Ch14 Communications

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True or false: The use of humor in a presentation increases an audience's information retention.


True or false: When providing useful information in a presentation it is not helpful to imitate strategies you have seen before.


Extrinsic motivation is related to the concept of ________ in that audience members who ordinarily lack interest in a topic might find it pertinent to their life outside of the presentation.

information relevance

An audience that learns from a speaker what poisonous mushrooms look like is listening to a descriptive _____ speech.


Identifying differences between two objects would be an example of the purpose of an _____ speech.


Generating audience curiosity will produce a better presentation because

the audience will focus on the explanation.

Which of the following topics could benefit from descriptive imagery?

the comparison of different chocolate chip cookies

Which of the following is an issue that would be an appropriate topic for an informative speech to clarify an issue?

the historic relationship between India and Pakistan

Which of the following best represents a topic that could be deconstructed during a presentation?

the life cycle of flowers

True or false: Arousing interest during a speech has little effect on audience comprehension.


An informative speech can

breakdown complicated subjects.

When contrasting something, a speaker

clarifies by showing differences.

Presenting extrinsic motivation to the listeners of a presentation will

command more attention.

Which of the following speech topics would best represent a speech whose purpose is to compare two items?

"Is it better to consume fresh or canned foods?"

Which of the following is an example of a call for overt audience response?

"Raise your hand if you've been to Europe."

Which of the following phrases best represents what a metaphor is?

"his home was a prison"

Match the effective language used for informative speaking with the appropriate description. Defining Describing Explaining Narrating Demonstrating

1. revealing to an audience what certain terms, words, an concepts mean 2.telling an audience what something looks, sounds, feels, and even smells like 3.trying to say something in words the audience will understand an oral interpretation of a story, event, or description 5.showing an audience how to do something

Which of the following scenarios would most likely cause information overload?

A math student explaining calculus to literature students.

Which of the following could be a subject for a demonstration speech?


Which of the following questions should informative speakers ask themselves?

How will I know if I am successful? What do I want to the audience to know as a result of my presentation?

What is the primary benefit of using an informative speech to excite audiences about seemingly boring subjects?

It raises interest in new topics.

What does defining by comparison do?

It shows similarity between something known and something unknown.

Which of the following statements best represents a topic that would be covered by an informative presentation?

Presents can be wrapped in a few, easy steps.

True or false: Repeating important points will result in better understanding.


Which of the following would be the best example of a distinguishing informative speech?

a speech that identifies the difference between the British pound and the euro

Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?

announcing that there will be a quiz on the speech

Which of the following professions could most benefit from informative speeches that show how things are spatially related?


Presenters should keep the number of main points to a minimum because audiences

are unlikely to remember a larger number of main points.

Which of the following best represents a method to arouse an audience's curiosity?

asking rhetorical questions

A presenter can call for an overt response by

asking the audience to perform the task demonstrated.

The use of humor in a presentation typically

augments the speaker's authoritativeness. improves how the audience perceives the speaker's character.

The audience is more likely to focus on a presentation if the presenter

begins by explaining how the topic relates to the audience.

Which of the following is one of the purposes for an informative speech?

comparison of two items

Which of the following is generally the most effective in giving a presentation?

concrete ideas

The use of descriptive imagery in a presentation

creates what cannot be seen.

Which of the following explains the use of antonyms to define a term or concept?

defining something by what it is not

To help the audience learn more about a topic, a speaker may

demonstrate the topic.

The informative speaking skill in which the speaker shows the audience what he or she is explaining is


If you find that there are specific, uncommon terms important to a given topic of an informative presentation, what should you do?

explain the terms during the presentation

Which of the following best represents informative speaking?

explaining the advantages of solar panels

Which of the following is a recommended practice for an informative presentation?

forecasting what you are going to tell the audience, telling them, and then reiterating what you told them

Which of the following are audiences more likely to comprehend?


Which of the following is needed for an effective informative presentation?

good informative content

The use of simple terms in a presentation generally results in

greater audience comprehension.

Which speech topic would most benefit from the use of demonstrating?

how to change the oil in a car

Which of the following best represents a presentation topic relevant to 18-year old college students?

how to consolidate student loans

Which of the following topics would be most relatable to a group of persons in their 50s?

how to lower your taxes

In an informative presentation, narration is used to

illustrate a point.

Which of the following can help you create informative content?


When helping your audience learn new information, you should

imitate strategies seen in the classroom.

Cramming too much information into a presentation can cause

information overload.

Extrinsic motivation is effective in speeches because

the audience knows they will benefit from listening.

Which of the following is the best definition of metaphor?

likening one thing to another by treating it as if it were that thing

The audience is more likely to retain information if the presenter

limits the amount of information presented about a topic.

When information interest is created by the presenter, the result is a

more effective speech.

The informative speaking skill that includes the oral presentation and interpretation of a story, description, or event is known as


Audience information ______ can result if the speech is too complex for the audience.


Which professionals primarily use informative speaking to increase knowledge?


"How to Navigate Paris's Metro System" is an example of which informative speech type?

showing spatial relationships

The use of synonyms helps an audience understand a word by providing the audience with a word with a(n) ______ meaning.


To maximize what an audience learns from an informative presentation, a speaker should

state exactly what the audience is expected to know.

Which of the following best exemplifies an operational definition?

the sequence in building a birdhouse

A demonstration presentation often has a greater impact on an audience because

they get to both see and hear the information.

What is the purpose of a presentation that describes the difference between a bolt and a screw?

to arouse interest in a seemingly uninteresting subject

Which of the following would be an example of a purpose for an informative speech?

to describe how to recognize the bones in the human hand

The goal of an informative presentation is

to increase audience knowledge.

Sachi did a presentation about the emergency-related items that every home should have. What was the purpose of her informative presentation?

to teach information that is useful to the audience

Explaining an idea in simpler terms to an audience during a presentation

typically arouses the interest of the audience. should have the goal of clarifying the idea. risks confusing the audience if not done well.

In selecting a subject for an informative presentation, speakers should consider

who the audience is.

An operational definition helps explain tasks

with a specific order.

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