CH 3

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The elimination of the archons' virtual monopoly on the judicial system

ccomplished by Ephialtes

Which of the following statements does this map justify about the Peloponnesian War?

Although some poleis were neutral, most of Greece was involved. This map shows meaningful involvement of poleis aligned with either the Peloponnesian League or the Delian League.

Which of these was one of the two components of Pericles' strategy in the Peloponnesian War?

Use the navy to raid the lands of Sparta and its allies Pericles advised a two-pronged strategy: (1) use the navy to raid the lands of Sparta and its allies, and (2) avoid large infantry battles with the superior land forces of the Spartans.


meetings of men. If any women were involved, they were few and likely prostitutes, as the nudity of the female here infers.

How many Greek city-states joined the coalition that confronted the Persian invasion?


Aristophanes' Lysistrataprovides an example of which of the following?

A comedy in which a strong woman plays a central role In several of Aristophanes' comedies, the main characters are powerful women who force the men of Athens to change their policy to preserve family life and the city-state.

Which of these made it possible for the Athenians to double the size of their navy prior to the Persian invasion of 480 B.C.E.?

A rich silver strike in an Athenian mine When silver was found in a publicly owned mine, the Athenians spent their bonanza on their navy.

What government was imposed on Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War?

An antidemocratic regime of the Spartans' choosing Following Athens's surrender, the Spartans installed a regime of antidemocratic Athenians known as the Thirty Tyrants, who collaborated with the victors.

Where did the decisive engagement that ended Persian king Xerxes I's invasion of Greece occur?

At sea Only a month or so after the naval battle at Artemisium, the Greek fleet met the Persian armada at Salamis, an island across from Athens. Though outnumbered, the Greek navy won an overwhelming victory by outmaneuvering the Persians. The remnants of the Persian fleet retired, and in 479 B.C.E., the Greeks overwhelmed the Persian army at Plataea. The Greek victory at Salamis was the turning point in the war.


Athenian leader during the Persian wars

Though now ruined, when it was built in the 440s and 430s B.C.E., the Parthenon at the center of this image was emblematic of

Athens's self-confidence.

Which of these did Pericles predict would prove decisive in the Peloponnesian War?

Athens's superior resources Pericles predicted Athens, with its superior resources, would win a war of attrition, especially because the Spartans, lacking a base in Athenian territory, could not support long invasions.

Why have some historians labeled the changes in Athenian democracy in the 460s and 450s B.C.E. radical?

Because the new system gave direct political and judicial power to all adult male citizens The new system combined participation by as many ordinary male citizens as possible with selective leadership by elite citizens.

Why did the Athenians send troops to help the Ionians in 499 B.C.E.?

Because they saw the Ionians as close kin The Persians were outraged by Athens's actions.

Which of these did Greek comedies and tragedies have in common?

Both were written in verse. Like tragedies, comedies were written in verse, performed in festivals honoring the god Dionysus, and subsidized with public funds and contributions from the rich.

As the Delian League took control of more of the Aegean world from the Persians, how did the Athenians behave?

By growing increasingly imperialistic As the Athenians drove the Persians out of the Aegean, they also became increasingly imperialistic. Athens began reducing its allies to the status of subjects and collecting tribute, and the Athenians placed the economic resources of the Delian League under tighter and tighter control.

The Sophists challenged tradition in which of the following ways?

By teaching new skills of persuasion Sophists challenged tradition by teaching new skills of persuasion in speaking and new ways of thinking based on rational arguments.

Of the following peloponisan battles, which came first?

Delium This battle occurred in 424 B.C.E.

Athens's radical democracy balanced the competing goals of widening the participation of ordinary male citizens in government with which of the following?

Effective political and military leadership by elite citizens While more male citizens participated in government, leaders like Pericles remained in charge.

Which of these was one of the two main ideas underlying Protagoras's subjectivism?

Human institutions and values are only matters of convention. The subjectivism of Protagoras and other Sophists contained two main ideas: (1) human institutions and values are only matters of nomos ("statute law, tradition, or convention") and not creations of physis ("nature"), and (2) because truth is subjective, speakers should be able to argue either side of a question with equal persuasiveness and rationality.

Which of these describes Athens in the decades following the Persian invasion?

Increasingly imperialistic As the Athenians drove the Persians out of the Aegean, they also became increasingly imperialistic. Athens began reducing its allies to the status of subjects and collecting tribute, and the Athenians placed the economic resources of the Delian League under tighter and tighter control.

Which statement describes participants in mystery cults in ancient Greece? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

Initiates believed that they gained divine protection from the cult's god or gods. Members of mystery religions were forbidden to reveal their secrets to the uninitiated.

Which of these made the Parthenon unique?

It included representations of Athenian people. No other Greeks had ever adorned a temple with representations of themselves.

What consequence did the Delian League have for Athenian politics and society?

It promoted the development of wider democracy. Poor Athenian citizens gained status by serving in the ships built with Delian League funds.

Which of these describes the Greek coalition that was assembled to confront the Persian invasion? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

It represented only a small sample of the Greek world. Thirty-one Greek city-states (out of hundreds) allied to defend their political freedom.

What was the focus of religious practice in ancient Greece?

Making ritual sacrifices and offerings Greek religion was often more a matter of ritual than of belief, with those rituals designed to appease the divinities believed to control the forces of the natural world.

Where did Athenian forces first confront the Persian army?

Marathon This famous victory did much to strengthen Athenian confidence.

Which of these was an unexpected early victory that strengthened the Athenians' sense of community?

Marathon This famous victory did much to strengthen Athenian confidence.

What did metics have to do in order to gain the right to live and work in Athens?

Pay a tax Metics paid for the privilege of living and working in Athens through a special foreigners' tax and army service.

Athens's radical democracy balanced the competing goals of effective political and military leadership by elite citizens with which of the following?

Political participation by as many adult male citizens as possible While more male citizens participated in government, leaders like Pericles remained in charge.

Which statement describes religion in ancient Greece?

Religious worship took place both in public and in the home. While public events were important, individual families honored various deities privately in their homes.

Which of these was the decisive battle that brought the Persian invasion to an end?

Salamis The Greek fleet met the Persian armada at Salamis, an island across from Athens. Though outnumbered, the Greek navy won an overwhelming victory by outmaneuvering the Persians.

Which Athenian playwright is most famous for his portrayal of the tragic story of Oedipus?

Sophocles Sophocles traced Oedipus's doomed effort to avoid his fate.

Why did the Peloponnesian War last as long as it did?

Sparta secured money from Persia to build a navy. The conflict dragged for decades because the Athenian assembly failed to negotiate peace with Sparta when it had the chance and because the Spartans were willing to make a deal with Persia to secure money to build a fleet to win the war.

Which of these Greek city-states refused to join the Greek coalition because its leader was embroiled in a war of his own? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

Syracuse The tyrant ruling Syracuse rejected the allies' appeal for help because he was fighting his own war against Carthage.

Which of these events was a direct result of the advice of Alcibiades?

The Athenian invasion of Sicily Alcibiades convinced his fellow Athenians that the invasion would make them rich.

hich of these events proved to be the decisive turning point in the war?

The Athenian invasion of Sicily The invasion was a failure, and the defeat of Athens followed soon after.

After the defeat of the Persians, the Athenians and their allies formed what group?

The Delian League The league was named after an island that was sacred to all parties involved.

outcome of the Battle of Thermopylae?

The Persians won because they outnumbered the Greeks. The first confrontations between the Persians and the Greeks occurred at the pass of Thermopylae, where an outnumbered Greek army, including three hundred top Spartan warriors, held off a much larger Persian force for several days. The Greeks fought heroically, but the Persians won the battle and then occupied and sacked Athens.

Which of these led a renewal of the fighting in the Peloponnesian War in 418 B.C.E.?

The ambitions of Alcibiades In an effort to further his own career and increase the power of Athens, Alcibiades convinced the Athenians to attack Syracuse, the leading polis in Sicily, which would cut off the grain supply from Sicily to Sparta and its allies and thus allow Athens to end the war and become the greatest power in Greece.

What is the Socratic method?

The development of critical thinking skills through continuous questioning Socrates approached issues by starting with a general topic or problem and then narrowing the matter to its essentials. He did so by continuously questioning participants in a discussion or argument through which they developed critical thinking skills, a process known as the Socratic method.

In his trilogy of plays, The Oresteia, what themes does Aeschylus address? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

The divine origins of Athens's court system Aeschylus's trilogy explains the divine origins of democratic Athens's court system through the story of the gods finally stopping the murderous violence in the family of Orestes, son of King Agamemnon, the Greek leader against Troy.

According to this map, how did the strategy in attacking Greece differ between that of Darius and his son Xerxes?

The father attacked only by sea. The son attacked by land and sea. Darius used only naval forces and was repulsed. His son Xerxes attacked by both land and sea.

Which of these was a major reform sponsored by Pericles?

The introduction of pay for political offices and jury duty This change made it possible for the poor to serve in these roles. The restriction of Athenian citizenship

What sparked the first major clash between the Persian Empire and Athens?

The rebellion of Greeks living in Ionia In 499 B.C.E., the Greeks who lived in Ionia unsuccessfully rebelled against the Persian Empire, which had ruled the area for fifty years. The Athenians provided half-hearted help to the Ionians in this failed rebellion, and in 490 B.C.E., the Persians retaliated against Athens.

From which social class did Athenian playwrights come?

The social elite Playwrights came from the social elite because only men with wealth could afford the amount of time and learning this work demanded.

hich of these helps explain why the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians?]

Their generals had better strategic foresight. The Greeks won their battles against the Persians because their generals had better strategic foresight, their soldiers had stronger weapons, their warships were more effective, and enough of them united to preserve their independence.

Which of these helps explain why the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians?

Their warships were more effective. The Greeks won their battles against the Persians because their generals had better strategic foresight, their soldiers had stronger weapons, their warships were more effective, and enough of them united to preserve their independence.

Who convinced the Athenians to double the size of their navy in 483 B.C.E.?

Themistocles Themistocles convinced the Athenians to spend the proceeds from a silver bonanza on ships instead of distributing the money among Athenian citizens.

In what way were the major thinkers of Athens's Golden Age, such as Protagoras, Socrates, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Hippocrates alike?

They all undermined traditional mythological views of the world. All these men undermined the traditionally held view that the gods manipulated the human world in their various fields.

Which of the following was true of Athenian tragedies?

They featured three actors to play the speaking roles and fifteen chorus members. Although the chorus leader sometimes engaged in dialogue with the actors, the chorus primarily performed songs and dances in the circular area in front of the stage, called the orchestra.

Which statement describes participants in mystery cults in ancient Greece?

They underwent an initiation ritual and gained secret knowledge. Members of mystery religions were forbidden to reveal their secrets to the uninitiated.

What was the initial goal of the Athenian-led Delian League?

To defend against a renewed Persian threat to northern Greece The alliance aimed at protecting the Aegean Islands, defending Ionia, and keeping the Persians out of Greece.

The plots of tragedies set out to do which of the following? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

To explore moral dilemmas By basing their plots on difficult moral dilemmas, authors of tragedies stimulated spectators to consider the dangers to democracy from ignorance, arrogance, and violence.

Why did some members of the Athenian elite support judicial reform in the 460s B.C.E.?

To win popular support for election to high office The initial pressure to make judicial reforms came from ordinary Athenians, and some elites responded by championing such proposals.

Which of these was one of the two main ideas underlying Protagoras's subjectivism?

Truth is subjective. (1) human institutions and values are only matters of nomos ("statute law, tradition, or convention") and not creations of physis ("nature"), and (2) because truth is subjective, speakers should be able to argue either side of a question with equal persuasiveness and rationality.

women known as hetairas

Verbal wit Hetairas were usually foreigners, unmarried, physically attractive, witty in speech, and skilled in music and poetry.

Which Persian leader launched an invasion of Greece in 480 B.C.E.?

Xerxes I Xerxes I hoped to add the mainland Greek city-states to his large empire.

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