Ch 8 Quiz

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It was _____ who wrote, "It is quite true that man lives by bread alone—where there is no bread. But what happens to man's desires when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronically filled? At once other (and 'higher') needs emerge and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism. And when these in turn are satisfied, again new (and still 'higher') needs emerge, and so on. That is what we mean by saying that the basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency."

Abraham Maslow

Psychologist David Buss conducted a large-scale survey of more than 10,000 people in 37 different cultures on the general topic of mate preferences. What did Buss find

Across all cultures, men were more likely than women to value youth and physical attractiveness in a potential mate

Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of Maslow's theory of motivation

Because of Maslow's influence, psychology was encouraged to focus on the motivation and development of psychologically healthy people

According to _____ theories of motivation, behavior is motivated by the desire to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs


Which of the following statements is FALSE

Getting only about 5 hours of sleep a night is an effective strategy for reducing appetite and losing weight

Which of the following increases the sensitivity of the stomach's stretch receptors and promotes satiation?

Hormone Cholecystokinin

According to the _____ theory of emotion, your subjective emotional experience is the direct result of physical changes in your body


According to Maslow's theory of motivation

all people are motivated by an inborn tendency to strive for self-actualization

Glucose is

also called blood sugar and is the primary source of energy in your body

Milton claims that his dog Moxie is a real clown and that his antics and fooling around are always aimed at getting a laugh. He says Moxie has a great sense of humor. Milton appears to be attributing human traits and emotions to his dog, a phenomenon called


Charles Darwin

believed that the capacity to experience emotion is an evolved trait that humans share with lower animals

Cholecystokinin is

both a hormone and a neurotransmitter that increases the sensitivity of stretch receptors in the stomach, promotes satiation, and reduces or stops eating behavior

Rats with a damaged amygdala

cannot acquire a classically conditioned fear response

Psychologists define the term _____ as a complex psychological state that involves subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response


Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages of human sexual response

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Paralyzing facial muscles with Botox may make people who have had the procedure less able to recognize emotional expressions in others. The explanation given for this finding is that

feedback from our facial muscles helps us understand emotional expressions in others, and Botox prevents that from happening

In looking at gender differences in emotion, psychologist Agneta Fischer and her colleagues analyzed cross-cultural data from 37 countries around the world. The researchers found that across cultures

for both men and women, the expression of emotions is strongly influenced by culturally determined display rules

Psychologist Peter Gollwitzer developed an approach that helps people achieve their goals. What are the two key strategies of Gollwitzer's approach?

forming goal intentions and creating implementation intentions

In comparing the incidence of homosexuality—either male or female—among pairs of identical twins, fraternal twins, and adoptive siblings, the research seems to indicate that

genetic factors play a role in determining sexual orientation

Getting too little sleep can promote weight gain by

increasing blood levels of ghrelin and decreasing blood levels of leptin

In collectivistic cultures, achievement motivation tends to reflect

increasing the success or status of one's family or group

The Focus on Neuroscience box "Emotions and the Brain" describes a PET scan study by researcher Antonio Damasio and his colleagues. The study found that when participants recalled an emotionally charged memory

internal brain changes occurred before the participant reported subjectively feeling the emotion

The hormone leptin

is secreted by adipose tissue that signals the hypothalamus, regulating hunger and eating behavior

The Thematic Apperception Test

is used to measure achievement motivation, or the need for achievement

As a junior in college, Nicholas has earned good grades in all of his classes. Despite this, he keeps putting off enrolling in English Composition I and II because he is convinced that he lacks the writing skills necessary to succeed in those classes. According to the Enhancing Well-Being with Psychology box "Turning Your Goals into Reality," Nicholas's beliefs about his writing skills reflect a

low degree of self-efficacy

Karen has a body mass index of 28, which means that she is

overweight, but not obese

The Focus on Neuroscience feature discusses a PET scan study comparing the brains of normal-weight individuals and obese individuals. One finding in the study was that compared with the normal-weight individuals, the obese individuals had

significantly fewer dopamine receptors in their brains

High blood levels of the hormone ghrelin

stimulate appetite and eating behavior

When Graham was taking his first ride up the steep slope at the beginning of the Mighty Mouse Roller Coaster ride, he became aware of his high level of physiological arousal. He then began to feel very fearful. The sequence of events in Graham's emotional experience reflects_______ theory of emotion

the James-Lange

When Darlene, a cashier, looked up and saw the frightening face of the bank robber with a gun in front of her, she was terrified. What was the sequence of activation of structures in her brain when she saw the threatening stimulus

the thalamus and then the amygdala

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