Ch.2: Cell and Tissue Characterisitcs

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A client with type 1 diabetes mellitus is experiencing hyperglycemia. Consequently, the client's cells lack intracellular glucose, resulting in glucose accumulating in the blood. Which process would best allow glucose to cross into the cell membranes?

Facilitated diffusion

The majority of the cell's protoplasm is:


When working with a client who has end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and is receiving peritoneal dialysis, the concept of diffusion can be explained by which statement?

"If your potassium level is high, then K+ particles will move from your peritoneal cavity into the dialysis solution, where the concentration of K+ is lower."

The nurse educates a client with a suspected myocardial infarction (MI) about the blood test to evaluate troponin levels. The nurse knows the education has been successful when the client says:

"This test is specific to components found in my heart muscle."

What major group of intracellular proteins controls cell division? Select all that apply.

- Cyclin-dependent kinases - Anaphase-promoting complexes - Cyclins

The cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus of the cell and contains organelles. Select the organelles found in the cytoplasm. Select all that apply.

- Mitochondria - Endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi apparatus - Lysosomes

In which locations can epithelial tissue be found? Select all that apply.

- Mucous membranes - Skin - Sweat glands

What are the three main parts of a typical cell? Select all that apply.

- Nucleus - Cell membrane - Cytoplasm

Although energy is not made in mitochondria, they are known as the "power plants" of the cell. Why are they thought of this way?

Extract energy from organic compounds

The Krebs cycle provides a common pathway for the metabolism of nutrients by the body. The Krebs cycle forms two pyruvate molecules. Each of the two pyruvate molecules formed in the cytoplasm from one molecule of glucose yields another molecule of:


The cells of the client's epithelial tissue are tightly bound together by specialized junctions. Select the junctions primarily responsible for preventing cell separation.

Adhering junctions

Select the type of energy production that occurs in the mitochondria with the Krebs cycle.

Aerobic metabolism

The nurse monitors the client's oxygen levels and respiratory status. The nurse is aware that oxygen is necessary for:

Aerobic metabolism

A client has been diagnosed with a genetic disorder that affects his voltage-gated sodium channels, increasing his risk of sudden cardiac death. In a healthy individual, what role do ion channels perform in the body?

Allow for membrane potentials to be established in excitable cells for rapid ion movement

What concept will the nurse need to explain to a client with cancer about the purpose and action of chemotherapy?


The microbiologist is explaining cell communication. Which statement is accurate?

Autocrine signaling occurs when a cell releases a chemical into the extracellular fluid that affects its own activity.

A client with a complete tear of the rotator cuff in the right shoulder was given the choice between surgery and stem cell transplant. The client chose to try the stem cell injection. The client asked the health care provider, "How does this work on my shoulder?" The best response would be:

Bone marrow stem cells have been shown to generate cartilage, bone, and muscle when injected directly into the injured site.

Cadherins, selectins, and some integrins, which are adhesion molecules, depend on which of the following to function in cell adhesion?


The cell surface is surrounded by a cell coat (glycocalyx.). Select the most important function of the cell coat.

Cell-to-cell recognition and adhesion

A client is having surgical removal of her gallbladder laparoscopically. While dissecting the gallbladder for removal, what type of epithelial tissue will be removed?


Which type of cell in tissue produces the extracellular matrix that supports and holds the tissues together?

Connective tissue

Select the option that best describes the nucleus of the cell.

Contains the site for RNA synthesis that ultimately is essential for protein synthesis.

Exocytosis allows granular content to be released into extracellular fluid by which process?

Creating an opening in the cell membrane, allowing contents of the vesicle to be released into ECF.

When exercising outside on an extremely warm day, the client can feel his heart pounding very rapidly. Thinking in terms of the ability of the aorta to stretch to accommodate more blood circulating during exercise and the warm environment, this is an example of the function of which fibrous protein?


Which form of signal transduction resulting from ligand-receptor binding has the potential to produce effects in the entire body system?


When discussing the various functions of the cellular parts, the pathophysiology professor asks a group of students, "Where are the primary sites of protein synthesis located in a cell?" Which student response is correct?

Endoplasmic reticulum

Which statement regarding cell metabolism is most accurate?

Glycolysis also provides energy in situations when delivery of oxygen to the cells is delayed.

The nucleus is called the center of the cell because it has the ability to do which of the following?

It contains the DNA that is essential for protein synthesis to keep the cell alive.

The living part of the cell found both inside and outside of the nucleus is called protoplasm. In addition to proteins, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water, what other substance is found in protoplasm?


Although the majority of cellular DNA exists in the cell nucleus, the part of the cell DNA from one's mother is located where?


Which cellular organelle transforms organic compounds into energy that is easily accessible to the cell?


In Tay-Sachs disease, an autosomal recessive disorder, hexosaminidase A, which is the lysosomal enzyme needed for degrading the GM2 ganglioside found in nerve cell membranes, is deficient. Although GM2 ganglioside accumulates in many tissues, where does it do the most harm?

Nervous system and retinas

A school nurse is teaching a class on immunity. Which statement contains an accurate explanation about cellular defenses?

Neutrophils engulf invading organisms where lysosomes break them down.

While reviewing the basic information related to hemodialysis, the professor explains that water molecules move through adjacent phospholipid molecules in the cell membrane by:


Which statement is true concerning human cell division?

Parent cell divides and each daughter cell recives chromosomes identical to the parent.

The cell membrane is also called what?

Plasma membrane

There are two forms of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) found in a cell. They are the rough and the smooth ER. What does the rough ER do in a cell?

Produces proteins

The Golgi complex, or Golgi bodies, consists of stacks of thin, flattened vesicles or sacs within the cell. These Golgi bodies are found near the nucleus and function in association with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). What is one purpose of the Golgi complex?

Receive proteins and other substances from the cell surface by a retrograde transport mechanism

Which type of epithelium is found in the lining of blood vessels, lymph nodes, and alveoli of the lungs?

Simple squamous epithelium

What statement is true concerning the use of ATP [adenosine triphosphate] by skeletal muscles?

Skeletal muscles use ATP at a rapid rate during exercise.

While explaining cellular membrane potentials, the instructor states that during an action potential, the cell membrane becomes more permeable to which mineral/electrolyte?


A nurse practitioner (NP) has been asked to speak with the local high school track team about health, wellness, and nutrition. One of the athletes asks about the differences in the physiology of the energy used in sprinting versus long-distance running. Which response is the best answer?

Sprinters utilize ATP generated via anaerobic glycolysis, and distance runners utilize ATP generated via aerobic metabolism.

A nurse on the oncology ward in the hospital is doing some background research to better understand the molecular basis of cancer. She comes to the understanding that transformed cancer cells are very similar to a normal type of cell, with the exception of regulation of division. Which cell type found in the normal state is most similar to a cancer cell?

Stem cells

Some tissues, such as the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract, have cells that are capable of cell division and serve as a reserve source for specialized cells. What term describes these specialized cells?

Stem cells

A young, healthy adult helps lift a sofa to move it 25 feet. The nurse knows that which source of energy will the client most likely use in this process?

Stored ATP

The student is examining a tissue sample with a microscope. The student decides that it is squamous keratinized tissue. Which type of epithelial tissue is the student viewing?

Stratified epithelium

Ultimately, the inner mitochondrial membrane transports proteins for what purpose?

Synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Each skeletal muscle is a discrete organ made up of hundreds or thousands of muscle fibers. Although muscle fibers predominate, substantial amounts of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers are also present. What happens during muscle contraction?

The thick myosin and thin actin filaments slide over each other, causing shortening of the muscle fiber.

What determines the number of mitochondria in a given cell type?

The type of activity the cell performs.

Which role does adipose tissue play in the body?

Thermal insulation

Which explanation identifies correctly how the G protein-linked receptors are similar?

They have a ligand-binding extracellular receptor component, which causes changes that activate the G protein on the cytoplasmic side of the cell membrane.

How does facilitated diffusion enable molecules to cross cell membranes?

Transport proteins carry molecules to areas of lower concentration.

The process responsible for generating and conducting membrane potentials is:

diffusion of current-carrying ions.

A client with end-stage renal disease has been on peritoneal dialysis at home. Based on the lab work, the client regulates the type of solution to infuse into the abdomen. When there is a high concentration of potassium inside the cell (hyperkalemia), the solution infused has a lower concentration so that the potassium ions will diffuse outward. At this point, the cellular membrane is said to be:

polarized because of the presence of a negative membrane potential.

The nurse is aware of the importance of potassium and sodium for normal physiologic functions of a client. The rapid movement of potassium and sodium in actions is known as:

primary active transport.

The organelle responsible for synthesis of proteins by bound ribosomes is called:

rough endoplasmic reticulum.

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