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The National Recovery Administration sought to promote economic recovery by

expermienting with national economic planning

Hoover's response to the Great Depression could best be described as

restrained and cautious

Hoover believed that unemployment belief

should come from private charities

Why did truman establish a lyalty program in 1947?

to investigate government employees who were potential communists

Which of the follwing was NOT a reason why congress voted to implement the Marshall plan?

to streghten the U.S. militar and win the arms race

The fundamental disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War was over what?

who would control postwar Europe

How did President Eisenhower deal with Joseph McCarthy?

he waited for McCarthy's zeal to be his own undoing

How did the conference at potsdam in July of 1945 end?

in harmony

What did the Marshall plan propose?

infusing massive amounts of American capital into Western Europe

Which statement est describes the transition from war to peace in America after WW2?

it caused inflation and labor unrest

What is one reason why the election of 1936 was noteworthy?

it marked the creation of a new, powerful political coalition

How did the United States react to the 1950 Sino-Soviet treaty?

it refused to recognize the new Chinese regime and focused on Japan as its main ally in Asia

What effect would the Baruch plan have had on America?

it would have given the US a monopoly on atomic weapons

United States troops first went into compate against German troops where?


During world war 2, who was the closest ally of the US?

Great Britain

In 1946 and 1947, conflict in ____ caused the Truman administration to worry about the spread of communism around the globe

Greece and Turkey

Who was the individual most responsible for promoting African-American rights during the New Deal?

Harry Hopkins

How did Roosevelt go about winning the Democratic nomination in 1932?

He appealed to both the traditionalists and the n ew urban elements within the party

Which country came under Soviet control after World War 2?


What effect did the Marshall plan have?

It sparked financial recovery in Western Europe

What ultimately caused the National Recovery Administration to fail?

Its rules favored large corporations over small businesses and laborers

What event brought the United States into World War 2?

The japenese attack on Pearl Harbor

Francis Townsend advocated that the federal government pay $200 each month to who?

all Americans over the age of 60

Which approach did the U.S. military favor when Japan's defeat was deemed inevitable?

an all-out, full-scale invasion of Japan

The passage of the National Security act in 1947

coordinated and unified America's military establishment

With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Roosevelt did what?

declared american neutrality

What did the Nye Committee investigate?

American Munitions dealers

The weakness of the League of Nations was revealed when it did nothing after Italy invaded where?


What did the NATO assure?

European countries that the United States would help defend them

The United States dropped its first atomic bomb on the city of ____ on August 6th, 1945


Who did local authorities round up to deport and reduce welfare rolls?

Mexican immigrants

Which New Deal program did the Supreme Court declare unconstitutional?

National Recovery Administration

When the United States and the Dutch East Indies banned trade with japan, what did the Japenese lose their source of?


What effect did the Great Depression have on immigration to the United States?

Reversed the flow of immigration across the Rio Grande and deported thousands of immigrants

What did the first neutrality act, passed in 1935, prohibit?

Selling arms to nations at war

How did U.S. exports in 1929 compare to exports in 1914?

They tripled

The Truman Doctrine stated that American policy would be to

support any nation resisting armed minorities or aggression from a foreign power

The disarmament plan that the Truman administration proposed to the United Nations after WW2 was called what?

the Baruch plan

Actions in which area helped Truman win the 1948 election?

the Cold War

What did the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act grant workers?

the right to organize and collectively bargain

What does the term "Iron Curtain" refer to?

the separation between Soviet-dominated Europe and Western Europe

The National Security Act (1947) established what?

the three federal agencies

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