HLPR 222: CH. 2-4

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Which of the following reasons can explain why a person who did not consume the infective food item got sick?

((((They were directly exposed to persons who did eat the infective food item Diarrhea is a general symptom consistent with a number of illnesses There may have been an inaccurate recall of which foods were eaten)))) ALL OF THE ABOVE

The population of a city on February 15, 2005, was 36,600. The city has a passive surveillance system that collects hospital and private physician reports of influenza cases every month. During the period between January 1 and April 1, 2005, 2,200 new cases of influenza occurred in the city. Of these cases, 775 persons were ill with influenza according to surveillance reports on April 1, 2005. The monthly incidence rate of active cases of influenza for the 3-month period was:

20 per 1,000 population

The population of a city on February 15, 2005, was 36,600. The city has a passive surveillance system that collects hospital and private physician reports of influenza cases every month. During the period between January 1 and April 1, 2005, 2,200 new cases of influenza occurred in the city. Of these cases, 775 persons were ill with influenza according to surveillance reports on April 1, 2005. The prevalence rate of active influenza as of April 1, 2005, was:

20 per 1,000 population

In a coastal area of a country in which a tsunami struck, there were 100,000 deaths in a population of 2.4 million for the year ending December 31, 2005. What was the all-cause crude mortality rate per 1,000 persons during 2005?

41.7 per 1,000 persons

In an industrialized nation, there were 192 deaths due to lung diseases in miners ages 20 to 64 years. The expected number of deaths in this occupational group, based on age-specific death rates for lung diseases in all males ages 20 to 64 years, was 238 during 1990. What was the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for lung diseases in miners?


Which of the following statements are true? More than one answer may be correct.

A mortality rate is an example of an incidence rate

Chicken pox is a highly communicable disease. It may be transmitted by direct contact with a person infected with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The typical incubation time is between 10 to 20 days. A boy started school 2 weeks after showing symptoms of chicken pox including mild fever, skin rash, and fluid-filled blisters. One month after the boy returned to school, none of his classmates had been infected by VZV. The main reason was:

Contact was after infectious period

The ability of a single person to remain free of clinical illness following exposure to an infectious agent is known as:


A disease has an incidence of 10 per 1,000 persons per year, and 80% of those affected will die within 1 year. Prior to the year 2000, only 50% of cases of the disease were detected by physician diagnosis prior to death. In the year 2000, a lab test was developed that identified 90% of cases an average of 6 months prior to symptom onset; however, the prognosis did not improve after diagnosis. Comparing the epidemiology of the disease prior to 2000 with the epidemiology of the disease after the development of the lab test, which statement is true concerning the disease in 2000?

Incidence is higher and prevalence is higher than in 1999

A study found that adults older than age 50 had a higher prevalence of pneumonia than those who were younger than age 50. Which of the following is consistent with this finding?

Incidence rates do not vary by age, but older adults have pneumonia for a longer duration compared to younger adults

For a disease such as liver cancer, which is highly fatal and of short duration, which of the following statements is true? Choose the best answer.

Incidence rates will be equal to mortality rates

For colorectal cancer diagnosed at an early stage, the disease can have 5-year survival rates of greater than 80%. Which answer best describes early stage colorectal cancer?

Incidence rates will be much higher than mortality rates

Among those who are 25 years of age, those who have been driving less than 5 years had 13,700 motor vehicle accidents in 1 year, while those who had been driving for more than 5 years had 21,680 motor vehicle accidents during the same time period. It was concluded from these data that 25-year-olds with more driving experience have increased accidents compared to those who started driving later. This conclusion is:

Incorrect because rates are not reported

A disease has an incidence of 10 per 1,000 persons per year, and 80% of those affected will die within 1 year. Prior to the year 2000, only 50% of cases of the disease were detected by physician diagnosis prior to death. In the year 2000, a lab test was developed that identified 90% of cases an average of 6 months prior to symptom onset; however, the prognosis did not improve after diagnosis. Which statement is true concerning the duration of the disease after the development of the lab test?

Mean duration of a case of the disease is longer in 2000

Which of the following is an advantage of active surveillance?

More accurate due to reduced reporting burden for health care providers

Which of the following statements are true? More than one answer may be correct.

Prevalence rates are useful for public health planning Incidence rates can be used to estimate prevalence when the mean duration of the disease is known

What would be the effect on age-specific incidence rates of uterine cancer if women with hysterectomies were excluded from the denominator of incidence calculations assuming that most women who have had hysterectomies are older than 50 years of age.

Rates would increase in women older than 50 years of age but may decrease in younger women as they get older.

The population of a city on February 15, 2005, was 36,600. The city has a passive surveillance system that collects hospital and private physician reports of influenza cases every month. During the period between January 1 and April 1, 2005, 2,200 new cases of influenza occurred in the city. Of these cases, 775 persons were ill with influenza according to surveillance reports on April 1, 2005. What can be inferred about influenza cases occurring in the city?

The average duration of influenza is approximately 1 month

Which of the following characteristics indicate that mortality rates provide a reliable estimate of disease incidence? More than one answer may be correct.

The case-fatality rate is high The duration of disease is short

The prevalence rate of a disease is two times greater in women than in men, but the incidence rates are the same in men and women. Which of the following statements may explain this situation?

The case-fatality rate is lower for women

Which of the following is characteristic of a single-exposure, common-vehicle outbreak?

The epidemic curve has a normal distribution when plotted against the logarithm of time

A disease has an incidence of 10 per 1,000 persons per year, and 80% of those affected will die within 1 year. Prior to the year 2000, only 50% of cases of the disease were detected by physician diagnosis prior to death. In the year 2000, a lab test was developed that identified 90% of cases an average of 6 months prior to symptom onset; however, the prognosis did not improve after diagnosis. Which statement is true concerning the disease-specific mortality rate after the development of the lab test?

The mortality rate for the disease is the same in 2000

Which of the following are examples of a population prevalence rate?

The number of persons with hypertension per 100,000 population

Which of the following is a condition which may occur during the incubation period?

Transmission of infection

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