CH 7-10 addendum

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c) the right frontal lobe

following an accident, J.J. realizes that he is unable to move his left leg. which area of his brain is most likely affected a) the left frontal lobe b) the left parietal lobe c) the right frontal lobe d) the right parietal lobe

a) antagonists

muscles whose actions oppose one another are referred to as ______ a) antagonist b) agonists c) prime movers d) synergists

b) Schwann cells

oligodendrocytes are to CNS as _______ are to PNS a) microglia b) Schwann cells c) satellite cells d) astrocytes

d) ATP

rigor mortis occurs due to the lack of what molecules a) acetylcholine b) calcium c) sodium d) ATP

b) nociceptor

which of the following is a pain receptor a) thermoreceptor b) nociceptor c) baroreceptor d) mechanoreceptor

c) cornea

which of the following is a transparent, anterior continuation of the sclera a) lacrimal apparatus b) canthus c) cornea d) conjunctiva

a) the retina contains two types of proprioceptors

which of the following statements is incorrect a) the retina contains two types of proprioceptors b) rods are responsible for black and white vision c) the retina is the innermost layer of the eye d) the highest concentration of cones is found in the center of the macula

c) all three are located in the inner ear

which statement is FALSE regarding the malleus, incus, and stapes a) they transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear b) they are known as the auditory ossicles c) all three are located in the inner ear d) they are triggered to move by sound

b) there is now a shorter focal distance than if the object was close

which statement is true when you focus your eyes on a distant object a) the lens has rounded b) there is now a shorter focal distance than if the object was close c) there is greater light refraction than if the object was close d) ciliary muscles have contracted

b) the hamstrings

collectively, the biceps femurs, semitendinosus, and semimembraneous make up ________ a) the abductor group b) the hamstrings c) the adductor group d) the quadriceps femoris

a) ovulation

luteinizing hormone (LH) causes which of the following a) ovulation b) sperm production c) production of milk d) promotion of follicle and egg development

d) calcium

parathyroid hormone (PTH) will increase blood levels of ________ a) sodium b) potassium c) iodine d) calcium

b) dura mater

which of the following structures is the most superficial a) pia mater b) dura mater c) dural sinus d) arachnoid mater

a) inability to speak

damage to the hypoglossal nerve may result in the ________ a) inability to speak b) inability to smell c) inability to see d) inability to taste food

c. acetylcholine (ACh)

what is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for triggering contraction of muscle fibers a) troponin b) acetylcholinesterase c) acetylcholine (ACh) d) dopamine

b) aldosterone

which is a mineralocorticoid hormone a) cortisol b) aldosterone c) glucagon d) melatonin

d) tibialis anterior

which muscle dorsiflexes the foot a) flexor digitorium longus b) fibularis c) tibialis posterior d) tibialis anterior

b) orbicularis oculi

which of the following muscles is named according to the body region in which it is found and its shape a) gluteus maximus b) orbicularis oculi c) tibialis anterior d) temporalis

a) 2, 6, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 1 2- ACh molecules are released into the synaptic cleft 6- ACh binds to receptors on the sarcolemma 3- Na+ enters the sarcoplasm, producing an action potential 7- calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum 8- calcium ions bind to troponin 4- muscle contraction occurs 5- the sarcoplasmic reticulum actively pumps back calcium 1- muscle relaxation occurs

the following events occur during the procees of skeletal muscle contraction. In which order do they occur 1. muscle relaxation occurs 2. ACh molecules are released into the synaptic cleft 3. Na+ enters the sarcoplasm, producing an action potential 4. muscle contraction occurs 5. the sarcoplasmic reticulum actively pumps back calcium 6. ACh binds to receptors on the sarcolemma 7. calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum 8. calcium ions bind to troponin a) 2,6,3,7,8,4,5,1 b) 2,6,3,1,8,4,5,7 c) 2,6,7,8,3,5,4,1 d) 2,6,7,3,8,5,4,1

b) capable of cell division

unlike neurons, neuroglia are ______ a) very large cells b) capable of cell division c) only found in the CNS d) not very numerous

c) is involuntary, lacks sarcomeres, and is not striated

unlike skeletal muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue ______ a) is involuntary, contains sarcomeres, and is not striated b) is involuntary, contains sarcomeres, and is striated c) is involuntary, lacks sarcomeres, and is not striated d) is involuntary, contains thick and thin filaments organized into sarcomeres, and is not striated

d) is involuntary, and contains branched cells and intercalated discs

unlike skeletal tissue, cardiac muscle tissue ______ a) is involuntary, is striated, and does not contain myoglobin b) is striated, and contains intercalated discs and myoglobin c) is voluntary; and contains intercalated discs and myoglobin d) is involuntary, and contains branched cells and intercalated discs

a) ependymal cells line the central canal and ventricles of the brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

what do ependymal cells do a) ependymal cells line the central canal and ventricles of the brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) b) ependymal cells are phagocytic cells derived from white blood cells c) ependymal cells secrete chemicals vital to the maintenance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) d) ependymal cells serve as electrical insulation an increase the speed of impulses

c) saltatory carries impulses at a faster rate than continuous propagation

what is the difference between saltatory and continuous propagation of nerve impulses a) continuous carries impulses at a faster rate than saltatory propagation b) saltatory and continuous carry the impulses at the same rate c) saltatory carries impulses at a faster rate than continuous propagation d) saltatory occurs in unmyelinated fibers, whereas continuous occurs in myelinated fibers

d) dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

which gives the correct order of meninges from outside to inside a) pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater b) arachnoid, pia mater, dura mater c) dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid d) dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

a) contraction of the heart

which is NOT a function of skeletal muscles a) contraction of the heart b) maintain body temperature c) produce bone movement d) maintain body posture

a) rectus abdominis

which muscle is named according to the body region in which it is found and its muscle fiber orientation a) rectus abdominus b) deltoid c) tibialis anterior d) gluteus maximus

c) hippocampus

which nucleus or portion of the brain is important in learning an din the storage of long-term memories a) hypothalamus b) fornix c) hippocampus d) basal nuclei

d) the Z-lines move the further apart

which of the following does NOT occur in the sarcomere during muscle contraction a) the I band gets smaller b) the width of the A band remains the same c) the H band decreases d) the Z-lines move further apart

c) buccinator

which of the following is NOT a muscle for chewing food a) temporalis b) pterygoid c) buccinator d) masseter

b) acetylcholine

which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter a) GABA b) acetylcholine c) serotonin d) dopamine

d) oil

which of the following is NOT a taste sensation a) umami b) sweet c) water d) oil

d) constriction of the pupils

which of the following is NOT an effect of activation of the sympathetic division a) release of stored lipids from adipose tissue b) peripheral vasoconstriction c) sweating d) constriction of the pupils

a) touch

which of the following is NOT one of the special senses a) touch b) gustation c) olfaction d) vision

c) it forms a continuous connection with the brain

which of the following is TRUE regarding the spinal cord a) it extends the full length of the vertebral column b) it is surrounded by two meninges c) it forms a continuous connection with the brain d) it is the same width from beginning to end

d) H-band, sarcomere, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle

which of the following is ranked from smallest to largest a) sarcomere, H-band, muscle fiber, myofibril, fascicle, muscle b) muscle, fascicle, myofibril, muscle fiber, H-band, sarcomere c) muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, sarcomere, H-band d) H-band, sarcomere, myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle

c) olfactory epithelium, olfactory nerve, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract

which of the following is the correct order of the olfactory pathway leading to the cerebrum a) olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory nerve b) olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve, olfactory tract, olfactory epithelium c) olfactory epithelium, olfactory nerve, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract d) olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve, olfactory tract

c) trapezius

which of the following is the large, superficial muscle covering the upper back and portions of the neck a) latissimus dorsi b) pectoralis major c) trapezius d) rhomboid major

C) epimysium

which of the following is the layer of collagen fibers that surrounds the entire muscle a) perimysium b) endomysium c) epimysium d) exomysium

d) all are matched correctly a) rough endoplasmic reticulum; Nissi bodies b) dendrites; receive messages c) axons; send messages

which of the following pair is mismatched a) rough endoplasmic reticulum; Nissi bodies b) dendrites; receive messages c) axons; send messages d) all are matched correctly

a) cerebrum; adjusting blood pressure

which of the following parts of the brain is not matched correctly with its function a) cerebrum; adjusting blood pressure b) medulla oblongata; contains cardiovascular center c) cerebellum; maintaining posture d) hypothalamus; regulating body temperature

d) axons from the olfactory bulb travel to the limbic system

which of the following statements best explains why certain smells have the ability to trigger an old memory a) axons from the olfactory bulb travel to the thalamus b) axons from the olfactory bulb travel to the olfactory cortex of the cerebrum c) axons from the olfactory bulb travel to the cerebellum d) axons from the olfactory bulb travel to the limbic system

a) the more muscle fibers a motor unit contains, the finer the movement

which of the following statements is FALSE a) the more muscle fibers a motor unit contains, the finer the movement b) a motor unit is a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates c) atrophy may result when muscles are not regularly stimulated d) muscle tone exists when muscles contract with no movement

d) damage to hair cells in the cochlear duct may result in deafness

which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the ear a) movement of the vestibular membrane causes vibration of the ossicles b) the more hair cells in the cochlear duct that are stimulated, the higher the pitch c) the middle ear is responsible for dynamic and static equilibrium d) damage to hair cells in the cochlear duct may result in deafness

b) spinal nerves outnumber cranial nerves

which of the following statements is correct a) both cranial and spinal nerves are part of the CNS b) spinal nerves outnumber cranial nerves c) spinal nerves are located in the PNS, whereas cranial nerves are located in the CNS d) spinal nerves are sensory, whereas cranial nerves are motor

d) sympathetic nervous system

which system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response? choose the most precise answer a) somatic nervous system b) parasympathetic nervous system c) central nervous system d) sympathetic nervous system

b) 5, 7, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2 5- a stimulus arrives 7- voltage-gated sodium channels open 1- sodium enters the cell 4- cell is depolarized 3- voltage-gated sodium channels close as voltage- gated potassium channels open 6- potassium leaves the cell 2- cell is repolarized

1. sodium enters the cell 2. cell is repolarized 3. voltage-gated sodium channels close as voltage-gated potassium channels open 4. cell is depolarized 5. a stimulus arrives 6. potassium leaves the cell 7. voltage-gated sodium channels open a) 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4 b) 5, 7, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2 c) 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 6 d) 5, 3, 6, 7, 1, 4, 2

c) tactile receptors

root hair plexuses, Ruffini corpuscles, lamellated corpuscles, and free nerve endings are all examples of what type of receptor a) proprioceptors b) thermoreceptors c) tactile receptors d) baroreceptors

a) fovea centralis; optic disc

the _______ is considered the site of sharpest vision, while the _______ is the blind spot of the eye a) fovea centralis; optic disc b) optic disc; fovea centralis c) fovea centralis; macula d) cone; rod

d) anterior cavity

the aqueous humor fills and stabilizes which of the following a) vitreous chamber b) anterior chamber only c) posterior cavity d) anterior cavity

a) white matter surrounded by gray matter

all EXCEPT which of the following are shown in a cross section through a region of the spinal cord a) white matter surrounded by gray matter b) the dorsal and ventral roots meeting to form a spinal nerve c) a deep groove (fissure) marking the anterior surface d) the dorsal roots being classified as sensory and the ventral roots being classified as motor

c) isometric contraction

as you unsuccessfully attempt to lift the 300-pound weights off the ground, you are demonstrating ______ a) hypertonic contraction b) hypotonic contraction c) isometric contraction d) isotonic contraction

a) vitreous humor

before reaching the lens of the eye, light will NOT pass through which structure a) vitreous humor b) pupil c) aqueous humor d) cornea

a) insulin

beta cells of the pancreas produce which hormone a) insulin b) glucagon c) calcitriol d) lipase

c) fovea

in which part of the eye is the highest concentration of cones found a) iris b) ciliary body c) fovea d) optic disc

d) thyroxine (T4)

iodine is extremely important in the formation of what hormone a) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) b) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) c) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) d) thyroxine (T4)

a) posterior

the gastrocnemius is what to the soleus a) posterior b) anterior c) medial d) lateral

c) spiral organ

the hair cells of the cochlear duct that are responsible for hearing are located in the ________ a) scala vestibuli b) scala tympani c) spiral organ d) ampulla

a) longitudinal fissure

the two cerebral hemispheres are separated by which of the following a) longitudinal fissure b) cerebral cortex c) corpus callosum d) central sulcus

d) T tubules; centrioles

which of the following pairs are mismatched a) sarcoplasm; cytoplasm b) sarcolemma; plasma membrane c) sarcoplasmic reticulum; smooth endoplasmic reticulum d) T tubules; centrioles

b) cornea

consider the anatomy of the eye. which of the following structures is not considered part of the vascular layer a) iris b) cornea c) ciliary body d) choroid

b) equilibrium

which of the following is NOT considered a general sense a) temperature b) equilibrium c) pain d) proprioception

c) aerobic metabolism

most of the ATP needed by muscle cells is provided through ______ a) glycolysis b) creatine phosphate reserves c) aerobic metabolism d) anaerobic metabolism

b) cones

rods are to night vision as ________ are to color vision a) retina b) cones c) all photoreceptors d) rhodopsin

a) taste

which of the following is NOT a general sense a) taste b) pain c) vibration d) proprioception

d) somatic nervous system

which of the following provides control over skeletal muscles a) autonomic nervous system b) afferent division c) parasympathetic nervous system d) somatic nervous system

a) proprioceptors; vibration

which of the following sensory receptors does NOT match its stimulus a) proprioceptors; vibration b) thermoreceptors; temperature c) nociceptors; pain d) baroreceptors; pressure, such as blood pressure

a) stapedius

which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle a) stapedius b) stapes c) incus d) malleus

a) cerebellum

which of the following is an automatic processing center that controls balance and fine-tuning of learned movement a) cerebellum b) medulla oblongata c) midbrain d) pons

a) vagus

which of the following is cranial nerve (CN) X a) vagus b) glossopharyngeal c) optic d) accessory

d) erythropoietin

_________ is released by the kidney in response to low oxygen levels in the kidney a) calcitriol b) renin c) angiotensin d) erythropoietin

b) hormones

what are chemical messengers that affect target cells a) endocrine b) hormones c) enzymes d) neurotransmitters

b) sensory neuron

a neuron that sends messages to the CNS, and which is composed of one or more dendrites and a single axon, is functionally classified as a(n) _________ a) multipolar neuron b) sensory neuron c) interneuron d) efferent neuron

d) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

a rise in the concentration of solutes in the blood or a fall in the blood volume will cause the release of _______ a) glucocorticoids b) triiodothyronine (T3) c) prolactin (PRL) d) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

b) depolarization

a shift of positivity charged ions into the cell is called _______ a) polarized b) depolarization c) repolarization d) hyperpolarization

b) conjunctiva

a transparent mucous membrane covering the sclera is the _______ a) palpebrae b) conjunctiva c) choroid layer d) cornea

a) release of a neurotransmitter from the axon terminal

the arrival of an action potential at the end of an axon results in the ________ a) release of a neurotransmitter from the axon terminal b) the release of ions from the axon terminal c) generation of a new action potential d) mechanical stimulation of the effector cell

a) sarcomere

the basic repeating unit of a muscle fiber is called the ________ a) sarcomere b) sarcoplasm c) sarcolemma d) sarcoplasmic reticulum

a) the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus

the hypophyseal portal system is a network of blood vessels connecting _______ a) the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus b) the hypothalamus to the thalamus c) the pituitary gland to the thalamus d) the hypothalamus to the sella turcica

d) biceps brachii

this muscle allows you to do a "pull-up," or pull yourself up from a hanging position a) triceps brachii b) biceps femoris c) deltoid d) biceps brachii

a) vestibule

where are the saccule and utricle located a) vestibule b) middle ear c) cochlea d) semicircular canals

d) lower back

where is the latissimus doors located a) anterior thigh b) upper chest c) lower leg d) lower back


which of the following stimulates the release of steroid hormones by the adrenal cortex a) FSH b) ADH c) ACTH d) TSH

c) vision

which of the following senses is not triggered by chemical stimuli a) chemoreception b) olfaction c) vision d) gustation

b) muscles are not capable of contracting

botulism is caused by a bacterial toxin that prevents the release of ACh at the axon terminals. what happens as a result a) muscles contract at a slow rate b) muscles are not capable of contracting c) muscles contract too fast d) muscles are not capable of relaxing

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