Chapter 1

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another name for the energyyielding nutrients: carbohydrate, fat, and protein.

which is an example of processed food?


Both heart disease and cancer are due to genetic causes and diet cannot influence whether they occur.


In this nation, stringent controls make it difficult to obtain a bogus nutrition credential


Some conditions, such as ________, are almost entirely nutrition related.

iron-deficiency anemia


the choices do not overemphasize one nutrient or food type at the expense of another.

energy-yielding nutrients

the nutrients the body can use for energy: carbohydrate, fat (also called lipids), and protein. These also may supply building blocks for body structures.

Essential nutrients are

the nutrients the body cannot make for itself (or cannot make fast enough) from other raw materials; nutrients that must be obtained from food to prevent deficiencies.

micronutrients nutrients required in very small amounts:

the vitamins and minerals.

Both carbohydrates and protein have 4 calories per gram.


Good food choices can reduce the chance of developing chronic diseases.


Foremost among the nutrients in food is.


Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Physical Activity and Weight Control

▪▪ Increase the proportion of children, adolescents, and adults who are at a healthy weight. ▪▪ Reduce the proportions of children, adolescents, and adults who are obese. ▪▪ Reduce the proportion of people who engage in no leisure-time physical activity. ▪▪ Increase the proportion of schools that require daily physical education for all students.

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Food Safety

▪▪ Reduce outbreaks of certain infections transmitted through food. ▪▪ Reduce severe allergic reactions to food among adults with diagnosed food allergy.

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

▪▪ Reduce the number of low-birthweight infants and preterm births. ▪▪ Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed. ▪▪ Reduce the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). ▪▪ Reduce iron deficiency among children, adolescents, women of childbearing age, and pregnant women. ▪▪ Reduce blood lead levels in lead-exposed children. ▪▪ Increase the number of schools offering breakfast.

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Eating Disorders

▪▪ Reduce the proportion of adolescents who engage in disordered eating behaviors in an attempt to control their weight.

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Chronic Diseases

▪▪ Reduce the proportion of adults with osteoporosis. ▪▪ Reduce the death rates from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. ▪▪ Reduce the annual number of new cases of diabetes

People who combine regular physical activity with a nutritious diet can expect to receive at least some of these benefits:

*Reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, certain cancers, hypertension, and other diseases *Increased endurance, strength, and flexibility *More cheerful outlook and less likelihood of depression *Improved mental functioning *Feeling of vigor *The feeling of belonging—the companionship of sports *Stronger self-image

1 slice of bread with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter has approximately: 16 g carbohydrate; 7 g protein; and 9 g fat. How many kcals is this?

16 g x 4 kcal/g = 64 kcal (64 ÷ 173 x 100 = 37%) carbs 7 g x 4 kcal/g = 28 kcal (28 ÷ 173 x100 =16%) protein 9 g x 9 kcal/g = 81 kcal (81 ÷ 173 x100 = 47%) fat Total = 173 kcal

An important national food and nutrient intake survey, called "What We Eat in America", is part of _________.

A larger research effort from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES)

nutrient density

A measure of nutrients provided per calorie of food. A nutrient-dense food provides needed nutrients with relatively few calories.

Nutritious diet is an eating pattern Five characteristics:

Adequacy Balance Calorie control Moderation Variety

Intervention study (controlled clinical trial)

Alters people's eating habits and examines effects. Consists of the experimental group and the control group or a placebo. May also be a blind experiment. example: vitamin A-rich foods provided to groups of people with vitamin A deficiency reduce their blindness rates dramatically.

Four nutrients are organic (contain carbon derived from living things)

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins

Agencies actively engaged in nutrition policy development, research, and monitoring

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C D C) U.S. Department of Agriculture (U S D A) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (D H H S) U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F D A)

Healthy People 2020 Published by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Lists specific objectives

Chronic diseases Food safety Maternal, infant, and child health Food and nutrient consumption Eating disorders Physical activity and weight control Food security

The energy the body uses comes indirectly from the sun

Eating plant-derived foods Eating animals that eat plants

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Food Security

Eliminate very low food security among children in U.S. households

Real food is superior to dietary supplements

Food is best. Digestive organs respond to foods they receive. Organs release hormonal messages to the brain. Physical and emotional comfort.

elemental diets

Formulas administered to severely ill people. Support continued life. Recovery from nutrient deficiencies, infections, and wounds. Cannot help people thrive for long periods

Which disease is responsible for the highest percentage of deaths in the United States?

Heart disease

what are the leading Causes of Death in the United States

Heart disease cancer strokes diabetes mellitus

Which condition is easily treated because it is responsive to dietary changes?

Iron-deficiency anemia

epidemiological study

Looks for correlations in large populations. example: populations with diets lacking in vitamin A are observed to suffer high rates of blindness.

The energy-yielding nutrients include:

Macronutrients: Carbohydrates Fats Proteins (double duty) Alcohol yields energy (not a nutrient)

case study

May lead to possible avenues of research example: individuals with blindness report having consumed a steady diet devoid of vitamin A.

Vitamins and minerals

Micronutrients: Provide NO energy to the body Some serve as parts of body structures (calcium, phosphorus) Others are regulators (digesting food, moving musles, disposing of waste, etc)

which diseases are purely genetic and not influenced by diet less nutrition-related (genetic)

Sickle-cell anemia Hemophila Down sindrome Adult bone loss (osteoporosis) cancer

Best foods can ______________________________________________

Support your body's growth and maintenance

Factors that drive food choices

Taste Price Convenience Other factors: Advertising, availability, cost, region of the country, and emotional comfort. Habit, preference, and genetic inheritance Positive or negative associations Values, social norms, beliefs, and weight Nutrition and health benefits

The nutrition objectives for the nation, as part of Healthy People 2020,

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set specific 10-year objectives to guide national health promotion efforts. The vision of its Healthy People 2020 is a society in which all people live long, healthy lives.


The science of how food nourishes the body

Among foods that often rank high in nutrient density are

The vegetables, particularly the nonstarchy vegetables. such as: dark leafy greens (cooked and raw), red bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes

what are the influential lifestyle habits

Tobacco and alcohol use Nutritional choices

Cultural and social meanings attached to food such as

Traditional cuisines and foodways Ethnic foods Cultural competence

Nutrition and weight-related objectives for the nation have been published by the:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

ultra-processed foods

a term used to describe highly palatable. food products of manufacturing made with industrial ingredients and additives, such as sugars, refined starches, fats, salt, and imitation flavors and colors, with little or no whole food added. Examples: sugary refined breakfast cereals, candies, cookies, fried chicken nuggets, potato "tots," ready-to-heat meals, snack chips and cakes, and soft drinks.

The development of chronic diseases has a connection to poor diet and:

can be prevented by food choices along with lifestyle choices

The energy-yielding nutrients are

carbohydrates, fats (lipids), and protein.

bioactive food are

components that interact with metabolic processes in the body and may affect disease risks.

Malnutrition includes

deficiencies, imbalances, and excesses of nutrients, alone or in combination, any of which can take a toll on health over time.

Essential nutrients in the diet prevent


A person who is setting goals in preparation for a behavior change is in a stage called precontemplation


People most often choose foods for the nutrients they provide


Calorie Values Food scientists measure food energy in kilocalories, units of heat. The most energy-rich of the nutrients is

fat contains 9 calories in each gram. carbohydrate contains 4 calories in a gram. protein contain 4 calories in a gram.

Complex Interactions Foods are

food chemically complex. In addition to their nutrients, foods contain phytochemicals, compounds that confer color, taste, and other characteristics to foods

processed foods

foods subjected to any process, such as milling, alteration of texture, addition of additives, cooking, or others. Depending on the starting material and the process, a processed food may or may not be nutritious.

enriched foods and fortified foods

foods to which nutrients have been added. If the starting material is a whole, basic food such as milk or whole grain, the result may be highly nutritious. If the starting material is a concentrated form of sugar or fat, the result may be less nutritious.

staple foods

foods used frequently or daily—for example, rice (in East and Southeast Asia) or potatoes (in Ireland). Many of these foods are sufficiently nutritious to provide a foundation for a healthful diet.

Food energy is measured in calories; nutrient quantities are often measured in


Studies of populations in which observation is accompanied by experimental manipulation of some population members are referred to as __________.

intervention studies

whole foods

milk and milk products; meats and similar foods such as fish and poultry; vegetables, including dried beans and peas; fruit; and grains. These foods are generally considered to form the basis of a nutritious diet. Also called basic foods.

Organic nutrients include all of the following except


One of the characteristics of a nutritious diet is that the diet provides no constituent in excess. This principle of diet planning is called __________.


According to a national health report,

most people's diets lacked enough fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

A slice of peach pie supplies 357 calories with 48 units of vitamin A; one large peach provides 42 calories and 53 units of vitamin A. This is an example of __________.

nutrient density

Good health and poor health can be _______________________________

the chosen of foods exert (ejercen) cumulative effects on the body

A person who wishes to meet nutrient needs while not overconsuming calories is wise to master

the concept of nutrient density.


the foods chosen differ from one day to the next. In addition, to maintain a steady supply of nutrients, meals should occur with regular timing throughout the day.


the foods do not provide excess fat, salt, sugar, or other unwanted constituents.


the foods provide enough of each essential nutrient, fiber, and energy.

calorie control

the foods provide the amount of energy you need to maintain appropriate weight—not more, not less.

behavior change is a process that takes place in stages.


Energy-yielding nutrients include all of the following except __________.


The regulator nutrients are

vitamins and minerals.

functional foods

whole or modified foods that contain bioactive. food components believed to provide health benefits, such as reduced disease risks, beyond the benefits that their nutrients confer. However, all nutritious foods can support health in some ways.

Which of the following nutrition and weight-related objectives is included in the publication Healthy People 2020? Food and Nutrient Consumption

▪▪ Increase vegetables, fruit, and whole grains in the diets of those aged 2 years and older, and reduce solid fats and added sugars.

the body requires six kinds of nutrients

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins minerals water

Why be physically active?

*Reduced body fat and increased lean tissue *A more youthful appearance, healthy skin, and improved muscle tone *Greater bone density and lessened risk of adult bone loss in later life *Increased independence in the elderly *Sound, beneficial sleep *Faster wound healing *Reduced menstrual symptoms *Improved resistance to infection

Red flags" that can help to identify nutrition quackery include

- enticingly quick and simple answers to complex problems. - efforts to cast suspicion on the regular food supply. - solid support and praise from users.

Science of Nutrition

Nutrition Active, changing, and growing body of knowledge. The scientific approach Systematic process to answer questions. Scientific challenge Theories and testing.

laboratory study

Pinpoints mechanisms by which nutrition acts. Such studies often use animals as subjects.

National nutrition research projects, such as NHANES

Provide data on U.S. food consumption and nutrient status. Program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States by way of interviews and physical examinations.

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