Chapter 1-2 Latin America and the Caribbean

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Outer arc of lesser antilles

1. Where- Outer eastern part of Caribbean 2. Great About It- The Islands are all dormant volcanoes a. Dry area with little rain. This makes agriculture difficult. b. They were submerged underwater for a time after they became dormant 3. Not So Great- Little tourist activity a. No minerals to support b. Small population

Environment as Illusion

Alexander Humboldt drew pictures of latin america and gave a mirage

Western Alpine System

Andean range and also the highlands of central america. ring of fire

Neovolcanic Range

Breaks the isolation of the southern highland zone

Natural Toponyms

Buenos Aires, Rio Negro

Greater Antilles

Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico 90% of the people in the Antilles

Brazilian Highlands

Eastern Brazil, old eroded area, includes Serro de Mar Sertao Mato Gross Plateau Serra Geral Parana Plateau Tons of minerals, including gold, diamonds, and Iron ore. It's seen as a region with economic growth potential.

Religious Toponyms

El salvador, santiago


How are people goods and ideas moved

Human/Environment interaction

How do humans use/change the enviornment

Lesser Antilles

Hundreds of tiny islands. Owned by 16 different political entities

Central Lowlands

Llanos, the amazon plain, gran chaco, the pampa

Historical Figures Toponyms

Mendoza, Santa Rosa

Mesa del Norte

Mesa del Norte, also called Northern Plateau, Mesa del Norte: Chihuahua steppe [Credit: Ricraider]the northern section of the Mexican Plateau, sloping gently upward to the south for more than 700 miles (1,100 km) from the U.S.-Mexico border to the Zacatecas Mountains. Mesa del Norte largely spans the country from coast to coast and is bordered by the Sierra Madre Oriental on the east and the Sierra Madre Occidental on the west. Much of the region is arid land broken by mountains and salt-encrusted flats or depressions

Serra Geral

Mountain range in the Brazilian highlands. at the edge of the Parana plateau Where: Southern Brazil Importance: wine, sheep, cattle, gold, diamonds, swein, poultry, minerals. It's a mountain range. It's the only place in Brazil that gets snow. Remember: Geral (said in English) is kinda like gerbil and this region is small like a gerbil.

Major River systems

Orinoco Rio de Plata Amazon

Environment as obstacle

Panama before canal


Part of the Brazilian Highlands Sedimentary rocks eroded backland Where: Northeast of Brazil, Eastern Highland Region, Semi-Arid climate Importance: limestone and sandstone, deep tributary valleys, severely eroded backlands, prone to drought, cattle ranching, bad for agriculture Remember: sounds like Serta mattress- bumpy with for ravines.

3 highland areas

Patagonian Plateau, Brazilian Highlands, Guiana Highlands

Andes Mountains

Provide good place to grow potatoes, and climate protection from Pacific to allow constant climate in eastern jungles. It runs along the entire west coast of South America. Remember: "Andes" is like the mint candy - "Andes candy is fresh and cool, just like the Andes Mountains."

Mesa Central

Region: Mesa Central Where: Central Mexico Importance: Historic and present home to millions and millions of Mexicans. Very fertile. Like all good Mexican families, it is watched over by the "mothers" both on the east and the west. Their volcanic residue helps contribute to the table's bountifulness. Just think of the common Mexican extended family and its many "mothers" and how they feed everyone at the "Center Table." Remember: Central=Center, Mesa=Table

Amazon Plain

The Amazon basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries. The Amazon drainage basin covers an area of about 7,050,000 km2 (2,720,000 sq mi), or roughly 40 percent of the South American continent. It is located in the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.[1]

Llanos de Mojos

The Llanos de Moxos, also known as the Beni savanna or the Moxos plains, is a tropical savanna ecoregion of northern Bolivia.

Ring of fire

The Ring of Fire is an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements.

Western Sierra Madre

The Sierra Madre Occidental is a mountain range in western Mexico. The name Sierra Madre means "Mother Mountains". The range extends from near the Arizona border down to the Sierra Madre del Sur.

Southern Highlands

The Southern Highlands are a series of highly dissected mountain ranges and plateaus, including the Sierra Madre del Sur, Mesa del Sur, and the Chiapas Highlands, also called the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. On their southwestern side, approximately from Puerto Vallarta to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, are a series of relatively low ranges known collectively as the Sierra Madre del Sur.


What are the common characteristics in this area


What makes it unique? 5 themes of geography

Inner arc of lesser antilles

Where- Extends from Saba in the North to Grenada (below Puerto Rico) in the Caribbean 2. Great About It- Many islands from many nations. a. Beautiful beaches and lots of sun b. Landform region-volcanic in origin (Alpine System) -Tropical in vegetation (Tropical/Rainforest/Savanna) 3. Remember It- Tropical paradise. a. Volcanic activity b. Beaches c. Humidity

Maracaibo Basin

Where- Northwest Venezuela, on Carribean at base of Andes 2. Great about it- The natural resources. Abundant oil. Easy access to Carribean Sea, Atlantic and Pacific. Beautiful scenery and beaches. 3. Remember it- Maracaiboil, Venezuelan oil production

Central Valley

Where-Chile-central, near the Pacific coast 2. Great about it- Mediterranean Climate - Grapes, Citrus, Tomatoes a. Natural resources - Fertile soil, copper, pleasant Climate b. Problems - Travel is limited by the Andes, pollution

Chiquitos Plateau

Where: East of the Llanos de Mojos in Bolivia, south of Amazon Plain Importance: It forms the north-south drainage divide of the continent. It's a moderately elevated region of low, undulating sedimentary hills- virtually at the geographical center of South America. Remember: It's located just below the Amazon Plain, The Amazon is filled with monkeys who love bananas...the best banana is Chiquita, which is very similar to chiquito!


Where: High plateau in Andes, located on border between Peru and Bolivia. Importance: Lake Titicaca is the hightest navigable freshwater lake, and also the largest South American freshwater lake. Altiplano was considered to be the center of the universe by ancient Inca. Traditional Aymara fishermen and agriculturists live there. Rich in silver and tin mines. In principle coca growing region. Remember: Alti=high, and plano=plain, so it's a high plain in the Andes


Where: Lowlands in the Southern part of Latin America, in the heart of Argentina. Importance: deep, fertile soil, adequate rain fall, thick layers of soil and grain particles, moderate temperatures, unsurpassed agricultural potential. Remember: It is the heart and lifeline of Argentina "Pam Pam" (sounds like a heart beating)

Gran Chaco

Where: Paraguay and Northern Argentina Importance: Low-land, used to be a narrow Atlantic Inlet. Very poor economically. Little water. Alluvial deposits from Andes gives the Gran Chaco a gradual slope away from the mountain range. Remember: Chaco=Spanish for "mud puddle" (charco) place where silt ended up.

Gran Pantanal

Where: Surrounding the Paraguay River in Northern Central Paraguay and Southern Brazil. Importance: Drainiage area of Paraguay River, varying streams limit farming, housing, and transportation. Farmers grow their crops in Bañados and must change them yearly. Remember: Pañal is the Spanish word for diaper. The marshes and swamps of the Gran Pantanal are wet and smelly and therefore change often just like a diaper.

Central American Volcanic Axis

Where: from Chiapas, Mexico all the way to Panama, excluding Yucatan Peninsula. Importance: The interior highland is densely populated with ash-filled valleys and rich volcanic soil, allowing some of Latin America's most productive coffee farms. Untapped agriculture potential due to political problems. Densely populated. Good area for tourism, to hike volcanoes and see lakes and mountains. Remember: If you tilt your head slightly to the right, the triangular conical-type shape is similar to the shape of a volcano. Since it's in Central America, and in the shape of a volcano, the name "Central American Volcanic Axis" isn't hard to remember.

Types of tributaries

White or yellow (from silt) Black water - decaying organic material Crystal or clear - been through filter process Red water - oxidization

Yucatan Peninsula

Yucatan Peninsula 1. Where- Southern tip of Mexico a. Includes Belize and part of northern Guatemala b. The tip of the peninsula forms the coastline for the lower half of the Gulf of Mexico, straight west of Cuba 2. Great about it- Tropical Savannah Climate a. Good soil for crops b. Good vacations spots, nice beaches c. Rich in petroleum natural gas d. Fishing, mining and manufacturing are main industries e. Fairly dispersed population according to precipitation levels f. Between 65-80% urbanized g. 2,000-4,000 GDP per capita 3. Remember It- Is west of Cuba a. Cancun is a large tourist city on the peninsula b. Nice, white beaches and Chitza Nitza ruins located here c. Always hot!

Occurrences Toponyms

Zapata, Resistencia ...what type of toponyms?



Parana Plateau

part of the Brazilian Highlands deposits of volcanic lava fertile terra roxa soil Where: Part of Eastern Highlands in Southeastern Brazil Importance: The sediment of the plateau provides fertile soil for coffee, soybeans, sugar cane, and other fruits and vegetables. The Plateau also has spectacular waterfalls on the western part of the "lava tableland" waterfalls limit river transportation, but rivers are dammed to provide irrigation and hydroelectricity. The runoff from the Plateau creates a lot of erosion that settles to its northeast in an area called the Sertão. Remember: The name Paraná is somewhat similar to the word "paragua" in Spanish, which means "umbrella." That way its easy to remember that it is a wet area.

Mato Grosso Plateau

part of the Brazilian highlands sedimentary strata rolling hills westernmost section of the Brazilian highlands between the Seratão and Amazon plain. Importance: Brazilians think it has untold economic potential because it is fertile, good mining. Remember: If they ever exploited it they could really increase their GROSS Domestic Product!


present day venezuela and colombia. by the orinoco river basin level land petroleum very low development 1. Where- Orinoco River Plains, in Venezuela and Columbia N.E. of South America 2. Great about it- Tall grass, forest area a. grazing- cattle ranching -biggest use b. plantation agriculture - small amount c. petroleum d. sugar cane e. monotonous, featureless - very boring f. low population

Guiana Highlands

second major area of highlands northern outlier northern brazil and southern venezuela, guiana MINING Where: Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana Importance: Highest waterfall in the world, flat-topped mountains, part mining, part cultural reserve, fertile soil, unique plants. Remember: High lands has the highest waterfall.

Serro do Mar

single mountain range in eastern brazil. Part of Brazilian highlands Where: Será, São Paulo, Brazil Importance: Fishing, tourism, sugar in north, minerals in south, petroleum in north and south, ports. Remember: Ridge or ocean, "They should do more."

Patagonian Plateau

southern most of the three highland regions extends to tierra de fuego Where: Southeastern tip of Argentina Importance: Has modest natural gas and petroleum deposits, contains 6 rivers and valleys called "bajos" that provide protection from the endless winds and allows for limited agriculture, plateaus start from the Atlantic ocean and rise into a pre-Andean Depression Remember: Patagonia=Flat Agony (Wyoming of South America)

Spacial Perspective

synthesizes physical, social, political, and economic conditions

Where is the ring of fire most destructive?

west side of south america and inner belt of the antilles

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