Chapter 1 General Biology

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Reproduction and development

A chicken lays eggs that hatch into young offspring, which undergo cell division and tissue development to become adults.

What is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?

A molecule that encodes genetic instructions

Select two scientists that independently developed the idea of natural selection.

Alfred Russel Wallace Charles Darwin

What describes a community?

All the populations of different species that live in an area

Rank the following levels of biological organization from smallest at the top to largest at the bottom. Instructions

Atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ

What are the small chemical units that can combine to form molecules?


What is the basic unit of life and consists of a membrane enclosing water, DNA, and other chemicals?


In reproduction, what is transmitted to the offspring that will determine what the offspring are like?




What biological level includes the living and nonliving components of a particular area?


What domain is characterized by having unicellular and multicellular organisms whose cells contain a nucleus?


Select all of the characteristics of natural selection.

Genetic variability in organisms is required. It favors adaptations to the current environment.


Heterotrophs; obtain food by external digestion


Heterotrophs; obtain food by ingestion

Shivering or restricting blood flow to maintain body temperature is an example of what characteristic of life?


What describes the state of internal constancy maintained by an organism?


Which of the following is an example of a prediction resulting from the hypothesis, "The room is dark because the light bulb is burned out"?

If I put in a new light bulb, then the room will not be dark.

Select all of the qualities of a valid hypothesis.

It must be testable. It can be rejected.

What happens to a theory when additional observations do not support its predictions?

It weakens.

______ is characterized by cellular organization, energy requirements, homeostasis, reproduction, growth, development, and evolution.


What is a group of joined atoms, such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?



Multicellular; almost all are autotrophic organisms

Select all the true statements about double-blind studies.

Neither the researchers nor the participants know who received the placebo and who received the the treatment substance. A double-blind study helps avoid bias in medical research.

Select all of the statements that are true about asexual reproduction.

Offspring are virtually identical to each other. Genetic information comes from only one parent.

What is a structure consisting of tissues organized to interact and carry out specific functions?



Organ systems are composed of several organs, which are in turn are composed of several tissues, which are composed of cells.

What are membrane-bounded compartments within eukaryotic cells that carry out specialized functions?


What group of eukaryotes includes many different unrelated species that are united solely because they are not fungi, plants, or animals?


______ reproduction increases genetic diversity and is extremely common in animals.


What type of reproduction generates genetic diversity by recombining genes from two parents?

Sexual reproduction

What is the science of naming and classifying organisms?


Select all of the past scientific conclusions that were later revised due to technological inventions and new data analysis methods.

The Earth is the center of the universe. The Earth is flat. All organisms are either plants or animals.

Energy use

The breakdown of food molecules provides fuel to drive the chemical reactions within cells.


The genetic composition of a population of foxes changes over time.

Internal constancy

The pH of blood is maintained within a narrow range.

What is taxonomy?

The science of naming and classifying organisms

______ are groups of specialized cells that function together.


True or false: A scientific theory is testable and potentially falsifiable.


True or false: Some types of plants can undergo asexual reproduction.


True or false: The ultimate energy source in most ecosystems is the sun.



Unicellular and multicellular organisms; autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms

The variable of an experiment is

a changeable element of an experiment.

standardized variable

a parameter of the experiment that is held constant

In the scientific method, what is a hypothesis?

a tentative explanation for an observation

A(n) ______ is an inherited characteristic or behavior which enables an individual to survive better than without the inherited characteristic.


Flowers shaped for their pollinators, specific camouflaged color patterns of animals, and a beaver's enormous front teeth for gnawing are all examples of


In a scientific experiment, a placebo is

an inert treatment given to the control group.

Both Darwin and Wallace predicted that because a species of orchid on Madagascar had unusually deep nectar tubes, there must be

an insect pollinator with a long tongue to reach the nectar.

Outside of science, the word theory is often used to describe

an opinion.

Select all the types of data and characteristics that scientists can use to help compare evolutionary relationships between organisms.

anatomical features biochemical aspects cellular attributes genetic characteristics

Emergent properties show that biological function and structure

are interdependent.

What type of reproduction passes genetic information from only one parent to the offspring?

asexual reproduction

Select all of the biological levels of organization than occur in single-celled organisms.

atoms cell molecules organelles

Particles that make up molecules are called


primary producer

autotroph that obtains energy and nutrients from nonliving sources

Which of the following organisms reproduce asexually?



bacterial cell

Investigators in a scientific study should keep an open mind and not allow ______ to cloud their studies.


A level of biological organization called the ______ includes all parts of Earth and its atmosphere where life can survive.


What term refers to all parts of the planet that can support life?


Select all of the characteristics of variables in an experiment.

can be the response that is measured can be changed by the investigator



A living thing, or organism, exhibits certain properties of life and is composed of one or more ______, the basic units of life.


In the hierarchical organization of life, tissues are a collection of specialized ______ functioning in a coordinated way.


Life consists of

cells that are organized, use energy, and are able to reproduce.

What is evolution?

changes in genetic makeup of a population over multiple generations

The fact that ______ means that variability in organisms exists, and natural selection can act on this variability.

changes in the DNA sequence arise

What describes metabolism?

chemical reactions that occur within cells to acquire and use energy and molecules

What is the term for all the populations of different species that occupy the same location at the same time?


data collection

conducting experiments or discovery-based science

The group in an experiment that is untreated and provides a basis for comparison is called the


The cell's genetic instructions are encoded in a molecule called ______, and these instructions are used to produce proteins and allow the cell to carry out specialized functions.

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

If an investigator varies the treatment type for ulcers, the response of patients to the different treatments that is measured is the ______ variable.


What process describes the cell division and growth of specialized tissues that produces a multicellular organism from a single, fertilized egg?


Select all of the following that are ways to collect data in a scientific inquiry.

discovery science experimentation

A(n) ______ study occurs when neither the researchers nor participants know which experimental groups are given the placebo or the true treatment to be tested.


An area of forest, including the organisms that occupy it and the nonliving components of its area, is an example of a(n)


Different components of biological organization can interact to produce more complex functions called ______ properties.


New complex functions and characteristics that arise when the lower level components of an organism interact are called _____ properties.


Darwin and Wallace used the theory of ______ to hypothesize that a very long-tongued insect must exist that can pollinate flowers of the Angraecum sesquipedale on Madagascar.


Natural selection is a mechanism of ______ that selects for adaptations.


The coloration of a seahorse matches that of its surroundings, which is an example of how

evolution selects for adaptations that improve survival and reproduction.

The change in genes of a population over multiple generations can also be referred to as


In the scientific method, a(n) ______ is an investigation carried out under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis.


Hypotheses are often tested with an investigation called a(n)


Some theories, such as the theory of gravity, are so widely accepted that they are regarded as


Organisms are linked with one another through ______, in which primary producers are eaten by consumers, which are in turn eaten by other consumers, all of which can be decomposed by fungi and bacteria.

food webs


formulating a tentative explanation or statement

In the example of natural selection shown in the image, the mutation in the red cell is an example of the ______ that natural selection acts on.

genetic variation

Each type of organism is assigned a unique, two-part scientific name, which consists of the ______ of the organism.

genus and specific descriptor

In the scientific name Homo sapiens, the word Homo is the ______ of the organism and the word sapiens is the ______.

genus; species descriptor

In multicellular organisms, an offspring undergoes a process called ______, in which multiple rounds of cell division produce a mature individual.

growth and development

organ system

heart and blood vessels


heterotroph that obtains energy and nutrients by eating other organisms


heterotroph that obtains energy and nutrients from wastes and dead organisms

Using a process called ______, living organisms maintain a state of internal constancy or equilibrium, such as a constant range of temperatures, nutrients, or water.


A tentative and testable explanation for an observation is called a ______ and is an essential early step of a scientific study.


The data and results of an experiment may support or reject a(n)


The low, medium, and high concentrations of vaccine in the experiment shown make up the ______ variable.


In an experiment, the treatment manipulated by a scientist is called the ______ variable, and the response to the treatment measure by the scientist is called the ______ variable.

independent; dependent

It can be difficult to scientifically study events that occurred in the past and that left little evidence because

it can be hard to accurately re-create conditions from the past.

In scientific experiments, more credible results are obtained with a ______ sample size.


In biology, facts and discoveries can be used to ask interesting questions about


If the results of an experiment are completely unexpected, what might scientists do?

make new observations and hypotheses

Biologists begin a study by asking questions and

making observations.

The chemical reactions that occur within cells and allow organisms to build molecules and use energy for their activities are collectively called


One limitation of scientific experiments is that the results can be ______ when an incorrect explanation of the results is proposed.


Atoms can bond together to form


What process favors survival of specific individuals within a population based on inherited characteristics?

natural selection

What theory did Charles Darwin introduce in his book On the Origin of Species in the 1860s?

natural selection

The traits of individuals that have higher reproductive success in a particular environment become more common within a population due to

natural selection.

In the scientific method, the first step is

observations and questions.

After compiling results from experiments or studies, researchers may use tests to determine statistical significance of the results, which is to see if there is a low probability that the results

occurred purely by chance.

Because science is ______, theories can change to accommodate new ideas and discoveries.

open to new information

A leaf is composed of several tissues organized to work together and is a(n) ______ of a plant.


Multiple organs are linked together into

organ systems.

Compartments within cells that carry out specific functions are called


A living thing or individual is also called a(n)


In a new environment, what types of organisms will survive under the force of natural selection?

organisms with the highest reproductive success

What process in a scientific inquiry allows anonymous and knowledgeable scientists to evaluate the validity of scientific papers?

peer review

A(n) ______ is an inert substance given to a portion of the experimental group to act as a control.


What term refers to members of the same species living in the same place at the same time?


Consider a species of frog that lives in many ponds throughout central California. A group of the frogs in one of the ponds, NOT including the other species of organisms living there, is an example of a(n)


Select all of the following that make up a community.

populations of prokaryotes and protists populations of animal species populations of plant species

Theories are not only testable but also suggest

predictions about future discoveries.

In the scientific method, hypotheses should lead to specific if-then statements called


Organisms that make their own food by obtaining energy and nutrients from nonliving sources are called


Select all the questions that are difficult or impossible to answer using science.

questions about morality questions about the meaning of life

Select all of the following that can describe the control group in an experiment.

receives a zero value for the independent variable placebo

Select all of the following that can be limitations to scientific studies.

reluctance to accept unexpected conclusions misinterpretations of results biases of scientists

The production of new organisms that are similar to existing organisms is a property of life called


In most organisms, only some of the offspring that are produced will survive to reproduce because

resources are limited.

The number of individuals examined in an experiment is called the

sample size.

Natural _____ is a mechanism of evolution in which certain individuals from a population exhibit enhanced reproductive success based on inherited characteristics.



sensing or noticing something about the natural world or previous studies

In ____ reproduction, offspring are produced that contain a combination of genetic material from two parents.


What type of reproduction produces genetic diversity that can be advantageous in changing environments?


A new combination of traits inherited from two parents is passed to offspring as a result of

sexual reproduction.

In ______ reproduction, offspring are genetically ______ and contain a mix of genes from two parents. In ______ reproduction, offspring are produced from one parent and are genetically identical.

sexual; diverse; asexual

When examining evolutionary relationships, taxonomists strive to classify organisms according to

shared common ancestors.

Select ways that the human body can maintain a body temperature of about 37˚C while outside on a cold day.

shivering diverting blood from the body surface

What is the basic unit of classification and is denoted by a unique two-part scientific name?


All of the individuals in the study shown in the picture were infants. This is a(n)

standardized variable.

data analysis

statistical tests and interpretation of results

Results of an experiment are considered ______ if they have a low probability of occurring purely due to chance.

statistically significant

Recent research indicates that animals, plants, fungi, and protists may be organized into ______ within domain Eukarya based on molecular similarities rather than historical classification into kingdoms.


Select all of the following that are characteristics of a scientific theory.

supported by a large body of evidence falsifiable encompass multiple hypotheses can be used to make predictions

On a hot day, one way the human body keeps temperature within a constant range is by


An organ ______ is composed of several organs that are connected and working together.


Advances in ______, such as DNA sequencers and radio-tracking devices, have enhanced biological discovery.


The practical application of scientific knowledge is called


Data collection may occur by discovery science or experimentation. Select all of the following that are examples of data collection by experimentation.

test of a hypothesis under controlled conditions administering chemicals from tobacco to cells and recording the results

A theory is ______, meaning that it remains accepted but is potentially falsifiable if future tests or observations disprove it.


Evolution has been operating on organisms since

the first cells formed.

independent variable

the manipulated portion of the experiment

The discovery in 1903 of a moth species with a tongue long enough to reach the deep nectaries of an orchid species discovered earlier on Madagascar demonstrates that

the work of scientists can be collaborative.

A(n) ______ is an explanation for a natural phenomenon that has been well tested and ties together many hypotheses.


Biologists would describe evolution as a


All living organisms are organized into one of ______ domains.


Science and technology are often ______ because new advances in one may spawn new advances in the other.

tied together

Organs are made up of


Scientists can often ______ in their research, as in the discovery in 1903 of a long-tongued moth predicted to exist by both Darwin and Wallace based on an orchid with a deep nectar tube.

use earlier observations and predictions

In an experiment, the response that an investigator measures and the treatment that an investigator manipulates are examples of


The scientific definition of theory is "a ______," whereas the nonscientific definition of theory is "a _______."

well-tested explanation; guess

In science, a theory is a broad explanation for a natural phenomenon that is

widely accepted.

If the results of a preliminary experiment support the hypothesis, then the scientists ____.

will not reject the hypothesis.

Select examples of characteristics in organisms that make them well-suited to their environments.

The long beaks of hummingbird pollinators match the shape of tubular flowers. Beavers have large front teeth that are excellent at gnawing wood. An insect is shaped like the leaf of the tree it lives on.


the plants, animals, and microorganisms that inhabit a particular field

dependent variable

the response that an investigator measures

What suggests that the current diversity of life evolved from a common ancestor?

the similarities among organisms

The complex properties seen in living things are evidence that biological structure is closely tied to


Select all of the organisms that are able to reproduce asexually.

fungi some plants sponges

In ecosystems, organisms that eat other organisms are called consumers, or



organisms, water, air, and nutrients in a desert area

Select all the characteristics of life.

organization reproduction, growth, and development energy use evolution homeostasis, or maintenance of internal constancy

In a process called ______, scientists evaluate the validity of the research in a scientific paper that has been submitted for publication.

peer review

Biologists ask questions about

the natural world and living things.

In the hierarchy of biological organization, an organ is composed of several ______ interacting and working together.


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