Chapter 10 -evo
4 essential conditions for the evolution of war
-The average long-term gain in reproductive resources out weighs cost -Coalition believes in being victorious -Risk and contributions of individuals must correspond to share of benefit -Veil of ignorance about survival (ie., no one knows who will live or die) leads to a psychological propensity to engage in coalitional warfare
List six adaptive problems that could be solved by an aggressive strategy.
-co-opting resources of others -defending oneself and one's kin against attack -inflicting costs on intrasexual rivals -negotiating status and power hierarchies -deterring rivals from future aggression -deterring long-term mates from infidelity or defection.
recalibration Theory of anger
-feeling and expressing anger functions to increase (recalibrate) the value that the target of your anger places on your welfare -According to this theory, individuals with a superior ability to inflict costs and confer benefits should be more prone to anger.
types of aggression
1. Predatory 2. Inter-male 3. Fear-induced 4. Irritable 5. Maternal 6. Sex-related 7. Instrumental
In the Yanomamö tribe, men who had killed (unokais) had ____ times as many wives in their early 20s then non-unokais.
Figueredo found that women with _____ experienced lower levels of domestic violence
Higher densities of kin
Aggression perpetrated by women is not _____
Males of many species have to impress the females with physical prowess in order to gain sexual status. What attribute makes humans different such that men experience young male syndrome?
Nisbett emphasized that foregoing aggression when aggressed against in "cultures of honour" can result in __________
loss of status
self-assessment of fighting skills -most men report weekly -most women report never
t/f greater polygyny rates lead to greater sexual dimorphism
Wrangham and Peterson
two species recored as initiating male coordinated coalitions -chimps and humans
types of aggression
Tooby and Cosmides
viewed war as a cooperative