Chapter 1-4

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Religious dissension in England during the first half of the seventeenth century resulted in

A civil war

What did the Virgin of Guadalupe represent?

A mixing of Indian and Spanish cultures

Which of the following is an example of the eighteenth-century understanding of liberalism?

A person choosing what church he or she will attend

Which European city was known in the early seventeenth century as a haven for persecuted Protestants from all over European and even for Jews fleeing Spain?


What did Anne Hutchinson's critics accuse her of?

Antinomianism: she put her own judgement above human law and the teachings of the church.

Under the new slave code enacted in 1705 by the House of Burgesses, how were slaves classified?

As property, completely subject to the will of their masters

How did the meaning of the Magna Carta change with time?

As serfdom disappeared, its rights applied to a greater percentage of the population.

Anne Hutchinson's trial demonstrated that

Colony leaders and church elders considered her a threat to their authority.

In the eighteenth century, what group made up the largest percentage of immigrants from the British Isles to America?

Convicted criminals

Which of the following is true of Spain's explorations of the New World?

Florida was the first region in the present-day United States that Spain colonized.

The English Bill of Rights of 1689

Gave Parliament control over taxation rights of individuals such as trial by jury.

The most famous Great Awakening revivalist minister was

George Whitefield

Which of the following claims did Anne Hutchinson make during her 1637 trial?

God spoke to her directly, much as God has spoken to Abraham.

How was freedom of the press viewed in the eighteenth century?

Governments in both England and the colonies viewed it as dangerous.

What was Puritan leader and Massachusetts Bay governor John Winthrop's attitude toward liberty?

He saw two kinds of liberty: natural liberty, the ability to do evil, and moral liberty, the ability to do good.

What was one of Pennsylvania's only restrictions on religious liberty?

Holding office required an oath affirming a belief in Jesus Christ, which eliminated Jews from serving.

As early as 1615, the ______ people of present-day southern Ontario and upper New York State forged a trading alliance with the French, and many of them converted to Catholicism.


Which of the following statements accurately describes the task system?

It allowed slaves time for leisure or to cultivate crops on their own if they completed daily jobs.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the English understanding during the seventeenth century of the concept of freedom?

It remained a vital and much-debated concept even after Charles I was beheaded.

What is the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

It was the first written frame of government in the American colonies.

Compared to the Chesapeake colonies, New England had more economic equality because it had more


The ideals of which group or individual are most closely aligned with modern-America's ideal of equal rights for all?


Which of the following is true of freedom in New Netherland?

Married women retained a legal identity separate from that of their husbands.

In 1517, the German priest ____ began thee Protestant Reformation by posting his Ninety-Five Theses, which accused the Catholic Church of worldliness and corruption.

Martin Luther

What resulted from the disbanding of the Dominion of New England?

Massachusetts absorbed Plymouth

A seventeen-century colonial woman who believed she was cheated out of money would have the best chance of having her case heard if she lived in

New Amsterdam

In the eighteenth century, Texas and California were

Peripheral to the Spanish empire when compared to possessions in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Besides saving the Indians from heathenism, what else did Spain claim was the goal of colonization?

Preventing Protestantism from spreading

[ON FINAL] Which idea was shared by Deists and eighteenth-century European Enlightenment thinkers?

Scientific laws governed the natural order

Which one of the following statements describes conditions experienced by those abroad ship during the Middle Passage?

Slaves were inhumanely crowded into very small spaces and often chained to the deck.

What did the Paxton Boys demand?

That the Indians be removed from Pennsylvania.

What eighteenth-century Indian group united dozens of Indian towns in South Carolina and Georgia?

The Creek Confederacy

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the impact on Maryland of seventeenth-century England's Protestant-Catholic conflict?

The English government temporarily repealed Calvert's ownership of Maryland and the colony's policies of religious toleration.

In 1776, what did political philosopher Adam Smith observe about the "discovery" of the Americas?

The European colonization of the Americas change the course of history.

Why did Indians exercise more power in their relations with the French and the Dutch compared to the English?

The French and Dutch settlements were more dependent on Indians as trading partners than were the English.

Why did the Indians exercise more power in their relations with the French and the Dutch compared to the English?

The French and Dutch settlements were more dependent on Indians as trading partners than were the English.

Unlike Spanish missionaries, which of the following was true of the Jesuits in regard to converting Indians?

The Jesuits did not suppress traditional Indian religious customs.

The overthrow of James II and the deposing of Governor Edmund Andros set the stage for which of the following conflicts?

The Maryland Uprising

Why did the accusations of witchcraft in Salem suddenly snowball in 1692?

The only way to avoid prosecution was to confess and name others.

[ON FINAL] What was the impact of King Philip's War?

The war produced a broadening of freedom for whites in New England but resulted in Native Americans losing their lands.

Which of the following is true of the Puritans' dealings with Quakers?

Their officials in Massachusetts severely punished Quakers, even hanging several of them.

How did Enlightenment thinking influence the Spanish treatment of Indians?

There was a call for more humane treatment of Indians.

How did most Puritans view the separation of church and state?

They allowed church and state to be interconnected by requiring each town to establish a church and levy a tax to support the minister.

During the French and Indian War, how did the Quakers uphold their principles?

They refused to endorse the war and resigned their colonial assembly seats.

Why did Parliament hope to accomplish through the first English Navigation Act?

They sought to wrest control of world trade from the Dutch.

What was key to making the enslavement of Africans an enduring economic and social institution in colonial America?

Unlike in Africa, the skin color of enslaved Africans in America made it difficult for them to escape into surrounding society, and slavery became perpetual, as the children of slaves were slaves too.

The separation of church and state

Was not the norm, as most colonies had taxes to pay the salary and clergy.


Were persons of mixed origin who made up a large part of the urban population of Spanish America

As English colonial society became more structured in the eighteenth century, what were the effects on women?

Women's work became more clearly defined as tied closely to the home.

What would be a good representation of Enlightenment principles?

a botanist who studied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying

Which of the following fits the description of a person most likely to have been accused of witchcraft in seventeenth-century New England?

a middle-aged woman who was outspoken, economically independent, or estranged from her husband

According to the economic theory known as mercantilism:

colonies existed as a place for the mother country to send raw materials to be turned into manufactured goods

In their relations with Native Americans, the Dutch

concentrated more on economics than religious conversion.

Puritans viewed individual freedom and personal freedom as

dangerous to social harmony and community stability.

The colonists that proved most harmful to Native Americans were


In contrast to the Chesapeake region, the population in New England

grew rapidly because of healthier surroundings.

When Roger Williams established the colony of Rhode Island

he made sure that it was more democratic than Massachusetts Bay.

The spread of tobacco farming in seventeenth-century Virginia

helped to create a highly unequal society, dominated economically and politically by an elite plantation-owning class.

The Walking Purchase of 1737

introduced to the colony of Pennsylvania fraudulent practices of taking Indian lands

During the English political upheaval between 1640 and 1660:

new religious sects began demanding the end of public financing and special privileges for the Anglican Church

What was "salutary neglect"?

the British government's policy of leaving the colonies to largely govern themselves

What eighteenth-century Indian group united dozens of Indian towns in South Carolina and Georgia?

the Creek Confederacy

The English Civil War was significant in American history because

the debates over the meaning of freedom that emerged from the war elevated the idea of "English liberty" to a central place in the political culture of the Anglo-American colonies.

What right does Pontiac claim for Indians in his 1762 and 1763 speeches?

the right to occupy the land of their traditional territories

What was the primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

to bring stability to the colonial frontier

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