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Angelica Kauffmann, Cornelia pointing to her children as her treasures (mother of the gracchi) 1785

Oil on canvas Group of 5 individuals 3 young, 2 women Women on right holding long necklace with jewelry on lap - turned in profile - remind greek statuary - distinct nose profile- looking up with concern Women on left coming into scene Cornelia wife of famous roman before julius caesar - when rome was a republic - more democratic Cornelias children are her jewels - treasures Atmospheric landscape Neoclassical in terms of profiles, columns, clothing

Joseph wright of Derby, a philosopher giving a lecture at the orrery 1763-1765

Oil on canvas ***French intellectuals are called 'philosophers**** Showing invention enlightenment Enlightened church Guy writing down commentary of scientist ***Derby painted scientific paintings*** Science becoming popular Many people from walks of life becoming fascinated Science and industry Electricity, oxygen, coal and iron Art is recording these inventions as they develop

Courbet, Burial at Ornans 1849

Although as monumental in scale as a traditional history painting, Burial at Ornans horrified critics because of the ordinary nature of the subject and Courbet's starkly anti heroic composition.


***Early 1700 power shifted in France from palace to salons *** After death of Louis XIV (the sun king) to royal court (aristocrats in general) move from versailles to paris divine right of kings - authority of god - chose that individual to rule - now gone from king salons opening - with wealthy of nobility where people could gather to party and gather to meet Hotels - large buildings used for purpose of socializing private townhouses replace pomp and ceremony of versailles french taste shifts from the court to hotel and salon Rococo - art historical term derived from french word rocaille meaning pebble or grotto rococo or Fetes Galantes elaborate gilded relief patterns of floral and plant designs framing blank spaces and mirrors - topped with cupid's

Johann Joachim Winckelmann

**First founder of art history and neoclassicism ** Something approximating a scientific method also affected the way art history was understood and sought and codified Held that art historical styles are the products of the cultures that produced them Study of art beyond just biography and geography Classical art for superior than "natural art" Positions each examples by subject, style and period - orderly knowledge - pioneering example of stylistic evolution Interest in classical world - self uproot - for purpose of study The grand tour and excavation of pompeii and herculaneum - increase interest in classical antiquity Process of rediscovery

Edouard Manet, Le Déjeuner sur L'herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) 1863

A glade of woods, civilization in back Stream and boat and 4 figures - two naked woman and two men Lunch has been consumed - laid out on clothing - same clothes nude woman is sitting on Two females nudes - partial and one complete nude- looking at us 2 men dressed in urban clothes Shadows have tendency to flatten Manet dispensing academic rules to make receding space Seems too big to be as far away as she is - nude in background - Specific applications of perspective and form Not a rural scene - a painting - stop imitating classic academic procedures of painting - incredibly jarring to public People laughed at the painting Breaker of the rules: in composition, form and subject No classical reference Model - (victorine meurent) looks parisienne - only unclothed Naked not nude - looking out at us directly Hold concentration real woman - confronting us Public thought two men probably should be in class but having sex in the woods

Mary Cassatt, The Child's Bath, 1893

Cassatt's compositions owe much to Degas and Japanese prints, but her subjects difer from those of most Impressionists, in part because, as a woman, she could not frequent cafés with her male friends.

Courbet, The Stone Breakers 1849

Courbet was the leading figure in the Realist movement. Using a palette of dirty browns and grays, he conveyed the dreary and dismal nature of menial labor in mid-19th-century France ****Courbet's palette of dirty browns portrays poverty in The Stone Breakers***

Middle of the Century 1848*** century revolution

Courbet- Realism - everyday life - artist observe themselves Courbet and Manet - however much the public disliked courbet - socialist attitude, the public also recognized that Courbet was a technically superb painter Implies with palette knife - impasto - can actually see paint on the canvas - right in front of you Courbet launches assault on values of academy Declares contemporary life is as valid subject matter for artists Content and end of the hierarchy of genres: Academy cracks - Courbet and Manet - challenge values of french academy Academy original values: Supreme position of history painting - academy original values Figures and space painted and drawn - greco roman classical figures - classical tradition of beauty- perfection/idealism Finish of surface - neoclassical - no suggestion of brushstrokes Nudes lots of them - come along with classical pedigree - venus, aphrodite, diana - mythological and nymphs

Theodore Gericault, Raft of the Medusa 1819

Current event - academy usually resolves for history painting Very large - bring us to moment - experience moment The Medusa, French Government vessel - foundered off the coast of Africa with 400 abroad, the captain commandered six life boats for officials and officers - the remaining ceew - 150 had to makeshift a raft - 135 die and 15 survive - captain an allie of Louis 15th - a political appointee Then event underscored the corrupt nature of the regime Manarly comes back - king louis 18th very unpopular Roll back progress that had been made during revolution - loosening rules on progressive ideas Summary: just sighted a rescue ship Shows the dead and dying - transition between life and death Subject: narrowing mental and physical suffering with no food and wander Line vs color - romanticism period Ingres the draughtsman vs delacroix the colorist - the power of the artist imagination could be used to inflame the imagination of the viewer

Edgar Degas, The Rehearsal, 1874

Degas favored subjects, such as the Paris ballet, that gave him the opportunity to study the human body in motion. The high viewpoint and of-center placement of figures are characteristic aspects of his work.

Francisco de Goya, Third of May 1808 - 1814 oil on canvas madrid

Didnt paint until death of Napoleon French taken over control of Spanish Government Spaniards reacted against takeover of government Memorializing impact of it Spanish being mowed down - supreme individualistic Very bloody Figure in yellow pants - christ like Sobbing and shaking spaniards Used image of protest - what french are doing is crime - inhuman Focus on individual - yellow pants So much effort in horror - blood Box light extends illumination - illuminate victims of massacre The center of the picture - the light source 6 years after - french controlled spain Commemorate massacre from 6 years before - of current event

Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun, self portrait 1790 oil on canvas

Embodies acceptance of women into artist academy Finest painter of enlightenment Kept working despite political problems going on Elegant curves Working on large canvas - little reference to rococo style Look at person she's painting - marie antoinette - was her patroness (court painter) Louis the 16th king at time of american revolution - French help colonists - drained their economy and continue to tax the poor and people blamed the king Vigee-Lebrun - finally in french academy - one of first women **Vigee Lebrun self portrait is naturalistic in style** Primary patrons - king and queen

Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above a sea of mist 1817-18 oil on canvas

Extraordinary flight of imagination Looking at exactly what caspar is looking at - we are the artist looking at the scene - infinity Longest expanse of sky and sea in all directions - extends everywhere The end of a moment Romanticize in nature Friedrich treats nature as the idea of nature as mother nature Being born in western culture Nature now separate being to human and animal world Forms and colors and shapes to connect viewer as his understanding of nature true reality of life and spirit Transcendentalist view of nature Nature spiritual quality to it

Claude Monet, Impression: Sunrise, 1872

Fascinated by reflected sunlight on water, Monet broke with traditional studio practice and painted his "impression" en plein air, using short brushstrokes of pure color on canvas without any preliminary sketch.

1848: revolution breaks out in Europe:

Fed up with the non-representation in government for public Intense dissatisfaction Ideas about human rights continue to derive from enlightenment philosophers and scientific advances - imperial truths Factory owners vs workers Citizen rights are joined by workers rights Communist manifesto 1848 Womens rights convention - seneca falls Class conflict are now discussed and depicted in art Europe moving from agrarian society to industrialized one Enormous advances in literature - realism or naturalism Ex: Charles Dickens - directly observed description of dismel conditions of lower class life - strove for social injustice Ex: Charles Darwin - the origin of the species, survival of the fittest, a model for evolution based on scientific laws - not religion Ex: Charles Baudelaire - called for art based on modern life

Jean-Francois Millet, The Gleaners

Giant farm - peasants farm Enormous piles of grain- giant balls of hay or grain subjectL harsh treatment - soft Regarded as political threat - peasants could be organized and demand their rights Working class regarded as dangerous political manifesto Arrangement very new farm homes - figure on horseback on the side - overlooking everyone Peasant women bending over - back breaking work - called Gleaners -the lowest of poverty These peasant women given permission to come in after harvest and pick up the leftover scraps of the wheat to make their own bread just to eat -posture almost part animal part human Colors trick the eye into thinking this is a joyful painting - but its not Derided by moral classes

Antonio Canaletto, View of the Riva Degli Schiavoni, Venice

Idea of naturalistic painting - also extends into landscape Perspective fairly straightforward Great deal of sky very stable verticals Lot of human activity Almost like a postcard shot of venice Everywhere you look level of detail is exactly the same - same attention to detail everywhere in painting Work of art about peculiar time and place Tourists now traveling - grand tour ****Vedute scenes - scenic views/purchased by tourists*** Now experience italy and explore Middle and upper class send sons and daughters to see mediterranean world Become part of every man's education - extensive - stay there for weeks - grand tour ****Canaletto - best venetian painter for vedute scenes *** Learn everything you could about writing Provide examples of moral value - rome Very pricy souvenirs - for tourists to take home from countries to remember the trip Nothing complicated or deep about painting

Whistler, Nocturne in Black and Gold (The falling Rocket) 1875

In this painting, Whistler displayed an Impressionist interest in conveying atmospheric effects of fireworks at night, but he also emphasized the abstract arrangement of shapes and colors.

Eugene Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus 1827 oil on canvas

King - Sardanapalus - assyrian king - depicted as a brooding meditative almost bored figure in the midst of the violence and debauchery Funeral empire Most prized positions - then everything go up into flames Based on story by Byron King unconcerned with anything but himself Evil genius over a panorama of destruction Turns every classical rule on its head no neoclassical Condemned by art critics structure of time - too messy and difficult to read But trying to make us feel the event and imagine A death wish, worship of ungovernable forces True nature of tyrant Just a fascination with horror Orgy of violence Hard to figure out space, curves, serpentine motion - spiraling down into our space Neoclassicism values in painting gone

Francisco de Goya, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, from los caprichos 1798

Los caprichos is a group of prints - showing human frailty Deafness of David probably created terrible nightmares Deeply ambiguous image All true great works of art defies simple explanation Male figure asleep on large black table - or having nightmare - block of reason Seems to be uncomfortable position Nighttime sky filled with bats - evil and owls - ignorance Bobcat awake and alert to the side - try to contrast "Bannish harmful beliefs commonly held"

Jacques - Louis David, death of marat 1793

Marart would point of people that had connections to the aristocrats - would giotine them / execute them Made more popular figure Was killed by a women - against what he did Significant painting in western culture Knife on floor Holding list of people Create icon of political moment - ex: pieta references Led france into better world - but through killing other people Emptiness above top half of canvas His value to society is infinite ***Jacques-Louis David - death of marat - based on pieta ***

Joseph - Baptiste Simeon Chardin, Saying Grace 1740

Marks a turn towards natural taste Passion for seeing pictures that could express What people were already familiar with Values and virtues of middle class Dignity of lower classes Make virtue look good Rational approach towards line and emphasis on line more than color Line- more masculine Color- more emotional approach realist painting **Chardin created simple domestic paintings*** Real air and light 100 years before the first photograph \ Mother telling little kid to pick up toys before eating and saying grace

Eugene Delacroix, Liberty leading the people 1830, oil on canvas

Memorialize event A few days riots in July 1830 in Paris Liberty in allegorical pose - not like the other pose symbol of ideas Liberty based on greek statuary Greek side profile and half naked body Raising french flag Stepping across rallying large mass Dead parisions and dead soldiers of people over barricades People from various social groups Figures marching towards viewer claiming their liberty Living taking place of dead and dying A romantic appeal to republican sentiment Almost triangle composition Limitation of crucified christ dead man in highlight on ground - nightgown Phrygian cap on liberty - ancient greek slaves wore - given liberty type of hat to become fashionable statement to support liberty

John Everett Millais, Ophelia 1852

Millet was a founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - whose members refused to be limited to the contemporary scenes that strict Realists portrayed The drowning of Ophelia is a Shakespearean subject.

Berthe Morisot, Summer's Day, 1879

Morisot's subject (Parisians at leisure), bright palette, and sketchy brushstrokes typify Impressionism, but the people who inhabit her paintings are almost exclusively well dressed, thoughtful women.

Honore Daumier - Rue Transnonain April 15th 1834

Most powerful take down in France Man in nightshirt - cascading down from the bed - large blotches on floor - blood Specific detail - emerge Chain pressed up against bed Below older man - death - head bashed in Small head of child - head bashed in - dead Female knocked on the floor Kings forces attacking residents of apartment back in Paris Snyper shoot at police man - allegedly shooting, result: french police massacred people from the allegedly snyper apartment building- state terrorism from people going against government Injustice shown ***Daumier - rue transnonain - supported labor/ workers *** Many people can see this image in the media - making news possible

Gros, Napoleon at the plague house at Jaffa, 1804

Napoleon visiting troops on Jaffa in Jerusalem History painting Reflect painting on character and exploits of napoleon mosque - distinctive islamic architecture arches and minaret tower in background French flag on tower - increased power of the french Napoleon standing frontal but profile - bare hand placing finger into gash of body of naked man - tries to do the divine thing - heal the sick -absolute courage and sincerity Picture supposed to create picture of napoleon having great meaning and power to people back home Grose is imagining this experience that Napoleon went to front lines in holy land and tried to restore army by entering into environment of disease and infection

Enlightenment ideas:

Natural rights Democracy Individualism reason Equality under law Deism Capitalism Socialism Anti-clerical Urbanization of concepts of modernism Now up to man, no more interference with god Separation between church and state Revolutions: Much more rational Industrial revolution - 1740s invention of steam engine Political American revolution French revolution 1789

Richard Boyle and William Kent, Chiswick House

Near london, england 1725 Facade very clean Pediment temple front Recreates ancient buildings Picturesque gardens

Romanticism: "The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" - W.M. Wordsworth (It just happens - you cant control it - emotions rather than thinking) Not nationalistic More emotional P- Past I - irrational/inner mind/insanity N - nature E - emotion/exotic Advantages of revolution - republican government political enfranchisement, nationalism, public institutions - museums - plurged almost all europe into war 17,000 people guillotined under robespierre's Reign of Terror 1793-94 Period of harsh conservatism in spain War promotes industry Romanticism and Neoclassicism develops side by side Neoclassicism - supported enlightenment claims to rational thought Term derives from Romance languages, and medieval tales of chivalry and adventure Path to freedom lay in imagination - in feeling rather than thinking

Neoclassical . Reason . Calculation . Objective nature - split between neoclassical and . romantic Romanticism . Feelings . Intuition . Subjective emotion

thomas jefferson , monticello

Neoclassicism style Brings style of architecture into america Federal style/Georgian style ****Monticello - jefferson - wanted neoclassicism as national style ****

pilgrimage to Cythera, Antoine Watteau 1717

Oil on canvas Made for admission for royal academy Royal academy had to produce a masterpiece in either category: History of france or rome, portraiture of important person, mythological or religion Watteau still decides to do landscape Provides a picnic narration, mystical Cythera - some island in Aegean Sea - the island where venus in birth of venus washed up on Venus is shown on a post to the right - some mythological meaning There is a connection to antiquity- roses growing up venus's post Couples seated below and standing couple - begin to gather and join others to get onto elegant bost - cupids flying in the air Return home from Cythera What said: the academy looked at it and saw themselves - drew what aristocratic dressed in and put them in a fantasy scene Combines color and line very beautifully Invented new category for royal academy: Amorous festival or "fetes Galantes" or "courtship party" French thought art could be taught as a subject *****Watteau is the most famous French Rococo painter ****

Jean-Honore Fragonard, The Swing 1766

Oil on canvas Profusion of nature Unbelievable how fragonard add growth and texture to nature Nature bursting out Theme is sex, erotic almost Triangle of figures, one on right doesn't know the other man is on the left Cupid on left looking down Young woman on swing Two cupids in background - statue Other side lying down - looked like jumped over fencing and hiding in the bushes Erotic theme set in genre type setting Private passion, genteal subject matter

Pompeo Batoni, Charles John Crowle, 1761-1762

Oil on canvas english man could live very cheaply in italy at time Finest portrait painter at the time Man is leaning on this marble table - rococo style framing underneath Received letter from home Examples of plaster models from ancient greek and roman temples: hercules and adelante Connection between man's stance and the hercules statue stance - connection to antiquity Celestial globe in room Science , art, learning and writing all shown here Gentleness of man with dog Crucial aspect to learning history - reads and writes in latin and greek Grand tour portraits Commissioned by prosperous visitors to take home Italian natural taste and tourism Very successful Crowle was a member of the society of Dilettanti- connoisseur - admirers for information and knowledge - he was of greek and roman art

The Enlightenment: 18th century:

One of the few historical movements that named itself Thinkers and writers in London and Paris believed they were "enlightened" ****Benjamin West was the court painter to King George*** Light in past referred to divinity Belief was that a perfect society could be built in principles of common sense and tolerance Championed individualism and freedom instead of authority and tradition Revolutionary changes - economic, political, social and artistic Emphasis on rationally accounts for value placed on geometrical harmony of classical art and architecture Ancient greece and rome were also regarded a pinnacles of enlightened political organization - democracy - power of the people Moving into american revolution and french revolution Liberty, civic virtue, morality, sacrifice,- all models looked to during a period of political upheaval The dominant art style was referred to "Neo-Classicism" - which often illustrated what were considered the virtues, actions and deeds of the ancient greeks and romans Proponents of new style rejected rococo denounced it- hated it because it was only for the aristocratic people - aka the rich and privileged

William Hogarth, the tete a tete, Breakfast scene from Marriage a la mode, 1745, london

Part of a 6 panel story Oil on canvas Couple married off to each other and marriage isnt working out Very early in the morning Stewart of the household on left wants to leave Carrying ledger and pile of unpaid bills - one paid bill - impaled on stick In Front of women is overturned chair Violin case and music sheet on ground The wife's lover has just left the room ^^^ husband just came home from being with his mistress - her cap in his pocket Knock off imitation sculpture Modern marriage

Jean - Antoine Houdon, George Washington 1788-1792

Polets on shoulder Sword off to the side Holding cane Shirt open - hand relaxed Calm and relaxed Leaning on column - used in ancient world for Cloke hanging over column cutting down crops - 13 of them indicating 13 colonies Finished role of leader of general and commander of state Go back to country life where he came from Politicians should serve for short periods of time politicians drawn from everyday man

Sir Joshua Reynolds, Lord Heathfield, 1787, london

President of royal academy Portraits of important people Raised to level of nobility for efforts Grand manner portraiture Redefined concept of nobility - character not aristocratic birth - people could do by themselves on their own Man dominates canvas - by color and line Shown in self reflective mode - pondering future Key in hand - key to gibraltar Mid idealized realism

Jacques- Louis David, Oath of Horatii

Principle classical painter Rocher was his muse History painter Sense of planarity - close to front of picture plane 3 rounded arches - simple tuscan columns Intensity of color Holding swords - almost like theater scene Subject: Sacrifice of putting the nation before your own families needs To make figures seem as alive as possible Father calling sons to fight till the death - for virtue and preservation of Rome Women in corner - wife - other woman both engaged to one of the soldiers from each side of the battle- at the end of the day one of their husbands will die

Manet, Olympia 1863

Prostitute - working being presented by maid - presenting bouquet being presented to her Client offering prostitute flowers to her Titian's venus of urbino - structure like it Shift in pose and gaze and way body is treated makes all the difference Shown in salon - turned into scandal Was skied - pulled up so people couldn't see the art Paris full of prosecution Married women regarded as mothers and children givers - not for sex Men took sex and pleasure to prostitutes In control workings woman - just happens to be prostitute Olympia - named used for high class prostitutes Not idealized Manipulates light, dark, color and line Fulfilling men's worst fears - controlling independent woman Nude more real than ideal

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876

Renoir's painting of this popular Parisian dance hall is dappled by sunlight and shade, artfully blurred into the figures to produce the effect of floating and fleeting light that many Impressionists cultivated

Ingres, Grande Odalisque 1814

Room where men keeps all his women Year of napoleon downfall Imagined portrait of woman nude from distant land Phients upper class french socially commissioned These non - christians - sex and drugs - looking at iconic image of party projection - fill void of ignorance of who other non- christians were Fanciful details - hookah - drug common everyday thing Exotic feathered fan - head covering - complete individual is shared Expression a face - staring at viewer - ambiguous look Fusion of neoclassical style but fuses it with renaissance taste for exotic - new taste for romantic ideal Sensually trumps accuracy Classical raphael like head Distortions and colors like madonna of the long neck Romanticised proportions - endless spinal cord Not concerned with accuracy - painting criticized for forms and content Non christian cultures seen as exotic and thrilling also inferior too - immoral Example of Orientalism - towards holyland Exotic examples western artists try to imagine Most significant of vast number of women kept in captivity for pleasure of pasha

John Singleton Copley, Portrait of paul revere, 1768-1770

Silversmith paul revere Light and shadow and reflection Almost like a picture of a painter holding a palette Natural hair Attitude inward and relaxed Ordinary moment Nothing fancy about him About concentration Setting plain and clear With enough light and natural reason - world can be very clear ***Copley, who painted Paul Revere- conveyed a sense of directness and faithfulness***

Antonio Canova, Pauline Borghese as Venus Victorious 1808

Socialite party girl slept with everyone Was wealthy and had position Make grand portraiture sculpture of her Pose derive from ancient classical statues - epitome of beauty and grace Turned head parallel with body - bring out particular greek profile Hand serves as gesture towards profile Hair is classical too - creates almost fashion statement Neoclassical in sculpture Power based upon revival of ideals of classical world

Claude Monet, Saint - Lazare train station, 1877

The Impressionists often painted scenes of the new urbanized Paris, the heart of modern life in France. Monet's agitated application of paint contributes to the sense of energy in this railway terminal.

The slave ship, (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On), J.M.W Turner, 1840. Oil on canvas

The essence of Turner's style is the emotive power of color released color from any defining outlines to express the forces of nature and the painter's emotional response to them Produced to remind public of the terrible act of murder at sea from british government- british trade Captain of slave ship - slaver - tremendous storm carry on while sickness below deck- if slaves lost at sea - captain could be insured - but if they died he couldn't So murdered all these sick and dying slaves Ship clearly being tossed around and tremendous motion Can't take eye off of light - insanely bright Body and body parts with chains still attached - fish rushing in to feed on body Turner changing the rules of paint application, objective and atmospheric quality of painting- try to make you feel the horror

Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic 1875

The too -brutal realism of depiction of a medical college operating amphitheater caused this painting's rejection from the Philadelphia exhibition celebrating America's centennial. ***- based in america -criticised for brutal realism **

John Constable, The Hay Wain 1821 oil on canvas

Very scenic scene and beautifully described and painted Landscape where constable grew up Turn away from progress of industrialization - industrial in nature a nostalgic view of the disappearing English countryside during the Industrial Revolution Constable had a special gift for capturing the texture that climate and weather give to landscape

Edmonia Lewis, Forever Free 1867

Washington, D.C. African American- Chippewa Lewis sculptures owe a stylistic debt to Neoclassicism but depict contemporary Realist themes She carved Forever Free four years after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere 1882

We can see what she's seeing through reflection Barmaid is real - mirror is reflection of reality Champagne bottles and british beer on counter Lots of people together Cabaret - theater, drinking, going on See woman on trapeze - dynamic Women looking down and out Two different aspects of women's life There to serve drinks but also make arrangements with men for sex later Two aspects of single individual separated so we can analyze man in top right - we are in place of gentleman - reflected

Thomas Cole, The Oxbow, 1836 oil on canvas

the idea of America having a landscape distinct from Europe's ***Hudson river school - painted landscapes*** contrasted dark wilderness on left and sunlit civilization on the right, with a tiny painter at the bottom center Give face to idea of america U.S Romantic movement in effect - resulting in often monumental in size and breathtaking Tree on the side taken down by lightning - power of nature Meaning of separation: nature shown in power - very unsettled - not a single pathway On right - oxbow river - across river around the oxbow- small and very graceful settlements - forming people and hay wagons and farms and roads Settled vs unsettled Taken on entire continent - what country will america be? No factories yet - utilize resources of nature Ecologist painter Mount Holyoke in background Words inscribed in mountain for the almighty Put himself in the picture - slight smile Environmentalism vs empire

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