CHAP 21 QUIZ: 1,2,3

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The poetic form of haiku reached its golden age in the Tokugawa period, and the most renowned practitioner of the form, composed of ___-syllable couplets, was Matsuo Basho. A.20 B.12 C.17 D.14


After arriving in Beijing in 1715, Giuseppe Castiglione worked as a(n) ______________ for the emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. A.Painter B.Astronomer C.Military advisor D.Translator


With the traditional threats from the borders now quashed, the reign of the __________ emperor, from 1736 to 1795, marked both the high point and the beginning of the decline of the Qing dynasty—and of imperial China itself. A.Yongzheng B.Dalai Lama C.Kangxi D.Qianlong


A wholescale massacre of Japanese _________ followed in the wake of a rebellion against the government in 1637-38. A.Christians B.Shinto priests C.Daimyo D.Peasants


According to the infamous "_______ edict" in 1645, all males, regardless of ethnicity, were required on pain of death to adopt the Manchu hairstyle of a shaved forehead and long pigtail in the back. A.Queue B.Conformity C.Barber D.Close Shave


After another doubling of its population by 1800, China moved toward what some historical demographers have called a high-level equilibrium trap, a condition in which: A.The land has reached its maximum potential for feeding a population, and the surplus population begins to starve. B.A country's neighbors are trapped into accelerating the level of reproduction in order to keep up with a rival's burgeoning numbers. C.A "one-child" policy leads to a demographic imbalance, in which baby girls outnumber baby boys by a factor of 2:1. D.Radical improvements in crops or technology is inevitable, given the large number of potential inventors.


All of the following are true about the "Rites Controversy" EXCEPT: A.High officials in the Church disapproved of the decrees of Kangxi and his successor Yongzheng that Chinese Christians must follow the Jesuit orthodoxy. B.High officials in the Church disapproved of the Jesuits' use of tea and rice instead of wine and bread in the Chinese Christian Eucharist. C.High officials in the Church considered the Jesuit liturgical and doctrinal adaptations to be a problem. D.High officials in the Church disapproved of the Jesuits allowing Chinese Christians to continue their veneration of Confucius and maintenance of ancestral shrines.


All of the following are true of the single-whip system EXCEPT: A.Each village was responsible directly to the Emperor or his Court designee, thus eliminating potentially dangerous rural aristocracies from developing. B.Each li, composed of 100 families, had a headman responsible for keeping tax records and labor dues. C.All families were placed into officially designated villages for tax purposes. D.The baojia system required families to register all members.


All of the following was true of the banner system EXCEPT: A.The Chinese, as a conquered people, were not allowed to participate. B.The chief administrative tool of the Manchu leadership. C.Developed for military and tax purposes. D.Originally organized for mobile warriors


Armillary spheres and a celestial globe were cast by Chinese artisans to the specifications of the ________ court mathematician Ferdinand Verbiest in the 1680s. A.Jesuit B.Russian C.Manchu D.Calvinist


In the context of European trade with Asia, a "factory" is: A.The place where merchants, local agents, and other interested parties gathered to conduct business. B.The diplomatic quarters in Beijing, called "factory" because they were headed up by a "factor." C.The place European merchants brought their wives and other family members to stay during the trading seasons. D.The place where Asian goods are manufactured for the European markets.


Kangxi's 13 _________, embodying maxims distilled in part from Zhu Xi's thought, became the official Qing creed from 1670 on. A.Sacred edicts B.Acknowledged philosophers C.Big ideas D.Disciples


The Popes found Jesuit practices in China like ___________ problematic. A.Using tea and rice for the Eucharist instead of bread and wine B.Depicting the Virgin Mary as a Chinese woman C.Welcoming Anglican priests to share their mission houses in Guangzhou D.Demanding that Confucius be considered a false spirit who could mislead new converts


The Qianlong emperor built a Tibetan version of the Buddhist stupa, or __________, for the visit of the Panchen Lama in 1779. A.Reliquary B.Retreat center C.Statue D.Altar


The Qing employed a "loose rein" or "using barbarians to check barbarians" in respect to the Mongols and the ____________ in the 1720s. A.Tibetan Buddhists B.Ming loyalists on Taiwan C.Renegade Mencians D.Japanese daimyo


The Revolt of the Three Feudatories was crushed by: A.Kangxi B.Koxinga C.Yongzheng D.Qianlong


The Shimabara Rebels were largely: A.Samurai and Japanese Christians. B.Workers who had been affiliated with the Dutch and Portuguese. C.Peasants whose crops had been taken for taxes. D.Urban workers and merchants whose property had been confiscated by samurai.


The _______ shoguns adopted Neo-Confucianism as the governing ideology, thus joining the commonwealth of Confucian "religious civilizations" in the region. A.Tokugawa B.Minamoto C.Hideyoshi D.Ashikaga


The items representing the artistic and aesthetic tastes of the court and the samurai were: A.Widely available to anyone who had the money and interest to afford them. B.Too costly to have much influence on non-elites. C.Widely rejected because of their overt militarism. D.Too foreign and strange to the vast majority of the culturally sensitive middle classes.


The position of the military aristocracy in Japan was: A.Absolute and unquestioned, in all matters of life and death. B.Responsible to a civilian commander-in-chief, appointed by a group of peasants C.Considered incongruent with practitioners of the refined arts of painting and poetry. D.Roughly equivalent to its counterpart in Chinese Confucianism.


There were ___ banner organizations: A.8 B.10 C.5 D.37


Which of the following is the proper chronological order? A.Zheng He's nautical explorations, Matteo Ricci reaches China, reign of the Kangxi Emperor; reign of the Qianlong emperor. B.Matteo Ricci reaches China; rein of the Kangxi Emperor; Zheng He's nautical explorations, reign of the Qianlong emperor. C.Reign of the Kangxi emperor; Zheng He's nautical explorations; reign of the Qianlong emperor; Matteo Ricci reaches China. D.Zheng He's nautical exploration, reign of the Kangxi emperor; Matteo Ricci reaches China; reign of the Qianlong emperor.


The huge commitment of Chinese troops against the forces of the Japanese leader Hideyoshi during his attempted invasion of ________ and China from 1592 to 1598 weakened the Ming dynasty and led to the rise of the Manchus. A.Vietnam B.Russia C.Korea D.The Philippines


"_______ learning" was especially prized in the Tokugawa period, with their representatives retaining yearly access to the shogunate and exerting influence on prominent Japanese intellectual. A.Jesuit B.Dutch C.British D.Chinese


All of the following is true of the Donglin Academy EXCEPT: A.It inspired the so-called Han learning movement, which sought to recover the original classic Confucianism. B.The scholars of the Academy avoiding arguing with the Court about any matters, believing a stable, self-assured government was the strongest. C.It was founded by philosophers who concluded that the Ming collapsed in part because of its retreat from practical politics. D.It was devoted to reconstituting an activist Confucianism.


Dorgon crossed the Great Wall into China in 1642: A.Only to be ambushed and defeated at the border by firm Ming resistance B.At the invitation of a Chinese general. C.To defeat the Qing or "pure" dynasty in Beijing. D.In defiance of the demands of Altaic-speaking peoples in his vicinity.


During the period between the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, China's population was reduced from about 100 million to about 60 million by: A.Raids by Western European navies B.Banditry, fighting, and lingering effects of the Black Death C.Constant wars with the Japanese D.The Mongol invasion


European manufacturers of porcelain: A.Crafted their vases in red and white colors, in order to distinguish them from "china" ware. B.Imitated Chinese designs in porcelain before they could make their own. C.Deliberately destroyed all china ware vessels that came to their ports, in order to avoid taxation on luxury goods. D.Were able to replicate the Chinese process as early as 1610, when Meissen began production.


In 1549 the Franciscan missionary ___________ landed in Japan. A.Ignatius Loyola B.Francis Xavier C.Peter Canisius D.Matteo Ricci


In Japan, the Gekokujo ("those below toppling those above") period of civil war erupted in 1467 and continued, on and off, until the ________. A.1490s B.1570s C.1690s D.1530s


In order to prevent any serious challenges to the samurai class's military role, the Tokugawa: A.Prevented Christian missionaries from attempting to convert samurai families while granting them free access to peasants. B.Gave up firearms, ordering that they be seized and destroyed except for a few museum relics. C.Prohibited samurai from depending too much on swordsmanship by requiring that they also practice with pistols and rifles. D.Prohibited the samurai from attacking merchants or peasant farmers in order to keep the tax base high.


In regard to military might and technology, the Ming have been characterized in all of the following ways EXCEPT: A.On their way to developing a powerful navy. B.Reliant on diplomacy and negotiations in the best Confucian tradition. C.Possessing technologically capable of producing thousands of cannon and handguns each year. D.A military superpower


In the commercial trade between Europe and China, all of the following are true EXCEPT: A.The British East India Company used its base at Calcutta to try to expand its operations in China. B.The Qing dynasty incorporated the European merchants into the diplomatic system during the seventeenth century. C.The Qing were concerned that foreign traders were working with Ming loyalists against their rule. D.The Qing dynasty tried to permit European trade only in the port of Guangzhou (known as Canton by Europeans).


Jesuit missionaries were at times welcomed into China and Japan, but were ultimately rejected as "subversive" elements by the ____ and the Tokugawa. A.Yangban B.Qing C.Manchu emperors D.Protestant British imperial advisors


Qing philosophers based themselves at the Donglin Academy, founded in 1604, and devoted themselves to reconstituting an activist ________ based on rigorous self-cultivation and advising court officials. A.Platonism B.Confucianism C.Buddhism D.Catholicism


The Japanese daimyo were: A.A class of high-level bureaucrats. B.Regional warlords. C.Another term for the samurai. D.The codes of honor that governed the behavior of samurai.


The Manchu state was divided into eight major military and ethnic divisions, each represented by a distinctive ____________, and companies were formed of 300 fighters recruited from families represented by these means. A.Sword B.Banner C.Hairstyle D.Armor


The _______ ceramicist Chojiro preferred highly rustic, rough-hewn earthenware designs with glazes that formed spontaneous designs when fired—the famous "raku" ware. A.Korean B.Japanese C.Dutch D.Chinese


The conclusion that porcelain was the single most important commodity in the unfolding world commercial revolution between 1500 and 1800 is supported by all of the following except: A.Skyrocketing demand for porcelain products in European countries. B.The depiction of Muhammad's face on many of them, in spite of Islamic prohibitions. C.The use of bulk cargoes of porcelain as ships' ballast. D.The appearance of porcelain as home furnishings in almost all households of means.


The earliest Christian missionaries encountered by the Ming dynasty were: A.The Cistercians and the Franciscans B.The Franciscans and Dominicans C.The Jesuits and the Dominicans D.The Jesuits and the Franciscans


The education of elite women... A.Focused on cooking, cleaning, and rearing children. B.Included training in Confucian decorum, writing essays, and reciting poetry. C.Was intended to prepare them to assist their mothers-in-law in managing a household. D.Focused on training in sexual protocol.


By one estimate, in 1450 ________ of the Ming frontier military units had cannon, most of which were produced in arsenals like Junqiju. A.All B.One-third C.One-half D.Only three


Chikamatsu Monzaemon's most famous play is based on a real incident, in which the daimyo of 47 samurai was killed by a political opponent, leaving them as _________—masterless. A.Kabuki B.Bunraku C.Ronin D.Noh


China's population grew from its low of perhaps 60 million at the beginning of the Ming period to an estimated ________ million by 1600. A.650 B.100 C.150 D.900


Jesuit priests like Matteo Ricci and Ferdinand Verbiest: A.Refused to dress like the Chinese, speak their language, or learn about their culture. B.Focused their efforts on converting the poor, in contrast to Franciscan and Dominican missionaries. C.Used their expertise in the New Sciences to advise the imperial court. D.Were murdered in a Qing backlash, as it attempted to "purify" China.


Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, three powerful emperors of the Qing (a foreign, Manchu dynasty), strove to validate their reigns by all of the following EXCEPT: A.Being patrons of the arts. B.Initiating mammoth cultural projects. C.Supporting creative artists and poets even when they were unorthodox. D.Setting the tone in aesthetic matters.


Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) produced a woodblock print depicting Thirty-Six Views of _________ that also became famous in the West. A.A Temple B.Edo C.Mt. Fuji D.A Geisha


One of the richest glimpses into local Chinese society comes from Pu Songling's __________ Tales from a Chinese Studio. A.1001 B.Unfinished C.Strange D.True


Some signs of economic stress were already present toward the end of Qianlong's reign, and chief among these was the problem of: A.Automation of farm equipment, leading to agricultural overproduction and crop wastage. B.Women seeking careers, in defiance of Confucian decorum, and driving down wages. C.Absentee landlordism. D.Collection of tithes by Jesuit missionaries that went to the Popes in Rome.


The "Three Excellences" were: A.Garden landscaping, calligraphy, and poetry. B.Classical Chinese opera, classical dance, and poetry. C.Poetry, painting, and calligraphy. D.Confucian essays, painting, and calligraphy.


The "queue edict" mandated that: A.Manchu females were forbidden to bind their feet. B.Chinese men had to adopt the Manchu style of shaving their entire heads. C.Chinese men had to adopt the Manchu style of a shaved forehead with a long braid in back. D.Chinese men could continue wearing their hair in traditional styles, but could not be a part of the military banners if they did.


The _________ East India Company, having established its base at Calcutta in 1690, soon sought to expand its operations to China. A.Dutch B.French C.British D.Portuguese


The addition of important new food crops was an important factor in Chinese population growth, resulting in populations of: A.About 60 million in 1368 to 200 million in 1500, to about 250 million by 1800. B.About 60 million in 1368 to 75 million in 1500, to about 400 million by 1800. C.About 60 million in 1368 to 150 million in 1600, and about 300 million by 1800. D.About 60 million in 1368 to 100 million in 1500, to about 200 million by 1800.


The eighteenth century proved to be a boon time for all involved in the ____________ trade, and the British in particular increasingly viewed it as a valuable part of their growing commercial power. A.Rice B.Beijing C.Canton D.Cheese


The high point of the Qing dynasty was during the rule of A.Matteo Ricci B.The Kangxi emperor C.The Qianlong emperor D.Nurhachi


The system devised under the Tokugawa bakufu ("_______", referring to the shogun's official status as the emperor's mobile deputy) was called sankin kotai, the "rule of alternate attendance". A."Loose rein" B."Hostage government" C."Tent government" D."Seasonal control"


Which of the following is the correct chronological order? A.Founding of the Qing Dynasty; establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate; founding of the Ming Dynasty; the Shimabara Rebellion. B.Founding of the Ming Dynasty; founding the Tokugawa Shogunate; Shimabara Rebellion; founding of the Qing Dynasty. C.Founding of the Ming Dynasty; founding of the Qing Dynasty; establishment of Tokugawa Shogunate; Shimabara Rebellion. D.The Shimabara Rebellion, the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate; the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the founding of the Qing Dynasty.


______ became a vital axis of world trade, with Chinese merchants exchanging spices and luxury goods such as porcelain there for Spanish silver from the Americas. A.Bombay B.Tokyo C.Manila D.Guangzhou


After the Manchus captured Beijing, some Ming loyalists fled to the island of Taiwan, where they expelled the ________, who had established a trading base there. A.Portuguese B.Japanese C.British D.Dutch


By 1557, the Portuguese had wrested the first European colony from the Chinese at _________, and they held it until 1999. A.Guangzhou B.Formosa C.Hong Kong D.Macau


In the fall of 1600, the back of the western coalition of daimyos was broken by the Tokugawa victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, near __________. A.Nagasaki B.Edo C.Sendai D.Kyoto


The Manchus who ruled China constituted about __% of the population: A.10 B.15 C.5 D.2


The Tokugawa attempt to conquer China in the late sixteenth century was led by: A.Chikamatsu Monzaemon B.Oda Nobunaga C.Hongwu D.Toyotomi Hideyoshi


Two leaders who led the Manchus to military might by the seventeenth century were: A.Abahai and Wu Sangui B.Nurhachi and Liadong C.Kongxi and Abahai D.Nurhachi and Abahai


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