Chapter 11-12: humanistic approach

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measured in days

Extended periods of isolation are measured in what?

Fully Functioning person = Rogers Self-actualization = Maslow

Fully functioning person and self actualization are both terms used by Rogers and Maslow to describe when personal growth becomes a satisfied state of being. Who coined which term?

1. higher levels of social anxiety 2. High levels of self-consciousness 3. lower levels of self-esteem 4. Low levels of assertiveness 5. pessimism and negative mood

High scores on the loneliness scales are related to? 5


How many layers of Maslow's triangle are there?

experiencing anxiety and responding with psychological defenses creates problems with trying to achieve fully functioning life

If we all have the potential to be fully functioning, constructive members of society, why is there so much unhappiness in the world

Fully Functioning

Like other humanistic theorists, Rogers maintained that we naturally strive to reach an optimal sense of satisfaction wit our lives. What did he call people who reach this goal?

1. Open to experiences, and live in the moment 2. Trust their own feelings (intuition). 3. Less prone to conform to the roles others expect of them. 4. Make choices consistent with own values.

List just 4 of the many qualities of a fully functioning person.


Longer periods of time alone (solitude) are measured in what?

longer periods of isolation are needed to work through personal problems and make important decisions.

Longer periods of time alone are useful for what?

When we aren't honest with another when it comes to his or her faults

POSITIVE ILLUSIONS AND SELF ESTEEM Explain what is mean by 'slippery definitions of success'?

when people take credit for success and place the blame elsewhere for failures.


overestimate good traits

POSITIVE ILLUSIONS AND SELF ESTEEM When we downplay, underestimate faults and failures this is referred to as?

Self Actualization

Psychological Health is = to what?


SELF-ACTUALIZED PEOPLE When someone is less restricted by cultural norms and customs, spontaneous and creative because they are less concerned with failure these people are practicing what aspect of self-actualization?

1. Less restricted by cultural norms and customs. 2. spontaneous to creative because they are less concerned with failure.

SELF-ACTUALIZED PEOPLE When someone practices Non-conforming, they are less restricted by ________ norms and ________. They are _______ and ________ because they are less concerned with failure.

1. admit weakness and try to improve 2. accept mistakes without judgment

SELF-ACTUALIZED PEOPLE When someone practices self-acceptance, they are doing what two things?

high self esteem without the hubris, narcissism, and positive self-illusions.

Self-compassion is said to be high self esteem, without the (what)?


Short periods of solitude (time alone) are measured in?

self-restoration, emotional renewal

Shorter periods of solitude (minutes), are good for what? (get it perfect)


True or False. Loneliness is not the same as isolation.

false. Higher level is uniquely human

True or False. Needs on the lower level of the hierarchical triangle are uniquely human.

Going to the gym buying a car

What are 2 single behaviors that meat multiple needs on Maslow's hierarchical triangle.

1. Economic Conditions 2. War and social chaos 3. Break up or divorce

What are 3 examples in the notes that might cause backsliding?

1. Overestimate good traits 2. self-serving bias 3. Slippery definition of success

What are the 3 positive illusions that we use to increase our self-esteem.

1.Self-Actualization 2. Self-Esteem 3. Love and Belonging 4. Safety and Security 5. Physiological Needs

What are the 5 basic properties of Maslow's triangle, starting from the bottom.

extended periods of isolation provide an opportunity to develop oneself spiritually, intellectually, and creatively.

What do people gain from extended periods of isolation?

1. Personal Responsibility 2. Here and Now 3. Individual phenomenology 4. Personal Growth

What four elements are central to the general viewpoint to which we apply the humanistic label? I.E four KEY ELEMENTS

Humanistic theory asserts that people are assumed to be largely responsible for their actions.

What is a key distinction between the humanistic approach and other theories of personality?


What is the most common psychological defense to information that creates anxiety?

relative satisfaction

What needs to happen at each level of the hierarchical triangle in order for advancement to take place?

needs on the lower level of the hierarchical needs are share among all living things

What part of the triangle might we see other animals and organisms share with us?

It was not very scientific, relying mostly on his own general impressions of his selected participants.

What was one of the problems with the way Maslow studied psychologically healthy people?

The individual

Would the humanistic approach place the fault of an individual who overdoses on drugs on the society as a whole, or the individual.

unconditional positive regard

accepting and loving someone no matter what they do is referred to as?

Self-Esteem Stability

asking participants to report on their feelings of self-worth at several points during the day for several days at a time is one way researchers can measure (what)?

Yes, individuals who enjoy solitude usually enjoy social encounters. They usually find something positive about being alone. They also have more self-actualization and are thus more likely to have better friendships and social life.

do individuals who enjoy solitude like social encounters? why or why not?


do people prone to depression have a positive or negative experience to being alone?

self esteem and narcissism positively correlate.

self esteem and ___________ positively correlate.

self esteem is seen as an overall trait that is consistent across time and situation.

self esteem is seen as an overall trait that is _______ across ______ and _________


someone with ______ _________ realize faults and their flaws without corresponding negative emotion, rumination, and defensiveness.

1. success (failure) 2. Praise (criticism) 3. social acceptance (rejection) 4. Social Comparison 5. Group comparison

what are 5 sources of self-esteem?

1. problem solving 2. Inner Peace 3. Self-Discovery 4. Anonymity 5. Intimacy 6. Spirituality 7. Creativity

what are the seven positive aspects of solitude? (ps, ip,sd,c,a,i,s)

self-acceptance non-conforming

what are the two aspects of self-actualized people?

they remind themselves of how well they do in other tasks.

what do people with high self esteem do to maintain their feelings of high self worth even in the face of negative feedback?

contingent is another word for conditional

what is another word for contingent when one says that self esteem levels are often contingent on many different factors?

loneliness is based on whether a persons social network is smaller or less satisfying than the person desires.

what is loneliness based on?

feelings of self-worth refer to the up and down fluctuations of thinking well of ourselves and feeling down. Self-Esteem has to do with relatively stable self-evaluations.

what is the difference between self-worth and self-esteem?

older age

what period of life is solitude more common?


your evaluation of your self-concept refers to your _________?

The Here and Now

4 KEY ELEMENTS OF HUMANISM A humanist might say, "in order to become fully functioning individuals we must learn to live our lives as they happen." What key element of humanism is this referring to?

Individual Phenomenology: insight comes from within, not from a therapist. Only you know what it's like to be you.

4 KEY ELEMENTS OF HUMANISM This key element explains the importance of psychologists not trying to fix people, but providing an path for people to fix themselves. What key element is this?

Personal Growth

4 KEY ELEMENTS OF HUMANISTIC THEORY Self-actualization, becoming a fully functioning individual, process of becoming, progress toward an ultimate satisfactory state of being. These are all words describing what key element?

1. Existential Philosophy 2. Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow

Although humanistic psychology evolved from many sources, its roots lie primarily in two areas. What are they?

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