Ch 6 Exercises- Fallacies

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False dilemma

Accept Jesus or rot in hell

Fear; False Dilemma

Acid indigestion, if untreated, might burn a whole in your stomach lining. Get Pepcid AC.

Genetic fallacy

Armed guards in public schools? You think that's a solution to gun violence? That's just something the NRA put out there.

Scare tactic

Buy now while supplies last!

Straw man

Cutting back on salt doesn't sound like a good idea. A person has to eat some salt, you know.

Genetic fallacy

Drinking wine is good for you? Where did that idea from, Gallo?

False dilemma

Either we increase troop strength, or the Taliban will overrun the country. I know which I would choose.

Circumstantial ad hominem

Ester claims we should have the kids vaccinated, but that doesn't persuade me, since she works for Amgen or one of those other drug companies

Genetic Fallacy

Forget those polls. They come from CBS.

Circumstantial Ad hominem

He wants to lower the drinking age? Forget about that. He owns a liquor store.

Circumstantial ad hominem

He wants to lower the drinking age? Since he is 18, I'm not surprised.

Ad hominem.

Heidegger was a mean, thoughtless, self-serving man- an ex-Nazi. He couldn't have been a great philosopher.

False dilemma

Honey, I invested our savings in equites. I didn't want to lose it all to inflation.

False dilemma

I deserved to pass. I couldn't have missed every question!

Scare tactic

If you don't align yourself a little better with conservatism you might find yourself facing a challenge come next primary. Just saying.

False dilemma

If you don't support same-sex marriage, then you are a homophobe who flat out hates gays.

False dilemma

Is the EPA trying to ruin the oil industry, or is it just plain incompetent?

Straw man

JILL: I think we need a little more accountability in public schools. There should be sanctions for incompetent teachers. BILL: Oh I see. Eliminate tenure, huh?

Straw man

Jane complains because she doesn't like the way I clean. Of course, she wants to be able to eat off the floor.

Ad hominem

Limbaugh! That pompous windbag. You can't believe what he says about climate science.

Circumstantial ad hominem

Portman says we ought to allow gays to marry, but he wouldn't say that if his son weren't gay.

False dilemma

Save your money. Nothing will make your teeth perfectly white.

Straw man

Sure, a cruise would be nice, but we can't spend every last cent on vacations.

Straw man; False Dilemma

Sure, it sound good in theory, but curbing violence in movies doesn't make sense. It's crazy to think they should only make movies for kids.

Guilty by association

That's nuts. That's just something someone like Ayn Rand would think.

Guilt by association

That's ridiculous. Sounds like something Nancy Pelosi would say.

Circumstantial ad hominem

The CEO of Blackberry says IPHONES are the passe. That's clearly false. He wouldn't say that if he worked for APPlE.

Straw man

The Democrats say they want the government to help all Americans. Translation: They want the government to run everything.

False dilemma

The War on Drugs had been a disaster, it has cost us billions and hasn't reduced drug use at all. Obviously the sane thing is to legalize drugs.

Genetic fallacy

Their proposal is 90% predictable, and 90% bad for the country. But what would you expect, coming from Republicans.

Genetic fallacy

This pamphlet is put out by ppl who been trying to suppress minority voters. You' won't find a word of truth in it.

False dilemma

Vote for the new parking garage! If we don't build it, people will have no place to park.

Perfectionist (false dilemma)

We don't need to drill in the Santa Barbara Channel. It won't solve our fuel problems, and the ugly rigs will ruin the beauty of our pristine coast.

Straw man

What, more shoes? C"mon, nobody needs a thousand pairs of shoes!

Guilt by association

You can't believe that! That's the kind of stuff you hear on FOX.

Guilt by association

You know, when you say things like that, I think you've been hanging out with the Sierra Club of something.

Scare tactic

You seen what the vandal did to Sharp's store? You need a little protection from that. You need a little "security insurance" see?

Straw man

You want to keep defense spending at current levels? What, you don't think we should be able to defend ourselves even from a place like Iceland?

Circumstantial (ad hominem)

Your mom doesn't even own a cell, and you listen to her when she tells you not to text and drive?

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