Chapter 1-3 Criminal Justice Study Guide

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Mens rea means...

"Guilty mind"

In 2015, Yakima, Washington, with a population of 249,480, reported 8,825 property offenses. What was the property crime rate?

3,537 property offenses per 100,000 inhabitants

In 2015, Albuquerque, NM, with a population of 905,803, reported 7,179 violent criminal offenses. What was the violent crime rate?

793 violent offenses per 100,000 inhabitants

An example of this type of offense is conspiracy.

Inchoate offense

In this form of theft, an offender takes possessions that do not belong to him or her with the intent of keeping them.


This minor criminal offense is punishable by a fine and/or jail time for up to one year.


Usually the maximum incarceration for this type of offense is up to one year in jail.


Why is it difficult to measure white-collar and corporate crime?

Much of the investigation and regulation of corporate and white-collar crime is not done by law enforcement

This is designed to gather data on each criminal act even if several acts are committed within the same complex of behavior.

National Incident-Based Reporting System

Where are statutes published?

Penal codes

Common law is based on this.


Which issue guides precedent?

Predictability, efficiency, and reliability

This is a state or federal institution that confines people convicted of crime who are serving sentences for longer than a year.


Suspension of all or part of a sentence subject to certain conditions and supervision in community.


This type of law prescribes the methods for the enforcement and use of the law.


How does the FBI currently classify arson?

Property crime

These offenses include drug use, disturbing the peace, drunkenness, prostitution, and some forms of gambling.

Public-order crime

Laws must be...

Published in the criminal code, enacted by the legislature, and enforced in a fair and evenhanded manner by authorities

In a high school class, a researcher hands out questionnaires that ask the students to identify any criminal offenses they have committed. Which term best describes this type of research?

Self-report study

This consists of the rules, habits, and customs a society uses to enforce conformity to its norms.

Social control

C. Wright Mills urges the use of this to examine issues while removed from our social location.

Sociological imagination

This is a law enacted by a legislature.


This type of law is enacted by legislatures.

Statutory law

This kind of crime includes interpersonal violence and property crime.

Street crime

This type of law sets forth what behaviors are defined as crime.


What is the important difference between the criminal law and civil law?

The identity of the aggrieved party

For rape and sexual assault victims, the criminal justice process is often called this.

The second victimization

Which of the following is an important actor in a criminal offense?

The victim

Which is not a reason that a victim would not report an offense?

The victim may have committed the offense

Which choice best describes the sources of error in the Uniform Crime Reports?

Unintentional and intentional

This type of law comes from judicial decisions and requires judges to consider how previous cases dealt with similar issues.

Case law

According to the wedding cake model of criminal justice, what does the top layer represent?

Celebrated cases

Written on an ancient stone tablet, this collection of over 250 laws covered a wide range of issues.

Code of Hammurabi

This is sometimes called case law, judiciary law, or unwritten law.

Common law

Actus reus, mens rea, and concurrence constitute this.

Corpus delicti

In legal terminology, this is the state of a child who has not yet reached the specified age to be considered an adult.


This legal principle states that a person cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Double jeopardy

This criminal justice model describes the expectation of a just and fair criminal justice system.

Due process model

This type of offense includes murder, rape, assault, larceny, and arson.


This criminal offense is committed during the course of business for financial gain.

White-collar crime

How many offenses are never reported to police?

About 80%

According to one study, what was the percentage of hate crimes committed by perpetrators who were strongly committed to bigotry?


To administer a legal process of judging and to pronounce a judgment.


Police officers, prosecutors, judges, and corrections officials use this to decide what happens to individual cases.


These offenses are punishable by more than a year in a state prison.


According to the ??? Amendment, "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury..."


Children in this age range account for the highest percentage of child abuse and neglect victims.

From birth to age 3

The protection of this is an integral part of the functioning of law enforcement.

Individual rights

This defense attempts to give physical or psychological reasons that a defendant cannot comprehend his or her criminal actions, their harm(s), or their punishment.

Insanity defense

This type of law covers personal wrongs and damage and includes libel, slander, assault, trespass, and negligence.

Tort law

The legal principle in which courts are bound by the decisions of previous courts is called...

Stare decisis

This type of offense tends to involve offenses in which the public's welfare is at issue.

Strict liability

This defense involves the defendant claiming not to have been at the scene of a crime during its commission.


Four factors challenge the transition to greater cooperation among law enforcement agencies. Which is not one of these?

All individual agencies organize their policies and operations in exactly the same way

After searching a suspect who matches a description of a robber and finding a loaded handgun, Officer Cerezo handcuffs the suspects, reads him his rights, and drives him to the station to be placed in a holding cell. Which term best describes this activity?


What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?

Bill of Rights

This is the use or threat of violence against a state or other political entity in order to coerce.


Why does the National Crime Victimization Survey not account for successfully completed drug transactions?

The buyers do not consider themselves crime victims

The advantage of the NIBRS over the UCR is that it allows law enforcement to precisely identify...

The characteristics of victims and perpetrators, when and where an offense took place, and the form of the offense

Which is one of the three criteria used to determine what behaviors are made criminal?

The effects of the law, the existence of other means to protect society from undesirable behavior, and the enforceability of the law

Criminologists use this term to refer to instances wherein a victim plays an active role in initiating conflict.

Victim precipitation

After the trial of James Holmes, who opened fire on an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater in July 2012, about 100 family members of the victims spoke in court about how the crime affected them. Which term best relates to this activity?

Victim-impact statement

Deborah's cell phone is stolen from her bag. Later, a census taker interviews her about the incident. Which term best describes this type of research?

Victimization survey

Behaviors that are deemed undesirable because they offend community standards rather than directly harm people or property.

Victimless crime

Which group of people is not included in considerations of victimization?

Victims, families of victims, and victims' communities

How does the FBI classify murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault?

Violent crimes

This writ is issued to bring a party before the court.

Habeas corpus

These are offenses committed by a corporation's officers who pursue illegal activity in the corporation's name.

Corporate crime

Which part of the crime picture do the UCR, self-report studies, and victimization studies tend to miss?

Corporate crime, drug sales, and organized crime

Many offenses that enter the system are systematically excluded for several reasons, which include the following:

Cost, discretion, and errors

This is an action taken by a person or a group of people that violates the rules of society to the point that someone is harmed or society's interests are harmed.


This criminal justice model describes the expectation of an efficient criminal justice system.

Crime control model

What is the number of Crime Index offenses divided by the population of an area called?

Crime rate

This social institution controls crime by detecting, detaining, adjudicating, and punishing and/or rehabilitating people who break the law.

Criminal justice

This is the administration of a punishment or reward in accordance with morals that a given society considers correct.


This major English document contributed to US law.

Magna Carta

This is the murder of three or more people in a single incident.

Mass murder

Research has shown that children who are physically abused are at a greater risk for this.

Mental illness, homelessness, and crime

According to the wedding cake model of criminal justice, what does the bottom layer represent?


Which is not one of the six arguments that can be employed in the defense against a criminal indictment?

My client did it

Which is a logistical obstacle to measuring crime effectively and efficiently?

Problems of definition, resources, and politics

the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.


In society, which of the following dictates what is acceptable and what is punishable?

Rules, laws, and folkways

According to the wedding cake model of criminal justice, what does the second layer represent?

Serious felonies

Sutton breaks into a house when the owner is away and looks for valuable items to steal. However, he does not find anything worth taking and leaves. The owner returns later and does not notice anything amiss, nor even realize that the house was entered. How will Sutton's offense be recorded?

The offense will not be recorded; it is part of the dark figure of crime

Most definitions of victim precipitation assert this.

The victim acted first during the course of the offense and instigated the commission of the offense

According to Christie, which is not one of the six attributes typically associated with the idea of an innocent victim?

The victim is minding his or her own business

Which is not included in the typical definition of elder abuse?

The victim is not dependent on a caregiver

This annual FBI publication uses data from participating U.S. law enforcement agencies to summarize the incidence and rate of reported crime.

Uniform Crime Report

This is the most extensive and useful measure of crime that is available.

Uniform Crime Reports

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