CH 25 MOS study guide

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list the characteristics of melanoma

Asymmetrical, irregular border, color varies, diameter. mole is more painful

what is the purpose of a fenestrated drape

Covers the area leaving only the surgical site exposed, provides a sterile area around the surgical site and decreases contamination of the patient's surgical wound.

what is the name of the local anesthetic most frequently used in the medical office

Lidocaine hydroxide

what is the difference between an open wound and closed wound

a closed wound is damage to the tissue under the skin without a break in the skin. A open wound is a break in the skin surface which exposes tissue

what is the diffrence between an incision and laceration

a incision is a clean cut made by a scalpel and a laceration is a wound that leaves ragged edges

Why does a puncture wound encourage the growth of tetanus bacteria?

a puncture wound permits a warm anaerobic environment for tetanus bacteria to grow.

what is the advantage of a needle biopsy

a sample can be obtained without a major surgical operation

what are skin tags ? where are they most found on the body

a type of mole that small and painless often found in skin creases like eyelids, neck, armpits, upper chest

what is the purpose of reversing the spiral during a spiral reverse turn

allows for smooth fit and prevents gaping

list 5 guidelines that should be followed in caring for instruments

always handle instruments with care, don't pile instruments in a heap, rinse blood and other secretions off ASAP, keep instruments with ratchets in open position when not in use, use instruments for purpose which it is designed

list 3 functions of a bandage

apply pressure, control bleeding, protect wound, or hold dressing in place or support pt

what are the characteristics of local anesthetic

brief tingling, burning sensation then loss of sensation to injection area begins

when must surgical asepsis be employed

broken skin, open wound, suture puncture, injections, and catheter

what are the characteristics of benign moles

brown, black, pink, dark blue, hairy, round, grow to form a raised area or may be flat

what is the appearance of serosanguineous exudate

clear and blood tinged

List the postoperative instructions that must be relayed to a patient after a cervical cryosurgery

clear watery discharge, use of sanitary pads, don't douche, tampons or have sex 2-3 weeks after procedure

what is the difference between congenital nevi and acquired nevi

congenital, your born with, acquired nevi means it developed over time

what is the appearance of sanguineous exudate

consists of RBC's, red. bright red = fresh bleeding, dark red = older bleeding

what is the appearance of serous exudate

consists of serum, appears clear and watery, example fluid from a burn blister

what is the appearance of purulent exudate

contains pus, thick, unpleasant odor, white but may appear in tinges of pink, green, or yellow

List two uses of cryosurgery.

destroy abnormal cervical cells or chronic cervicitis

what is the purpose of preforming a cervical punch biopsy

detect cervical dysplasia, cancer of the cervix

what is exudate

drainage from a wound as part of healing process

Why should the MA be careful when applying an elastic bandage?

easy to apply tightly and impede circulation

what is a ingrown toenail

edge of toenail grows deeply into nail groove and penetrates the surrounding skin which results in pain and discomfort

what are the post operative instructions for ingrown toenail removal

elevate foot for 24 hours, keep area clean and dry, clean toe daily with warm water, use antibiotic ointment, wear loose fitting shoes

what are the advantages of tissue adhesive

eliminate need for sutures and local anesthetic, easy to apply , less scarring.

List four guidelines to follow when applying a bandage.

ensure area is clean and dry, apply bandage from distal to proximal part of body, prevent irritation don't allow skin of two body parts to touch, bandage body parts in normal position with joints

list two advantages of surgical skin staples to approximate a wound

fast method of closing a wound and provides good cosmetic results

what occurs during the inflammatory stage of healing

fibrin networks form resulting in a blood clot which turns into a scab overtime

explain how an instrument should be handed to the physician during MOS

firm confident manner

what is the function of the exudate

flush foreign debris and dead tissue from the wound, provide a warm environment for healing

how do tissue adhesives work

forms a strong transparent flexible bond across top of skin to approximate the tissue

what occurs during the maturation phase of wound healing

granulation tissue hardens to white scar tissue

Why are sutures inserted in the head and neck generally removed sooner than other sutures?

head and neck have good blood flow which promotes a more rapid healing process

List two uses of the figure-eight bandage turn.

hold dressing in place, support or immobilize an injured joint

why would a physician preform a sebaceous cyst removal

infection, cosmetics, or discomfort

describe the appearance of dysplastic nevi. what concerns exists with dysplastic nevi

large with irregular coloration and shape. mole may be precancerous and could develop into melanoma

what are disadvantages of skin closure tapes

less precision for approximation, tape has difficulty adhering to some areas of the body

list the post operative instructions that must be relayed to the patient after a cervical punch biopsy

minimum cramping or bleeding may follow for up to one weak, thick , dark vaginal discharge may occur, don't douche, use tampons, or have intercourse for a week.

what is the difference in fiction between mosquito hemostatic forceps and standard hemostatic forceps

mosquito forceps are smaller and more delicate than hemostatic forceps

list four signs that may indicate a bandage is to tight

numbness, cyanosis of nail beds, pain, tingling

list two reasons for preforming a colposcopy

preformed after abnormal pap results and elevate lesions seen during pelvic exam

list the 5 chateristics of a minor surgical procedure

preformed in office or clinic setting, local or topical anesthesia is used, minimal discomfort or pain to pt, preformed in less than a hour

what are the responsibilities of the MA during MOS

preparing treatment room, preparing patient, prepare mayo tray, assist physician, administer post op care

what is the purpose of adding epinephrine to local anesthetic

prolongs effect of anesthetic by decreasing absorption rate of anesthetic by the body

what are the function of sterile dressing

protect the wound form trauma and infection, absorb drainage, restrict motion that may interfere with healing

what is the appearance of purosanguineous exudate

pus and blood

What type of bandage turn is used to anchor a bandage?

recurrent turn

what are local signs of inflammation

redness, swelling, pain, warmth

what is the purpose of a biopsy

removal and examination of tissue from the living body

what are the most common methods used to remove moles

shave excision, surgical excision, or laser surgery

list 5 examples of materials used for non absorbable sutures

silk, nylon, polyester, polybutester, stainless steal, surgical skin staples

what types of wounds are tissue adhesives most commonly used to close

small, superficial lacerations or surgical incision of face, torso, or limbs

what is a swagged needle and what are the advantages

suture and needle are one unit. less tissue trauma and suture doesn't slip off the needle

what are the most common methods of wound closure

sutures, surgical staples, surgical glue, and skin closure tape

where do sebaceous cyst normally occur and where do they NOT

they normally occur anywhere on the body except the Palms of the hands and Soles of the feet

What is a sebaceous cyst?

thin closed sac that forms when a oil gland or sebaceous gland becomes obstructed.

list 3 causes of a ingrown toenail

tight shoes, trauma, improper nail trimming

what is the purpose of wound closure

to bring tissue of wound together and hold it in place till proper healing has occurred

what is the purpose of preparing the pt skin before MOS

to clean the microorganisms off operative site so infection doesn't occur

what is the purpose of serrations found on some instruments

to firmly grasp tissue and prevent it from slipping

what is the purpose of using gauze packing or a rubber Penrose drain after incising a localized infection

to keep the edges of the wound apart to facilitate proper drainage

what Is the purpose of inflammation

to protect the wound from invading microorganisms and remove damaged tissue debris from area to allow for proper healing

what is the appearance of the granulation tissue

translucent red or pink in color, soft and moist to touch, bumpy, and painless

what occurs during the proliferative phase of wound healing

wound is rebuilt with connective tissue to protect surface of the wound. growth of new cappilaries to promote blood flow to healing wound.

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