ch 3&4 - stats

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Sample size a. N b. n c. μ d. M or X


A researcher records the following data for how participants rated the likability (on a scale from 1 = not liked at all to 7 = very likable) of an individual who blushed after making a mistake: 5, 4, 7, 6, 6, 4, 6, 7, 2, 5, and 6. Is the mode equal to the median in this example? a. Yes. b. No; the median is larger than the mode. c. No; the mode is larger than the median. d. There is not enough information to answer this question.


population size a. N b. n c. μ d. M or X


the time (in years) it takes a sample of students to graduate college a. the mode b. the mean c. the median


Which of the following is not a symbol used with samples: a. x b. M c. µ d. n


A researcher records the following data for the number of different food items chosen by seven participants in a buffet-style setting: 1, 6, 2, 5, 4, 3, and 7. Is the mean equal to the median in this example? a. Yes. b. No; the median is larger than the mean. c. No; the mean is larger than the median. d. There is not enough information to answer this question.


A researcher records the following data for the number of times an interviewer is interrupted during a series of interviews: 0, 0, 3, 2, 5, 3, 0, 8, 0, 2, 1, and 1. Is the mode equal to the median in this example? a. Yes. b. No; the median is larger than the mode. c. No; the mode is larger than the median. d. There is not enough information to answer this question.


A researcher records the time in seconds it takes a sample of participants to walk alone through a dark portion of campus. The researcher computes SS = 1,200. Assuming that a sample of 25 participants was observed in this study, what is the standard deviation for these data? a. 48 seconds b. 50 seconds c. 6.9 seconds d. 7.1 seconds


The median is an appropriate measure of central tendency for a. data that are positively skewed b. data that are negatively skewed c. data that are on an ordinal scale d. all of the above


A researcher records the following data for the number of dreams recalled during a night of sleep for 10 college students: 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, and 0. Is the mean equal to the median in this example? a. Yes. b. No; the median is larger than the mean. c. No; the mean is larger than the median. d. There is not enough information to answer this question.


A researcher records the following scores for an Olympic gymnast following her routine: 9.9, 9.8, 9.6, 9.5, 9.7, 9.1, 8.9, and 9.8. What is the range for the scores? a. 1.0 (9.9 to 8.9) b. 0.3 (9.8 to 9.5) c. 0.5 (9.6 to 9.1) d. It is not possible to compute a range with an even number of scores.


The mean is an appropriate measure for describing what types of data? a. The mean is an appropriate measure for data that are normally distributed on an interval or ratio scale of measurement. b. The mean is an appropriate measure for data that are skewed on an interval or ratio scale of measurement. c. The mean is an appropriate measure for data that are normally distributed on an ordinal scale of measurement. d. The mean is an appropriate measure for data that are skewed on an ordinal scale of measurement.


Which of the following is the best explanation for why the standard deviation is almost always reported with the mean? a. The standard deviation measures the spread of scores from the mean, so it is important to know both the mean and the standard deviation. b. The standard deviation is also a measure of central tendency, so it is important to report this value with the mean. c. The mean and standard deviation estimate basically the same thing, so these values are typically reported together. d. This is not true; the standard deviation is rarely reported with the mean.


the blood type (e.g., Type A, B, AB, O) of a group of participants a. the mode b. the mean c. the median


A researcher measures the amount of coffee consumed by college students while studying during the final exam week. In her study, she found that students drink 2.3±0.8 (M±SD) cups of coffee per study session. Assuming the data are normally distributed, which of the following is the most appropriate conclusion? a. The average student drinks less than 2.3 cups of coffee per study session. b. Most students drink between 1.5 and 3.1 cups of coffee per study session. c. Most students drink between 2.3 and 3.9 cups of coffee per study session. d. Most students drink between 0.7 and 2.3 cups of coffee per study session.


The ________ is the sum of all scores (in a sample or population) divided by the number of scores summed. a. mode b. median c. mean d. range


The ________ is the value that occurs most often or at the highest frequency in a distribution. a. mean b. median c. mode d. range


population mean a. N b. n c. μ d. M or X


the rankings of college undergraduate academic programs a. the mode b. the mean c. the median


A researcher reports, "the average patron (n = 22) in a local bar consumed more than twice the number of drinks (per day) on weekends (M = 5.4 drinks) compared to weekdays (M = 2.3 drinks)." Although not stated directly, how do we know that the patrons in this study constitute a sample, and not a population of patrons at this local bar? a. We can't know for sure because this was not stated directly. b. The notation for a sample mean was used. c. The notation for sample size was used. d. The notation for both a sample mean and a sample size was used.


The mode is an appropriate measure for describing what types of data? a. The mode is used without other measures of central tendency for normally distributed ratio data. b. The mode is used without other measures of central tendency for normally distributed interval data. c. The mode is used with other measures of central tendency for any nonmodal distribution. d. The mode is used with other measures of central tendency for any modal distribution and for nominal data.


Which of the following is an example of a distribution with NO variability? a. scores: 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, and 3 b. scores: 3, 3, 3, 3, 33, and 3 c. scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 d. scores: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, and 5


Which of the following is consistent with the empirical rule? a. 68% of all scores lie within one standard deviation of the mean. b. 95% of all scores lie within two standard deviations of the mean. c. 99.7% of all scores lie within three standard deviations of the mean. d. all of the above


Which of the following is true about the computational formula for variance? a. The computational formula will always produce the same solution as the definitional formula (give or take rounding errors). b. It is a short-cut method for calculating variance when the population or sample size is large. c. It is derived mathematically from the definitional formula. d. all of the above


sample mean a. N b. n c. μ d. M or X


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