Ch. 4 - MKG 300

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Side-impact airbags may influence a customer to purchase a specific vehicle when safety is a _____ dimension.


Segmenters often _____ their marketing mixes for each target market.


If a firm decides that it will offer its products in the North American market, it has defined the _____ _____ of its marketing strategy.

geographic area

Customers in different market segments are considered _____ when there are significant differences between their segmenting dimensions and responses to marketing mix variables.


According to the criteria for good market segments, customers within a single market segment should be _____, while customers in different market segments should be _____.

homogenous; heterogenous

Which of the following are qualities of "good" market segments?

- Customers within a market segment have similar characteristics and responses to marketing mix variables. - The dimensions used to define the marketing segment help identify potential customers and effective marketing mix variables. - Customers in different market segments have significant differences in characteristics and responses to marketing mix variables. - The market segment is broad enough to be profitable for the firm.

Which of the following statements about international markets are true?

- International marketers may need to consider additional dimensions - International marketers can segment by country or region

Which of the following are categories of dimensions used to segment organizational markets?

- Kind of relationship - Purchasing methods - buying situation

The market segmentation process consists of which of the following?

- Naming broad product markets - Segmenting these broad product-markets into select target markets

Which of the following might be revealed by clustering techniques?

- attitudes toward the product - demographic characteristics - past buying behaviors

A successful product-market definition will

- define the scope of the market in which the firm will compete - help to focus and sharpen a firm's marketing strategy

Which of the following are marketing processes used by combiners?

- developing a marketing mix that appeals fairly well to customers across multiple submarkets - grouping similar customers across multiple submarkets into a single target market

Adding the step of segmenting by country or region for international marketing efforts has which of the following effects on the segmentation process?

- helps identify national markets - identifies sub-markets that are similar - helps identify regional markets

In regards to positioning, a marketing manager should understand which of the following?

- how customers think about brands in a market - how he or she wants customers to think about the firm's marketing mix

Which of the following are ethical issues that may arise when selecting segmenting dimensions?

- marketing unhealthy foods to kids - targeting the disadvantaged with expensive goods - marketing infant formula to less-developed countries

The relevant market for finding opportunities should be

- more broadly defined than the firm's current product market - defined narrowly enough to allow the firm to become a relevant competitor

Which of the following are potential benefits to using the segmented approach?

- reduced competition - higher profits - greater sales

Which of the following factors determine which marketing approach a firm should use?

- the firm's resources - the nature of competition - customer similarities

When choosing segmenting dimensions to target, a marketing manage must consider

- the potential for negative publicity - his or her own view - the views of various social groups

Terms such as generic market and product-market are examples of _____ market definitions that can be useful to firms searching for opportunities.


In international marketing, _____ differences such as language and customs can complicate segmentation efforts.


The process of using a customer database to refine marketing efforts is known as

Customer Relationship Management

The expected end user of a product type is referred to as the _____.

Customer type

A segmenting dimension that influences a customer's decision to purchase a specific brand or product is also known as a _____ dimension.


A ______ market consists of customers with broadly similar needs and many different options for satisfying them.


The _____ target market approach requires choosing two or more marketing segments and applying a different marketing mix to each.


A _____ is defined as a group of potential customers with similar needs.


A _____ statement provides an exact picture of the firm's product offerings, target market, and differentiation strategy.


The way in which customers think about brands in a market is called


A _____ market consists of customers with very similar needs and sellers offering a number of closely related ways of satisfying those needs.


An example of a _____ dimension of a customer wishing to purchase a vehicle would be their ability to drive.


Segmenting dimensions that help marketing managers decide whether to include a customer type in a product-market are called _____ dimensions.


A market _____ is a group of customers with similar needs who will have a similar response to a marketing mix.


Selecting one homogeneous market segment as the firm's target market is called the _____ target market approach.


Within a general market, marketing managers must focus on _____ targets.


Because product-markets can have many _____, marketers must choose between several possible target markets.


Which of the following is not considered a possible segmenting dimension for consumer markets?

Vendor bids

Grouping customers with similar segmenting dimensions into a single homogenous segment is known as


In regards to positioning maps, consumer perceptions _____ product characteristics.

may be different from

In a market where customers consider competitors to be very similar, it is important to understand _____, which refers to how customers feel or think about various brands.


The "core benefits" required by all consumers in a product-market are identified by the _____ dimensions.


The _____ process involves clustering people with similar needs, otherwise known as aggregating.


After a computer clusters groups of people together, marketers look for

segmenting dimensions that apply to everyone in the cluster

Market segmentation is different from the naming process in that it focuses on _____ rather than _____ in customer needs.

similarities; differences

As a marketer, it is usually safer to try to satisfy the needs of a

small group of customers very well.

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