Chap 11 ( True/False)

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Fiedler's contingency model is considered to be the first comprehensive contingency model for leadership. Answer: A) True B) False


For the most part, people are equally trainable. Answer: A) True B) False


One study found that vision was even more important than a charismatic communication style when explaining the success of entrepreneurial firms. Answer: A) True B) False


Research efforts at isolating leadership traits achieved a breakthrough, of sorts, when researchers began organizing traits around the Big Five personality framework. Answer: A) True B) False


Research testing LMX theory has been generally supportive. Answer: A) True B) False


The Ohio State Studies involved research on two leadership dimensionsinitiating structure and consideration. Answer: A) True B) False


The interview is the primary tool available for identifying and selecting strong leaders. Answer: A) True B) False


The primary quality produced by authentic leaders is trust. Answer: A) True B) False


There is an increasing body of research that shows impressive correlations between transactional leadership and higher productivity, lower turnover rates, and higher employee satisfaction. Answer: A) True B) False


There is evidence suggesting that behavioral training can increase an individual's ability to exhibit charismatic leadership qualities. Answer: A) True B) False


A leader designated as high on initiating structure would be likely to clearly define the roles of his or her subordinates. Answer: A) True B) False


According to Kotter, management focuses on coping with change; leadership focuses on coping with complexity. Answer: A) True B) False


According to LMX theory, followers with in-group status will have lower turnover intentions than the out-group members Answer: A) True B) False


Holding a management position is an important step towards becoming a leader in an organization. Answer: A) True B) False


Leadership neutralizers make it possible for a leader to make a difference in follower outcomes. Answer: A) True B) False


The University of Michigan studies found that production-oriented leaders were associated with higher group productivity than employee-oriented leaders. Answer: A) True B) False


Transactional leaders are always charismatic leaders. Answer: A) True B) False


Transformational leadership builds on top of transactional leadership. Answer: A) True B) False


According to Fiedler's contingency model, task-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of high or low control. Answer: A) True B) False


According to LMX theory, out-group members get more of the leader's time, but in a negative manner. Answer: A) True B) False


According to charismatic leadership theory, followers make attributions of heroic leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. Answer: A) True B) False


According to the University of Michigan studies, production-oriented leadership is defined as the extent to which a leader tends to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job. Answer: A) True B) False


According to the attribution theory of leadership, most leaders do not possess the characteristics that individuals attribute to them. Answer: A) True B) False


Charismatic leadership is necessary to achieve high levels of employee performance. Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler assumes that we should concentrate on changing situations to suit the leaders or changing the leaders to fit the situation. Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler believes that a key factor in leadership success is the follower's preferences for co-worker types. Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler's findings focused on results obtained from his pioneering use of the most preferred co-worker (MPC) questionnaire. Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler's theory is based on the assumption that leaders can't change their styles to fit changing situations. Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler's theory suggests that training is an effective tool to improve leader effectiveness Answer: A) True B) False


Fiedler's three situational factors include: leader-member relations, task structure, and stress. Answer: A) True B) False


If behavioral theories of leadership are valid, we could have an infinite supply of effective leaders. Answer: A) True B) False


In Fiedler's approach, if a respondent uses unfavorable terms to describe the co-worker in question, the respondent can be said to be primarily task-oriented. Answer: A) True B) False


In the attribution leadership literature, effective leaders are generally considered to be flexible and responsive in their decisions. Answer: A) True B) False


In the leader-member exchange theory, leaders don't treat all of their subordinates alike. Answer: A) True B) False


In the leader-member exchange theory, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of employees called the "supportive followers." Answer: A) True B) False


Leadership and management are two terms that are often confused. Answer: A) True B) False


Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of cohesiveness. Answer: A) True B) False


Most researchers have concluded that charisma is an innate trait. Answer: A) True B) False


One advantage of the Fiedler model is that its contingency variables are simple and easy to assess. Answer: A) True B) False


One assumption of the trait view of leadership is that leaders cannot be trained. Answer: A) True B) False


One criticism of the Fiedler model concerns the fact that the logic underlying the model's questionnaire is not well understood. Answer: A) True B) False


One of the most cited flaws in the Fiedler leadership model is that it fails to take into account the formal authority of the leader. Answer: A) True B) False


Strong leadership is the primary element needed for optimum organizational effectiveness. Answer: A) True B) False


Studies regarding the Fiedler model have shown that respondents' questionnaire scores tend to be relatively stable. Answer: A) True B) False


Taken as a whole, tests of the overall validity of the Fiedler model tend to support substantial parts of the model. Answer: A) True B) False


The Big Five personality framework revealed that traits are most useful as predictors of leadership. Answer: A) True B) False


The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends upon the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which a situation gives control to the leader. Answer: A) True B) False


The link between EI and leadership effectiveness has been well established in the research. Answer: A) True B) False


The managerial grid model of leadership is based on the styles "concern for people" and "concern for production." Answer: A) True B) False


The managerial grid was developed by a team of researchers known as the Scandinavian Studies group. Answer: A) True B) False


The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories resulted from research begun by Fred Fiedler. Answer: A) True B) False


According to Fiedler, leader-member relations concern the degree to which a leader takes a personal interest in the needs of his or her employees and accepts individual differences among them. Answer: A) True B) False


According to Fiedler, task structure is the degree to which the job assignments are procedurized. Answer: A) True B) False


By the 1990s, numerous studies indicated that leaders differed from non-leaders only in ambition and self-confidence. Answer: A) True B) False

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