The embryonic urogenital sinus

derives from the cloaca.

Which segment of the nephron has a simple squamous epithelium?

descending limb of the nephron loop

The function of the collecting duct is to

determine the final volume and concentration of urine.

Identify the letter that indicates the proximal convoluted tubule


The ________ urethral sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle and under voluntary control.


renal fascia

external to perirenal fat capsule with additional adipose tissue superficial to it.


filtrate of blood leaves kidney capillaries

renal corpuscle

first part of the nephron

Knot of capillaries that directs blood into the efferent arteriole.



in males - lies directly inferior to the bladder - surrounds the urethra.

blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

increase indicates impaired renal function

Which vessels lie within the renal columns?

interlobar arteries

perirenal (or perinephric) fat capsule

just external to renal capsule

Blood pressure is regulated by a specialized structure, known as the ________, that contacts both the afferent arteriole and the terminal end of the nephron loop.

juxtaglomerular apparatus

An area of specialized contact between terminal end of the ascending limb and afferent arteriole

juxtaglomerular complex/apparatus

There are over ____ million nephrons in each kidney


If you looked closely at the tip of a renal papilla with a hand lens, the hundreds of little openings you would see on its surface are

openings of papillary ducts.

Adjacent collecting ducts join to form larger ________ that drain into the minor calyx

papillary ducts

in males - the urethra is 20 cm in length; three named regions

prostatic urethra - passes through the prostate gland intermediate part of urethra (membrenous part) - through the urogenital diaphragm Spongy (penile) urethra - passes through the length of the penis

renal pelvis

renal papilla major calices minor calices

Five ________ arteries branch from the renal artery and enter the hilum.


The longest of the three parts of the male urethra is the

spongy urethra.

purpose of urinary bladder

stores & expels urine

renal cortex

superficial region of kidney, granular appearance

In the juxtaglomerular apparatus, the macula densa belongs to the

terminal nephron loop.

Which of the following is not found in the renal corpuscle?

the nephron loop

The ________, a clinical landmark in the urinary bladder, is bounded by the two ureteric openings and the internal urethral orifice.



tuft of capillaries that are fenestrated

main waste products are three nitrogenous compounds

urea, uric acid, and creatinine

The calyces and renal pelvis are all flared branches off the ________, which is an organ that transmits urine to the bladder


Which of the following conditions is most often seen in elderly males with prostatic hyperplasia?

urinary retention

voiding =


micturition =


Ladderlike looping blood vessels within the medulla.

vasa recta

The layer of podocytes is the same as the

visceral layer of glomerular capsule.

Why are urinary tract infections more common in females than in males?

) In females the urethra is shorter than in males.

The mucosal folds in the bladder (rugae)

) have the same basic function as transitional epithelium—accommodating stretch as the bladder fills.

An important difference between a cuboidal epithelial cell of the proximal versus the distal convoluted tubules is that

) the proximal tubule cells have long microvilli that are fewer than or absent from the distal tubule cells.

The neck, or inferior angle, of the bladder drains into the

) urethra

How much of the fluid filtered by the kidney actually becomes urine?


how much filtrate exits the body?


filter that lies between blood in the glomerulus and capsular space, consists of three layers

1. fenestrated endothelium of the capillary 2. filtration slits between foot processes of podocytes 3. basement membrane

name the 3 mechanisms of urine production

1.Filtration 2.Secretion 3.Resorption

juxtamedullary nephrons

15% of all nephrons, contribute to kidney's ability to concentrate urine

cortical nephrons

85% of nephrons; almost entirely in cortex

what percentage of filtrate fluid is retained by the body


the glomeruli generate 1 liter of fluid every 8 minutes but

99% of filtrate is reabsorbed by tubules

Identify the letter that indicates a cortical radiate artery.


be able to sequence the flow of blood into and out of the kidney

Aorta -> Renal artery -> segmental artery -> interlobar artery -> arcuate artery -> cortical radiate artery -> afferent arteriole -> glomerulus (capillaries) -> efferent arteriole -> pertibular capillaries & vasa recta -> cortical radiate vein -> arcuate vein -> interlobar vein -> renal vein -> inferior vena cava

Identify the letter that indicates the blood vessels that delineate the cortex from the medulla.


Identify the letter that indicates the glomerulus.


Identify the letter that indicates the region of the nephron with receptors sensitive to antidiuretic hormone (ADH).


Identify the letter that indicates the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule.


fibrous capsule

Capsule of dense connective tissue that surrounds the kidney. inhibits spread of infections

Identify the letter that indicates the renal pelvis.


identify the letter that indicates the vasa recta.


The kidneys are located just below lumbar vertebrae L2 and L3.


The ureters enter the bladder obliquely at the anterolateral corners.


what layer of the kidney is superficial vs. deep

Fibrous capsule (superficial) renal cortex renal medulla minor calyx major calyx renal pelvis (deepest)

what is the functional unit of the kidney


In females, the urinary bladder lies anterior to the vagina and uterus.


The location and length of the urethra are two factors that contribute to the high incidence of urinary tract infections in women.


Urine flows from the kidney to the bladder by gravity and peristalsis.


Blood vessel that contains granular cells involved in blood pressure regulation.

afferent arteriole

purpose of ureters

carry urine from kidneys to urinary bladder -oblique entry into urinary bladder prevents backflow of urine

renal medulla

consists of cone-shaped renal pyramids separated by renal columns

Arteries that branch to form the afferent arterioles to the glomeruli are

cortical radiate arteries.

glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

decrease indicates impaired renal function

The full urinary bladder

expands 15x it's empty volume into the abdominal cavity

Which of the following is not part of the filtration membrane?

granular cells

) Another name for the neck of the bladder is the

inferior angle.

The name of the inferior of the three openings in the trigone of the bladder is the

internal urethral orifice.

The left renal vein ________ the right renal vein.

is longer than

The right kidney is lower than the left because

it is crowded by the liver

renal calculi

kidney stones

Region of the distal tubule that monitors concentration of the filtrate.

macula densa

be able to sequence the flow of urine through the kidney (specifically: major calyx, minor calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urethra, urinary bladder)

minor calyx -> major calyx -> renal pelvis -> ureter -> urinary bladder -> urethra

Granular cells (juxtaglomerular cells)

modified smooth muscle cells that contain the enzyme renin which is released in response to falling blood pressure monitored in afferent arteriole


most nutrients, water, and essential ions reclaimed

The urethra in females is 3-4 cm in length and

much easier for catheterizations much easier for UTIs

The ________ layer of the ureters propel urine to the bladder by peristalsis


Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla?

nephron loop of juxtamedullary nephrons

The parts of the nephron whose epithelial cells contain the most mitochondria are the

proximal and distal tubules.

Which of the following structures is most numerous within a kidney?

renal corpuscles

When Melinda was asked to identify a "mystery" slide on a histology test, she immediately identified it as renal cortex because of the presence of scattered

renal corpuscles.

Which structure(s) is (are) most important for holding the kidney in place in the abdomen?

renal fascia

Urine passes through the

renal pelvis to the ureter to the bladder to the urethra.

Which off the following puts the flow of blood through the kidney in the correct order?

segmental artery --> interlobar artery --> arcuate artery --> cortical radiate artery

Of the following, the only epithelial type that does not line the urethra is

simple squamous.

A large fat-filled space within the kidney that also contains the renal pelvis, blood vessels, and nerves.


All of the following changes to the anatomy of the kidneys occur with advanced age except

the renal arteries supply a greater amount of blood to the kidneys, increasing the rate of filtration.

During a dissection, Arnie saw the ureters entering the lateral corners of the bladder but found the internal openings of the ureters in the trigone near the midline of the bladder. His observation necessarily means that

the ureters run medially for some distance within the posterior bladder wall.

An important difference between the peritubular capillaries and the vasa recta in the kidney is that

the vasa recta are in the medulla, whereas the peritubular capillaries are in the cortex.

Cortical nephrons are different from juxtamedullary nephrons in that

their nephron loop is shorter, with a shorter thin segment.

The epithelium lining the urinary bladder that permits distension is



triangle between entrances of ureters and exit of urethra

Identify the letter that indicates the afferent arteriole.


The urinary bladder, when empty, lies within both the abdominal and pelvic cavities.


what external structure holds the kidney in place

Fibrous capsule Perirenal fat capsule Renal fascia

________ cells are modified smooth muscle cells of the afferent and efferent arterioles that secrete the hormone renin

Granular (or Juxtaglomerular)

The ureters develop from

a duct that branches from the mesonephric duct.

histology of ureter

Mucosa - transitional epithelium Muscularis - two layers: Inner longitudinal layer, Outer circular layer Adventitia - typical connective tissue

in which layer of the kidney is the peritubular capillaries vs. vasa recta found

Peritubular capillaries- cortical nephrons Vasa recta- juxtamedullary nephrons

________ are large cells with complex "footlike" processes that wrap around the glomerular capillaries.


name the 3 regions of the male urethra & which region is longest

Prostatic urethra Intermediate part of urethra Spongy urethra (longest)

be able to sequence the flow of filtrate through the renal tubules (specifically: ascending limb, collecting duct, descending limb, distal convoluted tubules, glomerulus, loop of Henle, proximal convoluted tubules)

Proximal convoluted tubule Loop of Henle Descending limb Ascending limb Distal convoluted tubule Collecting ducts

what is the name of the muscle layer in the bladder that contracts during urination

detrusor muscle

organs of the urinary system

kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra

Voiding of urine, known as ________, involves sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic fibers.


macula densa

monitors solute concentration in filtrate stimulates the granular cells to release renin to raise blood pressure

The U-shaped ________ is located between the proximal and distal convoluted tubules.

nephron loop

Which of the following supportive tissues is most superficial?

pararenal fat

In the micturition reflex, the detrusor muscle is stimulated to contract by

parasympathetic fibers.

The condition in which the metanephros has failed to ascend is

pelvic kidney.

Between the fibrous renal capsule and the renal fascia is a cushioning and supportive ________ fat capsule.


All molecules secreted by nephrons into urine are from

peritubular capillaries

Most water and solutes are resorbed from the convoluted renal tubules into the ________.

peritubular capillaries

collecting ducts

play an important role in conserving body fluids

Which of the following is not usually associated with the formation of renal calculi?


The micturition center is located in the

pons of the brain stem.

urine albumin

presence (.30 mg/day) indicates likely renal damage

The part of the nephron whose epithelial cells are most responsible for resorption and secretion is the

proximal tubule.

what kind of epithelium is the ureter & urinary bladder

pseudostratified columnar spithelium

Infection of the renal pelvic and calyces is known as


The empty urinary bladder

pyramidal and lies entirely within the pelvis.

Which of the following would not inhibit micturition?

relaxation of the internal urethal sphincter

what is the nephron composed of

renal corpuscle renal tubule

each nephron is composed of

renal corpuscle and renal tubule

The descriptive term for the location of the kidneys relative to the abdominal cavity.


where is the kidney found relative to the abdominal cavity/peritoneum

retroperitoneally -lateral to T12-L3 vetebrae Above waist between periometrium& posterior wall of abdomen (retroperitoneal along with adrenal glands& ureters)

detrusor muscle

thick, smooth muscle layer in the urinary bladder

Which of the following processes does not participate in the production of urine in the kidney?


Which of the following is not normally found in urine?


The ureters

have a muscularis layer that is stimulated to contract by the stretching of their walls as urine enters them.

bladder cancer

3% of cancers, more common in men

Renin is produced in

the granular cells.

roughly 1/2 of nursing home or home bound seniors are affected by some form of


filtrate proceeds to renal tubules (4 parts) from glomerulus

- proximal convoluted tuble - nephron loop (of Henle) - Distal convoluted tuble - collected ducts

Nephrons associate closely with two capillary beds

-Glomeruli -Peritubular capillaries in cortical nephrons or vasa recta in juxtamedullary nephrons

Identify the letter that indicates blood vessels that absorb solutes from the convoluted tubules.


Identify the letter that indicates the efferent arteriole


What anatomical difference makes urinary tract infections more common in females than in males?

In females the urethra is shorter than in males.

Which of the following statements about the urinary bladder is false?

In females, the bladder lies posterior to the uterus but anterior to the rectum.

Which of the following statements about the internal urethral sphincter is false?

It is surrounded by the urogential diaphragm.

Based on what you know about the location of the kidneys in the posterior abdominal wall, the hilum of the kidney must be at the level of which vertebra?

L1 or L2

Cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons can be distinguished by the absence of a vasa recta in the cortical nephrons.


The correct sequence of arterial blood flow is the renal artery to the segmental arteries to the interlobar arteries.


The descending thin limb of the nephron loop consists of a simple squamous epithelium.


The glomerular capsule and the glomerular capillaries together make up the renal corpuscle.


The internal urethral sphincter is composed of smooth muscle and is under involuntary control


Urine drains from the kidney in the following sequence: from the collecting duct to the minor calyx to the major calyx to the renal pelvis and then to the ureter.


Pyelography is

a type of X-ray procedure (radiology).

The kidneys lie behind the ________ cavity.



active process of removing undesirable molecules

Which gland sits atop each kidney?


what is the glomerulus, & what is the glomerular capsule

afferent & efferent glomerular arteriole aka bowman's capsule (where it catches fluid) -made of parietal layer (simple squamous epithelium) -Visceral layer (podocytes)

Glomeruli arise from branches off the ________ arterioles of the cortex.

afferent glomerular

Identify the letter that indicates blood vessels covered by podocytes


Identify the letter that indicates the blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood to the kidney.


what is the hilum & what structures enter & exit it

convace surface -ureter, vessels, & nerves


the concave surface where vessels and nerves enter and exit

Cup-shaped tubes that enclose the papillae of the pyramids.

minor calyx

the functional unit of the kidney


Which of the following structures are most numerous within a kidney?

renal corpuscles

Before it enters the ureter, urine collects in the

renal pelvis.

The process of the JGA is also known as the

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

the kidneys are located


epithelium of urethra

Transitional epithelium; at the proximal end (near the bladder): Stratified and pseudostratified columnar- mid urethra (in males) Stratified squamous epithelium- at the distal end (near the urethral opening)

From which embryonic tissue layer(s) does the kidney arise?


The only embryonic kidney that survives into adulthood is the


efferent arteriole has a smaller diameter than

afferent arteriole

peritubular capillaries

arise from the efferent arterioles draining the cortical nephrons are adapted for absorption

Kidney cancer

arises from epithelial cells of uriniferous tubules

Kidney stones, or renal calculi, tend to lodge most often in places where their pathway out of the body tends to narrow. All of these are regions where the ureter narrows and kidney stones may lodge except

at the urachus of the ureter.

vasa recta

continue from efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons descend deep into the medulla are an essential part of the kidney's urine concentrating mechanism

85% of nephrons are described by this term that relates to their location in the kidney.


Contraction of this muscle forces urine from the bladder.


The medial concave cleft in which vessels, ureters, and nerves enter/leave the kidney.


internal urethral sphincter

involuntary smooth muscle

external urethral sphincter

lies in the urogenital diaphragm voluntarily inhibits urination

Vessels and nerves enter and leave the kidney through the

medial hilum.

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