Ch 9 - 12 study guide apush

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Correctly match the candidate in the 1824 presidential election with his description.

Jackson - pop war hero of 1812(battle of NO)

In which of the following ways was Chief Justice Roger Taney different from his predecessor, John Marshall?

Marshall - nationalist Taney - states' rights

Which of the following were the three key elements of Clay's American system?

- internal improvements - second national bank - protective tariffs

How did Thomas Jefferson respond to the development of American manufacturing by the 1820s?

- praised industrialization - pride in progress of manufacturing

Which of the following developments spurred the Panic of 1837?

Bank of eng --> pulls brit investment in us

What occurred during the Bad Axe Massacre of 1832?

Black hawk pushed to WI

Which of the following describes the new industrial system that developed in early nineteenth-century America?

Brought workers together under one roof

Which of the following statements describes events surrounding the election of 1824?

Crawford died of a stroke or corrupt bargin?

How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's claimed right of nullification in 1832?

Force bill

What was the outcome of President John Quincy Adams' support of the Creeks in their treaty negotiations with the state of Georgia?

Georgia's governor attacked him

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution specify should be done in an election like the election of 1824, in which no presidential candidate received a majority of the electoral votes?

HOR picks btw top 3

Which of the following was an outcome of the division of labor in early American shoe factories?

Inc shoe production

Who replaced the Lowell Mill workers when they refused in the 1830s to work until conditions improved?


The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written by John C. Calhoun, bore a similarity to the argument made by which of the following people?

KY(TJ) and VA(JM) resolutions

Who was the English immigrant who secretly brought the design of the most advanced British machinery for spinning cotton to America in 1789?

Samuel Slader

Most of the new state constitutions written between 1830 and 1860 did which of the following?

State leg based on pop

n the aftermath of the nullification crisis, President Jackson responded to southern concerns about the tariff by

Tariff act of 1833 - lowers gradually over 10 years back to 1816 levels

Which of the following was an outcome of the rural outwork system of manufacturing in the 1820s and 1830s?

Wages dec

Who is considered the first real politician, partly because he created the first statewide political machine?

Van Buren

Why did several eastern states expand suffrage in the 1810s?

Wanted to discourage western migration

John C. Calhoun challenged the northern Whig economic ideology by arguing

advanced civilizations --> hostilities btw worker/capitalists

Working Men's Parties of the late 1820s and 1830s called for which of the following reforms?

against debtors prisons

Which of the following describe John Tyler and his presidency?

angered whigs b/c democratic/against bank --> kicked out of the party (only w/ WHH b/c against nullification)

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Jacksonian-era constitutional revolution on the states?

btw 1830 - 1860 20 states revised charters to inc dem

Which of these describes the experiences of the young women who worked in the New England textile mills in the 1820s and 1830s?

can save wages to help families

Which of the following statements characterizes the Second Bank of the United States in the 1830s?

cautious monetary policy pleased bankers, creditors, and entrepreneurs, who funded economic development

In the early 1800s, British textile manufacturers had which of the following advantages over their American competitors?

cheap labor

In 1834, the Working Men's Party persuaded the Pennsylvania legislature to do which of the following?

create tax-supported public school sys

Around the 1830s, what new form of manufacturing emerged in America?

mineral based eco --> metal tools

Which of the following statements characterizes the emergence of the textile industry in the United States?

modeled off brit textiles --> bettered tech

Which of the following arguments did President Jackson offer as a justification for destroying the Second Bank of the United States?

monopoly that benefitted foreigners

As president, John Quincy Adams supported which of the following policies?

national bank to promote uniform currency and control credit

n the first half of the nineteenth century, American manufacturers' main advantage over the British mills was that they had access to which of the following?

natural resources

In 1832, a South Carolina state convention committed which of the following actions?

declared tariff of abomination and 1832 null

What did bankers, land speculators, and entrepreneurs in the 1820s to the 1840s have in common?

demand govt assistance for their business enterprises

In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "It is a constant fact that at the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of affairs." To what did he attribute this phenomenon?


On which issue was the Whig philosophy of the 1830s critically different from that of the Federalists in the 1790s?

elite rule based on talent not noteriety

In the landmark case of Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co. (1837), Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and the U.S. Supreme Court did which of the following?

encouraged competitive enterprise(no monopolies) --> violate Marshall's earlier ruling(dartmouth vs woodward 1819)

Which of the following statements describes the American Waltham plan, which was later known as the Lowell system?

farm girls/women to work in factories

In what way was the United States more democratic than anywhere else in the world during the first half of the nineteenth century?

fewer franchise qualifications

President Martin Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 by

hands off, limited govt

The Trail of Tears was the direct consequence of which of the following government actions?

indian removal act of 1830

On whom did President Jackson rely for political advice?

informal group called kitchen cabinet

Why did Andrew Jackson veto the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States in 1832?

interfered with the rights of states and the liberties of the people

How did President Andrew Jackson change the federal system of office holding?

introduced office rotation + spoils sys + patronage for offices

Which of the following statements characterizes the American political system directly after the American Revolution?

notables managed local elections through networking and financing

What aspect of early nineteenth-century American government had the founders condemned as contrary to republican ideals?

political parties

Which of the following statements describes Jackson's veto of the bill rechartering the Second Bank of the United States in 1832?

popular move - constitutional arguments + appeal to patriotism/class divides

Andrew Jackson and his supporters won the election in 1828 in part by

promoting egalitarian image --> democrat party

How did the federal government aid the growth of American industry in the first half of the nineteenth century?

protective tariffs

Politicians from modest backgrounds tended to support which of the following reforms in the 1810s?

restrictions on imprisonment for debt

Which of the following describes the ruling by the Roger B. Taney Supreme Court in Mayor of New York v. Miln?

ruled that NY police could inspect the health of arriving immigrants

Which of the following laws required the Treasury department to accept only gold and silver in payment for purchases of federal land?

specie circular

Which of the following statements characterizes the presidential campaign of 1840?

speeches, parades, and mass meetings --> man-of-the-people qualities of WHH

The power of elected officials to grant government jobs to party members in return for their loyalty is known as which of the following systems?

spoils system

Which of the following was the primary function of the Second Bank of the United States?

stabilize national finances, force state banks to convert paper money to gold and silver(specie)

The 1832 Ordinance of Nullification was based on which of the following beliefs?

states had the right to determine which congressional laws they would enforce

By the 1830s, coal and metal manufacturers increasingly used which of the following to run machinery?

steam engines

Which of the following elements defined the Democrats under Andrew Jackson?

support for ordinary americans

In the U.S. Supreme Court case of Worcester v. Georgia (1832), John Marshall and the Court majority issued a decision that

upheld Indian nations' political authority in their communities

Which of the following statements characterizes the American party system by the early 1840s?

voting for a particular party along ethnic and religious lines began to emerge(ethnocultural politics)

Which of the following statements characterizes Andrew Jackson's intentions toward Native Americans during his presidency?

wants to move them all w of MS

In the election of 1840, Whigs boosted their electoral hopes by appealing to which of the following groups?


Sequoyah developed which of the following to assimilate members of the Cherokee tribe into American life?

written lang

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