Chapter 11

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Historians estimate that approximately ____________ slaves per year escaped to the North or Canada.


Which statement about Nat Turner's Rebellion is true?

Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion.

What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North?

Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North.

Which of the following was NOT true of the South and slavery in nineteenth-century America?

In the South as a whole, slaves made up only 10 percent of the population.

Who said that the language in the Declaration of Independence—that all men were created equal and entitled to liberty—was "the most false and dangerous of all political errors"?

John C. Calhoun

Which of the following statements about religious life among African-Americans in southern cities is true?

Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches.

Urban slaves:

most often were domestic servants.

On the plantation, the white employee in charge of ensuring a profitable crop for the plantation master was called the:


In the South, the paternalist ethos:

reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him.

Which of the following was NOT true of the South and its economy in the period from 1800 to 1860?

The South produced nearly two-fifths of the nation's manufactured goods, especially cotton textiles.

Jumping over a broomstick was a ceremony celebrating:

a slave marriage.

Celia was:

a slave tried for killing her master while resisting a sexual assault.

In 1839, fifty-three slaves collectively seized their freedom when they led a slave rebellion:

aboard the Amistad.

Task labor:

allowed slaves to take on daily jobs, set their own pace, and work on their own when they were done.

Andrew Johnson of Tennessee and Joseph Brown of Georgia rose to political power:

as self-proclaimed spokesmen of the common man against the great planters.

The relationship between rich southern planters and poor southern farmers:

benefited in part from a sense of unity bred by criticism from outsiders.

By the late 1830s, the South's proslavery argument:

claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress.

In the nineteenth century, what product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


The end of slavery in most Latin American nations:

involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners' legal rights to slave property.

Frederick Douglass argued that:

slaves were truer to the principles of the Declaration of Independence than were most white Americans.

All of the following statements are true of the work done by southern slaves EXCEPT:

slaves worked exclusively as agricultural field hands and house servants.

Defenders of American slavery claimed that British emancipation in the 1830s had been a failure because:

the freed slaves grew less sugar cane, which hurt the economy of the Caribbean.

The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had?

the threat of sale

Harriet Tubman:

was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery.

Slave families:

were headed by women more frequently than were white families.

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