Ch. 28 US History, Ch. 29 US History, Ch. 30 US History, Ch. 27 US History

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prevent the return of the Depression

A very important reason for passage of the GI Bill was to: a. keep men in the military beyond their term of enlistment b. spend surplus funds in the federal budget c. help Roosevelt get reelected d. prevent the return of the Depression e. create a bureaucracy to administer it

Eisenhower's opponent for president in both 1952 and 1956

Adlai E. Stevenson was: a. a senator revealed by Joseph McCarthy to be a Communist b. secretary of state for most of Eisenhower's presidency c. Eisenhower's opponent for president in both 1952 and 1956 d. appointed by Eisenhower to be chief justice of the Supreme Court e. a leader unusually skilled in communicating with common people


After the war, Americans were most eager to: a. purchase b. pursue education c. save d. work overtime e. travel

disc jockey

Alan Freed was a notable: a. musician b. record producer c. songwriter d. disc jockey e. record company owner

Hubert Humphrey lost because he refused to alter Johnson's Vietnam policies

All of the following are true of the 1968 presidential election EXCEPT: a. Richard Nixon won a very close popular vote victory b. George Wallace appealed to social conservatives, even outside the South c. Nixon made a remarkable comeback from earlier political defeats d. Wallace made one of the strongest third-party showings in history e. Hubert Humphrey lost because he refused to alter Johnson's Vietnam policies

the Warren Commission concluded there may have been multiple gunmen

All of the following are true of the Kennedy assassination EXCEPT: a. the primary suspect was Lee Harvey Oswald b. Jack Ruby shot and killed the suspected assassin c. the Warren Commission concluded there may have been multiple gunmen d. it occurred in Dallas on November 22, 1963 e. so many of the related events were watched on television

General William Westmoreland

All of the following became critical of Johnson's Vietnam policy EXCEPT: a. Senator Robert Kennedy b. Senator Eugene McCarthy c. General William Westmoreland d. George Kennan e. Senator J. William Fulbright

the United States

All of the following countries were physically damaged during World War II EXCEPT: a. Great Britain b. the United States c. France d. Germany e. Japan

family savings

All of the following increased through the postwar years EXCEPT: a. urban populations b. family savings c. advertising d. credit purchases e. the number of shopping centers

the military

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was most shaped by his experience in: a. business b. politics c. the military d. the law e. higher education

about 160,000

Before the Second World War, approximately how many people graduated from college in the United States each year? a. about 260,000 b. about 1 million c. about 500,000 d. about 750,000 e. about 160,000

occurred in large cities

Beginning with Watts, the major race riots of 1965 and 1966: a. occurred in large cities b. started when white mobs attacked blacks c. resulted from blacks being denied the vote d. were led by the Black Panthers e. proved the increasing irrelevance of Martin Luther King

significantly increased

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership: a. declined, due to the construction of cheap apartments b. significantly increased c. was hampered due to shortages of credit d. became almost universal e. was not as popular as government-provided public housing

new problems and forms of exploitation

Blacks who moved to northern cities found: a. middle-class status b. the inability to vote c. quality public housing d. new problems and forms of exploitation e. acceptance and respect

belonged to a church

By 1960, about 65 percent of Americans: a. read the Bible b. believed in evolution c. prayed d. belonged to a church e. believed in God

Los Angeles, California

By 1960, which American city had the largest concentration of Mexican Americans? a. New York, New York b. Los Angeles, California c. Chicago, Illinois d. San Diego. California e. Miami, Florida

black power

By 1966, black leaders like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown were proponents of what they termed: a. passive nonviolence b. black capitalism c. black communism d. black power e. massive integration


By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing: a. uniformity b. intellectual excitement c. cultural innovation d. economic stagnation e. diversity

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor

By the mid-1960s, Martin Luther King had decided to: a. emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor b. adopt much of the rhetoric and tactics of the militant blacks c. retire so that younger leaders could move to the forefront d. focus on his opposition to the war in Vietnam e. declare that the fight for black equality was largely won

removed quotas based upon national origin

Changes in immigration law in 1965: a. favored immigration from Europe as compared to other parts of the world b. removed quotas based upon national origin c. removed annual limits on how many could enter the United States d. decreased foreign immigration e. were designed to increase American access to cheap labor

liberating people under Communist rule

Dulles's policy of "roll back" involved: a. liberating people under Communist rule b. massing troops on the borders of Communist countries c. constant provocations of the Soviets d. regular flights over Soviet territory e. the abandonment of the containment policy

he and other writers felt estranged "from a government that extolled business and mediocrity"

During the 1950s, novelist John Updike observed: a. he and other writers felt estranged "from a government that extolled business and mediocrity" b. communism had become popular in the U.S. c. federal government was not receptive to the needs of poor Americans d. the "land of the free" was not the "land of the free" e. nothing

promised to get the country "moving again"

During the 1960 presidential race, John F. Kennedy: a. appeared nervous and unknowledgeable in a televised debate b. promised to use the White House to promote religion c. promised to get the country "moving again" d. promised to provide health care to all Americans e. opposed civil rights

offered a sharply conservative alternative to Johnson's policies

During the 1964 campaign, Republican nominee Barry Goldwater: a. promised to manage New Deal programs more effectively than Democrats had b. said he would use diplomacy to settle the conflict in Vietnam c. offered a sharply conservative alternative to Johnson's policies d. endorsed Johnson's achievements on civil rights e. represented Eisenhower-style "moderate Republicanism"

Republicans continued to make gains in the Deep South

During the 1964 election: a. Republicans continued to make gains in the Deep South b. Republicans made gains in both houses of Congress c. voters approved Johnson's pledge to escalate the war in Vietnam d. Goldwater lost but did better than expected e. voters expressed their desire for even more radical domestic reform

reached an all-time high

During the fifties, the U.S. marriage rate: a. reached record lows b. did not include interracial marriages c. reached an all-time high d. only reported recent marriages e. included same sex marriages

moderate Republican

Dwight Eisenhower considered himself a: a. Democrat b. moderate Republican c. compassionate conservative d. moderate Democrat e. fiscal Republican

the passage of a large tax cut

Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished all of the following EXCEPT: a. support for space exploration b. the passage of a large tax cut c. the creation of the Peace Corps d. the Housing Act e. the Alliance for Progress

blended a variety of musical styles

Elvis Presley's recordings: a. were never very commercially successful b. blended a variety of musical styles c. appealed equally to all ages and generations d. are best remembered for his guitar and piano playing e. truly promoted "a pagan concept of life"

suggestive gyrations on stage

Elvis was especially controversial because of his: a. rude manner toward adults b. fondness for Beat poetry c. scandalous sex life d. suggestive gyrations on stage e. identity as an atheist


Houses in Levittown in the early 1950s all sold for just under: a. $1,000 b. $50,000 c. $7,000 d. $100,000 e. $20,000

The Price Is Right

In 1954, all of the following were major TV shows EXCEPT: a. Father Knows Best b. The Price Is Right c. I Love Lucy d. The Ed Sullivan Show e. Leave It to Beaver

erecting the Berlin Wall

In 1961, Khrushchev escalated tensions over Berlin by: a. imposing another Soviet blockade of West Berlin b. sending spy planes over West Germany c. putting nuclear missiles in East Berlin d. erecting the Berlin Wall e. walking out of a summit conference in Vienna

Kennedy was increasing the number of American military advisors

In South Vietnam in the early 1960s: a. Diem's land reforms were undercutting the Communists b. Kennedy was increasing the number of American military advisers c. American troops were regularly involved in combat d. the Viet Cong captured several major cities e. the French had returned to assist the South Vietnamese

persistence of poverty

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the: a. benefits of limited government b. economic value of the cold war c. infallibility of the marketplace d. environmental costs of prosperity e. persistence of poverty


In The Crack in the Picture Window, John Keats described suburban life as: a. the best of all possible worlds b. a life of quiet desperation c. the true American way d. homogeneous e. better than any of the alternatives

ultimately forced Johnson out of the presidential race

In early 1968, increasing opposition to the war within his own party: a. only increased Johnson's determination to win in Vietnam b. ultimately forced Johnson out of the presidential race c. led to Johnson's clear defeat in the New Hampshire primary d. caused Johnson to end the war on poverty e. caused most Americans to rally around Johnson

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

In his "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," Martin Luther King: a. expressed his admiration of activists Ross Barnett and Bull Connor b. announced that he was abandoning nonviolent tactics c. expressed anger at being locked up d. declared his willingness to break unjust laws e. explained why he hated racist whites

required that an accused person be informed of certain basic rights

In its controversial Miranda v. Arizona decision, the Warren Court: a. required that an accused person be informed of certain basic rights b. made abortion legal c. banned prayer in public schools d. protected job rights for homosexuals e. gave police more power to search without a warrant

retained most and even expanded some of them

In regard to New Deal programs, Eisenhower: a. was intensely hostile b. ended subsidies to agriculture c. promised to outdo Roosevelt d. retained most and even expanded some of them e. wanted to privatize Social Security

generated middle-class based upon national origin

In retrospect, Johnson's war on poverty: a. practically eliminated poverty b. generated middle-class resentment that benefited the Republicans c. kept the United States from devoting sufficient funds to the war in Vietnam d. had practically no effect on poverty levels e. proved that government was incapable of improving society

struck down "separate but equal" in public education

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court: a. struck down "separate but equal" in public education b. ordered an immediate end to Jim Crow segregation c. rejected the legal arguments of the NAACP d. was closely divided e. recognized the high quality of black schools in the South

Birmingham, Alabama

In what city did Mayor Connor order police to unleash their dogs and clubs on civil rights demonstrators? a. Birmingham, Alabama b. Charlotte, North Carolina c. New Orleans, Louisiana d. Houston, Texas e. Memphis. Tennessee


Jack Kerouac's style of writing is commonly grouped into this type of literature: a. travel books b. Beats c. short stories d. literary criticism e. satire

personal health

John F. Kennedy was careful to conceal from the public during the 1960 campaign his: a. Roman Catholicism b. war record c. wife d. personal health e. family wealth

the elderly

Johnson's Medicare program provided medical benefits to: a. the unemployed b. single mothers and their children c. all Americans d. the handicapped e. the elderly

South Vietnam

Kennedy described which country as the "cornerstone of the free world in Southeast Asia?" a. Hong Kong b. Thailand c. Burma d. South Vietnam e. Cambodia

his elegant and inspiring rhetoric

Kennedy's inauguration is best remembered for: a. the flatness of his delivery b. the list of promises in his speech c. the record cold in Washington that day d. his elegant and inspiring rhetoric e. the large and friendly crowd

genuinely cared about the disadvantaged in society

Kennedy's successor as president, Lyndon Johnson: a. had a humble and modest character b. was a fairly typical southern conservative c. may have been involved in the assassination d. like Kennedy, had been born into wealth and privilege e. genuinely cared about the disadvantaged in society

a white suburban housewife

Life magazine's ideal woman of the mid-1950s was: a. educated and single b. an equal partner with her husband c. career oriented d. a white suburban housewife e. able to juggle home and career

said blacks should be proud of their African heritage

Malcolm X: a. said blacks should be proud of their African heritage b. was killed by a white racist during a speech in Harlem c. headed the Black Panthers d. supported the nonviolent tactics of Martin Luther King Jr. e. was a militant black Christian


Michael Harrington's book The Other America influenced President Johnson to declare war on: a. racism b. poverty c. teen pregnancy d. drugs e. illegal aliens

the rural South

Most blacks who moved to the North were fleeing terrible poverty in: a. southern cities such as Memphis and New Orleans b. the rural South c. the Dust Bowl d. New England e. other northern cities

Robert Kennedy

On June 6, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed: a. Martin Luther King b. Robert Kennedy c. Malcolm X d. Eugene McCarthy e. George Wallace

the desire to combat "godless" communism

One major reason for religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was: a. the desire to combat "godless" communism b. tax breaks for people who joined churches c. the fire and brimstone style of television preachers d. widespread guilt over the country's material abundance e. huge new churches that sponsored social and recreational activities

avoid losing it to communism

One of Johnson's major goals in Vietnam was to: a. kill as many Vietnamese as possible b. keep the Soviets and Chinese from attacking elsewhere in Asia c. use nuclear weapons to end the war as quickly as possible d. use the war to unite the country at home e. avoid losing it to communism

the Pledge of Allegiance

One sign of the times came in 1954 when Congress added the words "under God" to: a. the president's oath of office b. the Pledge of Allegiance c. coins and currency d. the Constitution e. the Capitol building

Great Society

President Johnson labeled his overall program of domestic reform the: a. True Deal b. Great Society c. New Frontier d. New America e. New Beginning

get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress

President Johnson's first priority on the domestic front was to: a. balance the federal budget b. give more power to the states c. get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress d. redistribute wealth and income e. reduce the bloated power of the executive branch of government

men with new ideas and fresh thinking

President Kennedy's cabinet was dominated by: a. men from the most radical wing of the Democratic party b. old-school politicians from the Truman administration c. men with new ideas and fresh thinking d. his fraternity buddies from Harvard e. Catholics and racial minorities

had a reputation for hard-line anti-communism and rough campaign tactics

Richard Nixon: a. had limited political experience when he ran for president in 1960 b. had a reputation for hard-line anti-communism and rough campaign tactics c. like John F. Kennedy, came from a wealthy family d. did not have the intellectual depth to be president e. was politically damaged by his service as vice president due to Eisenhower's unpopularity when his presidency ended

divided the world into forces: those who are Christians and the others

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles could be viewed as a sixteenth-century religious zealot in that he: a. prayed a lot b. was stuck in the sixteenth century c. opposed communism d. divided the world into forces: those who are Christians and the others e. believed only a few people would go to heaven

the U.S. Army

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in: a. the Democratic party b. the Eisenhower administration c. the U.S. Army d. the media e. Ivy League colleges


Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by: a. China b. Great Britain c. Japan d. themselves e. France

Kennedy's public encouragement

Student civil rights activists in the South would likely experience all of the following EXCEPT: a. mass arrests b. Kennedy's public encouragement c. mob violence d. growing public admiration e. extreme verbal abuse

new construction of mass public transportation

Suburban growth was spurred by all of the following EXCEPT: a. federally insured loans b. highway construction c. increases in car ownership d. veterans benefits e. new construction of mass public transportation

was thoroughly bungled by the CIA

The Bay of Pigs invasion: a. was Kennedy's original idea b. was thoroughly bungled by the CIA c. proved Kennedy's competence in foreign policy d. weakened the Castro regime e. inspired the United States and the Soviet Union to improve relations

outlawed segregation in public facilities

The Civil Rights Act of 1964: a. outlawed segregation in public facilities b. strengthened the Democratic party in the South c. was reluctantly supported by Johnson d. passed Congress with minimal opposition e. ended racism in the United States

a U.S.-Soviet agreement to scrap nuclear weapons

The Cuban missile crisis led to all of the following EXCEPT: a. the removal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba b. the installation of a "hotline" between Moscow and Washington c. the removal of American missiles from Turkey d. an easing of cold war tensions e. a U.S.-Soviet agreement to scrap nuclear weapons

brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war

The Cuban missile crisis: a. led to a U.S.-backed invasion of Cuba b. showed Kennedy's tendency to back down in a tense confrontation c. ended the cold war d. brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war e. saw the United States destroy some missile sites with surgical air strikes

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created by the: a. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 b. Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 c. Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965 e. Trade Expansion Act of 1962

Dien Bien Phu

The First Indochina War ended when the French suffered a major defeat at: a. Dien Bien Phu b. Taipei c. Hanoi d. Khe Sanh e. Saigon

faith, enthusiasm, and joy

The Reverend Norman Vincent Peale emphasized: a. man's sinful nature b. the spiritual appeal of Eastern faiths like Buddhism c. faith, enthusiasm, and joy d. the need to give lots of money to churches e. the difficulty of attaining salvation

dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

The Tet offensive of early 1968: a. was the American attempt to destroy the Ho Chi Minh Trail b. was a major victory for the Viet Cong c. resulted in Saigon's fall to the Communists d. inspired Johnson to dramatically raise troop levels in Vietnam e. dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

was used by Johnson as a substitute for a declaration of war

The Tonkin Gulf resolution: a. was in response to a Viet Cong attack upon an American military base b. deeply divided Congress c. was used by Johnson as a substitute for a declaration of war d. authorized American naval aggression off the coast of North Vietnam e. led Johnson to de-escalate the Vietnam War

dramatically expanded black votes in the South

The Voting Rights Act of 1965: a. was passed by Congress over Johnson's opposition b. ended black protest movements c. dramatically expanded black votes in the South d. made the South more strongly Democratic e. was successfully resisted in the Deep South

started in 1941

The baby boom: a. has been overrated in importance as a social phenomenon b. produced a generation devoted to sacrifice c. started in the early days of World War II d. continued the twentieth century's steady increase in birthrate e. started in 1941

government guarantee of full employment

The legislation passed by Congress at Johnson's urging in 1965 included all of the following EXCEPT: a. Medicare b. funds for urban renewal and public housing c. anti-poverty aid to Appalachia d. government guarantee of full employment e. massive federal aid to education

Long Island, New York

The location of William Levitt's first suburban development was: a. Los Angeles, California b. Phoenix, Arizona c. Long Island, New York d. Boston, Massachusetts e. Baltimore, Maryland

deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba

The major purpose of the Soviet missiles placed in Cuba was to: a. deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba b. show hard-liners in the Soviet military that Khrushchev was sufficiently tough c. launch an attack upon the United States d. make Castro more dependent upon the Soviets e. get Kennedy to let the Soviets have West Berlin

rhythm and blue

The music Alan Freed labeled "rock 'n' roll" was actually: a. jazz b. gospel c. rhythm and blues d. big band swing e. pop

his brother Robert

The person most persuasive in getting President Kennedy to endorse civil rights would have been: a. his vice president, Lyndon Johnson b. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover c. his brother Robert d. Chief Justice Earl Warren e. his wife, Jackie

was a major cause of the growth of the suburbs

The phenomenon of "white flight" in the 1950s: a. stopped when the federal government banned housing discrimination b. involved poor whites fleeing the South for jobs in big northern cities c. showed the improvement in race relations since the end of World War II d. was a major cause of the growth of the suburbs e. was discouraged by the open-housing policies of William Levitt

cold war-related military spending

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by: a. a massive government jobs program b. new inventions c. cold war-related military spending d. the work ethic of the American population e. trade with Europe and Japan

the sunbelt

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in: a. the sunbelt b. the Northeast c. the Midwest d. the Mississippi Valley e. rural areas

the sit-in

The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was: a. the sit-in b. the occupation of campus administration buildings c. the March on Washington d. street theater e. the freedom ride

help the economy by stimulating consumer spending

The purpose of Kennedy's proposed tax cut was to: a. reduce the size of the federal government b. help the economy by stimulating consumer spending c. give rich Americans even more money d. reduce the government's budgetary surplus e. win Republican support for civil rights legislation

was likely determined by African American votes in a few southern states

The result of the 1960 election: a. was likely determined by African American votes in a few southern states b. was a popular vote landslide victory for Kennedy c. saw Democrats regain control of the South d. was determined when Kennedy swept the West Coast e. was challenged in the courts by the Republicans


The strongest and most visible opposition to Diem's government was led by: a. Buddhists b. American diplomats c. Socialists d. French-speaking Vietnamese elites e. Muslims

favored road trips, Buddhism, and jazz

The youthful rebels known as the Beats: a. formed their own political party b. preferred country living to urban living c. numbered about 1 million d. were based primarily in Los Angeles e. favored road trips, Buddhism, and jazz

helped inspire the youth revolt of the 1960s

Ultimately, the Beats: a. changed the political landscape of the 1950s b. proved largely irrelevant to history c. had their greatest success in promoting equality for women d. helped inspire the youth revolt of the 1960s e. launched the gay rights movement

the University of Mississippi

Violence erupted in 1962 when James Meredith attempted to integrate: a. the University of Alabama b. the University of Mississippi c. Louisiana State University d. Texas A&M e. Georgia Tech

stood aside

When Alabama governor George Wallace was ordered by federal marshals to stand aside from the doorway at the University of Alabama so that black students could enter, Wallace: a. provoked a riot b. unleashed a torrent of racist language c. stood aside d. refused to budge e. got himself arrested

tried to cover it up

When the U-2 spy plane was shot down over Russia, Eisenhower first: a. tried to cover it up b. worked hard to get the release of Francis Gary Powers c. admitted the plane was a spy plane d. blamed the CIA e. blamed China

Its huge cost did not justify its benefits

Which of the following is NOT true of the GI Bill? a. It caused a dramatic increase in college enrollments. b. It enabled many veterans to buy new homes. c. Its huge cost did not justify its benefits. d. It led to the creation of the Veterans Administration. e. It is also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act.

black veterans encountered barriers to entrance

While college enrollments soared in the postwar period: a. most professors were dull and uninspiring b. black veterans encountered barriers to entrance c. student debt became a major problem d. few students were able to finish and earn a degree e. campuses became hotbeds of student protest and misbehavior

John Updike

Who wrote that he and other writers felt estranged "from a government that extolled business and mediocrity"? a. James Jones b. William Styron c. Ralph Ellison d. Saul Bellow e. John Updike

give up their jobs to returning veterans

With the end of World War II, women workers were encouraged to: a. give up their jobs to returning veterans b. work longer hours c. limit family sizes d. stay single e. upgrade their job skills through technical training or college

Ralph Ellison

The African American writer who explored the theme of social alienation in Invisible Man was: a. Arthur Miller b. John Updike c. William Styron d. James Jones e. Ralph Ellison

resulted in massive rioting in the streets

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago: a. boosted the candidacy of Hubert Humphrey b. showed the patience of Mayor Daley and the Chicago police c. resulted in massive rioting in the streets d. was dull and uninspiring e. successfully appealed to the values of "middle America"

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