basically everything in history Jordan Gentry

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Marius, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Social War

conflict between rome and its Italian allies, marius led rome and Cornelius led allies, sulla became leader afterwards

hellenistic civilization

conglomerate of Greek Persian, Egyptian, and Indian civilizations oikoumene (world community) outlook.

Three Macedonian Wars led to roman conquest of what places

conquest of macedon corinth and athens

who created the Anabaptist (twice baptized).

conrad grebel

Milvian Bridge

contantine won with Christian symbol dream


contemporary historian who was the first person who self consciously set out to write an account of his own times in careful unambiguous pros


contemporary of benedict, wrote history of the goths and founded a monastery in Italy


convinced the athenians to attack the powerful greek city of syracuse in sicily, failed misreably and causes thousands of warriors to be captured

what was the capital of islamic spain

cordoba spain (400,000 volume library)

settlements of phonecians

cornwall, cathage, cadiz, brittany, brazil

When were hebrews in egypt

New kingdom, empire age

who tried to install a new pope, Alexander V, but this simply resulted in three popes.

council of pisa

what does parlement mean


share a pair of electrons

covalent bonds

where were artists not influenced by classical styles

Northern europe

leif eriksson

Norwegian Viking explorer, was the first European to explore the Americas.

Who were in the second triumvirate?

Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus

What did the tragedian Sophocles write?

Oedipus Rex, Antigone


created epicureanism (like stoicism) promoted rational thought as the key to alleviating the anxieties of modern life

facts about antonius pius

created innocent until proven guilty rights for slaves martyrdom of polycarp


created skepticism

nicholas II

created the college of cardinals which required bishops to go to college for papal policy

Where was the first Aegean (greek related) civilization


what nationality was diocletian


facts about domitian

crushed revolt in germany sponsored expeditions to britain and dacia (romania) stabilized currency his methods led to assassination


One of the 1st 4 caliphs. Friend of Muhammad. A merchant. Spread Islam to Syria, Egypt, and Persia; redesigned government; paid soldiers; held a census; made taxes more fair; built roads & canals; aided poor

artaxerxes II

cyrus the persians brother, had a coup against him, killed spartan generals

Who resurrected the Holy Roman Empire around 936

Otto the great of Saxony

John Wycliffe

Oxford theologian who played an important role in the peasants revolt of 1381, leader of lollards

who was charles martels son

Pepin the Short

persias capital


Who did the New Babylonian empire fall to?


who all conquered the palestianians

Persians, Alexander the Great, the Egyptians, the Seleucids

four jewish sects

Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots

Who defeated the English at Bouvines in 1214.

Philip II

Who included non-nobles as royal officials

Philip II

French royal revenues doubled during whos reign

Philip II (augustus)

who is Louis VII's successor

Philip II (augustus)

Who obtained Languedoc

Philip III

Who summoned the first Estates General (quasi-Parliament) to support him against the Pope; Jews expelled (1306

Philip IV

Who had Boniface kidnapped

Philip IV of france


Philosopher who stated that all matter was composed of 4 elements: earth, air, fire, & water


Phoenician city


Phoenician city


Phoenician city

byblos (papyrus)

Phoenician city

Who painted common people

Pieter Bruegel

Who was Socrates student?


hydrogen bond

already have a charge already ions or already polar

synoecism meaning

amalgamation of villages

Francesco Petrarca

an Italian poet famous for love lyrics (1304-1374) father of humanism


an aristocrat from on of athens' most presitgious families who led the thetes cause

what medical advancement was created during hellenistic science

anesthesiology was practice

What two groups eventually merged into one people within england

anglo-saxons and danes

who dominates england until they are supplaned by the danes in the 11th century

anglo-saxons and jutes

who is supplanted by the danes in the 11th century

anglo-saxons and jutes

reason for religion

answers the question "why?"

what are cynics

anti materialist

cultural centers besides alexandria egypt

antioch, rhodes, pergamum

Casimir III

Polish king who founded a university in krakow and later hungary

Crusaders established some kingdoms during the first crusade where

antioch, tripoli, edessa, and jerusalem

who was emperor after hadrian

antonius pius

Who refused to let kings tax the clergy.

Pope Boniface

Who put France under the interdict

Pope Innocent III

Who coronated Charlemagne?

Pope Leo III

Who outlawed simony and clerical marriage

Pope Leo IX

Who created the College of Cardinals

Pope Nicholas II

Gregory VII

Pope during the 11th century who attempted to free Church from interference of feudal lords; quarreled with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over practice of lay investiture.

Boniface VIII

Pope who began the Great Schism, said spiritual authority was superior over secular authority

innocent III

Pope who instituted the Fourth Crusade and under whom papal intervention in European politics reached its height (1161-1216)

Who dispensed "grace" through indulgences - financed St. Peter's basilica and debts of Albert of Hohenzollern (archbishop and cardinal).


Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world.

Mycenaeans were known for

Pottery, frescoes, metal working, minute detail in record keeping - great traders

Name of universities that encouraged religious writings (6)

Prague, Heidelberg, Vienna, Louvain, Bratislava, Uppsala


any organization of people

rubber stamp assembly in sparta called what


Frederick III of saxony

Protected Luther for a year in Wartburg Castle, not because he agreed with Luther but because he was his subject (the weak political control of the Holy Roman Emperor contributed to Luther's success in avoiding the penalties of the pope and the emperor)


Queen of the gods


Raised money by selling indulgences for building of St. Peter's

Who painted Mary (Madonna) and Jesus, School of Athens, Pope Leo X with Two Cardinals


what was the name for the movement where Christians expel Muslims from Spain


what does augustus accomplish

appealing army extend citizenship outlawed cults paid civil service based on ability, not class census city of marble (rome) police and fire services forced marriage and childbearing restored temples paid tax collectors

Did Frederick II expand or enact retrenchment



Revolt of the French peasantry

who annulled Henry's marriage to Catherine.

archbishop of canterbury thomas cranmer

Hierarchy of Christian church

archbishops, bishops, presbyters, deacons

Henry's oldest son was named what - he did little ruling because he was tied up with Crusades.

Richard I (Richard the Lion-Hearted)

who were the three monarchs of the third crusade

Richard I of England Philip II of France Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa

What was the Pax Romana?

Roman Peace prosperity self government order

who led a revolt in miletus that led to other revolts



aristocrat that established tyranny by instituting solomons reforms

platos background

aristocratic, ideas were reality, what we see is a reflection of reality

who wrote comedies in athens


what philosopher urged middle class government


what were forbidden in sparta

art literature and coins

minoan artifacts discovered by

arthur evans

Three Punic Wars

Rome vs. Carthage

who was murdered, possibly by brother Henry.

Rufus (williams unmarried son, William II)

where did alexanderthe great go after his father died

asia and africa

Name of the womens school in athens

aspasias school

first library established by who


who supplanted the kassites



athenian general who smashed persian forces

Who painted the Birth of Venus?

Sandro Botticelli

Who were harassing Christians on their way to Jerusalem.

Seljuk Turks


Selling of forgiveness by the Catholic Church. It was common practice when the church needed to raise money. The practice led to the Reformation.


athenians naval victory that ended with a storm that prevented commanders from rescuing salirs whos ships had been wrecked

where were women shelted and domesticated


delian league

athens was leader of it, a group of poleis whose representatives met on the sacred island of delos and pledged to continue the war against persia

the poet pindar focused on what theme


Lucius junius brutus

avenger of lucretias suicide, killed Julius cesaer

The seat of the papacy moved to where, causing italy to fall apart

avignon france

Who were not bought and sold like slaves - hereditary condition whereby freedom could be bought.


who did barons rebellion put into power

Simon De Montfort

The more centralized English experienced victories at Where (four)

Sluys (1340), Crécy (1346), Calais (1347) and Poitiers (1356).

more centralized English experienced victories were where

Sluys (1340), Crécy (1346), Calais (1347), Poitiers (1356)


Small, coastal town in France that was captured by the English during the 100 years' war and remained in its possession for an additional century.

Big three philosophers

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Bartolomé de las Casas

Spaniard who fought against the enslavement and colonial abuse of native Americans.


Spanish 'conqueror' or soldier in the New World. They were searching for the 3-G's: gold, God, and glory.

Hernán Cortés

Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the conquest of Aztec Mexico in 1519-1521 for Spain.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Spanish explorer who became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean in 1510 while exploring Panama

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541).


Spartan secret police

Who wrote the Vulgate (latin) Bible?

St. Jerome


Step pyramid architect


Sumer city


Sumer city


Swiss city-state which became a Calvinist theocracy in the 1500s; today a major city in Switzerland

Calvin's TULIP

T- total depravity U- unconditional election L- limited atonement I- irresistible grace P- perseverance of the saints

during the english reformation, Henry VIII did not really change anything ______ about the church


what did aristophanes write

The Birds, the clouds

Romulus and remus

in virgils story aeneid, raised by wolves and then founded rome

what book did the church issue that remained until 1966

index of prohibited books

how far did alexander go before his men mutinied



indigenous people of messenia

psychoanalytic perspective

influence of the subconscious Sigmon Freud


influenced our government, also he argued that historical developments follow regular cycles, and that nations pass inevitably through stages of growth and decay

William conducted an _______ of his kingdom in 1085 - Domesday Book


caligula facts

insane attempted statue in jerusalem assassinated dictator after tiberius

what is byzantium today



intentionally not giving all of the facts propoganda

what led to visigoths being supplanted by muslims in 8th century

internecine fighting

who conquered East Anglia (Danelaw), Frisia (Netherlands), and Rhineland.


Giotto created frescoes that are

dark and light shadowing

what happened during the greek dark ages

decline in cities - no written records - movement from North to South, mainland to islands

what are capitularies



defeats spartans at Leuctra

In athens, what did the youth train for


fuedalism, fief

denotes abuse of official priveleges for personal gain. fief is a gift or grant that creates a contract between the giver and reciever

Dead Sea Scrolls

description of the life of jesus

type of metal used for equipment during medieval

iron (plows, pitchforks, horse shoes, and collars, and paired horses)


dictatorship, military enforced

Who postponed the collapse of the Roman empire with reforms?

diocletian and constantine

who was the leader of cynicism



discovered law of floating bodies, pi, and theory of levers

why did ranks of romes poor increase during expansion

discplaced farmers went into cities

what set of the peloponesian war

dispute between athens and corinth

what happened to alexanders empire after he died

divided among the ptolemies in egypt, seleucids in mesopotamia, and antigonids in greece, later pergamum was created

women rights in egypt

divorce and have their own land

what did romans invent within the realm of architecture


What type of comedies did the poet menander write?

domestic comedies

who was emporer after titus



domitius ulpianus, famous jurist in second century, helped with first philosophy of law


early process of urbanization as the "bringing together of dwellings

The significance of the crusades lay in what

economic consequences

what was romes goal when conquering

economic exploitation

who began the Hundred Years War by claiming descent from French monarchs.

edward III of england

who was a boy-king - move to Protestantism - Book of Common Prayer (1549), married clergy, justification by faith

edward VI

what were nomarchs

egyptian provincial rulers

What led to the old babylon

elamites and amorites supplanted ur dynasty

Marcus Porcius Cato

elderly patrician who urged striking, nickname was cato the censor (to advise) basically caused the cathaginians to have to move and starting the third punic war

what and where does gerousia mean

elders (sparta)

who played henry II of england and Louis VII against each other

eleanor of aquitaine

who was the middle of the road "Protestant" who fostered English nationalism - 39 articles.

elizabeth I

Charles IV

emperor founded a medieval university in prague and other places

Who tried to appease the visigoths by giving them parts of the empire

emperor theodosius

facts about trajan

empire at its height financial aid for poor children


empire of the sea

Was Aristotle an Empiricist or a Rationalist?

empiricist, if it was true you had to see it


emporer who prohibited any pagan worship in the empire (persecuted Christianity)

Third Punic War (149-146 BC)

ended with the obliteration of Carthage, but then rebuilt it

what did the norwegians pillage

england and ireland

who renewed the struggle in 1413- allied with HRE and Burgundians

english king henry V

who were the stoic philosophers

epictetus, seneca, marcus aurelius


equal distribution

carolingian era meaning

era of charlemagne


eremetic (hermits) monks included Anthony of Egypt, St. John Cassian, St. Simon

What were the humanities that were stressed in renaissance education? 6

ethics, grammar, history, poetry, politics, gymnastics

who occupied the area of rome before romans


hellenistic geometry called

euclidian geometry

aristocrats who ruled athens are called what


arete meaning



family is merovingians he was a warrior king of the franks

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

farmer who was a positive dictator, helped rome fight, and then returned to farm

the poet hesiod focused on what theme


what are the five pillars of islam

fasting during ramadan, prayer 5x toward mecca, alms (give 10% of income to charity), monotheism (alla only), hajj (pilgrimage to mecca)

Charles VIII, Louis XII

father and son who tried to take france

abu bakr

father n law of muhammad, after muhammad died he became the caliph (representative) of muhammad

patria potestas

fatherly power

leo X

issued a papal edict condemning Luther's publications as heretical and threatening him with excommunication if he did not recant

what happens to art during the hellenistic civilization

it goes from a perfect for to a more real view with visual flaws

why did the carolingian empire fall apart

it was too diverse (and charlemagne died)

where did the ostrogoths live


what group could "guarantee" salvation.


what group provided stellar education (e.g., Georgetown University, Fordham University, Loyola Universities) christian sect.


what sect of christianity were non-violent but machiavellian


council of nicea

jesus and god are equal

Council of Chalcedon

jesus is all god and all man

Aelia Capitolina

jewish rebellion led to the destruction of jewish city and rebuilt by casear Hadrian and called it aelia capitolina, which was a colony for roman veterans

Who went to the disinherited Charles VII (mother claimed he was illegitimate) and rallied the French with a victory at Orleans


France was at a low ebb when who came on the scene

joan of arc

Who was captured by the Burgundians and martyred at Rouen - incentive for French to fight

joan of arc

who was born in Noyon, France, trained as lawyer and priest - more intellectual than Luther.

john calvin

who challenged scholastacism (two)

john duns scotus, william of ockham

what were the two sets of law for rome, before combining

jus civile (city) vs jus gentium (countryside/provinces)

who was a satirist of social abuses, similarities to current day new york


work on term 99 using video slide 143


who supplanted the hittites


Henry the Navigator, Philippa of Lancaster

key figures in the history of portuguese maritime imperialism

muhammad was an orphan who married what widow


Henry V

king of England during the Hundred Years' War who forced Charles VI to sign away his kingdom and took his daughter, Katherine, in marriage

Charles VII

king of France who created first permanent royal army through taxes

louis VII

king of France who led the unsuccessful Second Crusade and fought frequent wars with Henry II of England (1120-1180)

Charles V

king of france who led to recovery of 100 years war

how was the greek civilization secularized

kings and nobles rather than priests rule

Medieval society consisted of three major groups

knights, peasants, clergy

what were spies called in sparta


minoans had a colony near crete called what


Who came to dominate Central Europe via intermarriage between the families of Spanish monarchs and Holy Roman Emperors

The Hapsburgs

Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine,

fathers/saints of the church, Jerome translated the bible from Hebrew and Greek into latin. Ambrose helped define relationship between sacred authority of church and secular authority of world rulers. Augustine wrote confessions and tried to answer the question of why man is sinful.

Queen Hatshepsut

female, trade, ostracized

where did greek religion, poetru, and drama link

festival of dionysus


first Athenian law code. These laws were deliberately harsh and so this Athenian's name gives us the modern word "draconian." written in blood

Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim

first female playwright

Alfred the great

first great king of England, defended from vikings,

frederick I

first king of Prussia

Ur nammu had what

first law code

battle of badr

first major battle between Meccans and Medinans seen as a miraculous victory by the Muslim forces


first major battle of the Hundred Years' War

Struggle of the orders

first stage where the plebs (people-98%) challenged the government

sycophants (brown nose)



florence italy revolt


followers of the Persian propher mani


The city attacked after Edessa and was considered almost the equal to Jerusalem.

What installed Martin V, who outlived his rivals

The council of constance

What constituted the most important event of the High Middle Ages - part of a larger movement against Islam

The crusades

What ended in 1291 when the Muslims seized Acre (Akko, Israel), the last Christian stronghold.

The crusades


The family line that had a Frankish ruling dynasty from 450 to 751. They ruled over the Frankish Empire much of which is now present day Germany. They were founded by Merovech and brought to prominence by Clovis.


formerly, the eldest son of the King of France and direct heir to the throne

What was a response to the Babylonian Captivity.

The great schism

What intermittently pitted France against England

The hundred years war


founded ethics for physicians

dominica of osma

founded the dominican order, (also called order of preachers)

zeno of citium

founder of Stoicism

menno simons

founder of the Mennonites

Amerigo Vespucci

The italian sailor who corrected Columbus's mistake, acknowledging the coasts of america as a new world. America is named after him

who usurped the visigoths besides the muslims


who was gaul overtaken by

franks, burgundians, and alemanni

who did Theodoric align the ostrogoths with

franks, vandals, and visigoths


from a Latin word denoting a document divided into chapters, Royal laws issued by Charlemagne and Carolingians

First dictator of Rome

gaius marius

who was the physician to marcus aurelius and what did he write

galen wrote the medical encyclopedia

suleiman the magnificent

The most illustrious sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520-1566); also known as 'The Lawgiver.' He significantly expanded the empire in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean.

reformed church

The name given to the church founded by Calvin

Babylonian Captivity

The period when all popes were French and resided in Avignon, France, starting with Clement V. This angered Italians and led to the Great Schism.

What was a response to the conquest of Edessa by Zengi - rivalry of Louis VII and HRE Conrad III

The second crusade

what is simony

The selling of church offices

What was a response to the capture of Jerusalem by Saladin - comedy of errors involving three European monarchs

The third crusade


general who established rule and his own kingdom, influenced by stoicism

Calvin created a theocracy (consistory) at where, and there were no stained glass windows or bishops

geneva Switzerland


geographer who calculated the circumference of the earth, and created latitude and longitude, big name guy for historians

what advantage did rome start with

geographical advantage, near multiple ports etc

who was successor to the western roman emperor


who was the king of the ostrogoths



Theodoric the ostrogoth, strong barbarian ruler who emperor zeno made run the huns from italy

elevated women near our time

Theresa of Avila, Ursulines, Sisters of Charity

combined forces of Spartans and Athenians held off Persians at _______________ and defeated them at ___________

Thermopylae, Salamis


Third caliph and member of Umayyad clan; murdered by mutinous warriors returning from Egypt; death set off civil war in Islam between followers of Ali and the Umayyad clan


Third son of Chinggis Khan; succeeded Chinggis Khan as khagan of the Mongols following his father's death

Who were a part of the Modern Devotion Movement

gerard groote and thomas a kempis

who had simpler governments than rome, and used roman titles (consul, prefecture, counts)

german kingdom

Who attacked Florentine corruption

girolama savonarola

clare of assisi

This friend of Francis founded a Franciscan-style (order of poor ladies) dedicated to serving the poor and the sick.


This land was won after the first crusade and four feudal states were carved from it.

what did virgil do

glorified augustus with his book aeneid, and idolized farmers


goddess of love


government controls economy

where did alexander the great defeat the persians at

granicus river, issus (defeated darius III), and gaugemela

charles V

This was the Holy Roman Emperor that called for the Diet of Worms. He was a supporter of Catholicism and tried to crush the Reformation by use of the Counter-Reformation

john knox

This was the man who dominated the reform movement in Scotland. He established the Presbyterian Church of Scotland so that ministers ran the church, not bishops

who created Decretum (canon law) around 1140

gratian of bologna

what does magna gracia mean

greater greece


greatest anatomist, detailed description of the brain, proving it was engine of human intellect

author of summa theologica

Thomas Aquinas



Henry attempted to exert power over church courts, which led to conflict with Archbishop _________ ________

Thomas Becket

What were employed and caused better diets with oats, legumes, meat and milk-warmer temperatures

Three field system and fertilizers

Charles the Bald, Louis the German, Lothair

Three grandsons of Charlemagne who signed the Treaty of Verdun in 843,thus dividing the Empire into 3 kingdoms.

calvin wrote the beginnings of the Institutes of the Christian Religion - worked with who on it

guillaume farel

what requirement made you in the roman army

had to be a citizen who owned land

who was emperor after trajan


who went to the Venetian school


Second Punic War (218-201 BC)

hannibal barca almost conqueres rome at battle of cannae

What did the Council of Trent do?

Traditional Catholic doctrines were reiterated. - Church equal to Bible - Faith and works for salvation. Emphasis on charity, Protestant beliefs were anathematized (condemned). Priests were to have more schooling - seminary in each diocese. Church was to be more open with more lay participation, Bishop was to stay in his diocese - no multiple offices

What gave England SW France and Calais

Treaty of Bretigny

What caused the New World to be divided by Pope Alexander VI

Treaty of tordeseilles

who did the sumerians come from

Ubaids and Uruk

What are finnish and hungarian derived from


What is abrahams hometown


Who hoped to reunite the recently divided church and reduce feudal warfare.

Urban II

Who organized the First Crusade - enhanced his credibility

Urban II

During the great schism, Italians selected their own pope, ____________, and French had ________

Urban VI, Clement VII

during the great schism, Italians selected their own pope, named what, and French had who

Urban VI, Clement VII

Thomas More

Utopia is a work of fiction and political philosophy by Thomas More published in 1516 in Latin. The book is a frame narrative primarily depicting a fictional island society and its religious, social and political customs.

marco polo

Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.

what is a puppet assembly

has no power, the eupatrids pulled the strings of the archons in athens

aristarchus of samos believed what

he believed that the sun was at the center of the universe (heliocentric world view, 800 years before)


he calculated the diameter of the earth very accurately


he run from marathon to athens to deliver the message that the greece won against persians


he used one point perspective light effects with trinity, his successor is Sandro Botticelli who is known for classical mythology painting

theocritus went under what name

he was a hellenistic poet that wrote idylls (short poems)

who was horace and what did he write

he was the son of a slave and criticized wealth in his book odes


heart is a pump and not an organ of emotion, father of physiology

Cnut the great

Viking king of Denmark, tried to reconcile English and Danes.

Who sacked Rome in 410?

Visigoth alaric

peter waldo

Waldensians were laypeople who wished to imitate the life of Christ to the fullest.

philosophers in asia minor

hecataeus and xenophanes

Who added credibility to the odessey

heinrich schliemann

What was coined by Walter Scott - English Civil War

War of Roses

aristarchus of samos

hellenistic astronomer said earth revolved around sun first

results of rome expansion

Wars destroyed much farmland Foreign grain imports hurt Italian farmers. latifundias equites ranks of romes poor increased

Luther hid out at ____ ____ - never prosecuted by Charles V.

Wartburg castle

_______ ______ revolt in England - tied in with John Wycliffe's Lollards - "kill all the lawyers."

Wat Tyler's

What tied in with John Wycliffe's Lollards - "kill all the lawyers

Wat Tyler's revolt in England

minoan society reflected what

Wealth, equality, plumbing, textiles, pottery, jewelry, frescoes, human sacrifice, navy, minotaur, bureaucrats

what from 1309 to 1377- demonstrated weakness of the papacy.

babylonian captivity

Luther's two sacraments

baptism, communion

reasons rome fell (there are 8-basically)

barbarians, apathy of aristocracy, regimentation and excessive taxation, poor quality soldiers, inflation, decline in population, low self production, inefficient technology and agriculture, decentralization of power

what family dominates carthage


Bartolomeu Dias, João II

bart named african point cape of storms but joao named it cape of good hope and then planned an expedition to india

After embracing Protestantism, Calvin fled to where

basel switzerland

peloponnesian league

basically spartans and their allies

name of battle did hannibal barca almost conquer rome at

battle of cannae (215 BC)

where did otto the great defeat the magyars

battle of lechfeld


battle that the ottomons won against serbians


battle where octavian defeated egypt and octavian and cleopatra killed theirselves

name of war where peasants rebelled and were condemned by Luther


apollonius wrote what

hellenistic poet-wrote argonautica (jason and the golden fleece)



Frederick II

"Frederick The Great"-1712-1786;King of Prussia, aggressive in foreign affairs. Used military to increase power. Encouraged religious tolerance and legal reform.

gregory I

"Gregory the Great" first bishop of rome helped with purgatory and pastoral care Gregorian chant

Ivan III

"Ivan the Great"; ruled as great prince and first ruler of the independent state called Russia. helped expand Muscovy

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

"Wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man which has been called the ""Manifesto of the Renaissance."""

hagia sophia

"holy wisdom" Most famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.

louis VIII

(1187-1226, r. 1223-1226) House of Capet. Though he reigned for only three years, Louis' contributions to the rise of French power were enormous. He annexed Languedoc and captured Poitou from England. Perhaps more importantly, he established the systems of appanages (land grants) which replaced the older, local nobles with barons who owed their fiefs to the crown. This allowed for the subsequent rise in French royal (and national) power.

Bishop Ussher

believes earth was created in 4004 BC

kublai khan

(1215-1294) Grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in China.

Roman Republic type of conqueror


ibn battuta

(1304-1369) Morrocan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan. His writings gave a glimpse into the world of that time period.


(1386-1466) Sculptor. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo. His statues expressed an appreciation of the incredible variety of human nature.

which of the following was not created under rome: vienna, berlin, london, paris, lyon, cologne



big men

what originated in Mongolia as Yersina pestis.

black death

Wars of the Roses

(1455-1485) civil war for the English crown between the York (white rose) and Lancaster (red rose) families

Niccolo Machiavelli

(1469-1527) Wrote The Prince which contained a secular method of ruling a country. "End justifies the means."

Michelangelo Buonarroti

(1475-1564) Italian Renaissance sculptor, architect, painter, and poet; he sculpted the Pieta and the David, and he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which took him four years to paint. The ceiling shows sweeping scenes from the Old Testament of the Bible.


(1483-1520) Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens.

Ulrich Zwingli

(1484-1531) Swiss reformer, influenced by Christian humanism. He looked to the state to supervise the church. Banned music and relics from services. Killed in a civil war.

William Shakespeare

(1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright considered one of the greatest writers of the English language; works include Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet.

Peloponnesian War

(431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north.

william of rubruck

(ca. 1215-ca. 1295) Franciscan monk from France who visited the court of the Mongol khan Möngke in 1253-1254 and sent back one of the most detailed surviving sources about the Mongols.

what did muhammads attack on merchants lead to

(forced to flee) completed hijrah to yathrib (medina)

who all attacked rome in the beginning of its decline

(germanic tribes) franks, alemans, goths

Universities and cathedral schools were where (four places)

bologna, paris, Salerno, montpellier

what are the marches

borders of the empire

Paul of Tarsus

helped spread the understandings of jesus' divinity to Greek speaking non-Jewish communities

Julius Caesar(rich), Pompey(new guy), Crassus

both wanted to become powerful so united in army with crassus who defeated Spartacus but then became rivalry they were a triumvirate

Where did Pedro Cabral explore?


what is the names for administrators that ruled the kingdoms of ireland, cornwall, wales, and brittany

bretwalda (broad forest)

where did constantine serve before becoming emporer

britain and gaul

where were anglo-saxon kingdoms

britain and scandinavia

charlemagnes contradictions

brutal but cultivated reader but not a writer religious but immoral believed in the divine right of kings

yersinia pestis

bubonic plague

How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance? 7 A LOT

1. Agriculture vs. trade-based economy - less prosperity. 2. Kings, queens, and nobles rather than merchants supported the arts 3. Northern humanists were more religious than Italian humanists - "mining the classics 4. Northern humanists tried to find original texts of the Bible. Francisco Jiminez de Cisneros produced the Polyglot Bible 5. Northern humanists studied at Italian universities, especially Padua 6. . In the North, ideas were disseminated by the printing press 7. Bankers in the North helped promote culture - Fuggers, Welsers.

Leonardo Bruni

1. First to use the term "humanism" 2. Among the most important of the civic humanists 3. Served as a chancellor in Florence 4. Wrote a history of Florence, perhaps the first modern history, and wrote a narrative using primary source documents and the division of historical periods

Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? 6

1. Had independent city states that encouraged individualism 2. The city-states developed the art of diplomacy. - Peace of Lodi 3. Mercenary groups without titles dominated city-states 4. Italian city -states had grown wealthy through trade and banking 5. Wealthy parvenu merchants came to control cities and patronized culture (Cosimo and Lorenzo Medici (physicians) upgraded Florence, Visconti and Sforza dominated Milan, Venice was a republic controlled by a doge (duke) and council) 6.Italy was proud of its Roman heritage.

vespasian facts

built colosseum, destroyed jerusalem temple

martin luthers teachings included (eight)

1. Salvation by faith with good works following. 2. Sole infallibility of the Bible- Luther created German Bible and expected people to read catechism. 3. Priesthood of the believer - clergy were "pastors," not "priests." 4. Simplified church service. 5. Married priesthood 6. Two rather than seven sacraments 7. Prayers to saints and veneration of relics abandoned. 8. Luther advocated the removal of monasteries and church hierarchy.

homo erectus

1.5 million BC

effects of crusades (six total) with middle east increased 2.rise of italian city states and families 3.Coined money, classical learning, Arabic phrases and interest reappeared in western Europe 4. decline of noble families weapons 6.anti semitism

during medieval, Monotonous life broken up by approximately how many Sundays/ holidays per year.


how many days per year were roman public holidays


what marks the border year between the dark ages and the middle ages

1000 ad

when was division in roman and orthodox (byzantine) churches

1054 AD

when did islamic civilization peak

10th century

when was the greek dark age

1100-800 BC

how many gods did greeks have


how many men in a maniple


fourth lateran council

1215, defined dogmas (like truth necessary for salvation) and said pope was ultimate power

ice age adaptability time period

13,000 BC

When was the Flemish peasants' revolt


when was pergamum conquered

133 BC

The Black Death [Bubonic (buboes) Plague] affected Europe from when


when was the slave revolt in sicily

135 BC


1378 in Italy - revolt of poor - part of same phenomena as Jacqueries. Came about because of post-Black Death anarchy, collapse of several banking families which led to economic shambles, and feuding between new and old rich. Suppressed as were other revolts but reality was - feudalism on decline due to great economic upheaval caused by plague.

Knossos destroyed around what time

1400 BC

When was the first Gutenberg Bible


When does HRE Charles V sacked Rome


peace of augsburg: cuius regio, eius religio


Monarchy institution time period

1600-1800 AD

Parliament institution time perioid


when did hannibal commit suicide

183 BC

high point of minoan civilization

1900-1500 BC`

Who took printing to England

William Caxton

Edward could not conquer Scotland - resistance led by who

William Wallace (braveheart)

Who appointed nobles as sheriffs and other public officials

William of normandy

what sport did the minoans have

bull leaping

how many kings did sparta have

2 Kings

homo habilis

2.5 million years ago

how many amphitheaters were in tunisia


what type of army did assyrians have

200,000 man army with calvary

how many emperors did rome have between 234 and 284

26 (military dominates)


26 miles from athens

"barracks emperors"

26, military commanders who, during the third century crisis struggled with each other since the roman empire was so far expanded, almost ending the empire

when was the transition date for roman republic to roman empire

27 BC

date that the assembly of tribes becomes the legislative body of rome

287 BC

what percent of italy was enslaved


how many people were in the roman senate


when was the last substantive persecution of christians


edict of milan

313 CE Constantine makes religious toleration for all of the Roman Empire

how many men in a legion


on what date does emperor valens admit the visigoths


when did rome let germans into the empire


church institution time period

400-1600 AD

when was the truce of the peloponesian war?

421 bc

when and who was julius caesar assassinated by

44 BC gaius cassius and marcus brutus

date that the twelve tables of roman law was made

451 BC

date of the plebeian and patrician intermarriage

455 BC

When was the Delian League formed?

477 bc and they sent tribute to athens, alliance of greek city states

what promoted primary schools for monasteries

4th lateran council

how many people could sit in a colosseum


when was the early middle ages

500-1000 AD

when were etruscans run out of rome

509 BC

when did judah fall

587 BC

when was the age of pericles

5th century

What did Ulrich Zwingli write?

67 conclusions

when was the flavian dynasty

69-98 AD

how many miles of roads did the roman empire have


when did israel fall

722 BC

When were the first Olympic Games?

776 BCE

when was the archaic period

800-500 BC

when did muslims sack rome


magyar from east asia attacked around



A "second Genghis Khan" who united Mongols and led them in a series of conquests. His enemies called him "Prince of Destruction"; he subdued Asia, Persia, Mesopotamia and India. Samarkland.


A French nun, writer, scholar, and abbess (at the Oratory of the Paraclete), best known for her love affair and correspondence with Peter Abélard.

The Prince

Written by machiavelli, described that power is more important, "better to be feared than loved"

maimonides (second moses)

A Jewish scholar in Cordoba, Spain, who organized a collection of Jewish oral law.


A Muslim physician and philosopher whose translations of, and commentaries on, the works of Aristotle strongly influenced subsequent Western philosophers.

peter lombard

Wrote Book of Sentences, student of abelards


A Protestant sect that believed only adults could make a free choice regarding religion; they also advocated pacifism, separation of church and state, and democratic church organization.


A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements


A city in northern Germany, where Luther drew up his 95 theses.

Concordat of worms

A compromise between the king and the Pope that started that the church alone could grant a bishop his ring and staff (church power) but his power could be vetoed by the king

who supplanted the ostrogoths

byzantines and lombards

Black death

A deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351

Quadrants, astrolabes, routiers

helpful things for navigation, routiers were important books on sailing instructions

who defeated the French at Agincourt. French King Charles VI was insane .

henry V

who received northern France plus Charles VI's daughter Catherine.

henry V

what two people died, leaving infant Henry VI as king of both England and France

henry V, Charles VI

henry tudor changed his name and married who after the war of the roses

henry VII, Elizabeth of York


A monastery that was independent of any control by a local lord or secular ruler

Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher, lost their heads to who

henry VIII

who initially attacked Martin Luther

henry VIII


A philosophical and theological system, associated with Thomas Aquinas, devised to reconcile various forms of knowledge through logical debate, called dialectic


A pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Muslims

who seized the monasteries and sold off their lands during the English reformation

henry VIII


A powerful Italian family of bankers and merchants whose members effectively ruled Florence for much of the 15th century and from 1569 were grand dukes of Tuscany.

during the war of the roses, who had connections with the Lancaster family and defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field in 1485.

henry tudor

historians of athens

herodotus (persian wars) and thucydides (peloponessian wars)

extreme unction

A term that means "last anointing." It once referred to the time that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is received just before death. It is accompanied by a final reception of Holy Communion called Viaticum.

when did the clergy have the most power/ when was the church at its peak

high middle ages

acropolis meaning

high point

Pontifex maximus

high priest, position octavian/augustus also held

Leonardo da Vinci

A well known Italian Renaissance artist, architect, musician, mathemetician, engineer, and scientist. Known for the Mona Lisa.

who wrote the Catalan World Atlas - Catalonia conquered Majorca, Minorca, Sicily, Sardinia

Abraham cresques

Patriarchs of the Hebrews

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Twelve Tribes

what led to victories by French king Charles V ("the Wise") and the loss of English territories during the hundred years war

Abuses by English Edward the Black Prince and boy king of England, Richard II,

Calvin founded the what - learning is a hallmark of Calvinism

Academy at Geneva

Where did Octavian defeat Antony's fleet


who sailed to Calicut , Ormuz, Malabar, Goa, Malacca

Afonso du albuquerque

First empire

Akkadian Empire

notable people of science in high middle ages (three)

Albertus Magnus, Robert Grossteste, Roger Bacon

Who did woodcuts and engravings, often of a religious nature

Albrecht duerer

Who are corrupt popes

Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X


Along with Aragon, a regional kingdom of the Iberian peninsula; pressed reconquest of peninsula from Muslims; developed a vigorous military and religious agenda.


Along with Castile, a regional kingdom of the Iberian peninsula; pressed reconquest of peninsula from Muslims; developed a vigorous military and religious agenda.

Ferdinand of Aragon

Along with Isabella of Castile, monarch of largest Christian kingdoms in Iberia; marriage to Isabella created united Spain; responsible for reconquest of Granada, initiation of exploration of New World.

Baldassare Castiglione

An Italian author who wrote the book The Courtier in 1528. He described the ideal Renaissance man and woman.

house of wisdom

An academic center for research and translation of foreign texts that was established in Baghdad in 830 C.E. by the Abbasid caliph al-Mamun.

Song of roland

An epic poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux in 778, during the reign of Charlemagne, roland is charlemagnes noblest knight

Jacquerie in France

An insurrection of peasants in France beginning in 1358. Caused by the upper classes trying to fix prices and wages. Named derived from "Jacques," a French word for peasant.

Supporters of Martin Luther

Angela of Gruenbach, Elizabeth of Braunschweig, Philip Melanchthon,


Anglo-Saxon monk of great ability; a key teacher in Charlemagne's court

After impregnating who, Henry divorced Catherine and married her

Anne Boleyn

what was the high point of charlemagnes reigh

his coronation by Pope Leo III as Emperor of the Romans

Scholastic theologians of the high middle ages (4)

Anselm, Peter Abelard (Sic et Non), Peter Lombard (Sentences) , Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica).


Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam.

Who poisoned Claudius?

his fourth wife agrippina

thomas becket

Archbishop of Canterbury who denied Henry II's ability to try clergy and said only the Roman Catholic church could try priests - Henry's knights murdered him

Donato Bramante

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica

sutton hoo

Area of excavation where Anglo Saxon artifacts were found

Henry III

his son is edward I, last Valois to be king of France, suppressed rebels


historian and social commentator

Who had contributions in logic, politics, ethics, zoology, botany, arts, physics - son of a physician


who established the lyceum- a school with perapetetics (walking and teaching)


Rogier van der Weyden

Artist of "Deposition"


Assembly of elders.

diet of worms

Assembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.


Athenian assembly

clement of alexandria

Attempted to establish connections between Christianity and Greek philosophy

Thomas á Kempis

Author of The Imitation of Christ

Peter abelard

Author of Yes And No; university scholar who applied logic to problems of theology; demonstrated logical contradictions within established doctrine.

Holy book of Zoroastrianism


who wrote the canon of medicine


The seat of the papacy moved to where, why, and what happens

Avignon, France (safe location) - Italy falls apart.

What was from 1309 to 1377- and demonstrated weakness of the papacy.

Babylonian Captivity

Who wrote the Book of the Courtier presented the ideal

Baldassare Castiglione

Anabaptist were predecessors to who. these people appeal to common people - separation of church and state.


What put put Simon de Montfort, Henry's brother-in-law, in power from

Barons rebellion

Who named cape of good hope

Bartolomeu Dias

anselm of canterbury

Benedictine monk and archbishop of Canterbury, Anselm is known for his "debt satisfaction" theory of atonement and for his ontological argument for the existence of God.

Who encouraged transubstantiation and veneration of Mary, mother of Jesus

Bernard of clairvaux

Desiderius Erasmus

Best known Christian humanist, wrote , Colloquies (held up contemporary religious practices), Praise of Folly (ridiculed pedantry and dogmatism, ignorance and gullibility)

What affected Europe from 1348 through 1351 - originated in Mongolia as Yersina pestis.

Black Death

Who wrote Decameron - worldly book but first Italian prose work.


corpus juris civilis

Body of civil law, massive collection of laws also called justinians corpus

sic et non

Book by Peter Abelard which means yes or no. Two facing pages will have Papal teaching facing scripture about the teaching to compare.

incunabula means

Books before 1500

Andrea Palladio

Born in 1508, ______________ was greatly influenced by Renaissance philosophers and artists, and was made architectural advisor to the Vatican in 1570. His great architectural works include Villa Foscari, Teatro Olimpico, and Palazzo Chiericati, all in Italy.

Who asked Pope Urban II for assistance against the Turks- ______, with some Muslim allies, got more than he wanted

Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus

Alexius comnenus

Byzantine emperor who appealed to the pope urban II for Christian knights to fight against the Turks for first crusade


C 6, and 4 valence electrons

urban II

Called First Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to mount military assault to free the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Portuguese conquest of where

Canaries, Madeiras, Azores by 1430 - previous Genoese presence

Where did Henry IV repent to the pope at


Who ruled with a witan (council)

Canute (cnut)

Who conquered other lands to obtain all but Aquitaine and Gascony by 1328 - promoted University of Paris

Capetians (hugh capet dynasty)


Capital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins.


Capital of the Ottoman Empire; named this after 1453 and the sack of Constantinople.

What type of ships went against wind - smaller crews - Nina of Columbus

Caravel ships

rival of rome


phonecian settlements

Carthage, Cadiz, Cornwall, Brittany, Brazil

Hannibal Barca

Carthaginian General who invaded northern Italy by bringing elephants over the Alps, used decoys

Henry received northern France plus Charles VI's daughter named what


Woman who governed france

Catherine de Medici of France

Henry in 1527 sought an annulment from his wife named what

Catherine of Aragon


Cenobitic Monasticism

What was the prince based on

Cesare Borgia and Medici

1415 - Portuguese conquer what

Ceunta, morocco

Who was Pepin's son?


who created the Palace Academy


louis the pious

Charlemagne's only surviving son, helped with inlfuencing culture and bringing in europeans for scholarship and classical learning, one of which was alcuin

who said there was a renaissance of the 12th century

Charles Homer Haskins


Charles Martel defeated an Islamic force in 732 at the battle of poiteirs and what?

Who claimed Naples - precipitated war with Spain.

Charles VIII of france

persian religion



Christian city sacked in 1202 during the Fourth Crusade in order to fund the Fourth Crusade

Who wrote the Book of the City of Ladies (1405) - the work illustrated the freedom women had in Italy.

Christine di pisan


Citizen-soldiers of Greek city-states

Otto of saxony

Claimed rule as emperor over western Rome; attacks Italy. carried the lance of charlegmane

Who was the last ruler of Egypt before it came under complete Roman domination

Cleopatra VII

Where did Constantine move the capital to?


What tried to install a new pope, Alexander V, but this simply resulted in three popes.

Council of Pisa

homo sapiens types

Cro-Magnon (france) Neanderthal (Germany) "true humans"

Who went East for both religious (salvation) and material purposes (debt/crime/tax forgiveness, riches


Who ended the Babylonian Captivity?


What peice of donatellos reflected classical statuary - diminutive


important hebrew women

Deborah, Judith, Esther, Ruth

Who was a Univ. of Paris grad- Praise of Folly, Colloquies -satirized Catholic Church - pacifist . Compiled Greek New Testament

Desiderius Erasmus


Died on route to 3rd crusade, red beard (frederick)

Diocletian, Galerius, Constantius

Diocletian was emporer of east and maximian was west, and other two were his junior emporers, causing a tetrarchy (rule of four),

Ninety-Five Theses

Document written by Martin Luther and posted on a church door in Germany that listed 95 things that Luther saw wrong with the church

thomas aquinas

Dominican philosopher, he argued that rational thought could be used to support Christian belief

Who conquered mycenaens after the fall of troy

Dorians and sea peoples

Who bankrupted Jewish moneylenders and then expelled them

Edward I

Who conquered Wales - with his as Prince of Wales

Edward I

Who established the Model Parliament - guaranteed limited monarchy with nobles and rich commoners

Edward I

who was Henry III son, quick tempered - fathered 19 children

Edward I

Who began the Hundred Years War by claiming descent from French monarchs

Edward III of england

What happened after Ramses II

Egypt went on the skids

Henry married ________ __ ______. French dominions but turned her sons against him.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Woman who governed england

Elizabeth I of England


Emperor who defeated the Persians and the Slavs and created the option of "themes" for soldiers

Abuses by who led to victories by French king Charles V ("the Wise") and the loss of English territories

English Edward the Black Prince and boy king of England, Richard II

Who renewed the struggle in 1413- allied with HRE and Burgundians

English king henry V

richard the lionheart

English leader who helped lead the (unsuccessful) Third Crusade against Saladin and the Muslims

william of ockham

English philosopher and theologian, opposed much of Aquinas and rejected the Pope's power in the secular realm, nominalist, wrote "Summa Logicae"

Geoffrey Chaucer

English poet who brought a new level of sophistication to English vernacular literature Canterbury Tales ~ collection of stories told by 29 pilgrims as they travel from Southwark to the tomb of Saint Thomas a Becket at Canterbury

tragedian who wrote THE TROJAN WOMEN


Jan Hus, Hussites

Executed for carrying on Wycliffe's message, his followers revolted against the church

what is the appian way

Famous Roman Road

philip of macedon

Father of Alexander the Great


Father of Renaissance painting, inspired the italian renaissance

Who "unite" Spain - rulers wanted a "place in the sun."

Ferdinand and isabella

Philip augustus aquired all of these provinces except: Vermandois, Artois, Normandy, Maine, Fermantua, Touraine, Anjou


Who wrote the General History of the Indies

Fernandez de Oviedo

Who designed colonnaded buildings and domes

Filippo Brunellischi

What was the only successful crusade?

First Crusade

Giovanni Boccaccio

Florentine author best known for his Decameron, a collection of prose tales about sex, adventure, and trickery written in the Italian vernacular after the Black Death.


Followers of John Wycliffe helped translate the bible into english

What is proskynesis?

Forcing those who address you to kneel and kiss your hand (alexander the great had this)

Francois Rabelais

Former monk. French humanist, wrote the comic masterpieces Gargantua and Pantagruel, stories contained gross humor.

Marsilio Ficino

Founded the Platonic Academy at the behest of Cosimo de' Medici in the 1460s. Translated Plato's works into Latin, giving modern Europeans access to these works for the fist time.

Osman Gazi

Founder of the Ottoman Empire.

Hugh Capet

Founder of the dynasty that ruled France from 987-1328

hugh capet

Founder of the dynasty that ruled France, called king of the franks

What was Pope Innocent III's attack on Constantinople

Fourth crusade

What differed from England and took longer to unify - many small states


What would be an arbiter in language, architecture (Gothic), and manners


Who wrote the History of Italy

Francesco Giucciardini

famous missionaries closer to our time

Francis Xavier (Japan), Robert di Nobili (India), Matteo Ricci (China)

Who was s monk, physician - and wrote Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Francois Rabelais


Frankish king who conquered most of Europe and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in the year 800 elephant gift given to him by harun al rashid

Who made up HRE term - he and son Henry VI (r. 1191-1197) controlled much of Italy.

Frederick Barbarossa

Who lost influence in German states and much of Italy - civil wars in empire.

Frederick II

Luther was excommunicated and had to go to trials at Worms- well-connected to who

Frederick of Saxony

jean calvin

French Protestant (16th century) who stressed doctrine of predestination; established center of his group at Swiss canton of Geneva; encouraged ideas of wider access to government, wider public education; Calvinism spread from Switzerland to northern Europe and North America


French Protestants


French caves filled with ancient paintings

What was Caligula's real name?

Gaius Caesar


General of Justinian who led the Byzantine forces to defeat the Vandals and the Ostrogoths


Genghis Khan's real name

Albrecht Dürer

German artist who spread Renaissance ideas in northern Europe

max weber

German sociologist bureaucracy was the most efficient and rational model private businesses and public offices could operate in

Who wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man.

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


God of metalworking


God of the sea


God of the sun


God of the underworld


God of war


God of wine


Goddess of the hearth


Goddess of the hunt (woods)


Goddess of wisdom

During the first crusade, who conquered Jerusalem in 1099 - very bloody.

Godfrey of boullion


Great Roman architect of the time of Augustus (27BC - 14 AD) who wrote 10 books on architecture


Greek historian who said the republic was the ideal system for rome


Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic

Archilochus, Sappho

Greek poets, Sappho was a woman and more famous


Greek translation of the Bible

What encouraged individuals in the same trade to congregate (14th century - great expansion of them)


Who studied Roman law

Guillaume Bude

Who painted leaders of Europe - Erasmus, Henry VIII, Thomas More, Martin Luther

Hans Holbein

What did Theodosius I do?

He made Christianity Rome's official religion in A.D. 392

albert of hohenzollern

He secularized the Teutonic Knights and will later become the first of the imperial Prussian line.

what did diocletian do

He split the Roman empire into east and west he made nicomedia the real capital of the empire tetrarchy


historian who ascribed it to the growing power of athens and the anxiety this inspired in other poleis. no modern historian has improved on thucydides thesis


Hellenistic philosopher from Egypt who founded Neoplatonism, which drew on mystical aspects of platos thought

significant nuns (5)

Heloise, Hroswitha, Hildegard of Bingen, Poor Clares, the Beguines

Who Established the exchequer (royal treasury)

Henry I

who began paying royal officials in middle age England

Henry I

name of william the conquerors third son who dealt with finances

Henry I (has 26 kids)

Who Extracted money rather than military service from his vassals, and what are vassals

Henry I, underlings

Who was the son of Matilda, continued to strengthen royal power.

Henry II

who can the jury be attributed to

Henry II (English common law)

Johns son _______ who vacillated between benevolence and tyranny

Henry III

who expanded jury trials

Henry III

Who was the investiture controversy under

Henry IV

Who defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field in 1485.

Henry Tudor

Henry Tudor, now named what, married Elizabeth of York in 1486

Henry VII

in england, who consolidated royal power but were still checked by Parliament

Henry VII and Henry VIII

Who produced an analysis of common law.

Henry de Bracton

who funded expeditions to africa, but never went

Henry the navigator

describe livy

historian who was very subjective and mythical polemicist

who was polybius


Determinist Perspective

history is predetermined

who supplanted old babylon

hittites from turkey

equus meaning



horsemen or knights

the war of the roses started because __________ exploited the weakness of Henry VI (House of Lancaster).

house of york


housed the Black stone Most sacred temple of Islam, located in Mecca, said to have been built by Abraham and rededicated to God by Muhammad

What consisted of disunited German states - frequent quarrels between Pope and Emperor

Holy Roman Empire


Holy city of Islam; birthplace of Muhammad. the hajj


human like

Lorenzo Valla

humanist figure who exposed the Donation of Constantine as a forgery

Who knew a little about everything

humanists (Renaissance man concept)

Who exploited the weakness of Henry VI (House of Lancaster

House of York

What believed man's possibilities were limitless - more concerned with this world than the next one.


evolutionary (positivist) perspective

humanity is improving

who briefly decimated the middle kingdom

Hyksos of Palestine and Syria briefly decimated Middle Kingdom

Who founded the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits?

Ignatius loyola

Who wrote Spiritual Exercises?

Ignatius of Loyola

Homer wrote

Iliad and Odyssey

problem of subjectivity

humans have biases

oldest state of Europe and first parliamentary democracy


leopold von ranke

ideal, not reality (scientific history)


illustrated how romans and barbarians were different


image servants, promoted religious imagery


image-breakers or one who opposes the creation of pictures of holy persons, believing they promote idolatry

Hanseatic League

In northern Germany, a group of entrepreneurial cities formed a coalition to build an entirely new mercantile corporation who controlled commerce from britain and scandinavia to the baltic

To where did Vasco da Gama sail?


who was philip II married to, and who did he want to marry instead, causing them to be put under an interdict (mass production excommunication)

Ingeborg, Agnes

william of normandy

Invaded England in 1066, defeated Harold at the battle of Hastings, and established himself as sole ruler of England

Johannes Gutenberg

Inventor of the printing press

Predecessors to greeks

Ionians, dorians, minoans, mycenaeans

Woman who governed spain

Isabella of Spain

Who set cultural pace for Mantua.

Isabellle Deste

Leonardo Fibonacci

Italian mathematician who adopted the system of Indo-Arabic numerals, the number 0, and made an important contribution to number theory: the Fibonacci sequence

francis of assisi

Italian monk who founded the Franciscan order; he devoted his life to serving the poor and sick.

Christopher Columbus

Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)

dante alighieri

Italian poet who wrote the Divine Comedy

Who employed slow- drying oil paints

Jan Van Eyck

Who gave great attention to detail and symbolism.

Jan van eyck

Who was captured by the Burgundians and martyred at Rouen - incentive for French to fight

Joan of Arc

Who went to the disinherited Charles VII (mother claimed he was illegitimate) and rallied the French with a victory at Where

Joan of Arc, Orleans

October 31, 1517 - Reformation Day - Luther allegedly posted the 95 Theses (in Latin) attacking indulgences sold by who

Johann Tetzel

Who was from Mainz, Germany, and developed a metal alloy that could be used to make long-lasting type

Johannes Gutenberg

Who translated Hebrew Cabala. Opposed by Johannes Pfefferkorn

Johannes reuchlin

Who was a Czech who promoted Bohemian independence. - biblicist - Hussites

John Hus

Who went to Oxford University - attacked transubstantiation

John Wycliffe

who were the first triumvirate

Julius Caesar, Crassus, Pompey

Who does Martin Luther marry?

Katherine von Bora

Who was a Dane who made England the center of his empire.

King Canute (cnut)

Who defeated the French at Agincourt. French King Charles VI was insane

King Henry V

which emporer was the most nuts


Dutch Reformed - New Netherland practiced what sect of christianity


Henrys son who was one England's worst kings.

King John

Who fought burdensome unsuccessful wars- lost French possessions except Aquitaine to Philip II

King John

Who refused to approve a papal recommendation (Stephen Langton) and England was placed under interdict by Innocent III

King John

Who was forced by the barons (angered by loss of their French lands) to sign the Magna Carta

King John

French Wars of Religion pitted Protestants against Catholics, leading french huguenots to practice what


Poland and Hungary had a christian sect called what


Puritans in England and America practiced what sect of christianity



came from dardania (now serbia) wanted to reunite the roman empire his general was belisarius justianic plague codiefied roman law

middle kingdom accomplishments

canals, shipbuilding, Nile Delta drained

what emperor declared all free inhabitants citizens


king john

King of England who raised taxes and punished his enemies without a trial. He is best known for being forced to sign the Magna Carta.

edward I

King of England whose reign included the emergence of the English Parliament, castle builder, hammer of the scots

Philip IV

King of France; argued with Pope Boniface VIII, moved papal court from rome to avignon , punished papacy for abusing powers

who led the skeptics

carneades of cyrene


King of the gods

Capital of the Minoan civilization


King John's nickname

Lackland, softsword

St. Peter's Basilica

Largest Christian church in the world. Located in the Vatican City in Italy. The dome was created by Michelangelo.


cathaginian commander who almost defeated the romans at their own game in their own soil


celtic warrior queen

who were pushed into ireland, cornwall, wales, and brittany (france)


canterbury is what

center of church of england


central marketplace or open space, lots of people here


central marketplace where polis was organized

who usurped assyrians

chaldeans, medes, persians

Henry II greatest contribution



Leader of English Benedictines, put charles into contact with the papacy

notable people of literature in high middle ages

chansons de geste, troubadours, dante alighieri

taking usury means

charging interest

Who assessed tithes and organized parishes


Who implemented universal laws and military conscription


what ruler was full of contradictions (and enigma)


what ruler was obsessed with bureaucracy


who appointed counts (derives counties)


who elevated churchmen to high positions


who held a general assembly twice a year


who initiated an ambassador corps (250 ambassadors)


who sent out missi dominici


who was the most capable ruler of the early middle ages


Who translated New Testament into French

Lefevre detaples

Who Painted Last Supper and La Gioconda

Leonardo da vinci

Who was a Renaissance man - somewhat unfocused - served in Florence, Milan and Paris

Leonardo da vinci

Who was a great of the 16th century and an Athlete - vegetarian, botanist,

Leonardo da vinci

Who was an Inventor - visualized airplane, helicopters, fortifications

Leonardo da vinci

Sixteenth century greats are

Leonardo da vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael

Heavy Romanesque architecture was replaced by what

Lighter gothic

who confiscated estates of large landowners

charlemagne (and william the conqueror)


Little town in northern France, near Paris. Calvin born there. Calvin's father was secretary to bishop there and man of some means.

carolusis latin for


who partook in Pragmatic Sanction, Gallic church, taille

charles VII

Who challenged The Donation of Constantine

Lorenzo valla

Which Louis was called Saint Louis?

Louis IX

Who ceded parts of Aquitaine to England

Louis IX

Who created the parlement of paris

Louis IX

Who obtained provence

Louis IX

Who expanded loyalty of barons

Louis VI

who supported the towns against the nobles

Louis VII

who took burgundy

Louis VII

who was married briefly to eleanor of aquitaine(married at 15 for a week, had a week long celebration and then when they got back she divorced him and married henry II)

Louis VII

under who was poitou (also called) added, and facts about the place (who defeated who here)

Louis VIII Poitiers - Charles Martel defeated the Moors

Who was also named ("the universal spider") - challenged Charles the Bold of Burgundy

Louis XI

bernard of clairvaux

a Cistercian monk who wrote and preached extensively on the spiritual life

girolamo savonarola

a Dominican friar in Florence who preached against sin and corruption and gained a large following; he expelled the Medici from Florence but was later excommunicated and executed for criticizing the Pope; wanted to overthrow the Medici Dynasty

Martin luther

a German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Chruch. In 1517, he wrote 95 theses, or statements of belief attacking the church practices.


a battle in northern France in which English longbowmen under Henry V decisively defeated a much larger French army in 1415


a book written by John Calvin on his beliefs

albigensian crusade

a crusade begun by Innocent III against the Cathar heresy in southern France.

magna carta

a document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges.

what was ptolemys almagest about

a geocentric worldview

Who conquered Florence and the Papal States

charles VII of france

pepins son ___________ was mayor of palace (he was called the hammer)

charles martel

who defeated the moors (muslim faith) at tours (poitiers) in 732

charles martel

Homer (iliad)

a legendary poet credited with having woven together the mesh of stories that we know as the Iliad and the Odyssey


a member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation

who refused to help the pope during his battles against the lombars

charles martel

who received present day France, although he warred with Lothar over Lorraine.

charles the bald

who was the great pyramid for


which crusade was a fiasco

childrens crusade


a philosopher who believed there was a boundess source of life

Anaximines of Miletus

a philosopher who taught that air was source of life

Thales of Miletus

a philosopher who taught that water was basis of life


citizen soldiers

what two things did st augustine write

city of god and confessions


city state of novgord republic, swedes invaded it during crusades

what are poleis

city states


city that jean calvin fled from

Schmakaldic Wars

civil war in germany between protestants and catholics


clan of uthmans, resisted muhammads authority

marxist perspective

class struggle

Pax Romana

a time period that mean the roman peace

During medieval times, what was created for planting and harvesting

a timetable


a truce with sparta was negotiated by an able athenian leader named nikias

charlemagne constructed a luxurious palace where

aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle)

who promoted aristotle and was a muslim intelectual



abbasids rebelled and caused the umayyads to retreat here

who succeeded the umayyad dynasty

abbbasid dynasty

What did Solon do for Athens?

abolished debt slavery, introduced grapes, limited land ownership, and created council called ekklesia (400+)

who are the rashidan caliphs that succeeded muhammad

abu bakr, umar, uthman, ali (shi'a), muawiyah (sunni)

What was the root of hannakuh

Maccabean revolt against Seleucids (166 BC)

Jewish intellectual in spain


what was the struggle of orders based on

classes (patricians vs plebians)

_______supported grazing and forests _________ was a land gift with strings attached.

Manor, fief

Parliament made Henry head of the Church of England as part of what act

act of settlement

Whos travels to China reflected brief Mongol interest in commercial development

Marco polo

Who was the last of the good emperors?

Marcus Aurelius

who wrote meditations

Marcus Aurelius

Who advocated secular control of church.

Marsiglio of padua

to the christian nobility

Martin Luther book

katharina von bora

Martin Luther's wife

Who studied law at Erfurt University but then switched to theology.

Martin luther

Who was of Thuringian (East German) peasant/bourgeois origin.

Martin luther

Woman who governed scotland

Mary, Queen of Scots.

what does interdict mean

Mass production excommunication

Henry's daughter ________ lost the throne to her cousin ________ (r. 1135-1154).

Matilda, Stephen

Synoptic Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke

Linear B

clay tablet, made reference to gods and rights (damos)

under which tyrant was ostracism practiced


who was the most democratic tyrant


in hungary, what nobles embraced protestantism (not sure if this is correct wordage)

Mattias Biro and Stephen Kis

University of erfurt

Medieval University attended by Luther, where he earned a Masters degree in 1505.


Medieval heretics, who considered the material world evil;similar to zoroastrianism, their followers renounced wealth and marriage and promoted an ascetic existence.

first event that gave plebians more power in senate

addition of the assembly of tribes (led by tribunes)

Where do the Visigoths defeat the romans


tragedian who was author of THE PERSIANS


facts about claudius

afflicted in body and speech scholarly established ostia harbor britain conquered poisoned by fourth wife agrippina


after death of cleon

when did athens flourish and have veterans demanding more rights

age of pericles

who supplanted sumerians

akkadian empire

who synthesized roman and german law (lex romana visigothorum)


The wealth of the monasteries (e.g., 67 Cluniac monasteries, relics) led to the formation of such heretical groups as

albigensians, cathari, waldensians

what was the cultural center of the world


what was the center of hellenistic civilization, and largest city of mediteranian

alexandria egypt

in england, under who had cultural expansion (anglo saxon chronicle)

alfred the great

Who united England against the Danes, although this unity was short-lived.

alfred the great (alfred of wessex)

Zealots, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes

all related to jesus and christianity

dionysus, aeschylus, sophecles, oresteia, oedipus, euripides, aristophanes

all were a part of athenian theater

Ramses II

allied with Hittites - Pharaoh of Exodus

who converted to roman christianity and employed the churchs backing against arian rivals


who were upper and lower egypt united by?

Menes (Narmer) capital was Memphis


Messenger of the gods

who emulated the byzantine emperors regalia


who establishes the capital at paris


who is responsible for the creation of Lex Salica (salic law)


what will be the group that chooses the pope

college of cardinals

new cities under rome

cologne, paris, london, lyon, vienna

Calvin burned heretic who at the stake - frequent executions

Michael Servetus

Who was a skeptic who urged religious freedom

Michel de montaigne

Who painted Sistine Chapel in service of Pope Julius II


Who considered himself a sculptor - (David, Moses, and Jesus sculptures)

Michelangelo Buonarroti

linear A

Minoan writing system indecipherable

who was corrupt and assassinated in 193 Ad


Decisions of royal courts provided the basis for what

common law

Is Zoroastrianism monotheistic or polytheistic?



commoners rallied behind him to overthrow a regime

Harun al-Rashid

Most famous of the Abbasid caliphs (786-809); renowned for sumptuous and costly living recounted in The Thousand and One Nights.(arabian nights)

salah ad-Din

Muslim leader who retained control of the Holy Land during the third Crusade, kurdish chieftain, and sunni sultan of egypt and syria

Averroes (Ibn Rushd)

Muslim philosopher who used Greek philosophy to explain Islamic truth.

who conquered crete


where was sparta located

laconian valley


land between two rivers present day iraq


land that united northern edessa and antioch with kingdom of jerusalem

what things did Julius caesar accomplish

lands to lower classes increased power of senate extended citizenship public works 365 julian calendar

cleopatra VII

last ptolemaic ruler

Romulus Augustulus, Odovacar

last western emperor, deposed by Odovacar who headed the huns (type of barbarians)

what is the language of law


platus, terence

latin (roman) imitators of popular Greek plays

what is romes contribution


Munster, John of Leyden

leader of anabaptists in munster


leader of greek fleet who persuaded people to abandon athens


leader of persia after his father darius


leader of romes most threatening revolt, who after they lost were crucified

Thutmose I

led egypt to greatest size syria, palestine, upper euphrates, sudan


led the delian league to victories over persia during 470s and 460s but also used league in bad way

what led to the police state of sparta

legacy of messenian helots

what was promoted by Jehan de Mandeville, Book of Marvels

legend of Prester John

What two humanist stressed political involvement - civic humanism

leonardo bruni, leon alberti

Who was a great of the 16th century and an Anatomist

leonardo da vinci

joint stock companies

limited liability, pool resources together


literally a "drinking party," an intimate gathering at which elite men would enjoy wine, poetic competition, performances by trained dancers and acrobats

Gregory of tours

literate monk who wrote the History of the Franks and some of the other few surviving histories of the Early Middle Ages

Charles VI

lost to king henry and uninherited his son

who recieved received parts of Italy, Alsace-Lorraine, and the Netherlands (the middle section)


who received the empire east of the Rhine

louis the german

who arranged to have their empire divided among their three sons

louis the pious

who lacked his fathers charisma and forcefulness

louis the pious

where was constantine born

lower danube region

who overthrows gaius marius

lucius cornelius sulla

Lucretius, Cicero

lucretius authored a book length poem called the nature of things (epicureanism) while cicero was a statesman who based teachings on the stoic premises of virtue

caste system in order

lugals, nobles and priest, artisians, slaves

phonecian products

lumber, purple dye from murex shells, tin, 22 symbol alphabet, no afterlife, human sacrifice practiced

who developed coins


benedict of nursia

made monks do useful work

What did Augustus do for the army

made the army an appealing career, created a retirement plan

facts about nero

madman persecuted christians committed suicide

What limited the monarch's power and gave rights to barons, and then everyone

magna carta

what did Theodoric do

maintained the senate and laws with roman beurocrats

the aristocratic families after clovis made one of their own _____ _____

maior domus, mayor of the palace

Horace, Ovid

major poets, Horace was lovely short lyrics and ovid was Greek mythology told in his poem metmorphoses

What is hematite

make red dye, used in trade

richard leakey

man originated in kenya, supports evolutionary theory

what did charlemaagnes capitularies ask for

mandatory allegiance

who commited suicide at the battle of actium

marc antony and cleopatra


marcus aurelius' son who said that he was not fit to rule effectively, killed by his wrestling coach

chief gods of babylon

marduk and ishtar

what did purple dye come from

mardux shells

who guarded/policed marches


what is an agora


Jadwiga (female ruler of poland). Jagiello(grand duke of lithuania) (Wladyslaw II)

married to form the jagiellonian dynasty, married in the roman church and changed his name to wladyslaw II

Who translated Plato into Latin

marsilio ficino

Who was from Strasbourg, France and influenced John Calvin

martin bucer

Who wrote Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation

martin luther

Who wrote On Temporal Authority - kings were not to be challenged

martin luther

Who wrote On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

martin luther

Who wrote On the Liberty of the Christian Man - politically conservative document.

martin luther

who brought england back to Catholicism - 300 Protestants, including Cranmer, were martyred, England lost Calais

mary I

the landed aristocrats of greece took what new lands

massilia, byzantium, syracuse, and tarentum

archimedes of syracus known for

mathematics, levers, pulleys, pi, water screw


mathmetician that had the basic textbook for geometry until the 20th century


means general

krak des chavaliers

means knights fortress, a massive stronghold


means living together or coexistence. in relation to christians jews and muslims in spain


means those dwelling around they were free residents of other peloponnesian cities

who gave to the church, causing the great cathedrals


who did muhammad attack and what for

merchants of mecca for their worldliness

seven kingdoms of England during seventh century

mercia, east anglia, northumbria, kent, wessex, sussex, essex

who were clovis sons a part of


missi dominici meaning

messengers of the king (similar to spies)

Metropolitans, patriarchs

metro's- bishops of the largest cities, and those who ruled over the oldest and most prestigious Christian communities were called patriarchs

Anti-Trinitarians were started by who

michael servetus


middle class

Every freeman served in the ______ or paid a substitute


the poet tyrtaeus focused on what theme


Flavius Stilicho

military leader of western empire under theodosius


mill owners hired preachers so that workers will submit

who led athenian victory of persians at marathon


The frescoes are from what civilization


charles martel was ______________ minded


st martin of tours

missionary to France; founded monastery at Poitiers

st boniface

missionary to germany born in winfrid


missionary to goths

st patrick

missionary to ireland

st augustine the lesser

missionary to kent, england

St. Columba of iona

missionary to scots and picts

what is the bishops/popes hat called


what tongue does Martin Luther establish, and it is the dialect of the german bible

mittelhochdeutsch (middle high german)

Archaean league

model for advocating federalism in the united states by alexander hamilton

greek polis

model for city states, contribution of alexanders

what served as community centers - orders included Carthusians, Cistercians.


what provided social mobility, but monks frequently were second sons from aristocratic families


alexandria egypt helped with

money exchange, museum of natural history, papyrus scrolls (700,000),


monk known as the venerable ______ for his great learning; author of "The Ecclesiastical History of the English People"

Areopagus and Archons

monopolization of elected offices and control of the city's council, and archons (first men) were the men who wielded executive authority in Athens.

Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) and Nefertiti

monotheism (Aton) - little impact

Positive effects of plague

more food, higher wages, more livestock in pasture land, urbanization and commercial expansion, jobs for women

What were the positive effects of black death

more food, higher wages, more livestock in pasture land, urbanization and commercial expansion, jobs for women

during middle kingdom

more mumification, less pyramids, less strict pharoahs


most important pastoral poet

what happened under titus

mount vesuvius (pompeii)


mountain pass that sparta confronted xerxes at

the anabaptist had Some extremists like (two people)

muenster commune john of leiden

who was a middling camel drover-arabs as guides and traders


who attacked travelers in the alps


who encouraged trade and manufacturing. throughout the mediterranean and along the silk road to china (papermaking from china)


who pushed up into Europe - Spain, Sicily, and Southern Italy.


who supplanted the visigoths


What civilization entered greece from the north



narrow straight between europe and asia, where contantinople was founded


nearby polis that offered athenians aid

new stone age


when was agricultural development


who became emperor after claudius


who is the first of the five good emperors


who was emporer after domitian



new capital of christian kingdom

parvenu means

new rich

Who wrote The Prince which justified amoral rulers

niccolo machiavelli

Council of NIcea

nicene creed and rejected women writer mary magdalene

did augustus establish religious freedom


did charlemagne go on the expeditions he funded


did rome have a supreme court


did the romans have jury trials


what did the skeptics believe

no absolutes

epicurus beliefs

no afterlife, moderate pursuit of pleasure, diestic

Who won the Peloponnesian War?

no winners

barons are the same as


what meant nobles had duties toward the poor and community.

noblesse oblige

people who believed that reason could not substantiate all beliefs


same charge


lands that cathaginians controlled

north africa, sardinia, spain, west sicily

facts about the septimius severus dynasty

north african based women dominant


north african priest who said seperate from secular works

where are franks from

north gual

where did the lombards start supplanting the ostrogoths from

north italy

Catherin of Siena

nun and mystic who persuaded gregory XI to return the papacy to rome

hildegard of bingen

nun who was also a poet and musician, heloises contemporary, mystic who received revelations from god

who had the longest reign of emperor for rome

octavian augustus (41 years)

Octavian and Mark Antony

octavian was cesaers nephew who wanted to take the throne, his rival was his fathers friend mark antony

who captured rome in 476



old man

patricians have

old money

greek philosophy believed what view of man

optimistic view of man

anti semetic preist

origen, john chrystostom

who moved into italy when rome fell apart


who conquered the magyars

otto the great


overseers that supervised the educational system and guarded the spartan tradition

who was ovid and what did he write

ovid was a lascivious writer (amores) and wrote mythology in metamorphoses

stone age


facts about tiberius

paralyzed paranoid high ethical standards avoided war

Who were frequently sincere but uneducated

parish priests

King Nebuchadnezzar

part of chaldeans, rebuilt babylon, hanging gardens, obsession with astrology, babylonian captivity

Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius

part of the five good emporers

what was made during the age of pericles

parthenon, temple of athena, amphitheater

the magyars conquered what

parts of Germany, northern Italy, and Burgundy.

three classes of roman republic

patricians plebeians and slaves

in 1555 what gave rulers the right to be Protestant and choose subjects' religion-Germany remained split

peace of augsburg

Joan of Arc

peasant girl who led french army to victory over the english in the 100 year's war

Who had to take a loyalty oath under william of normandy


Who worked the lord's land (desmense) as well as their own plots-shared tools and land.


who helped farmers though land and loans, beautification, culture, and water supply


who is the farmers tyrant



people in Italy, who greeks called tyrrhenians, women, roman myths,


people who study stars


people who supported limited government in economy but has now changed


peoples whose speech, to Greek ears, sounded like gibberish ("bar-bar-bar")

who united the easten and western frankish kingdoms

pepin of heristal (charlegmanes great grandfather)


periods of rapid change, bourgeois led, inconclusive

who did the farming in sparta

perioikoi (non citizens)

what is the royal road

persian 1600 mile road that connected four capitals Get post office from this because there were post along the road

who conquered asia minor

persian cyrus the great


persian emporer who backed aristagoras

umar khayyam

persian poet who wrote rubaiyat and was turned popular by victorian poet edward fitzgerald

Herodotus wrote about what

persian war

who defeated lydian king croseus


Renaissance sculptors looked to Greek and Roman models - emphasis on what


author of sic et non

peter abelard

author of sentences

peter lombard

waldensians were founded by who, and led to valdes NC

peter waldo

Who was a priest - wrote in Latin and Italian - sonnets


old kingdom had what

pharoahs and ruled by ma'at

Who had Boniface kidnapped.

philip IV of France

protestant leader during schmalkaldic wars

philip of hesse

who divided greek city states and employed calvary

philip of macedon

who unified greece after chaeronea

philip of macedon

facts about marcus aurelius

philosopher king fought germans floods plagues devaluation of coinage


philosopher that studied logic


philosopher who studied astronomical movements

what cultures did romans synthesize

phoenicians greeks etruscans celts

what influences greek assimilation

phoenicians, mesopotamians, egyptians

who were predecessors of christian Lebanese


who was britain overrun by

picts, scots, anglo-saxons, and jutes

name of the port city of athens



place where epaminondas defeated spartans

what two things helped sparta and hurt athens

plague and persian cooperation

a manor is a


latifundia were


defeat of persians was where

plataea and mycale

Who created the Academy, a school where philosophy math and science was taught


Who wrote The Republic, a book that set forth his vision of a philosopher-king concept


twelve tables

plebian victory led to this law, plebians could hold office and later the senate

who wrote the 37 volume natural history

pliny the elder


poet who sayed that roman success meant they should colonize the world

unequal charge


Boleslaw III

polish king who created dukedoms (divided land among his sons)

what are satrapies

political units ruled by satraps, Darius created them through the Persian empire


polytheistic religion of mesopotamia


polytheistic religion of mesopotamia


polytheistic religion of mesopotamia


polytheistic religion of mesopotamia

Clement V

pope after boniface, nice and thanked philip publicly

who mandated cathedral teachers (1179) - seven liberal arts for religious and secular vocations

pope alexander III

What is the investiture controversy

pope and emperor fought over who would appoint bishops.

who refused to let kings tax the clergy

pope boniface VII

who refused Henry's request of annulment to his wife- Medici with political considerations

pope clement VII

attila the hun tried to take rome but was dissuaded by who

pope leo I in 452

Who inaugurated Council of Trent (Trento, Italy) (1545-1563) - he and his successors were ascetics

pope paul III

medieval christianity

pope took over authority when rome declined (1200-1300)

alexander VI, Julius II, John Paul II


what was the diet during medieval times

pork grains and beer

Who could not expand into Spain


Who could settle but not really colonize - cork, fruit, gold, olive oil, slaves, wine


as early rome grew, what also increased

power of plebians increae

The cornerstone of Calvin's belief was what


zenos beliefs

predestination, equality of all men, self discipline, political activism

What does presbyter mean?


Edward II

prince of wales, murdered by his own queen isabella of france

What title did Octavian take?

princeps (first citizen)

Wiiliam Caxton

printer who specialized in publishing books that glorified englands history and heritage

what did most tragedys of athens involve

problem of hubris (arrogance)

another name for provincial consuls


pope gregory the great

promoted Benedictine monasticism


promoted atomic theory

sophists were led by


rome organized and conquered territories into ____________ with proconsuls


claudius ptolemaeus

published an astronomical treatise almagest that said all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth

Publius Cornelius Scipio, Hasdrubal

publius was a roman general who copied Hannibal and attacked spain on their turf, hannibals brother is Hasdrubal, ended up winning second punic war

What is retrenchment?

pulling back

what means waiting area


what did women recieve in sparta

quasi military training, and could inheret property

facts about hadrian

ran jews out of jerusalem no new conquest hadrians wall poor in military

Niccolo Machiavelli

realpolitik- political power important

what did socrates stress

reason over emotion


reconquest of christian lands

michael VIII Paleologus

regained control of constantinople after its immediate hinterland

leo IX

relative of Henry III who was appointed pope after three nobles were deposed. promulgrated decrees against simony and cerical marriage

What was encouraged by the founding of new universities

religious writing

what did the palace school offer

rich and poor an education

eastern frankish kingdom

ripuarian kingdom

problems of pax romana

rising taxes armies reduced more imports not smart traders no large industry cheaper coins


river that caesor crossed to challenge pompey to a deadly civil war

what allowed christianity to spread

roads and sea transportation

Who created gunpowder

roger bacon

religious perspective

role of religion


roman army defeated by goths here

what does "lex romana visigothorum" mean

roman law of the visigoths

who eventually conquered alexanders land


what was the political center of the world


First Punic War (264-241 BC)

rome naval war that led to carthage giving up sicily

what was the social war about

rome vs italy over citizenship

what did umar khayyim write



rule of the few

Charles V (new age)

ruled not only Spain but also a huge patchwork of territories encompassed by the Holy Roman Empire. In 1519, he accepted Ferdinand Magellan's proposal to see whether a route to Asia could be found by sailing around South America.


ruled until egypt became a roman province

Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Domitian

rulers after augustus who were reviled


said monastery as an intellectual center

Edict of Milan

said that you cant persecute Christians, religious tolerance

master eckhart

said there is a spark (that is god) in all of us that can be lit, condemned because it meant you didnt need a priest

Western Frankish Kingdom

salic kingdom

first emporer

sargon the akkadian

what type of poet was callimachus



satirist who wrote about moral degeneracy he saw in contemporaries

name of war where Lutheran princes resisted HRE Charles V

schmalkaldic wars

the belief that faith can be substantiated through reason


who was hannibal barca defeated by

scipio africanus

who ran off Catholic Mary Queen of Scots and practiced calvinism

scottish presbyterians under john knox


seafarers from canaan

Charles martel

second founder of frankish kingdom "The Hammer" the Frankish commander for the battle of Tours. He defeated the Muslimsin the Battle of Tours, allowing Christianity to survive throughout the Dark Ages. He in a way started Feudalism by giving land to his knights that served for him.

7 th century- philosophers means

seekers of wisdom

what cities had aqueducts

segovia, spain nimes, france

what did rome conquer in the first century

seleucid (asia minor) and ptolemaic (egypt) kingdoms

what did sophists do

sell their knowledge, some were hedonists


senatorial aristocratic historian who described events and people to pass judgement on them


senatus populusque romanum, any decree made by the senate and people of rome

who was after commodus

septimius severus dynasty

Caesarius of Arles

set down rules for nuns - some coed monasteries

Treaty of Tordesillas

set the boundary established in 1493 to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas.

Septimius Severus, Julia Domna

severus gained power after commodus died, Julia was his second wife

what did viking ships have that helped them go practically anywhere

shallow drafts

nonpolar covalent bond

shared equally electrons

what did sherrifs rule under william

shires (like counties)


short story with satirical twist

what is the football being kicked by the italian boot


who emphasized dialectic teaching (you ask and students answer)



sole archon, was aristocrat

who extended citizenship to foreign craftsmen, kept prices down, had commoners in office, and dike principle


Edward III

son of Isabella of England. He could only exercise rightful sovereignty over Aquitaine by becoming king of France. He led the country into the Hundred Years' war. (386)

Cesare Borgia

son of Pope Alexander VI that used ruthless measures to achieve his goal of carving a new state in Italy. He abandoned morality for political activity.

Benedict of Nursia

son of a roman aristocrats founded a monastery in rome, benedicts rule guided monks


son-in -law of Amenhotep - back to polytheism

Caracalla, Geta

sons of severus, Caracalla killed his brother

Name for university of paris



sought to regulate violence through harsh punishments

the vandals invaded who under king gaiseric

spain, north africa, italy, and rome

what ethnicity is trajan


what ethnicity was hadrian


what ethnicity was marcus aurelius


where had all classes serving in the military


who dominated in peloponnesia


what was the most famous slave revolt

spartacus (73 BC)

what league challenged the delian league

spartan league


spartan slaves

Menno Simons,Sebastian Franck, Caspar Schwenkfeld - Amish and Mennonites (Menno Simons) all a part of what religion

spiritualists (mystics)

william jones

spread of indo-european language

who gave the church its theology

st augustine (bishop of hippo)

what does dictatorship promise


Guillaume de Machaut, Francesco Landini

started the musical movement called ars nova (new art)


state of the art warships

Who had to deal with Matilda and rebellious barons


who had a chaotic reign- he was too conciliatory


what did zeno create


socrates background

stone cutter, war veteran, greatest philosopher

what is history

study of past events


sumer city

erich kish

sumer city


sumer city


sumer city

what happened after clovis' four sons

supplanted by aristocratic families

environmental (social darwinist) perspective

survival of the fittest charles darwin

who went into slavic areas


what were poleis created by


what was alexanders greatest contribution

synthesizing hellenistic culture and spread of koine greek (helped romans since universal language)

who wrote germania, and what is it about

tacitus, objective history which praised the germans

ionic bonds

taken from one and given to another

sargon the akkadian did what

takes over fertile crescent, 20,000 tablets at elba syria

what is the heel of the italian boot

tarentum of magna gracia

Taquinius Superbus

tarquin the arrogant, Etruscan who raped a roman wife Lucretia which caused him to be overthrown

What did the equites do?

tax collectors (new rich)

who was northumbrian alcuin of york

teacher at palace school (I think)

hebrew contributions

ten commandments, important women, less severe laws, free will, no idolatry or human sacrifice, covenant relation with God,

what are insulae



the "land" where a large polis might support several other towns or smaller poleis

Mehmet II

the Ottoman leader who led the successful capture of the Byzantine city of Constantinople

Urban VI, Clement VII, Great Schism

the Roman Church was divided between two—and, ultimately, three—competing papacies, each claiming to be legitimate and each denouncing the heresy of the others

Legacy of the Reformation lives on in where

the United states

what was the ships name in appolonis' story argonotics that was about jason and the golden fleece

the argo


the asse,bly where all spartiate males over the age of thirty were members of


the body contains four "humors" that need to be page141kept in balance through bloodletting and other invasive practices, father of medicine

what happened after charlemagnes death

the carolingian empire fell apart

Mos maiorum

the code of the elders or the custom of the ancestors or morality, essential to roman identity

who installed Martin V, who outlived his rivals during the great schism

the council of constance

What weakened Protestantism in poland and lithuania

the counter reformation

Henry IV

the first Lancastrian king of England from 1399 to 1413

what happened after nero died

the flavian dynasty


the formation that hoplites did


the fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites

what is the foundation of parliament

the great council

what was a response to the Babylonian Captivity.

the great schism

what did erasistratus beleive

the heart was a pump

what intermittently pitted France against England

the hundred years war


the island that themistocles persuaded the citizens to go to

who benefitted from the crusades

the italians

who set forth natural rights

the jurist ulpian


the large peninsula of mainland Greece, but cursed by the poverty of its land

Montezuma II

the last Aztec emperor in Mexico who was overthrown and killed by Hernando Cortes (1466-1520)

Richard II

the last Plantagenet king who lost the throne during the Hundred Years' War


the lowest class of Athenians that rowed for the triremes (ships)

What was the basic economic unit - varied in size and quality.

the manor


the most successful demagogue (ambitious men who played to the worst isntincts of the demos)


the name of the castle Luther found refuge in during his escape from execution.


the narrow strait seperating europe and asia

What did Herophilus help with?

the nervous and circulatory systmems, and came up with the concept of the duodenem

who were responsible for the day to day tasks of athens

the nine archons

What began in Italy in the 14th century

the renaissance

what were the two frankish kingdoms divided by

the rhine river


the root from which we derive the word politics


the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina


the selling of Church offices by secular or spiritual leaders

name of the two consuls of the senate

the senate and the centuriate

what war was under gaius marius

the social war

Hero of Alexandria invented what

the steam engine

what is a khora

the surrounding land of the agora and acropolis

what river does rome begin along

the tiber river

what was hactaeus' philosophy

the world is flat and surrounded by ocean

middle kingdom of egypt capital


hellenistic poets

theocritus, apollonius, callumachus, menander,

Socrates, Pythagoras, Sophists (wise men), Protagoras (older contemporary of Socrates)

they are all philosphers or involved in philosophy

how are clovis and charlemagne similar

they both distributed coins (pound, shilling, pennies)

Henry Tudor, Elizabeth of York

they married so there would be a new dynasty with white and red petals (ending the war of the roses)

where was the first law code

third dynasty of ur

Who was a - lawyer - author of Utopia. Goods shared

thomas more

Renaissance painters tried to achieve what type of effect

three dimensional effect

Punic wars

three periods of concentrated warfare against the poeni (phonecians)

who was dictator after augustus


Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus

tiberus- grandson of scipio africanus, both tried to collapse the gap between rich and poor by equally distributing land, Tiberius was murdered

who was the sons of vespasian

titus and domitian


tiziano vecellio, painted luxurious and pleasure loving lives

term for monastic haircut


why was hellenistic science not applied or supported

too many civilians to do the work, did not need innovation

islam spread with what


Greek civilization known for due to location

trade, metals, ideas

waht was asia minor

trading center of miletus



who was emperor after nerva


word for bread and wine become the literal body and blood of christ


what gave England SW France and Calais during the hundred years war

treaty of bretigny

what divided the empire in 843

treaty of verdun (843)

what two romans tried to help the poor but were killed

tribunes tiberius and gaius gracchus


tried to become sole emporer of rome, put Christian symbol on his banners which made him win the battle of milvan bridge, leading to him making christianity

Council of Constance, Martin V, conciliarism

tried to mend the great schism, says supreme authority is with general council and not pope

What was Hipparchus known for?


the germans and romans allied and defeated the huns where

troyes, gual

what did constantine and diocletian do in regards to the military

try to make appealing (pay in gold)

what is asia minor today



two elected officers that headed the government instead of a king in rome

Ostia, naples

two ports the roman took over latin hinterland and eutruscan territories


tyrant who governed miletus

poets of athens

tyrtaeus, hesiod, pindar

Who carried Luther's ideas to Zurich, Switzerland

ulrich zwingli

Who died in the canton wars

ulrich zwingli

who was more radical than Luther - opposed transubstantiation

ulrich zwingli

who succeeded the rashidan dynasty

umayyad dynasty

who did charlemagne sponser expeditions against (5)

umayyad muslims of spain saxons of germany lombards in italy avars in bavaria byzantine empire

when did the Hebrew kingdom split

under solomon

polar covalent

unequal sharing of electrons

third dynasty of ur

ur-nammu and shlugi, law code, dictionary, foreign trade

what dynasty was sympathetic to germans

valentinian dynasty

who broke through romes western boundaries in 406

vandals, alans, suebi, and goths

Vasco da Gama, Ibn Majid

vasco rounded the cape of africa, helped by muslim navigator ibn majid, and went to india, became the epic lusiads

How does the PP describe King Joao (john) II

very ambitious


very strict monastic order who were deeply involved in charity work, followed benedicts rule

who became emporer after nero


what caused athens to become dominant

victory over persians

Who were raiders because of rocky soil and poor climate in Scandinavia


who created normandy (mouth of seine river in france)


what three groups, and from what direction, destroyed charlemagnes empire

vikings (north) Norwegians (east) Danes (south)

by 1000 ad, whos (2) attacks subsided as these groups converted to Christianity.

vikings and magyars

who changed the odessy and created their own version


south gual and spain, arian christians what kingdom is this


what were the four major kingdoms in the sixth century



wanted resources and goods in market

Were the mycenaeans into peace or war


what was coined by Walter Scott and was in regard to the English Civil War

war of the roses

Henry IV

was a German king who became Holy Roman Emperor in 1084. His efforts to increase the power of the monarchy led him into conflict with Pope Gregory VIII over lay investiture. Gregory excommunicated Henry but later reinstated him in the church after Henry did penance.

alfonso II

was also the count of Barcelona and the first to rule the united Crown of Aragon, used the book of fiefs

matilda of tuscany

was an Italian noblewoman, the principal Italian supporter of Pope Gregory VII during the Investiture Controversy. Seen as a mediator of the time


was named yathrib city of the prophet

What were sources of power during the medieval times

watermills and windmills

Henry VI

weak king of England who could not control the local lords, was defeated in a civil war

what was the crisis of the third century

weak rulers after marcus aurelius people moved away from rome

protestant (calvinist) ethic

wealth is a sign of gods blessing

louis IX

went on a crusade which gave him saintly and political clout

dike principle

what is given is what is expected, under solon


what the urban poor under roman control hoped for, leader who would establish a jewish kingdom

types of agriculture during neolithic

wheat, barley, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle

sumerian contributions

wheeled carts and sails, irrigation, 12 month calendar, 360 degree circle, geometry, 60 second minute, constellations

teutobrug forest

where three legions of roman troops were slaughtered under augustus/ octavian

Faltonia Betitia Proba, Boethius

wife of roman senator, used virgils poetry to replace aeneas with christ. Boethius preserved best aspects of ancients, called the "last of the romans"

guillaume means


Who invaded England in 1066 at Hastings

william of normandy (william I, William the conqueror)

who ran their empire similar to charlegmane

william of normandy (william I, William the conqueror)

What became a center for Lutheran teaching.


Julianne of Norwich, Margery Kempe

women who spent life in prayer and contemplation


worked his way to gaining lots of land after alexander the great died

Ludovico Ariosto

wrote "Orlando Furioso"- Romantic epic, satirical approach to courtly love, most popular book of the day, heroism and intellectually superior female characters inspired women

Christine di Pisan

wrote Book of the City of Ladies

Edmund Spenser

wrote The Faerie Queene based off of ariostos orlando furioso

Paulus Vladimiri

wrote a treatise that criticized papal and imperial efforts to convert the peoples of eastern Europe and the Baltic by force through their support of the Teutonic Knights

John de mandeville

wrote book of marvels (character is prester john)

Leon Battista Alberti

wrote the treatise "on the family". which presents that the nuclear family is the fundamental unit of the city-state

Did Louis IX go on crusades


was divorce permitted in athens


was socrates anti democratic


were women important to the mycenians



young leader of a tribe of goths, ended up getting a roman military command position

who supplanted akkadians

zagros mountain people

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