Ch. 4

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What are types of statuses?

-Ascribed -Achieved

Sociologist ______ argued that a form of rational action he call McDonaldization is increasingly organizing our everyday live.

-George Ritzer

What sociologist used breaching experiments to study micro-level social structures?

-Harold Garfinkel

How have U.S. workers reacted to the loss of manufacturing jobs?

-Some returned to school to learn new skills -Some sought opportunities by moving to a new area -Some fought plant closing & layoffs

Talcott Parsons was widely criticized for his view that the traditional separation of gender roles in the family was ______ for society.

-Talcott Parsons was widely criticized for his view that the traditional separation of gender roles in the family was ______ for society.

Organizational structure directly shapes

-The flow of info w/in an organization. -Communication patterns w/in an organization. -The decision-making process w/in an organization.

How has the migration of jobs overseas affected the structure of work for U.S. employees?

-The loss of jobs ended a period of stable, long-term employment for many americans in the post-WWII period. -The loss of manufacturing jobs can have a devastating impact on an entire community -It has meant the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs.

What impact have new technologies had on traditional news reporters?

-Today's news reporters have had to develop new practices that emphasizes speed & flexibility -There is tremendous pressure on today's news reporters to do more w/ less

Which of the following is an unintended consequence of McDonaldization?

-We do an increasing amount of unpaid labor

What impact of future human action on social structures?

Future action can reaffirm, modify, or radically change existing social structures

According to Georg Simmel, what is it that creates society?

Face to face, micro-level interactions.

A mngr who focuses on product sizes & follows the belief that "more is better" is concerned w/ which dimension of McDonaldization?


What impact have cell phones had on human action?

-Cell phones make us more accessible to 1 another -Cell phones have helped blur the distinction between work time & time off.

News & commentary that's produced outside the context of a professional news organization is called ______ journalism.


Many news outlets now require reporters to....

-Conduct interviews -Edit content -Shoot video

What 2 methods sociologists use to examine micro-level interactions?

-Conversation analysis -Ethnomethodology

The most significant change that globalization has had in the U.S. is.......

-Decline of manufacturing in the U.S.

Many employees in the U.S. today believe that....

-Employment is often fleeting & temporary -They must look out for themselves -Flexibility & change are inevitable

The concept of ________ is at the center of functional analysis.


According to sociologist Gaye Tuchman, the news net would include....

-Full-time reporters -The associated press

The _______ perspective views society as a set of interdependent institutions that each serve as specific purpose in order to maintain social order.


Functionalists argue that social institutions fulfill specific ______ that help maintain social stability.


What sociologist argued that face-to-face, micro-level interactions are the building blocks that shape a society?

-Georg Simmel

W/e potential a new technology has, _____ are keys to understanding its social significance.

-Human action & how ppl use it

What's the relationship between action & structure?

-Human action is shaped by the larger structural patterns of society. -Human action has a strong impact on social structures.

Talcott Parsons was particularly interested in questions of social _________, the process by which values & social structures bind ppl together w/in a society.


What would be examples of formal rules in an organizational structure?

-Job descriptions -Codes of conduct

German sociologist who defined sociology as the science concerned w/ understanding social action was....

-Max Weber

What type of social interaction did Steven Clayman and John Heritage study in their use of conversation analysis?

-News interviews

What would be considered economic functions of work?

-Provide ppl w/ money to pay their bills -The labor force produces valuable good & services for society as a whole

What r examples of structures that are dysfunctional?

-Racial discrimination -Slavery

When we attend a college course & expect that the professor will teach us the material outlined in the syllabus, we are holding the professor to a (n) _______.


How do roles shape your life?

-Roles clarify what is expected of you in different contexts

Schools, religious institutions, & the Gov't. are all examples of....

-Social institutions

What's the relationship between different social institutions w/in society?

-Social institutions w/in society ARE connected -Changes in 1 social institution WILL affect other social institutions w/in society

What is the impact of social structure on behavior?

-Social structure constrains social behavior by putting limits on it -Social structure enable behavior by providing a context w/in which ppl can interact

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