Ch. 27: World War II

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Lateran Agreement

1929 agreement that recognized the Vatican as an independent state with Mussolini agreeing to give the church heavy financial support in return for public support of the pope

Great Purge

1936-1938 USSR under Stalin- series of spectacular public show trials in which false evidence gathered through torture, was used to incriminate party administrators and Red Army leaders Aug 1936- 16 Old Bolsheviks confessed to all manner of contrived plots against Stalin all executed 6 million people were arrested - 1 to 2 million were executed or never returned from prisons/forced-labor camps

Battle of Stalingrad

1942 downfall of German and Soviet fighting, Soviets surrounded and destroyed entire German Sixth Army of 300,000 men by January 1943 only 123,000 men were left to surrender Hitler refused to allow retreat- suffered defeat-German public now against the war Soviets were no on the offensive pushing the Germans back Major turning point on eastern front

Czech and Austria/Sudetenland

2 states obtained by Nazi's prior to Poland invasion on September

Munich Crisis of 1938, Mussolini, Jews

3 of Hitler's scapegoats- why he lost the war

National Socialism

A movement and political party driven by extreme nationalism and racism- led by Hitler, adherents ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945


A movement characterized by extreme expansionist nationalism, anti-socialism, a dynamic and violent leader, glorification of war and military Grounded in racial homogeneity, eugenics Hitler and Mussolini - build new community on national level- racists -materialize on the people's collective will - improve lives of ordinary workers- intervene with government -not on level our class differences and nationalize private property but to nationalism


A people's community for racially pure Germans

Five Year Plan

A plan launched by Stalin in 1928, termed revolution from above Aimed at modernizing the Soviet Union and creating a new Communist society with new attitudes, new loyalties, and new socialist humanity Reestablish end limited economic freedom to rebuild agriculture and industry, very successful, compromise with peasants essentially, he wasn't strong enough to take away their land and turn them into state workers


A pseudoscientific doctrine that maintains that the selective breeding of human beings can improve the general characteristics of national population, helped inspire Nazi ideas about race and space and Holocaust


A radical dictatorship that exercises total claims over teh beliefs and behavior of its citizens by taking control of the economic, social, intellectual, and cultural aspects of society

Enabling Acts

Act pushed through the Reichstag by Nazis that gave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for four years

Grand Alliance

Alliance in WWII that were against the advance of fascism - Great Britain, United States, and Soviet Union

Axis Powers

Alliance in WWII- for the advance of fascism- Germany, Italy, Japan

Encourage mutual trust among Allies

Allies adopted principle of unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in order to...


Based off of Marx, state aggressively intervened in all ways of life to pursue social leveling- uses brute force to destroy the upper and middle classes, nationalize private property, pushed rapid industrialization, collectivized agriculture

Pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with threat of war when he ..


British policy towards Germany prior to WWII that aimed at granting Hitler whatever he wanted: including western Czechoslovakia in order to avoid war ---basically dictated French policy, motivated in large party by pacifism of a population still horrified by memory of WWI

Arthur Neville Chamberlain

British prime minister agreed with HItler that Germany should immediately take of the Sudetenland Had secured peace and honor, peace for our time


Dictator of Germany, led Nazis - grew up in Austria- very anti-Semitism neighborhood Social Darwinism - superiority of German races Heartbroken over loss of WWI

Collectivization of Agriculture

Forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into large state-controlled enterprises in Soviet Union under Stalin Peasants compelled to move off their small plots onto large state-run farms- tools, livestock, adn produce would be held in common, central planners could control the work Led to disaster- large number of peasants opposed change- burned crops and slaughtered animals

Heinrich Bruning

German chancellor prior Hitler- tried to overcome the economic crisis of Great Depression by cutting back government spending and forcing down forced prices and wages- intensifying Germany's economic collapse and convinced many voters that the courntry's republican leaders were stupid and corrupt


German parliament

Europe First

Grand Alliance policy only after Hitler was defeated would Allies go on an all out attack on Japan, the lesser threat Concentrate on military needs, postponing eventual peace settlement

Term of Unconditional Surrender of Germany and Japan

Grand Alliance policy, denied Hitler any hope of dividing his foes, increased mutual trust, meant Soviet and Anglo-American armies would be forced to invade adn occupy all of Germany- Japan would fight til bitter end

Beer Hall Putsch

Hitler inspired by Mussolini, organized an armed uprising in Munich- failure of poorly planned coup and resulted in Hitler's arrest

New Order

Hitler's program based on racial imperialism, which gave preferential treatment to the Nordin people's, the French,a don inferior Latin people occupied a middle position; and Slavs, Jews were treated as humans Based on Nazi, racial imperialism, people treated according to place on hierarchy- all subject to harsh ethnic cleansing, plunder of resources for Nazi war effort

Primo Levi

Holocaust survivor "gray zone" of moral compromise- defined everyday life in totalitarian societies

Cutting gov spending, squeezing wages and prices

How did German chancellor Heinrich Bruning try to cope with the Great Depression in early 1930s

Big business to regulate itself, never purge members

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

Mass organizations like Hiterl Youth, mass rallies

How did Nazi party seek to promote idea of Volkgemeinschaft

Puppet government with collaborators willing to rule states as Germans

How did Nazi's manage the Northern European states that they conquered


How did real wages for works and peasants in Soviet Union 1937 compare with those in Russian Empire in 1913?

Research institutes to measure adn define racial differences in order to present prejudice in form of enlightened science

How did the Nazi's seek to legitimize their racial policies

Deemphasized anti-capitalist elements of Nazi, vowed to fight communism

Hwo did Hitler shape the Nazi Party message to appeal to middle-class voters?

Anyone of alien blood (Jews) were automatically excluded from Reich citizenship

In the "Reich Citizenship Law" what did the Official commentary on teh Reich citizenship law emphasize?

Benito Mussolini

Italian dictator of the Fascists Sworn enemy of socialism- Black Shirts- anti-communist speeches

Pearl Harbor

Japanese surprise attack on US fleet base in Hawaiian Islands- December 7, 1941 - Japanese sank or crippled every American battleship- but all American aircraft carriers were at sea, escaping damage, brought America into the war

Battle of Britain

July 1940- 1000 German planes a day attacked British airfields, key factories- dueling with GB defenders high in the sky - Hitler was trying to gain dominance over the air Sept 1940 started bombing cities to break morale Only increased aircraft produciton

New Economic Policy

Lenin's 1921 policy to re-establish limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry in face of economic disintegration


Lightning war- how Hitler defeated Poland - went after Denmark, Norway, Holland

Victor Emmanuel III

March on Rome King of Italy, no love for liberal regime, asked Mussolini to take over the government and form a new cabinet

Heinrich Himmler

Methodical, ruthless leader of the SS, took over the political police and concentration camp system

Cult of the duce

Mussolini propaganda promoting as a powerful strongman who embodied best qualities of Italian people

Black Shirts

Mussolini's private militia- destroyed Socialist party newspapers, union halls, local headquarters with few people killed- pushed Socialists out of city government in northern Italy


Named after the master race= prized by Nazis for pure German blood= began replacing Jewish jobs


Nazi Special Task Forces- military death squads- moved form town to town shooting Jews and other targeted races Victims were told to first dig their own grave then shot into the grave Murdered 2 million civilians

Albert Speer

Nazi minister of armaments put to work millions of prisoners of war and slave laborers form across occupied Europe- tripling German war production despite the heavy bombing


Nazi policy, forced existing institutions to conform to Nazi ideology


Night of the Broken Glass- Nazi gangs smashed windows and looted over 7,000 Jewish owned shops, homes, synagogues,killed dozens German Jews were rounded up and forced to pay for damages

March on Rome

October 1922, a band of armed Fascists threatened the king of Italy and forced him to appoint Mussolini prime minister of Italy

Battle of El-Alamein

October November 1942- British forces decisively defeated combined German and Italian armies and halted Axis penetration of North Africa HINGE OF FATE - turning point on African front

Polish Home Army

Polish resistance to Nazis, underground, led by government in exile in London, passed intelligence about German operations to Allies adn committed sabotage

Old Bolsheviks

Prominent leaders who had been in the party since Russian Revolution- 16 were executed by Stalin

SA Storm Trooper

Quasi military band of 3 million toughs in brown shirts who had fought communists and beaten up Jews before Nazi took power- expected high positions in army- HitlerHitler executed killed some

Leon Trotsky

Russian contender for successor of Lenin, great inspiring leader who planned the Bolshevik takeover, created the Red Army, permanent revoluiton

Joseph Stalin

Russian totalitarian, leader of Soviet Union after Lenin consolidated his power and eliminated his enemies in 1920s- leader of Communist Party 5 Year Plan "revolution from above" - generate new attitudes, loyalties, new socialist humanity- constant propaganda, sacrifice by the people - harsh repression, purges, executions--rewards to those who followed party line Name means steel in Russian- won over Trotsky because more effective at gaining all important support of the party Socialism in teh country vs. revolution

Economic superiority, air supremacy, will to fight, ratio of service men to soldiers

Some reasons why the allies won

Vladmir Lenin

Soviet Leader, won the Russian civil war, land was devastated, he put down the Kronstadt rebels in 1921, replaced war communism with New Economic policy Died without an established heir - created an intense struggle for power in inner circles of Communist Power


Soviet, State planning commission- created to set production goals and control deliveries of raw and finished materials


Systematic effort of Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews and other groups deemed racially inferior during WWII


Target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945


The better off peasants who were stripped of land and livestock under Stalin and were generally not permitted to join collective farms- many of them starved or were deported to forced labor camps for re-education Called great enemy of progress

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

US President during WWII, Pearl Harbor

Winston Churchill

Uncompromising British leader during WWII, Battle of Britain Formed Grand Alliances


Under General Eisenhower, history's greatest naval invasion- 100 dramatic days, more than 2 million men and almost half a million vehicles broke through the German lines and pushed inland Rejected proposals to strike straight at Berlin in massive attack- moved forward caustiously on a broad front


Urban districts that Jews were forced to move- walled off areas in cities- most important were in Warsaw and Lodz- hundred of thousands of Polish Jews lived in crowded, unsanitary conditions without real work or adequate sustenance 500,000 died

Marshal Henri- Philippe Petain

WWI French general , formed a new French government the Vichy regime, adopted many aspects of Nazi ideology and willingly placed French Jews in hands of Nazis

Engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with unified people

What characteristics did Communits and fascist dictatorships share?

Loss of air supremacy

What does Karl Koller credit the German loss to?

Gross domestic product

What does Raymond Goldsmith claim won the war for the allies?

Race and space

What was Hitler's idea of lebensraum

Forced German society to conform to Nazi ideology

What was Nazi Party policy of coordination?

Hitler denied increase in Air Force, so he could focus on Soviet battle

What was Number 39?

Encouraged peasants to sell surpluses in free market, private traders and small manufacturers to do business

What was the effect of Lenin's 1921 New Economic Policy?

British policy to give Hitler whatever to avoid war

What was the practice of 1930 appeasement?

Hitler dictatorial power for 4 years

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933

Murdered Germans with physical/mental disabilities prior to war

Where did Nazi administrators gain experience in mass murder?


Which battle was decisive turning point in clash between Soviet Union and Germany

Neville Chamberlain

Which leader becomes embodiment of appeasement?


Who seems to be the only person not blamed by Hitler?

Luftwaffe chief of staff

Who was Karl Koller

Win support of traditional military, but SA leaders expected appointment to top positions in army

Why did Hitler have leadership o ft he SA storm troopers killed?

Can't buy victory, fighting force wins

Why doesn't gross domestic product predict war victories?

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