Ch. 27 APUSH

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Why are the Insular Cases significant decisions by the Supreme Court, and what questions do they answer?

Beginning in 1901, a badly divided Supreme Court decreed in these cases that the Constitution did not follow the flag. In other words, Puerto Ricans and Filipinos would not necessarily enjoy all American Rights.This answered the questions that conquered peoples had about their rights and identity.

What was Cleveland's role in the annexation of Hawaii?

He withdrew the treaty as he discovered that a majority of Hawaiian natives opposed annexation.

What is the Roosevelt Corollary, and why does the book call it a "perversion" of the Monroe Doctrine?

A policy that stipulated that the United States would retain a right to intervene in the domestic affairs of Latin American nations in order to restore military and financial order. this was put into place when Roosevelt feared that the Germans or British might get involved in Venezuelan and Dominican Republican politics. The book called at this because the US was getting involved in foreign affairs, which was corrupt and forced itself on to the other nations.

Explain the Open Door note crafted by Secretary of State John Hay.

A set of diplomatic letters in which Secretary of State John Hay argued the great powers to respect Chinese rights and free and open competition with their spheres of influence. The notes established the "Open Door Policy," which sought to ensure access to the Chinese market for the United States, despite the fact that it did not have a formal sphere of influence in China.

How did people like Josiah Strong and Alfred Thayer Mahan influence our desire for imperialism?

Alfred Thayer Mahan's book, The Influence of Seapower upon History, argued that control of the sea was key to world dominance,. This helped stimulated the naval race among the great powers that gained moment of time around the turn of the century. Americans joined in on this race and were focused on developing their Navy and building an isthmus canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Why does McKinley feel it is essential to annex Hawaii during the Spanish-American War?

America needed a military base for coaling and sending supplies to Dewey so McKinley annexed the Hawaiian Islands and gave Hawaiian residences U.S. citizenship.

How did the Filipinos respond to the American presence in the Philippines in 1899?

Americans denied Filipinos their freedom and were excluded from peace negotiations, which caused an increased feeling of bitterness towards the states.The US deployed tens of thousands of troops to keep the Filipinos in check. Filipino rebels took part in guerrilla warfare and were now seen as dangerous enemies of the United States.

Why do the Anti-Imperialists believe feel that annexing the Philippines went against American ideals?

Anti-Imperialist argued that annexing the Philippines would dishonor and ultimately destroy America's venerable commitments to self-determination and anti-colonialism.They also stated that the annex would violate the "consent of the governed" philosophy in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

How did the rise of American imperialism increase nationalism as well?

As America successfully conquered foreign powers such as Hawaii and the Philippines, Americans felt pride for the victories and for what they fought for, which overall increased nationalism.

What was the biggest killer in the Spanish-American War?

Disease and the spread of bacteria, which is mostly due to fetid can meat.

What forces led to America's desire to expand overseas?

Economical expansion prompted farmers and factory owners to look to overseas markets.The yellow press exploited international adventures to help sell works. Missionaries were inspired to spread the message of religion across seas. Social Darwinism also played a role in expansion as it was used to explain America's need to "civilize" other nations. America also felt the need to compete with its European powers.

For what reasons did U.S. interest in Cuba increase in the 1890s?

Economically, sugar production was extremely profitable in Cuba. The U.S. also sought to drive out the Spanish overlords who were oppressing the Cubans and ruining their canefields and sugar mills. American business had invested about $500 million in Cuba, and their failure would put the U.S. at risk.

How did the McKinley Tariff indirectly cause American planters to push for annexing Hawaii?

Hawaii became a large sugar plantation for American sugar planters, however with the introduction of the McKinley Tariff, importing these goods into the United States would be made it extremely difficult as it raised barriers against in Hawaiian product. With the annexation of Hawaii, these barriers would cease to exist and make the plantation owners more profitable.

What made McKinley desirable for his second term of presidency?

He had won a war and acquired gold and real estate, he had safeguarded the gold standard, he had brought the promise posterity of a full dinner pail, and had Teddy Roosevelt on his side for vice president, who was extremely likable.

What is Roosevelt's role in the Russo-Japanese War?

He helped resolve the conflict between Japan and Russia which forced Japan to drop its demands for cash and Russia was to evacuate Sakhalin Island and Korea would be formally annexed in 1910. TR received a Nobel Prize for this negotiation however both countries suffered and tensions grew stronger.

Why did McKinley decide to start a war with Spain?

He wanted to seem strong and didn't want to come off as indecisive, especially for the future of the Democratic Party. He also wanted to please American.

What was the significance of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty?

It gave the United States a free hand to build the canal. This gave America more control in their foreign territories as they were able to easily connect to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines.

What was the Great Rapprochement?

It was a period of time in which the United States and Britain tried to reconcile with each other and this new time of extension.

What was the Big Sister Policy?

Its goal was to rally the Latin American nations behind American leadership and open Latin American markets to American traders.

Explain the Maine crisis and the American response to it.

Maine was a battleship sent to Cuba to protect and evacuate Americans if a dangerous situation should occur. The boat was mysteriously blown up in Havana Harbor with a loss of 260 soldiers. The Spaniards concluded that the explosion had been internal and accidental while the Americans argued that the blast had been caused by a submarine mine. Americans, already exposed to yellow journalism, became extremely angry with Spain as they believed that Maine had been blown up.

Why was obtaining the Philippines such a controversial decision? (Describe both positions on the issue.)

McKinley felt that America could not honorably give the islands back to Spanish misrule, especially after it had fought a war to free Cuba, however the Filipinos might fall into anarchy if they were to govern themselves. He worried that other major powers would be more aggressive and try to seize the Philippines and later lead to another war. He failed to realize that he could acquire the Philippines and perhaps later give them their freedom.

How did Teddy Roosevelt become president?

McKinley was murdered by an anarchist in Buffalo.

Who won the election of 1896?

McKinley won the popular vote and the electoral vote by a wide margin.

What resulted from the conflict between Queen Liliuokalani and the white planters?

Queen Liliuokalani refused to give up Hawaii, and insisted that native Hawaiians should control the islands, however the whites were able to form a successful revolt in 1893 and take the country.

What was the Boxer Rebellion? What was the response by the Americans and European powers to the Boxer Rebellion?

The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising in China directed against foreign influence. It was suppressed by an international force of some eighteen thousand soldiers, including several thousand Americans. The Boxer Rebellion paved the way for the revolution of 1911, which led to the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912. The United States send several thousand American troops from the Philippines to help China (and to also keep the door open). The government also used about $18,000 to educate a select group of Chinese students in the United States, which later foreshadows westernization.

Explain how the Gentlemen's Agreement and the Root-Takahira Agreement ease tensions between the Americans and Japanese.

The Gentlemen's Agreement, which deals with the California School Board, also had a secret part in which Tokyo agreed to stop the flow of laborers in America as long as there was no more discrimination in Californian schools. The Great White Fleet helped create a warm diplomatic atmosphere, which encouraged the United States to sign the blank which Japan which pledged both powers to respect each other's territorial possessions in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door in China.

Describe the U.S. invasion of Cuba, especially the role of the Rough Riders.

The Spanish government ordered a discrete sweet of Warships to Cuba which located the American Fleet. The Rough Riders, a part of the invading Army, were a regiment of volunteers, that consisted largely of Western Cowboys and other hardy characters. This Army was able to win against the Spanish fleet, causing Spanish surrender.

What positive effects did imperialism in the Philippines have?

The US invested millions of dollars into the improvement of the island's roads, sanitation, and public health. It stimulated trade and sugar and instituted good school systems

What is the Platt Amendment, and why did the Cubans despise it?

The United States successfully pressured the Cuban government to write this amendment into its constitution. It limited Cuba's treaty-making abilities, controlled its debt, and stipulated that the United States could intervene militarily to restore order when it saw fit. Cubans despised this because it brought them under America's control. These treaties could compromise their independence in the future.

Explain how the Foraker Act determined the governing of Puerto Rico by the United States.

The act of 1900 accorded that Puerto Ricans had limited degree of popular government. Congress granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans in 1974 with full self-rule. Although the American regime worked wonderous improvements in education, sanitation, and transportation, many of the inhabitants still aspired to be independent.

Describe the conflict between the government of San Francisco and Asians in California, particularly Japanese.

There was an influx of Japanese immigrants in California, so when San Francisco School Board was coping with the aftermath of an earthquake and fire, they ordered the segregation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students to special schools to free more space for whites. This became an international crisis as it became an issue of discrimination. TR invited the school board to the White House where he handled the situation by repealing the order.

How did crises in the 1880s and 1890s change American diplomacy?

There were several crises that arose between American and foreign powers such as Germany, Italy, Chile, and Canada, however these just demonstrated the willingness of Americans to risk war over distance and minor disputes, creating the aggressive new national mood.

What is the Imperialist response to the Anti-Imperialists?

They stated that the Philippine annexation would simply continue a glorious history of expansion that had pushed American civilization to the Pacific and now beyond.

What is the significance of the Teller Amendment?

This proviso proclaimed to the world that when the United States had overthrown Spanish misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom-a declaration that caused imperialistic Europeans to smile skeptically.

What was the Monroe Doctrine purpose?

To keep Eastern powers, more commonly European powers, out of the Western Hemisphere, leaving the United States to be the dominant power.

What is "yellow journalism" and how did William Randolph Hearst use it in the example of Cuba?

Yellow journalism is the practice in which scandal is used to sell more works. Hearst used yellow journalism to inform Americans on the foreign politics, which is then increased American support of the Spanish-American War.

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