Ch. 7 - Sexuality and Sexual Expression throughout Life
Macro vs Micro reason for rise of STI
- Macro - stigma creates people not wanting to get tested - culture - as immigrants become more Americanized they lose the "healthy immigrant effect" - Some people don't believe test results cause they have no symptoms
Macro level reasons for infidelity
- People live longer, time increases chances - more travel more late nights, more interaction with co-workers - Women's economic independence - Media portray infidelity as the norm - Tech advances (online) - less legal consequences
What is a similarity between masturbation and sexual fantasies?
- it can relieve sexual tension - provide safe means for sexual experimentation - avoids disease and pregnancy - ultimately transfer learning of one's sexuality to two-person love making
Micro level reasons for infidelity
- need for emotional a sexual satisfaction - excitement - ego-enhancer - Cheaters think they can get away with it - Revenge and retaliation - Cheaters blame low self control not themselves
What are the functions of casual sex?
-Experimenting -pleasure without commitment -building self-confidence -enjoying closeness and intimacy
Why is masturbation more common among men than women?
-men are more likely to consume porn -to support their sexual lives
Why don't parents talk to children about sex?
-parents do not know the technical basics about sex, -they are uncomfortable on how to start a conversation about sex, and -they are uncomfortable in the knowledge that they don't always practice what they preach
sexual script
-specifies the formal and informal norms for acceptable or unacceptable sexual behavior -Can change over time -highly gendered
what must be included in effective education curriculums?
1) teach how to resist peer pressure to have sex 2) focus on specific issues delaying intercourse or using protection 3) convey accurate information regarding the risks and how to avoid the risks 4) role-player brainstorm in real world exercises 5) address of social and media pressure to have sex 6) include open discussions about homosexuality 7) reinforce age experience appropriate values in norms against unprotected sex 8) develop skills in communication and negotiation.
What is a negative effect of male sexual scripts?
1. Males should be sexually aggressive 2. And their urge is uncontrollable
Why we have sex
1. Physical 2. Goal attainment 3. Emotional 4. Insecurity
On average, at what age does the first heterosexual intercourse occur?
16.9 for boys 17.4 for girls
What percent of U.S. adults have a good understanding of contraception?
What percentage of men and women identify as exclusively gay or lesbian?
What percentage of spouses, husbands and wives, have sex with someone other than their spouse during any given year and over the course of a lifetime?
4% in any given year over a lifetime 16% - (men 19% and women 14%)
What is extramarital sex and why is it more damaging than infidelity among people who are living together?
A married partner breaks a civil contract that's legally binding. Violates a religious promise to be faithful
sexual response
A physical reaction to sexual stimulation
What is hooking up and what is its function?
Casual Sex- Intimate relationship with no intentions
double standards regarding infidelity existed in the__________________and regarding sexual desire in the_______________
Colonial era,Victorian era
What evidence suggests society is more accepting of LGBTQ people?
F, M, Third Sex or X more healthcare and other benefits Same sex marriage legalized support equal rights for LGBTQ
4 types of sexual behaviors
Flirting Kissing Autoeroticism Heterosexual, oral, anal a Vaginal Sex
What is the frequency of marital sex and what factors impact frequency?
Frequency of marital sex decreases over time, alcohol, drug use, poor communication, earning a living, raising a family
What plays a more important role in shaping behavior, gender, or sexual orientation, and why?
Gender norms influence women to perform behaviors in stereotypically less masculine ways, and men to perform them in stereotypically more masculine ways
Which of the following is true of sexual identity?
It refers to an awareness of ourselves as male or female.
What plays a role in Hyper-sexualization? Who benefits?
Media, A businesses bottom line
Which of the following is a reason why masturbation is more common among men than women?
Men are freed from the emotional connections that many women seek
People who are born with one with one biological sex but choose to live their lives as another sex.
What is CSE, comprehensive sex education, and what are its components?
Programs from Kg to 12th grade that include age-appropriate, medically accurate info in a broad number of topics, anatomy, relationships, abstinence, contraception and disease prevention
How do sexual scripts increase women's hyper-sexualization?
Sexualized messages reinforce the the idea that women should be valued for their sexiness rather than their personalities and abilities.
Which of the following is a negative effect of male sexual scripts?
The expect males to be sexually aggressive
What is good about sexual fantasies?
They provide a safety valve for pent-up feelings or a harmless escape from boring everyday routines
What is the most common of all sex acts?
Why has there has been a decline in teen sexual intercourse since the early 1990s?
Values (Religion, Haven't found the right person, Not wanting to get pregnant) Oral and anal sex isn't really sex Family dynamics
Which of the following is a reason why there has been a decline of teen sexual intercourse since the early 1990s?
Values and practical considerations affect decisions about sex.
What is the sexual double standard and how do we know it persists?
a code that permits greater sexual freedom for men than for women - hymenoplasty, women get their hymens replaced to seem "like a virgin" - High rate of rape on women
a person who lacks interest or desire for sex
sexual orientation
a preference for sexual partners of the same sex, of the opposite sex, of both sexes, or neither sex
what type of sex education curriculums don't work or provide information about condoms or contraception?
abstinence only based programs
informational stage
adolescents we learn about sexual anatomy and physiology.
an alternative gender role in India conceptualized as neither man nor woman
an umbrella term describing people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex
arousal of sexual feeling through stimulation by one self. Sex Fantasies Masturbation
Patrick lacks any interest in or desire for sex. Patrick can be catargorized as a(n) __________________.
sexual identity
awareness of ourselves as male or female and the ways that we express sexual values, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs
why is it important to study and understand sex and sexuality?
because cultural expectations do not always match actual behaviors.
A similarity between masturbation and sexual fantasies is that both____________
can relieve sexual tension
What transmits HIV?
childbirth, breastmilk, sex, drug use, needles, multiple partners
normative stage
children learn gender roles and related values and norms about both appropriate and inappropriate sexual expression
sexual self-efficacy
confidence making decisions about sexual behavior, even when there are barriers or obstacles.
Social construction theorist
contend that sexual behavior is largely the result of social pressure, and that culture, not biology , plays a large role in forming our sexual identity
Which of the following functions does casual sex serve?
Oral stimulation of a man's penis is called __________________.
Amanda, age 24, is sexually attracted to other women but not men, She is a ___________.
What are the stages of marital sex?
honeymoon phase child bearing Kids sleep Golden years
What are the consequences of effective sex education from parents? What are the characteristics of effective sex education in schools?
increased monitoring increased parent-child conflict demographic and personal characteristics such as poor family, poor neighborhood, low grades and alcohol use
sexual desire
is the sexual drive that makes us receptive to sexual activity.
Lesbian and heterosexual women are usually
monogamous love and sex go hand and hand aren't interested in having sex with strangers or in public places
gay males and heterosexual males
more likely to have more than 1 partner often separate emotional intimacy from sex likely to cruise for sexual partners mainstay of industries like, prostitution, porn and gay bars
Why are peers among the most common sources of information about sex?
more open than parents tell friends to use condoms
What are the stages of how we learn about sex?
normative stage, informational stage, behavioral stage
oral stimulation of the female genitals vulva - tongue
Ideally, who should be a child's first and best sex educators?
parents or guardians
Who influences our sexual behavior?
parents, peers, religion, media, sex ed
people whose medical classification at birth isn't clearly male or female
person who is attracted to a member of the opposite sex
removal by cutting of the clitoris
men are taught sex is
rite of passage and believe intimacy and love develop because of the sexual relationship
Women are taught
sex occurs only from within the confines of an intimate, loving relationship
marital sex went from_______to______ during the mid-twentieth century. and could bow be construed as ______
sinful to playful to work
behavioral stage
the "doing" stage Where the receiver acts on the preference
the belief that heterosexuality is superior to and more natural than homosexuality
sexual double standard
the practice of applying stricter moral or legal controls to women's sexual behavior than to men's The higher number of sexual partners for boys the more popular the higher number of sexual partners for girls the lower their popularity
the ritual removal of the clitoris, prepuce, and labia, and the sewing together of the vestibule
What is gay bashing?
threats assaults or acts of violence directed against homosexuals
what sexual scripts are linked to the development of historical double standards?
traditional sexual scripts
Pablo, age 33, likes dressing up as a woman for fun and as part of his job. However, he does not consider himself a women. Pablo can be classified as a(n)________________.
Can sexually transmitted infections be transmitted when there are no symptoms?