Chapter 10 history

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What important issues did John Quincy Adams support during his campaign

-Promoted in economy that balance industry, commerce, and agriculture -He promoted domestic goods over foreign imports in order to strengthen the young country's economy

Identify the causes of the economic panic of 1819

- the bank of the United States began to collect on loans, but farmers and businessman could not repay them. -European demand for American farm goods returned to pre-war of 1812 levels. -demand for Western lands plummeted, bankrupting many speculators.

How was Jackson able to enlarge the powers of the presidency

-He enhance the power of the presidential office even while he was reducing the power of the government as a kind of administrative structure -as a political leader, Jackson developed the idea that the president was the sole representative of the people - not Congress

Identify the initiative that led to the Democrat success at the national level

-Lowered the tariff -reduced government expenditures

Why was James Monroe's to term as president called "the era of good feelings"

-Monroe was elected almost to nominate Unanimously and presided over a one party government -The eight years of Monroe's tenure Had plenty of strife,only instead of two party politics, controversies or sectional in nature -Monroe's presidency is associated with his definition of American foreign policy, called the Monroe doctrine

What are the complex relationship between race in voting

-New York removed property qualifications for white voters, but raised the requirement for blacks to $250 -North Carolina did not disenfranchise it's free black community until 1835

What justification did Van Buren give for the creation of the democratic party?

-Rather than being dangerous and divisive, as the founding generation have believed, political parties were a necessary and indeed desirable element of political life -Party competition provided a check on those in power and offered voters a real choice in elections


-Rural farmers and many slaveholders -believed the government should adopt a hands off approach to the economy and not award special favors to entrenched economic interest

Identify each of the statements are true about native Americans during the presidency of Andrew Jackson

-The Indian removal act of 1830 rejected the Jeffersonian idea that "civilized"Indians could be assimilated into the American population -The creek and Cherokee nations followed legal protocols in order to try to retain their land

Statements that describe Tocqueville Observations in democracy in America

-The idea of sovereignty belongs to the mass of ordinary citizens was a new departure in western thought -freedom in the young democracy was connected to believe in equality, in active public sphere, and shared goal to improve society.

Statements that describes the tariff of 1860 and its context

-The law admitted imported goods that could not be produced in the United States tax-free -The law protected American-made goods taxing similar goods from abroad

Facts about the presidential election of 1824

-The outcome laid the groundwork for a new system of political parties -The results reflected continued tension between different geographic regions

The 1828 presidential election and it's outcome

-The results presented a sea change in American political life -The campaign of 1828 was consumed with personal attacks and accusations made by supporters of both candidates

Wings conception of freedom that they advocated

-The whigs had a positive view of freedom they thought freedom could be enhanced and promoted by governmental action -The Democrats represented negative freedom or limited government interference, meaning the key to film was individual self determination and individual action

Statements that were given to justify the disenfranchisement of woman

-Women were to prone to be swayed by passion -Women were too "pure"to be "contaminated" by politics


-businessmen and farmers on the Great Lakes, rivers and canals and large plantation owners -United behind the American system and believe that a protective tariff, a national bank, and aid to internal improvements good guide economic development

Identify the statements that describe the relationship between property and voting rights in America

-by 1860, all but one state had ended property requirements for voting -plantation - owning politicians in Virginia resisted demands to end the property - ownership qualification until the 1850s -As early as 1829, landless man argued that property owners were not the only ones with the knowledge necessary or democratic participation..

Hard money

Currency based only on gold and silver

Jackson's Democrats were firm believers in using the power of the government to legislate a unified moral vision on society, especially "temperance"laws that restricted alcohol use and production.


What describes the life and career of Andrew Jackson

Jackson was suspicious of banks and paper money and feared that the market revolution was a source of moral decay

Exposition and protest

Justified South Carolina's argument for nullification by drawing on the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798

Henry Clay

One a larger portion of the popular vote and William H Crawford, but received if you were electoral votes

Andrew Jackson

One of the largest portion of the popular vote and the electoral vote

Soft money

Paper currency issued by banks

Force act

Passed by Congress to enforce the federal tariff of 1832

John Quincy Adams

Performed strongest in the north eastern states, including New York, Massachusetts, and maine

Tariff of abominations

Raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool, as well as Raw materials such as iron

Nullification crisis

Represented a conflict between the federal government and South Carolina

Pet banks

State banks that were chosen by elected officials to receive federal funds

As a result of the door war, property qualifications for Voting were eliminated for native born black and white men


Immediately upon assuming The office of the presidency, William Henry Harrison contracted pneumonia. He died a month later, and John Tyler succeeded him


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