Ch22 Lymphatic

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Allows defensive substances to easily leave the blood and collect at the injured site and helps remove toxic waste.

Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

Clotting proteins that have escaped the blood during this process tend to localizes and traps invading organisms at the sight of infection.

Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

Process results in 3 of the primary symptoms of inflammation - redness, warmth, and swelling of inflammation.

Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

The following chemicals enhance this process: Histamine, prostaglandins, kinins, leukotrienes, and complement proteins.

Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

Phagocytes trap the invaders, possibly wedging them against a blood vessel or a clot, and then attach to the surface of the invader.


Both T helper and cytotoxic T cells have IIII receptors in their plasma membranes


The first signal in T cell activation is __________; the second signal is a costimulator, such as a cytokine or another pair of plasma membrane molecules.

antigen binding to a TCR

for immune response to occur _____ must recognize the presence of a foreign antigen

b or t lmphocytes

Why does interstitial fluid contain only a small amount of protein

because most plasma proteins are too large to leave blood vessels.

Identify the order of the steps of the cell-mediated immune response.

binding of a foreign antigen, costimulation, antigen recognition, T cell activation, clonal selection

Phagocytic cells "sniff" the delectable fragrance of invading microbes especially savory bacteria with the tasty complement coating.


first step of general adaptation syndrome

circulation oxygen and glucose circulation (ATP prodction)

Produced by damaged or inflamed tissues and are known to intensive the effects of histamine ad kinins: aspirin and ibuprofen neutralize these pain-inducing chemicals


Called CD8 cells because developed from cells with CD8 protein; to become cytolytic, must be co-stimulated by IL-2 or other cytokines from TH cells

cytotoxic T Lymphocytes

immunological surveillance is performed by (3)

cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, helper cells

activated ______ cells secrete chemicals to lyse the infected cell. These chemicals are?

cytotoxic t cells. granzymes, perforin, granulysin, lymphotoxin

macrophages are large enough to engulph (3):

damaged tissue worn-out neutrophils, invading microbes

inner cortex of the lumph node consists mainly of _____ and _______ cells that enter a node from oter tissues

dendritic cell presents to the T cells there which then proliferate and migrate to antigenic activity

Lysosomal enzymes, oxidants, and digestive enzymes pounce on the microbial meal. Residual bodies left from digestion are then disregarded.

digestion and killing

what are two main fucntions of the spleen?

filtering and phagocytosis

B cells proliferate and develop into antibody-producing plasma cells or into memory B cell after what happens in the outer cortex of the lymphatic nodule?

follicular dendritic cells present an antigen

Called CD4 cells because they developed from cells with CD4 protein; activated by APCs and co-stimulated by IL-I and IL-2 produce IL-2, IL-4, and IL-5

helper T Lymphocytes

Recognize antigen fragments associated with MHC-II molecules

helper T Lymphocytes

stimulate both humoral (antibody-mediated) and cell-mediated immunity by releasing cytokines

helper t. cells

This chemical along with the one below are produced by mast cells and basophils


activation of mast cells/basophils mediate ______

inflamation, complement system

Phagocytic tentacles called pseudopods surround the tasty morsels forming a phagosome


Made by lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts when infected with viruses; stimulates cells near an invading virus to produce antiviral proteins that interfere with survival of the virus; effects are enhanced by fever


Induces vasodilation, permeability of blood vessels. Also serves as chemotactic agents for phagocytes


lymphatic nodules are scattered throughout the _______ _________ (connective tissue) of _______ ________ lining the GI, urinary, reproductive tracts and respiratory airways

lamina propria, mucous membranes

This chemical along with the one above are produced by mast cells and basophils


Compliment proteins are mainly synthesized in the ___


what are the egg-shaped aggregates of B cells in the lymph node outer cortex?

lymphatic nodules

are NK cells neutrophils or lymphocytes?


spleen _______ destroy blood-born pathogens by ______, where?

macrophages, phagocytosis, white pulp

which WBC (leukocyte) follows the neutrophil to the site of inflammation

monocytes (transform into wandering macrophages) and add to the activity of fixed macrophages already resent

phagocytosis leads to ______ (more/less) antigens which leads to ______ (more/less) antibodies which leads to _____ (more/less) complement proteins. All this ______ (enhances/downregulates) the immune response

more, more more! fully activated immune response

what are three functions of antibodies?

neutralization of viruses and toxins, immobilization of bacteria, agglutination and precipitation of antigen, activaion of compliment, enhancement of phagocytosis

what are the two major types of phagocytes?

neutrophils and macrophages also dendridic cells)

which mechinism of the immune system is both innate and adaptive?


complient proteins enhance:

phagocytosis, cytolysis, inflamation

effector B cells aka _____ cells prodce ______

plasma, antibody

Multiple functions including stimulating the release of histamine, acting as chemotactic agents, promoting phagocytosis, and some can even destroy bacteria


three functions related to clood cells carried out in the spleen's red pulp?

removal by macrophages of worn blood cells and patelets, storage of platelets (1/3 of bodies supply), production of blood cells during feta life

Fibroblasts and other connective tissues cells restore the damaged tissue to its original condition.


B lymphocytes mature into immune cells within the

secondary lymphatic nodules of the lymph node's outer cortex

Red and white pulp are found in the ______


red pulp are associated with _______ ________ which consist of red blood cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and granulocytes

splenic cords or billroth's cords

macrophages present antigens to ________ in the _________

t-lymphocytes in the lymphatic node

two things which differentiate adaptic immunity from innate immunity

1) specifisity, 2) memory

Especially effective against microbes that enter cells, such as viruses and parasites

Antigen present cells (APCs): dendritic cells, macrophages, B cells

______ lymphoctes can recognize antigens located in ecf and not attached to any cells


MHC II complexes in _____ cells present foreign antigens

B cells

medulla of a lymph node contains _____ and _______ which are embeded in a network of reticular fibers

B cells and macrophages

bacterial cell walls are ruptured.

Cell lysis, complement system

chemical signals bring phagocytes to the site of invasion.

Chemotaxis, complement system

before B cell clonal selection can take place what needs to happpen to presenting B cells?

Helper t cells with, appropriate t cell receptor, binds to presented antigen. the binding triggers release of interlukines -> activation of B cell

Immunogloblin in secretions of muscous membranes, part of innate immune system. Levels are ________ during stress


Immunoglobulins: stimulates basophils and mast cells

IgD, IgE

immunoglobulins: allergic and hypersensitivity reactions


Highest immunoglobulin abundance in blood, ____%


immunoglobulins: bacteria, fungus, viruses, parasitic worms

IgG, IgA

First class of immunoglobulins to be secreted by plasma cells after exposure. incompatible blood transfusions


Immunoglobulin Activates complement, causes agglutination and lysis of microbes


Induces vasodilation, permeability of blood vessels. Also serves as chemotactic agents for phagocytes


Produced by mast cells and basophils (2)

Leukotrienes, Histamine

Programmed to recognize the original invader; can initiate dramatic responses to reappearance of the intruder.

Memory T Lymphocytes

Recognize antigen fragments associated with MHC-I molecules

Memory T Lymphocytes

A cell-based type of innate immunity is the

NK cell, which kills cells with abnormal plasma membrane proteins indiscriminately

Nutrilphils and macrophils are induced to phagocytose pathogens which are covered n C3bs .

Opsinization, complement system

Occurs within an hour after initiation of inflammation; involves emigration, chemotaxis, and leukocytosis

Phagocyte migration

White blood cell and debris formation that may lead to abscess or ulcer

Phagocyte migration

B cells, unlike T cells, bind to _____ antigens


The following chemicals enhance this process: Histamine, prostaglandins, kinins, leukotrienes, and complement proteins.

vasodialaion and increased capillary permiability

lymphatic tissue consisting of lymphocytes and macrophages around central splenic arteries are known as

white pulp

For ______ lymphocytes to recognize antigens they must have been processed by a cell and presented via MHC I or II


what is the first phagocyte on the sean after inflammation starts (how long dos it take?)

within an hour neutrophils arrive via blood and begin to feast

Natural killer cell activity may release live pathogens from infected body cells.


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