Chapter 1: Baptism

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Why is water so important?

1.We are mostly made of water. 2. We cannot live without it for more than three days. 3. We were nurtured in it in the womb. 4. We are drawn to water (beach, lake, etc.).

In what ways is a baptized person expected to act differently?

A baptized person should model his behavior on Christ's sacrificial love for us.

What is the importance of a Christian name?

A child is given a saint's name to remind him or her that he or she is a member of the Communion of Saints and to inspire the child to emulate their chosen saint's model of Christian living.

What is meant by baptism of blood and baptism of desire?

A person who is martyred for the Faith before having received the sacramental baptism is considered to have received the graces of Baptism by his or her shedding of blood. A person of faith who dies before actually receiving Baptism is considered to have received baptism of desire.

Why does infant baptism require a post-baptismal catechumenate?

A post-baptismal catechumenate is necessary because the child needs to learn the content of the Faith and how to live it.

What is a "type"?

A type within the church is a symbol that foreshadows something later in the church's history. Types are important in our lives because without fully understanding them, we cannot fully understand scripture.

What is sin?

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for god and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. In short it is an utterance, a deed, or desire contrary to the eternal law of God.

What is actual sin?

Actual sin is any thought, word, deed, or omission that is contrary to God's eternal law. It is a human act that presumes a) knowledge of wrongdoing, b) awareness of malice in one's conduct and c) consent of the will. It damages a person's relationship with God.

When did Jesus institute the Sacrament of Baptism?

Before his ascension, he commissioned the apostles to preach the gospel to all nations and to baptize them in the name of the father son and holy spirit.

What is concupiscence?

Concupiscence refers to the disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after baptism, which constitute an inclination to sin. It refers to those desires that are contrary to God's will.

Is it possible for non-Christians to receive eternal salvation? Explain.

Yes. The Church recognizes that God may generously dispense his salvific grace to those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ Jesus: "Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity."

when you love, you enter into the divine life


A person who seeks truth and does God's will according to his understanding of it will be offered some way of being saved

non Christians

What would happen if a person received the Sacrament without the proper dispositions? For an adult, what would be the proper dispositions for Baptism?

Without the proper disposition, the baptism would be invalid and would have no effect. The proper disposition for an adult would be faith and a desire to receive the benefits of the Sacraments.

What are the three types in sacred scripture?

the flood, separation from the read sea, and Israelites crossing the river into the promised land

____ builds on nature and ____ it.

Grace; transforms

What is the difference between immersion and affusion?

Immersion is a method of baptism whereby the whole person is submerged in water.

If Jesus was sinless, why was he baptized?

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in order to carry out Jewish Law even though it was unnecessary for him. Jesus' baptism was also a way for Jesus to affirm his humanness. This is important because many skeptics try to target things like this to shoot down one's faith. Without knowing this, one may become further from God due to skepticism.

What is the source of salvation from sins?

Jesus' atonement for sin in his Passion, death, and resurrection

What are two differences between a Baptism in the Latin Rite and in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church?

One difference is that, in the Latin Rite, parents may choose between Baptism by immersion or by affusion, but the Eastern tradition always performs Baptism by triple immersion, except in the case of an emergency. Another difference is that, in the Easter Rite, the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist are given to the infant immediately following Baptism, while in the Western tradition, this only occurs in the Baptism of adults, since First Communion and Confirmation are deferred until children have received instruction in the Faith and have attained the age of reason.

Define Original Sin.

Original sin is Adam and eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden that caused them to lose the grace of original holiness and become subject to the law of death. Sin became universally present in the world, and it separated mankind from God, darkened the human intellect, weakened human will, and introduced into human nature an inclination towards sin, something that affects every person who has been born except Christ and Mary.

What must the parents agree to before their child can be baptized? Why?

The parents must agree to accept the responsibility of training the child in the practice of the Faith, as well as to teach the child to keep God's commandments of loving God and neighbor as Christ taught. It would be an injustice to the child to give him the obligations of living a Christian life without supporting him with the means of living it.

What is the role of godparents in a Christian Baptism?

The role of a godparent is to help the baptized child lead a Christian life, supplementing or even taking the place of the parents when necessary.

What was the significance or meaning of the baptism practice by St. John the Baptist?

The sacrament performed by St. John the Baptist was not a sacrament, but was performed in order to manifest the desire to have sins forgiven. John made sure to emphasize the distinction between his baptism which he said was to prepare the way for the lord and the baptism that would be established by Christ.

Why is water an effective sign for Baptism?

Water is one of the most plentiful substances on Earth, and all living beings depend on it. Water has life-sustaining qualities and is also used for washing and cleansing, so it is especially fitting as a sign for the life-giving and purifying Sacrament of Baptism.

What is the obligation undertaken by the parents of a baptized child?

The parents of a baptized child have to undertake the role of living an exemplary life of Christian virtue. They must also train the child in the Faith and teach the Commandments by leading by example.

If a validly baptized non-Catholic wishes to be received into the Catholic Church, must they be re-baptized? Explain.

As long as the person was properly baptized, he or she does not need to be baptized.

Why can Baptism be received only once?

Baptism can be received only once because along with Confirmation and Holy orders, it imprints the soul with a permanent mark of character designating

What are the principal effects of baptism?

Baptism has many effects. It takes away Original SIn and every personal sin. In addition, the baptized person is given sanctifying grace; becomes a member of Christ's Mystical Body, the Church; is adopted by God as his child; become a temple of the Holy Spirit, capable of worshiping God as he desires; receives actual graces, the infused theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and the moral virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude; and a soul that remains in a state of grace is promised entry into Paradise after a life lived in Christ.

What does it mean that Baptism is a Sacrament of Faith?

Baptism is a sacrament of Faith because the one receiving Baptism must have an active faith in God as revealed by Jesus Christ and have the intention, at least implicitly, of receiving the benefits and graces promised in the sacrament.

Describe the process involved for an adult who wishes to be baptized.

In order to be baptized, adults go through the catechumenate, a period of prayer, reflection, and instruction in the Catholic Faith, which is aimed at bringing the conversion and faith of the candidates to maturity. This process includes a period of enquiry; the catechumenate itself, during which the candidates learn and live the Faith; a (usually) Forty-day Period of Purification and Enlightenment when the catechumens intensify their spiritual preparation for entry into the Church; the Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, usually at the Easter Vigil Mass; and finally a post-baptismal catechesis.

What do we need in order to repair the damage of Original Sin in our lives?

In order to repair our relationship with Christ which has been weakened due to original sin, we need God's help in the form of saving grace. We also need Baptism which helps cleanse us of this original sin and gives us sanctifying grace to become closer to God. We can resist concupiscence with prayer, frequent reception of the sacraments, and mortification, ie., the practice of self-denial to overcome the desire for sin.

Why do we commit actual sins?

In short, we commit actual sins because we choose to violate God's Law. We place our own wills before the will of God.

What is the most usual method for Baptism in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church? How long has this method of baptism been practiced?

In the Latin rite, baptism by affusion has been the norm since the medieval era.

Who can baptize in the case of an emergency?

In the case of an emergency, any person may baptize, even a non-baptized person, as long as he or she uses the correct matter and form and intends to accomplish what the church intends by baptism.

Why should infants be baptized? When did the practice of infant baptism begin?

Infants should be baptized because they need the priceless gift of baptism, the cleaning of original sin, and the entrance into the church. This is important because many people think that they should be baptized once they are aware of what is happening, not as a child.

Why would it be wrong for Christian parents to simply let their child make up their own mind? Compare this to other important decisions in a child's life.

Parents usually try to do what is best for their children, which includes choices in many areas of their children's lives such as nutrition, education, and medical care. No loving parent would consider deferring these important decisions until their child is old enough to make up his or her own mind. The same love and duty motivates parents to have their children baptized as they understand that baptism is best for their children's souls. Their children will one day be able to make their own decisions on various issues, including religion, but if they choose not to baptize their children, they are not enabling their children to make good choices in the future, but rather, in a certain sense, are making the choice—not to have faith—for them.

How does Original Sin affect people today?

People are still affected by original sin even today. Every person born after Adam and Eve has lost part of their friendship with God and has lost their state of original holiness. Our human nature has also been damaged; now we are able to suffer, die, become ignorant, and have an inclination to sin. This is important because it allows us to see how God intended the world to be. God never wished for us to have to suffer and eventually die.

What is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)?

RCIA is the process by which adults enter the Catholic Church today. It is a modernization of the catechumenate of the early Church.

How is Baptism still a Sacrament of Faith in the case of infants?

Since infants aren't capable of explicitly expressing their faith or of requesting Baptism, the Profession of Faith is made by the parents and godparents in their name.

a Jesuit who traveled around baptizing thousands of people; thought baptism was essential

St. Francis Zavier

wrote about how Christians were baptizing infants

St. Hippolytes of Rome

Who were the Essenes, and what is one characteristic that they share with Christians?

The Essenes, who lived in Palestine around the time of Christ, were a sect who practiced daily ritual washing of spiritual purification, and then dressed in white garments to share a common meal. Christians underwent one washing-Baptism- after which they were often dressed in a white garment that signified their purity. In addition Christians shared the communal meal of the Eucharist.

How is a person enabled to follow Christ in his or her actions?

The Sacrament of baptism, and the continued presence of sanctifying grace and actual grace in the soul, assists a person in modeling his or her life on Christ, choosing those actions that reflect the Christian calling, as well as helping to resist temptation.

When did the Church begin to baptize? Describe this event in a couple of words.

The church began to baptize immediately following Pentecost. After those assembled in the upper room received the holy spirit, they were given courage and began proclaiming the Gospel. 3000 were baptized that day

What are the effects of sin?

The effects of sin have led to many consequences in our lives; some of these effects are a breaking or lessening of our relationship with God. It also hurts other people and ourselves.

What are the matter, form, and minister of Baptism?

The matter of baptism is water. It may be poured over the person or the person may be immersed in it. The form of in the Latin rite is comprised of the words, "(name), I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit." The ordinary minister of baptism is a bishop, priest, or deacon.

What does the word baptize (baptizein) mean in Greek? What kind of actions was it used to describe in the Old Testament? In what way are these actions of the Old Testament similar to Baptism in the New Testament?

The word baptize in Greek means to plunge or dip. In the old Testament this word was often used to describe a cleansing of something unclean using blood or water. These actions are similar to those in the New Testament because both in the Old and New Testaments, the word means a washing away or purification of something.

List three events from the Old Testament and explain how they are "types" of baptism.

There are many "types" of Baptism within the Old Testament. Three of these types occur in the stories of Noah and the arc, the Israelites fleeing Egypt, and the Israelites entering Canaan through the Jordan River. In the story of Noah, God cleanses the Earth through a great flow of water, just as God cleanses us from sins during baptism. When the Israelites flee Egypt, God allows them passage through the Red Sea out of slavery, just as Baptism frees us from the slavery of sin. And when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, it symbolizes the entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. Knowing these types of the Old Testament allows for us to truly understand how God planned to save us from sin since the beginning of time.

What is the usual method for Baptism in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church?

Triple immersion is the norm, except in the case of emergency when affusion may be used.

One is martyred for Christ before one has had the chance to be baptized

baptism of blood

One dies during the time one is preparing for Baptism One dies during the time one is preparing for Baptism One dies during the time one is preparing for Baptism

baptism of desire

allows us to live in the realm of the divine


What are the three theological virtues and how do we receive them?

faith, hope, and love; baptism

a free gift from God; supernatural help to live the divine life


orders our lives to the divine


God desires all be saved, and so infants and the unborn, who have committed no sins of their own and who have not been given the opportunity to hear Christ's message, are offered to the great mercy of God.

infants and unborn children who die before baptism

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