Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective

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How did Spencer's and Darwin's applications of the phrase "survival of the fittest" differ? a. Spencer applied the phrase to the evolution of capitalism while Darwin applied it to communism b. Spencer applied the phrase to the evolution of organisms while Darwin applied it to societies c. Spencer applied the phrase to the evolution of communism while Darwin applied it to capitalism d. Spencer applied the phrase to the evolution of society while Darwin applied it to organisms

Spencer applied the phrase to the evolution of society while Darwin applied it to organisms

Emile Durkheim

Durkheim found through his studies that the rate of suicide was higher among people whose ties with their communities were weak.

C. Wright Mills

Mills combined sociology with social reform and believed that the powerful elite in society (businessmen, politicians) were a threat to freedom.

Unit 1.2

Origins of Society

Explain what the sociological perspective is.

The sociological perspective is understanding how people are influenced by their social location (their social experiences, the social contexts that influence them).

Both _____ and _____ are reasons why early sociologists in the United States were all white males. a. economic hardship; sexism b. racism; sexism c. religiosity; racism d. sexism; classism

racism; sexism


the scientific study of society and human behavior

Not all early sociologists were widely acknowledged for their contribution to the discipline. Which of the following sociologists was widely acknowledged for their contributions to sociology as it became first established as a formal discipline? a. Harriet Martineau b. Jane Addams c. Emile Durkheim d. W.E.B. Du Bois

Emile Durkheim

C. Wright Mills insisted that the only way to maintain order in society was to relinquish control to the power elite. a. True b. False



Marx's term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

Unit 1.1

Seeing the Social Context

Hebert Spencer

Spencer believed that no one should interfere with the evolution of society. He did not conduct research but developed ideas about society.

Samantha believes that whether or not someone is happy and successful depends on their astrological sign. Samantha's conclusion is not scientific because science _____. a. is not possible to apply to the study of the social world b. requires us to take into account our personal religious values c. is not positivist d. requires theories that can be tested by research

requires theories that can be tested by research

In early sociology in North America, women generally took the position that the purpose of sociology was to a. improve family life b. get the poor to give birth to fewer children c. do objective research on society d. reform society

reform society

Auguste Comte

Comte introduced positivism (the idea of applying scientific methods to the social world) and coined the term sociology. He is credited with being the founder of sociology. He believed that it was necessary to observe and classify human behavior to uncover society's fundamental laws.

W. E. B. Du Bois

Du Bois combined sociology and social reform. He spent his lifetime studying the relations between African-Americans and Whites.

Sociologists are not interested in the individualized act of suicide. a. True b. False


Sociology in North America

Sociology appeared in North America in the late nineteenth century. It was first adopted by the University of Kansas in 1890. The field had a good share of support from universities and researchers in North America.

University of Chicago

The Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago was founded by Albion Small. Small also founded the American Journal of Psychology. Members of this department included Robert Park, George Herbert Mead, and Ernest Burgess.

Max Weber

Weber believed that religion was the central force in society. He used cross-cultural and historical materials to trace the causes of social change.

What are the two levels of influence on our behavior and thinking? a. a globalizing world and our small corners in life b. job insecurity and inflation c. education and home life d. communication and transportation

a globalizing world and our small corners in life

Max Weber wrote a book called The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. By the term Protestant ethic, Weber referred to a. a religious orientation that denies the reality of suffering b. the unity of religion and science c. attaining more education in order to get a better job d. a self-denying approach to life

a self-denying approach to life

Karl Marx, who developed the concept class conflict, said that there are two social classes, and they are natural enemies. These classes are the a. bourgeoisie and proletariat b. upper and the lower c. principled and the unprincipled d. ruly and the unruly

bourgeoisie and proletariat

The sociological imagination asks us to _____. a. improve our society b. broaden our perspective beyond individual experiences c. narrow our perspective by looking at only particular events d. suspend judgment until all the facts have been gathered

broaden our perspective beyond individual experiences

Basic Sociology

sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in human groups, not for making changes in those groups


the application of systematic methods to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by those methods

Which of these sociologists was most interested in uncovering the origin of capitalism? a. Jane Addams b. Harriet Martineau c. Max Weber d. W.E.B. Du Bois

Max Weber

Talcott Parson

Parson believed that the different parts of society worked together to create a harmonious unit. He developed abstract models of society.

Unit 1.3

Sociology in North America: Social Reform Versus Social Analyis

Understand how both history and biography are essential elements of the sociological perspective.

The broad stream of events of history gives our society its specific characteristics - such as its ideas about how men and women should act and how they should relate to one another. Within our history-shaped society, we have specific experiences, our own biography. Both give us our orientations to life.


people who share a culture and a territory

C. Wright Mills used this term to refer to the sociological perspective a. sociological imagination b. crafting knowledge independently of external influences c. historical variables d. life changes and life chances

sociological imagination

Jobs, income, education, gender, race-ethnicity, and age are all examples of what goes into the a. ideal way that people relate to one another b. sociological perspective c. production of the gross national product d. deterioration and renewal of a society

sociological perspective

One goal of Comte's sociology was that _____. a. it would elaborate on psychology b. sociologists would study similarities between animal and human behavior c. sociologists would reform society, making it a better place to live d. sociologists would work closely with anthropologists to better understand social phenomena

sociologists would reform society, making it a better place to live

Emile Durkheim studied social integration by studying _____. a. suicide b. the power elite c. the Protestant ethic d. social conflict


Positivism is _____. a. the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society b. the use of sociology to solve problems c. applying sociology for the public good d. the application of the scientific approach to the social world

the application of the scientific approach to the social world

Jane Addams

A successful social reformer, Addams found the Hull House in the Chicago slums and welcomed people who were poor, sick, and needy. She worked to implement the eight-hour workday and to abolish child labor.

Explain how sexism and racism were part of early sociology in North America.

At this time in history, sexism and racism were assumed to be a natural part of social life. For the most part, women and African Americans were pushed to the side and kept out of the mainstream of sociology.

Of the following theorists, who believed that the history of human societies is a history of struggles between those who own and control the means of production and those who do the work? a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. Emile Durkheim d. Herbert Spencer

Karl Marx


Marx's term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Class Conflict

Marx's term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

Modern scholars who study religion and the economy would most likely draw on which classic theorist's work? a. Max Weber b. Auguste Comte c. Emile Durkheim d. C. Wright Mills

Max Weber

Summarize the tension in sociology between social analysis and social reform.

The debate about sociology's purpose - to do research on social life or to reform society - was won by the men who held university positions. As they wrote the history of sociology, they ignored the contributions of the social reformers. The debate continues today.

In reference to the sociological imagination (perspective), C. Wright Mills used the word history. By this term, he meant that a. corrupt politics is destroying our society b. the schools do an inadequate job of teaching current events c. power differences among societies make wars inevitable d. each society is located in a broad stream of events that gives specific characteristics to its people

each society is located in a broad stream of events that gives specific characteristics to its people

In reference to the sociological imagination (perspective), C. Wright Mills used the word biography. By this term, he meant that a. the education channel does not do adequate background research on its topics b. although the death of individuals is inevitable, society itself continues c. our specific experiences in society give us our orientations to life d. life is ever changing, and each person influences others

our specific experiences in society give us our orientations to life

The practice of doing sociology is an example of _____. a. positivism b. pluralism c. utilitarianism d. rapport


This term refers to the process of applying the scientific method to the social world a. rapport b. rapprochement c. negativism d. positivism


_____ is one way to describe the process of applying the scientific method to the social world. a. ethics b. positivism c. social location d. sociology


Marx would consider basketball players as the _____ and the owner of the basketball team as the _____. a. upper class, middle class b. sacred, profane c. proletariat, bourgeoisie d. owners, worker

proletariat, bourgeoisie

The main goal of sociology is to _____. a. accurately predict the future b. understand the forces that mold individuals and shape their behavior c. rectify social problems d. prepare the individual for becoming a member of society

understand the forces that mold individuals and shape their behavior

Which of the following topics would be of interest to a sociologist? a. understanding how people are influenced by their social locations b. understanding the relationship between the natural environment and the economy c. how politicians get elected d. understanding how we make individual choices

understanding how people are influenced by their social locations

The tension between sociological analysis and social reform that showed up in early sociology in North America continues today. To illustrate this ongoing tension, basic, applied, and public sociology are contrasted. The term applied sociology refers to a. using sociology to solve problems b. doing research on the purpose of society c. analyzing the basic philosophical questions of existence d. trying to understand why, at this historical point in time, capitalism has become the world's dominant economic system

using sociology to solve problems

_____ is best known for explaining _____. a. C. Wright Mills; the sociological imagination b. Herbert Blumer; suicide c. Max Weber; class fractions d. Karl Marx; bureaucracy

C. Wright Mills; the sociological imagination

Sociology arose when traditional answers were no longer satisfactory. One of the background factors that upset society, stimulating the development of sociology, was the a. global warming of the 1700s b. entrance of women into the workforce c. Industrial Revolution d. war between France and Germany

Industrial Revolution

Even though there are debates regarding how involved sociologists should be in targeting social problems directly with their research, there is a history of public sociology in the discipline. For example, early female sociologist _____ founded the Hull-House in Chicago. a. Arlie Hochschild b. Jane Addams c. Harriet Martineau d. Dorothy Smith

Jane Addams

In America and other industrialized nations there are always some people who are rich and some people who are poor. Which sociological theorist best helps explain why this system of inequality exists? a. Max Weber b. Herbert Blumer c. Karl Marx d. C. Wright Mills

Karl Marx

Which of the following sociologists would be most useful to include in an explanation of the historical development of sociology? a. George Herbert Mead and Jane Addams b. Talcott Parsons and Emanuel Wallerstein c. Karl Marx and W.E.B. Du Bois d. C. Wright Mills and Arlie Hochschild

Karl Marx and W.E.B. Du Bois

According to _____'s theory of _____, the bourgeoisie have power over the proletariat in a capitalist economy. a. Auguste Comte, religion b. Max Weber, class conflict c. Emile Durkheim, suicide d. Karl Marx, class conflict

Karl Marx, class conflict

Which of the following situations uses the sociological perspective to explain high rates of unemployment? a. People who are unemployed have made poor life choices b. Large corporations interested in maintaining high profit margins are laying off and not hiring workers in tough economic times c. Women who are unhappy with their salaries need to try harder to get raises d. Social welfare encourages laziness among people who are unemployed

Large corporations interested in maintaining high profit margins are laying off and not hiring workers in tough economic times

Both _____ and _____ set out to explain _____. a. Goffman and Weber; the effects of inequality in society b. Durkheim and Mills; the role of religion in society c. Marx and Weber; social life as it relates to modern capitalism d. Marx and Weber; the relationship between history and biography

Marx and Weber; social life as it relates to modern capitalismWhich theorist

Karl Marx

Marx believed that the root cause of all misery in society was class conflict—the exploitation of the working classes by those who were wealthy and owned the means of production.

W.E.B. Du Bois was directly influenced by talks by _____. a. Auguste Comte b. Harriet Martineau c. Max Weber d. Karl Marx

Max Weber

If we were applying Durkheim's research on suicide, what would we likely say about young children who kill themselves? a. Perhaps they are simply too sad to keep going b. Perhaps they are not closely tied enough to their families c. Perhaps they are given too much at too young an age d. Perhaps they are spoiled

Perhaps they are not closely tied enough to their families

There are two primary goals in the field of sociology. These two aims sometimes conflict. 1. Some sociologists believe that their role is to analyze different aspects of society and publish their findings in journals. 2. Others believe that sociologists need to use their expertise to make society a better place to live.

These contradicting opinions gave rise to the field of applied sociology, which uses sociology to solve problems and implement solutions. Applied sociology is the application of sociological theories and perspectives in a real-life setting.

The Industrial Revolution brought about _____. a. a great deal of change and turmoil b. a long period of peaceful tranquility c. a return to hunting and gathering d. the entrenchment of traditional authority

a great deal of change and turmoil

Which explanation uses the sociological perspective to explain homelessness? a. homeless people are weaker members of society b. homeless people are biologically predetermined to survive without permanent shelter c. homeless people, as a group, have likely experienced similar structural difficulties in securing employment and finding or being able to afford a place to live d. homeless people made poor individual life choices

homeless people, as a group, have likely experienced similar structural difficulties in securing employment and finding or being able to afford a place to live

Realizing how the society you live in influences what you want and expect in terms of romantic relationships is an example of _____. a. biological differences between men and women b. a topic that a personal relationships psychologist might study c. a topic that sociologists would not be interested in studying d. how you can apply the sociological perspective to your own life

how you can apply the sociological perspective to your own life

Rupert Murdoch is constantly trying to expand his media empire because if he does not continue to make more money then he will be put out of business. Just like workers, capitalists are also "stuck" in the system of capitalism because capitalism is an _____ economic system. a. inclusive b. opportunistic c. integrating d. exploitative


Durkheim's study of suicide illustrates how seemingly personal matters are actually more effectively understood in terms of _____. a. historical structures b. religion c. economics d. patterns of behavior

patterns of behavior

Who is credited as the founder of sociology? a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. C. Wright Mills d. Karl Marx

Auguste Comte

Why was Harriet Martineau ignored by sociologists? a. Because she is a woman and sexism was a normal part of life when the field of sociology was in its infancy b. Because her work was considered more important to the field of psychology than to the field of sociology c. Because her home economic skills were subpar d. Because she was a convict

Because she is a woman and sexism was a normal part of life when the field of sociology was in its infancy

Sam and Jane live frugal lives because they believe that financial success is a sign of their salvation in the afterlife. What religious affiliation do Sam and Jane most likely identify with? a. Calvinists b. Jews c. Buddhists d. Catholics


According to Marx's conceptualization of the bourgeoisie, which of the following people would not be considered a member of the bourgeoisie class? a. Donald Trump, a successful business man b. Caster Semenya, a South African Olympic athlete c. Rupert Murdoch, the owner of multiple media outlets d. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook

Caster Semenya, a South African Olympic athlete

State why Durkheim's research on suicide reveals the essence of sociology.

Durkheim's research revealed that each country has it's own suicide rate, as do groups within a country. That these rate recur year after year indicates that suicide is more than individuals here and there deciding to take their own lives, that social conditions underlie suicide.

Gender, socioeconomic status, pet ownership, and ethnicity are all social locations sociologists might consider in their work. a. True b. False


Max Weber wrote the book The Sociological Imagination. a. True b. False


During the era of early sociology in the United States, racism and sexism were considered norms. Which of the following sociologists is a victim of historical racism and/or sexism? a. Harriet Martineau b. Karl Marx c. Max Weber d. Emile Durkheim

Harriet Martineau

_____ wrote about _____, or the theory that society evolves from "barbarian" to "civilized" through a natural progression of "survival of the fittest" members of society. a. W.E.B. Du Bois, capitalism b. C. Wright Mills, religion and suicide c. Jane Addams, class conflict d. Herbert Spencer, social Darwinism

Herbert Spencer, social Darwinism

Jane Addams was one of the founders of _____, a well-known settlement house. a. the Henry Street Settlement b. Toynbee Hall c. Hull-House d. Lincoln Village


Durheim's research on suicide revealed this basic sociological principle: a. People who are more integrated in society are more likely to commit suicide. b. Human behavior cannot be understood only in terms of the individual; we must always examine the social forces that affect people's lives. c. Recognizing human rights is a basic principle that helps societies advance. d. If human rights are trampled on, no matter how much education is stressed, a society cannot advance in ways that really count.

Human behavior cannot be understood only in terms of the individual; we must always examine the social forces that affect people's lives.

Dr. Karen is preparing her introduction to sociology syllabus for next semester. Which of the following figures will she most likely exclude from her syllabus? a. Herbert Spencer b. Karl Marx c. Martin Luther d. Max Weber

Martin Luther

According to Henslin (2014), Weber is one of the top three sociologists along with _____. a. Mills and Du Bois b. Marx and Durkheim c. Martineau and Addams d. Comte and Spencer

Marx and Durkheim

Which theorist could help explain how behaviors we adapt from our religious beliefs relate to the way economy works? a. Auguste Comte b. Max Weber c. Talcott Parsons d. Emile Durkheim

Max Weber

Which of the following explanations of poverty best exemplifies using the sociological perspective? a. Poor people in society are lazy b. Poor people in society have limited resources available to them to better their circumstances c. Poor people in society would be better off if there was no social safety net d. Poor people in society are destined by God or another higher power to be poor

Poor people in society have limited resources available to them to better their circumstances

Summarize the origins of sociology.

Sociology developed when social change undermined traditional explanation of life. Main figures in sociology's development are Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber.

Apply the sociological perspective to your own life.

This is unique to you: Think about how your social locations have influenced your behavior and ideas.

Social reform was a popular goal of early sociology. a. True b. False


Using research methods to evaluate rates of HIV infection and help develop an intervention program is an example of applied sociology. a. True b. False


Using the sociological imagination is essential for the training of sociology majors. a. True b. False


Your age, gender, and race are all social locations that characterize how you understand the social world. a. True b. False


Chris is interested in understanding the political affiliations of American Catholics, so he administers a survey to Catholics in his local perish. Chris is using _____. a. a positivist approach b. a biological approach c. a public sociological approach d. a public opinion approach

a biological approach

Jane Addams was a sociologist who fought for the eight-hour work day and for laws against child labor. To help immigrants, the sick, the aged, and the poor, Addams also founded an organization in the slums of Chicago called Hull-House. Her efforts at social reform were so successful that she was a. elected mayor of Chicago b. awarded a million dollar grant by the State of Illinois c. appointed Ambassador of Sweden d. a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace

a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace

Of the following, which type of sociology would be the most appropriate for trying to end pay inequity in the workforce? a. private b. pure c. applied d. traditional


Emile Durkheim, who did research on suicide in Europe, found that Protestants, males, and the unmarried are more likely to commit suicide than are Roman Catholics, females, and the married. He said this is because they a. have less education b. are less successful economically c. are less integrated into society d. are more likely to be escapists

are less integrated into society

Of the following, which type of sociology would be the most appropriate for documenting the types of interactions taking place in best-friend relationships? a. basic b. applied c. public d. private


Within the discipline of sociology there is a tension between _____ and _____ sociology. a. macro; micro b. racist; sexist c. basic; applied d. male; female

basic; applied

To apply the sociological perspective to myself, I would a. consider mental influences on my behavior and ideas b. look primarily to my country's history c. watch videos and movies d. consider how my experiences have influenced my behavior and ideas

consider how my experiences have influenced my behavior and ideas

August Comte believed that sociology _____. a. could improve society b. would ultimately destroy society c. would ultimately make no difference in society d. should dominate the other sciences

could improve society

The Protestant ethic involves _____. a. deferred gratification b. extravagant spending c. forgoing a belief in the hereafter d. making money for no other reason than to make money

deferred gratification

According to Mills, the work of such theorists as Talcott Parsons was at least somewhat counterproductive because it _____. a. was not abstract enough b. was too focused on reform c. encouraged anti-military sentiment d. deflected attention away from those consolidating power

deflected attention away from those consolidating power

_____ supported using sociology for the purpose of social change; however, this perspective is not prominent in early sociological writings because _____. a. Durkheim and Weber; most sociologists at the time didn't support the notion of using sociology for the purpose of social reform b. early female sociologists; at the time sociology was being developed, sexism was prominent in society c. Karl Marx; at the time, most women in society were poor and had to spend their time working for money instead of working toward social change d. C. Wright Mills; women at the time were not interested in writing

early female sociologists; at the time sociology was being developed, sexism was prominent in society

The sociological perspective focuses on _____ influences. a. subturnal b. nocturnal c. internal d. external


Auguste Comte stressed that the scientific method should be applied to the study of sociology. As a result, Comte is often credited as the _____. a. only sociologist whose research has effectively used the scientific method to study society b. father of sociology c. only early sociologist whose ideas are worth learning about d. inventor of the scientific method

father of sociology

Calvinists lived _____ lives because they believed that financial success is a sign of their salvation in the afterlife. a. middle class b. impoverished c. frugal d. privileged


Sociologist Talcott Parsons developed abstract models of society. Sociologist C. Wright Mills said that instead of doing this, sociologists should a. do more research on the lives of the poor b. use more advanced statistical techniques to analyze research c. get back to social reform d. open up centers to help the poor, like Jane Addams did with Hull-House in Chicago

get back to social reform

The tension between sociological analysis and social reform that showed up in early sociology in North America continues today. To illustrate this ongoing tension, basic, applied, and public sociology are contrasted. The term public sociology refers to a. the study of international relations b. research on the fundamentals of an organization, such as boot camp in the military c. research on social interactions that occurs in public settings, such as parks d. harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public

harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public

Jared is telling his parents about his experiences volunteering in a soup kitchen. In the middle of the conversation, Jared's father says that the soup kitchen probably wouldn't be so busy if people would just stop being so lazy and get jobs to support themselves. Jared, a sociology major, tells his father that it isn't really that simple. Jared understands that at the core of the sociological perspective is understanding how people are _____. a. biologically predetermined to act a certain way b. managing to survive on a day-to-day basis c. influenced by society d. all unique

influenced by society

When sociologists apply the sociological perspective, they a. use their own experiences to interpret what people tell them b. keep in mind that all people are the same under the skin c. look at the influences of social location d. find that people will give different answers if they are listening to different types of music

look at the influences of social location

Which of the following statements is borne out by Durkheim's research? a. males are more likely than females to take their own lives b. married people are more likely than unmarried people to take their own lives c. Catholics are more likely than Protestants to take their own lives d. Jews are more likely than Protestants to take their own lives

males are more likely than females to take their own lives

Sociologists use a _____ approach to study the social world. a. traditional b. positivist c. theological d. egalitarian


Which of the following would demonstrate a positivistic approach? a. sociologists guessing as to the cause of a certain type of activity in society b. researchers systematically testing their theories about why people do what they do c. people examining the constellations in the sky for clues to human behavior d. scientists assigning roles to members of society

researchers systematically testing their theories about why people do what they do

The experiences of W.E.B. Du Bois illustrate the racism in society during the time of early sociology in North America. When Du Bois, one of the founders of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and a prolific researcher of race relations, went to national meetings of the American Sociological Society a. restaurants and hotels would not allow him to eat or room with the white sociologists b. the association refused to let him speak c. the U.S. Department his microphones in his hotel room d. he was so poor that he brought canned goods from home to eat in his hotel room

restaurants and hotels would not allow him to eat or room with the white sociologists

Herbert Spencer's line of thought came to be known as _____. a. social Spencerism b. biological Spencerism c. biological Darwinism d. social Darwinism

social Darwinism

There is a tenuous debate in sociology between _____ and _____. As a result, the American Sociological Association promotes _____ as a middle ground to this debate. a. social analysis; social reform; public sociology b. social integration; class conflict; applied sociology c. Emile Durkheim; Max Weber; social reform d. social reform; capitalism; basic research

social analysis; social reform; public sociology

In early sociology in North America, controversy arose about the purpose of sociology. The issue was whether a. sociologists should work to reform society or do objective research on society b. women should be allowed to be sociologists c. African Americans should be allowed to be sociologists d. sociologists should take the side of the poor or of the wealthy

sociologists should work to reform society or do objective research on society

Which of the following statements best reflects the conflict between sociology's two opposing goals? a. some think that sociology should be accepted as an academic discipline, while others think it should not be b. some sociologists believe they should simply study society to advance knowledge, while others believe they should make efforts to change society c. some believe sociologists should serve in the armed forces, but others believe sociologists should be conscientious objectors d. some think sociology is immoral

some sociologists believe they should simply study society to advance knowledge, while others believe they should make efforts to change society

A social location is _____. a. the characteristics people occupy because of their place in society b. a category of social theory c. a sociological convention established by Emile Durkheim d. a geographic place

the characteristics people occupy because of their place in society

Social Integration

the degree to which members of a group or a society feel united by shared values and other social bonds; also known as social cohesion

Which of the following is not mentioned by Henslin as a goal important to female sociologists in the early days? a. the elimination of houses without plumbing b. the elimination of lynching c. better conditions for workers d. better conditions for immigrants

the elimination of houses without plumbing

Karl Marx argued that class conflict was _____. a. insignificant b. the key issue in society c. a positive force in the history of humankind d. the root of all evil

the key issue in society

Positivism utilizes _____ to examine and explain social phenomena. a. superstition b. religious beliefs c. the scientific method d. tradition

the scientific method

Sociologists use objective systematic observations to test theories. This is also called _____. a. the scientific method b. social integration c. the sociological imagination d. class conflict

the scientific method

Talcott Parsons was more concerned with _____. a. theory than with reform b. reform than with theory c. tradition than with science d. practical matters than with abstractions

theory than with reform

The women who were pioneers in the field of sociology tended to be _____. a. adherents of Herbert Spencer b. the wives of male sociologists c. expected to excel in their chosen field d. unacknowledged in sociology for many years despite their achievements

unacknowledged in sociology for many years despite their achievements

The sociological perspective is primarily concerned with _____. a. understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context b. the way corporations work c. deviant people d. understanding human behavior by examining it through individual choices

understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

Single men are more likely than married men to commit suicide. The fact supports Durkheim's research regarding suicide and social integration, which concluded that people who have _____ social ties are _____ likely to commit suicide. a. strong; more b. weak; more c. weak; less d. primarily work-based; more

weak; more

The men who held the university positions won the debate about the purpose of sociology. When they wrote the history of sociology, female sociologists a. picketed the Department of Sociology at Princeton University, the publishers of this history b. founded WISDOM, Women in Sociology Daring to Outdo Men c. were mostly written out of that history d. resigned en masse from colleges and universities and went into social work

were mostly written out of that history

The term scientific method refers to a. using objective, systematic observations to test theories b. applying observations of the social world to the physical world c. applying observations of the physical world to the social world d. methods to change society

using objective, systematic observations to test theories

Frances Perkins was the first woman to hold a cabinet position, serving twelve years as Secretary of Labor under President Franklin Roosevelt. Perkins was mentioned as an example of a. the first case of affirmative action b. an early female sociologist whose influence went far beyond sociology c. tokenism d. how socialism began to erode the American way of life

an early female sociologist whose influence went far beyond sociology

Sociologists view human behavior primarily as the outcome of a. instincts b. external influences c. internal influences d. inherited influences

external influences

Auguste Comte, who developed the term sociology and is associated with positivism, developed a grandiose view of sociology. He said that sociologists should a. analyze all societies on Earth b. not limit their analysis to the Earth, but search for extraterrestrial societies as well c. reform the entire society, making it a better place to live d. study the religious influences on people

reform the entire society, making it a better place to live

Durkheim concluded that _____ underlie suicide. a. social conditions b. rates of depression c. individual psychological problems d. eating habits

social conditions

The tension between sociological analysis and social reform that showed up in early sociology in North America continues today. To illustrate this ongoing tension, basic, applied, and public sociology are contrasted. The term basic sociology refers to doing research on a. fundamentals of social life, such as learning language b. some aspect of society, with no goal other than gaining knowledge c. the medical institution in order to improve patient care d. schools to improve teaching and learning

some aspect of society, with no goal other than gaining knowledge


the application of the scientific approach to the social world

By the term spirit of capitalism, Weber referred to a. the people who developed windmills which increased production b. the supremacy of capitalism to socialism c. the desire to invest capital in order to make more money d. profits becoming the motivator in offering private education, including long distance lerning

the desire to invest capital in order to make more money

Social Location

the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

C. Wright Mills wrote about _____. a. the sociological imagination b. gender inequality c. health care d. suicide

the sociological imagination

Olaf is the financial advisor whose goal is to help his clients make more money through sound investment. Weber would say that Olaf and his clients are embracing _____. a. the sociological perspective b. socialism c. the spirit of capitalism d. the scientific method

the spirit of capitalism

Scientific Method

the use of objective, systematic observations to test theories

Applied Sociology

the use of sociology to solve problems - from the micro level of classroom interaction and family relationships to the macro level of crime and pollution

Social Perspective

to explain people's behavior, sociologists stress the social contexts in which people live

Who gave society its name? a. George Herbert Mead b. Auguste Comte c. Emile Durkheim d. Karl Marx

Auguste Comte

Which social theorist wrote primarily about class conflict? a. Max Weber b. W.E.B. Du Bois c. Karl Marx d. Emile Durkheim

Karl Marx

Public Sociology

applying sociology for the public good; especially the use of the sociological perspective (how things are related to one another) to guide politicians and policy makers

At the heart of the sociological perspective is understanding how people a. are all alike under the skin b. can never fully understand who they really are c. change their minds over little things d. are influenced by society

are influenced by society

Herbert Spencer developed the term the survival of the fittest. Spencer's idea that societies evolve, changing from lower to higher forms and that the less fit, primarily poor, die as the more fir survive, is called social Darwinism. Spencer disagreed with Comte. He said that because societies are evolving, with the fittest surviving, sociologists should a. do solid social research b. stay away from social reform c. be examples to others by having solid marriages d. encourage people to postpone marriage and get an education

stay away from social reform

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