Chapter 1-2 Neurochem

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26. Which of the following are examples of environmental factors that can make a person more liable to abuse a psychoactive substance?

#1. Drinking and/or other drug use is common in the home and family environment. #2. Healthy ways of dealing with stress and anger are modeled and learned. #3. Physical and emotional stress are the norm in the home, work, or school environment. #4. An environment in which physical, emotional, or sexual abuse occurs. Answer: examples 1, 3, and 4 only

23. Which of the following statements are true about alterations to the body's normal balance (homeostasis)?

#1. Homeostasis is thrown off when the human body is continually challenged by stressful events. #2. The use of psychoactive drugs disrupts homeostasis. #3. The body adapts through allostasis. #4. The body strives to adapt through synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter alterations. Answer: statements 1, 2, 3, and 4

25. Which of the following describes changes in the brain of a person who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs?

#1. The survival/reinforcement circuits of the addiction pathway are hijacked by changes in brain chemistry altered by substance abuse. #2. The "go" circuit becomes overactive and drives compulsive substance use. #3. The "stop" circuit does not function properly and is overridden by the "go" switch. #4. Drug cravings hijack survival mechanisms in the old brain and override rational actions of the new brain. Answer: statements 1, 2, 3, and 4

24. Which of the following statements is true regarding addiction, including compulsive behaviors such as gambling?

Addiction is a disease analogous to other chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

10. Which of the following is currently the number one most popular psychoactive substance worldwide?


17. The emotional center of the brain that is activated when a person with an addiction sees a person, place, or thing that reminds him of their addiction (e.g., needle, slot machine, white powder) is called the:


15. Regardless of which method a person uses to consume a psychoactive drug, how does the drug reach the brain?


21. The progression from abuse to addiction is most influenced by:


19. The most crucial neurotransmitter involved in behavioral addictions, drug use, and drug abuse is:


13. Psychoactive drugs promote homeostatic, or balanced, conditions in the central nervous system.


18. The more rapidly a psychoactive drug reaches its central nervous system target, the less the reward and the lower the reinforcing effect.


11. Which of the following statements is true?

Humankind has always had a desire to alter individual states of consciousness regardless of the potential for damage.

20. What is the most rapid route of administering a drug to reach the brain?


1. Human brain chemistry can be affected by which of the following to induce an altered state of consciousness (check all that apply):

Psychoactive drugs Behavioral addictions Mental illness

16. The central nervous system is composed of what?

The spinal cord and the brain

27. Which of the following are signs of addiction?

There is continued use despite experiencing physical or psychological problems and consequences.

12. A person's level of emotional and physical stress can increase the ability of psychoactive drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier.


8. According to the authors' of Uppers, Downers, All Arounders, a psychoactive drug is defined as ...

any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

7. Listed below are three different sequential variations of drugs in the opiate family. Which one accurately represents the order in which the drugs were discovered and used (from left to right representing oldest to newest drug forms).

opium, morphine, heroin

9. The major categories of psychoactive drugs include...

stimulants, depressants, and psychedelics.

6. Which of the following statements most accurately represents the use of plant based psychoactive substances?

About 4,000 plants yield psychoactive substances and the vast majority are not illegal.

22. Tolerance to the mental effects of drugs always develops at the same rate as tolerance to the drug's physical effects.


4. Limiting the places where tobacco smoking is permitted has not reduced the use of tobacco in the United States or other countries where such policies have been implemented.


2. The potency of drugs today is due to technological advances in refining, synthesizing, and manufacturing methods.


3. For centuries governments have used the sale of addictive substances (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, opium) and government sponsored lotteries to fund wars and acquire colonial empires.


14. When the human body is continually challenged by the use of drugs that alter the body's natural balance a "new normal" is created known as allostasis.


5. Compulsive behaviors (e.g. binge-eating, anorexia, bulimia, compulsive gambling, sexual compulsion, Internet addiction) affect many of the same areas of the brain that are influenced by psychoactive drugs.


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