Chap. 17: Endocrine System ZOO251

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Hydrophobic hormones are transported in the blood Select one: a. by binding to hydrophilic transport proteins. b. in the form of hydrophilic salts. c. contained in secretory vesicles. d. by binding to the red blood cells. e. as hydrophilic preprohormones.


If you have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a mood dysfunction, you would have high levels of _____ and low levels of _____. Select one: a. melatonin; serotonin b. melatonin; cortisol c. cortisol; epinephrine (EP) d. epinephrine (EP); cortisol e. cortisol; melatonin


In response to stress, the adrenal cortex releases cortisol. What stimulates the release of cortisol? Select one: a. hypothalamus releases CRH to the anterior pituitary, which releases ACTH b. anterior pituitary releases ACTH to the hypothalamus, which releases CRH c. hypothalamus releases ACTH to the anterior pituitary which releases CRH d. hypothalamus releases corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) to the posterior pituitary, which releases OT e. posterior pituitary releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) to the anterior pituitary, which releases ACTH


Insulinlike growth factors, or somatomedins, are secreted in response to Select one: a. growth hormone. b. thyroid hormone. c. estrogens. d. insulin. e. testosterone.


Negative feedback inhibition occurs when Select one: a. thyroxine stimulates the anterior pituitary. b. TRH stimulates the thyroid gland. c. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland. d. TRH stimulates the anterior pituitary. e. TRH causes the anterior pituitary to release TSH.


Neuroendocrine cells are Select one: a. neurons that release hormones into the bloodstream. b. endocrine cells that respond to neurotransmitters. c. endocrine cells that have evolved from neurons. d. neurons whose activity is regulated by hormones. e. neurons that regulate secretion by the endocrine glands.


Prolactin (PRL) in females stimulates _____, and in males stimulates ______. Select one: a. production of milk; production of testosterone b. ejection of milk into ducts; production of sperm c. ejection of milk; ejaculation d. ejection of milk into ducts; production of testosterone e. production of milk; production of sperm


The nervous system reacts to stimuli _____ compared to the endocrine system, adapts _____ compared to the endocrine system, and has _____ effects compared to the endocrine system. Select one: a. quickly; quickly; specific b. slowly; quickly; specific c. quickly; slowly; specific d. quickly; quickly; widespread e. slowly; slowly; widespread


Thyroxine-binding globulin is Select one: a. a transport protein in the blood plasma. b. a colloid found in the thyroid follicles. c. a receptor for T4 found in its target cell nuclei. d. a releasing factor that stimulates secretion of thyroxine. e. a receptor for T4 found in its target cell plasma membranes.


Tropic hormones are different from other hormones because they Select one: a. stimulate other endocrine glands to release their own hormones. b. control the release of the hormones of the pituitary. c. have inhibitory effects on their target tissues. d. are released in response to the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). e. are produced in the hypothalamus.


Two glands are especially noted for regressing after childhood, namely Select one: a. the thymus and pineal. b. the anterior and posterior pituitary. c. the adrenal cortex and medulla. d. the thymus and thyroid. e. the thyroid and parathyroids.


Which of the following hormones is most similar to oxytocin in chemical structure? Select one: a. antidiuretic hormone b. epinephrine c. estradiol d. testosterone e. insulin


Epinephrine (EP), norepinephrine (NE), cortisol, and aldosterone are all produced in the Select one: a. pituitary gland. b. adrenal glands. c. thyroid gland. d. pancreas. e. hypothalamus.


Hormones are released Select one: a. across gap junctions. b. into extracellular fluid. c. directly into the bloodstream. d. into intracellular fluid. e. into ducts.


In the formation of the thyroid hormones, 90% of the secreted thyroid hormone is _____, while _____ is the thyroid hormone that affects target cells. Select one: a. thyroxine; T4 b. T4; T3 c. thyroglobulin; T3 d. T3; T4 e. thyroxine; thyroglobulin


Most of the following hormones bind to receptors at the cell surface except ____ that binds to receptors in the nucleus. Select one: a. luteinizing hormone b. testosterone c. growth hormone d. insulin e. angiotensin


Neurons called osmoreceptors trigger the secretion of Select one: a. glucagon. b. antidiuretic hormone. c. adrenocorticotropic hormone. d. eicosanoids. e. growth hormone-inhibiting hormone.


Pituitary hormones are not secreted at a steady rate. GH is secreted mainly _____, while PRL is secreted mainly _____. Select one: a. in the morning; during pregnancy and nursing b. at night; during pregnancy and nursing c. at midday; during labor d. in the morning; during labor e. at night; during labor


The adrenal cortex secretes all of the following hormones except Select one: a. estrogens. b. progesterone. c. androgens. d. corticosterone. e. aldosterone.


Which of the following hormones has the broadest range of target organs? Select one: a. ACTH b. somatotropin c. ADH d. TSH e. FSH


Calcium metabolism is regulated by Select one: a. the pancreatic islets. b. the thymus. c. the parathyroid glands. d. the adrenal cortex. e. the neurohypophysis.


If one hormone makes a target cell more responsive to another hormone that follows later, the first hormone is said to have a ___ effect. Select one: a. cooperative b. facilitating c. permissive d. synergistic e. catalytic


In response to cold weather, the hypothalamus releases _____, which is carried by the _____ to the anterior pituitary where it causes the release of _____. Select one: a. TSH; hypothalamohypophyseal tract; thyroid hormone b. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH); hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; thyroid hormones (TH) c. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH); hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) d. oxytocin (OT); hypothalamohypophyseal tract; growth hormone (GH) e. prolactin (PRL); hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; milk


In the ovary, follicle, or granulosa cells secrete _____, while after ovulation the corpus luteum secretes _____. Select one: a. estradiol; progesterone b. estradiol and progesterone; estradiol c. estradiol; estradiol and progesterone d. progesterone; estradiol e. progesterone; estradiol and estrone


In the testes, the sustentacular (sertoli) cells secrete _____, and the interstitial cells secrete _____. Select one: a. inhibin and progesterone; testosterone b. progesterone; testosterone and inhibin c. inhibin; testosterone d. estrogen; testosterone e. testosterone; inhibin


T4 and T3 are _____ hormones that are carried _____ in the blood. Select one: a. monoamines; unbound or free b. steroids; unbound or free c. monoamines; by thyroxine-binding globulin d. steroids; by transcortin-binding protein e. catecholamines; by thyroxine-binding globulin


The neurotransmitter dopamine is also known as ___ for its endocrine role. Select one: a. gonadotropin-releasing hormone b. norepinephrine c. prolactin-inhibiting factor d. prolactin-releasing factor e. prolactin


The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is connected to the hypothalamus by the _____ and is housed in the _____. Select one: a. mammillary body; lesser wings of the sphenoid b. optic chiasma; cribriform plate of the ethmoid c. infundibulum; sella turcica of the sphenoid d. optic chiasm; petrous part of the temporal bone e. infundibulum; cribriform plate of the ethmoid


There are hormones in all of the following classes of organic compounds except Select one: a. glycoproteins. b. polypeptides. c. polysaccharides. d. steroids. e. biogenic amines.


This hormone enhances amino acid transport into cells and increases protein synthesis, catabolizes fat for energy, and promotes glycogen synthesis. Select one: a. cortisol b. glucagon c. growth hormone (GH) d. thyroid hormone (TH) e. insulin


This hormone stimulates glucose uptake, storage of glycogen, and storage of fat in muscle and adipose tissue. It also stimulates uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis in many cells. Select one: a. thyroxine b. cortisol c. insulin d. glucagon e. GH


Which of the following endocrine glands is located most inferiorly? Select one: a. the pineal body b. the thymus c. the adrenal gland d. the thyroid e. the pituitary gland


Which of these is a biogenic amine? Select one: a. aldosterone b. cortisol c. thyroxine d. oxytocin e. insulin


Which one of the following is not part of the neurohypophysis? Select one: a. hypothalamohypophyseal tract b. infundibulum c. pars tuberalis d. median eminence e. posterior lobe, or pars nervosa


All of the following hormones suppress secretion by the anterior pituitary except Select one: a. dopamine. b. somatostatin. c. inhibin. d. oxytocin. e. tetraiodothyronine.


An infant suckling at a mother's breast will stimulate the mother's hypothalamus to release _____, which is carried down the ____ and stimulates ____. Select one: a. prolactin (PRL); hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; milk production b. oxytocin (OT); hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; milk ejection c. PRL; hypothalamohypophyseal portal system; milk production d. OT; hypothalamohypophyseal tract; milk ejection e. PRL; hypothalamohypophyseal tract; milk production


In ___, target cells reduce the number of receptors for a hormone in response to long-term overstimulation. Select one: a. habituation b. the antagonistic response c. desensitization d. down-regulation e. the synergistic response


In females, the luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates _____, while in males, LH stimulates ______. Select one: a. development of eggs; secretion of testosterone b. development of eggs; sperm production c. ovulation; sperm production d. ovulation; secretion of testosterone e. corpus luteum formation; sperm production


Rather than being synthesized in the cell like other second messengers, ___ enters the cell through the plasma membrane. Select one: a. cAMP b. IP3 c. sodium d. calcium e. diacylglycerol


Somatotropes of the anterior pituitary gland produce Select one: a. ACTH. b. FSH. c. LH. d. GH. e. TSH.


Some major functions of the thyroid hormones (TH) are to stimulate which of the following? Select one: a. glycogen synthesis; muscle hypertrophy b. fat and protein catabolism; inhibits immune system c. gluconeogenesis; glycogen and fat break down; release of glucose and fatty acids into circulation d. ATP production; oxygen consumption and heat production; stimulates nervous system and skeletal development e. glucose and amino acid uptake into most tissues; promotes glycogen, fat, and protein synthesis


The thymus secretes the hormones _____, which regulate ______. Select one: a. triiodothyronine; tetraiodothyronine b. EP and NE; the alarm reaction c. glucagon and insulin; blood glucose levels d. thymopoietin and thymosin; T lymphocytes e. cortisol and corticosterone; the stress response


These two hormones both stimulate glycogenolysis and increase glucose levels in the blood. Select one: a. growth hormone and insulin b. cortisol and glucagon c. epinephrine and growth hormone d. glucagon and epinephrine e. insulin and epinephrine


What is the target organ of corticotropin-releasing hormone? Select one: a. the gonad b. the thyroid gland c. the adrenal cortex d. the anterior pituitary e. the posterior pituitary


Which of the following hormones passes through the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract? Select one: a. thyroid-stimulating hormone b. adrenocorticotropic hormone c. luteinizing hormone d. antidiuretic hormone e. prolactin-inhibiting hormone


Destruction of the β cells of the pancreas would cause a loss of ___ secretion. Select one: a. somatotropin b. glucagon c. somatostatin d. adrenocorticotropin e. insulin


Gonadotropin-releasing hormone is secreted by Select one: a. the testes. b. the anterior pituitary. c. the ovaries. d. the adrenal gland. e. the hypothalamus.


In the embryo, the neurohypophyseal bud gives rise to the ____, and the hypophyseal pouch gives rise to the _____. Select one: a. anterior pituitary; hypothalamus b. posterior pituitary; hypothalamus c. anterior pituitary; posterior pituitary d. hypothalamus; anterior pituitary e. posterior pituitary; anterior pituitary


One of the enzymes that shuts off a hormone's stimulatory effect is Select one: a. acetylcholinesterase. b. phospholipase. c. cyclooxygenase. d. adenylate cyclase. e. phosphodiesterase.


The polypeptide precursor that is split up to form endorphins also forms Select one: a. melatonin. b. FSH. c. ADH. d. insulin. e. ACTH.


The thyroid follicles store and secrete _____, while the C cells secrete _____. Select one: a. calcitonin; thyroid hormones b. thymosin; calcitonin c. parathyroid hormone; cortisol d. thyroid hormones; cortisol e. thyroid hormones; calcitonin


The two thyroid hormones (TH) are T3 and T4. The "3" and "4" refer to number of Select one: a. oxygen atoms. b. tyrosine amino acids. c. iron atoms. d. calcium atoms. e. iodine atoms.


The uterus is a target organ of Select one: a. gonadotropin-releasing hormone. b. adrenocorticotropic hormone. c. follicle stimulating hormone. d. luteinizing hormone. e. oxytocin.


Which of the following hormones passes through the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system? Select one: a. adrenocorticotropic hormone b. luteinizing hormone c. antidiuretic hormone d. thyroid-stimulating hormone e. prolactin-inhibiting hormone


Growth hormone is no longer secreted after the epiphyseal plates close and growth of the long bones ceases. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


Hypoglycemic hormones are secreted in response to excessively low blood glucose levels. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


The adrenal cortex secretes angiotensin II. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


The adult pituitary is connected by a stalk to the roof of the nasal cavity. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


The gonads, adrenal cortex, and posterior pituitary gland secrete steroid hormones. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


The parathyroid glands promote bone growth by stimulating calcium deposition. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


The production of red blood cells is stimulated by a hormone secreted by the bone marrow. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


The target organ for thyrotropin-releasing hormone is the thyroid gland. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


Peptide hormones do not enter their target cells, but bind to receptors in the plasma membrane. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


The adult pineal gland is a small, shriveled remnant of the child's. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


The ovaries can inhibit hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


The posterior pituitary gland secretes but does not synthesize oxytocin. Select one: a. TRUE b. FALSE


The process of up-regulation makes target cells more sensitive to a hormone. Select one: a. FALSE b. TRUE


Negative feedback inhibition occurs when

TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone (TH).

epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and aldosterone are all produced in the

adrenal glands.

In the embryo, the hypophyseal pouch gives rise to the _____.

anterior pituitary

target organ of corticotropin-releasing hormone:

anterior pituitary

most similar hormone to oxytocin:

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Pituitary hormones are not secreted at a steady rate. GH is secreted mainly when?

at night.

steriods & thryoid hormones are ______ hormones.

bound hormones.

__________ is the second messenger that enters through the plasma membrane.


target cells

cells with receptors (proteins & glycoproteins) on them

In ____-regulation, a cell reduces its receptor population & thus becomes less sensitive to a hormone.


PRL (prolactin) is mainly secreted when?

during pregnancy and nursing.

What are 2 hormones that both stimulate glycogenolysis & increase glucose levels in the blood?

glucagon & epinephrine

Insulinlike growth factors, or somatomedins, are secreted in response to:

growth hormone.

This hormone enhances amino acid transport into cells and increases protein synthesis, catabolizes fat for energy, and promotes glycogen synthesis.

growth hormone.

In the testes, the sustentacular (sertoli) cells secrete _____.


this hormone stimulates glucose uptake, storage of glycogen, and storage of fat in muscle and adipose tissue. it also stimulates uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis in many cells.


Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus results when ...

insulin is secreted but target cells lack receptors for it.

The two thyroid hormones (TH) are T3 and T4. The "3" and "4" refer to number of ...

iodine atoms.

Oxytocin (OT) is carried to the hypothalamohypophyseal tract and stimulates what?

milk ejection.

T3 & T4 (thyroid hormones) are __________.


An infant suckling at a mother's breast will stimulate the mother's hypothalamus to release _________.

oxytocin (OT)

In the embryo, the neurohypophyseal bud gives rise to the _____.

posterior pituitary

Steriods & thyroid hormones are hydrophobic. To travel in the watery bloodstream, they must bind to hydrophillic transport __________.


effects of glucagon:

stimulates amino acid absorption, gluconeogenesis, glycogen & fat breakdown; raises blood glucose & fatty acid levels.

effects of Insulin:

stimulates glucose & amino acid uptake: lowers blood glucose level; promotes glycogen, fat & protein synthesis.

In the testes, the interstitial cells secrete ____.


hormones are often transported by:

the bloodstream.

The "stage of exhaustion" in the stress response occurs after months of stress, and the body's homeostatic conditions deteriorate rapidly when...

the energy demands are met primarily by protein metabolism.

calcium metabolism is regulated by:

the parathyroid glands.

Two glands are especially noted for regressing after childhood. 1- 2-

the thymus & pineal glands

In response to cold weather, the hypothalamus releases...

thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)

Monoamines & peptides are hydrophils, so they are _______ hormones.

unbound (free) hormones.

In ____-regulation, a cell increases the number of hormone receptors & becomes more sensitive to the hormone.


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