Nutrition for Healthy Life Exam 2 Review Questions

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A 30-year old woman is pregnant. what should her nitrogen status be? a. Positive Nitrogen Balance b. Negative Nitrogen Balance


According to the DRI Guidelines, a desirable intake of fiber for a woman under the age of 50 is: a. 25 grams b. 38 grams c. 17 grams d. 50 grams


The two essential fatty acids are known as ___ acid and ___ acid. a. Linolenic, Linoleic b. EPA, Stearic c. Oleic, Stearic d. Lipolic, Linolenic


Which of the following BMI ranges is considered "overweight" for the average adult? a. 25-29.9 b. 18.5-24.9 c. Less than 18.5 d. Over 30


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins? a. A low-fat meal has no effect on fat-soluble vitamin absorption. b. Fat soluble vitamins are incorporated into chylomicrons and transported into the lymph. c. Bile is necessary. d. Absorption occurs in the small intestine.


Which statement about coenzymes is FALSE? a. Coenzymes are a part of the enzyme structure. b. Some enzymes require a coenzyme to carry out their function or activity. c. A coenzyme attaches to the enzyme to form an active complex. d. All B vitamins function as coenzymes.


all of the following are true statements regarding trans fatty acids, except a. trans fatty acids are produced by complete hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids. b. trans fatty acids are present in small amounts in meats and full-fat dairy foods. c. trans fatty acids can increase LDL cholesterol levels. d. adding trans fatty acids to foods was banned by the FDA in 2018


characteristics of lipids include all of the following, except that they are a. structurally similar compounds with specific functions b. composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen c. include triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols d. generally insoluble in water


emulsification of fats in the small intestine requires the presence of a. bile acids b. hydrochloric acid c. lipases d. cholesterol e. insulin


for Americans who experience food insecurity, the main factor limiting access to sufficient quantities of safe and nutritious foods is a. poverty b. that fresh fruits and vegetables are not available year-round c. knowledge about nutrition d. the prevalence of obesity


marasmus a. is characterized by deficiency in most nutrients, including protein b. is characterized by sufficient total caloric intake, but deficient intake in protein c. is associated with the appearance of a swollen belly d. occurs only in children e. may occur when consuming excess calories from carbohydrates


the variability among living organisms and the ecological habitats of which they are a part is termed: a. biodiversity b. climate change c. ecological adaptation d. ecosystem uniformity


A fatty acid that is liquid at room temperature is generally from vegetable oil and fish oils is known as: a. Sterols b. Polyunsaturated Fat c. Trans Fat d. Saturated Fat


In humans ______ is the storage form of carbohydrates. a. Adipose Tissue b. Glycogen c. Glucagon d. ADH


There are many U.S. Federal and State Food Assistance Food Programs. The _____ accounts for two-thirds of the U.S. Food Assistance expenditures. a. The School Lunch Program b. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) c. Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC) d. The School Breakfast Program


Twenty amino acids are present in proteins; of these, __ are considered essential and ___ amino acids. a. 7;13 b. 9;11 c. 11;9 d. 15;5


Which of the following is true for ALL B vitamins? a. They cannot be synthesized in the human body. b. They all function as coenzymes. c. They are readily destroyed during food storage and cooking. d. They all play critical roles in energy metabolism.


Which vitamin requires stomach acid and intrinsic factor in order to be absorbed? a. Niacin b. Vitamin B12 c. Riboflavin d. Thiamin


all of the following are true in regards to adipose tissue, except that a. it is composed primarily of adipocytes b. excess is associated with improved fertility c. it is a storage site for energy d. it provides insulation for the body's organs e. it is a storage site for fat-soluble vitamins


based on several current studies, organic foods do not differ significantly from nonorganic in a. cost b. nutrient content c. pesticide content d. herbicide content


each of the following food choices is a source of complete proteins, except: a. beef b. black beans c. eggs d. quinoa e. yogurt


structurally, fatty acids a. consist of carbon chains of similar lengths b. differ in their degree of saturation c. are composed of carbon rings with a hydrocarbon side chain d. have a hydrogen and an oxygen attached to each carbon


the AMDR for protein intake is a. 10-25% of total calories b. 10-35% of total calories c. 15-30% of total calories d. 15-35% of total calories e. 20-40% of total calories


Excess intake of what vitamin can mask the early signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency and can lead to cognitive impairment? a. Vitamin B6 b. Niacin c. Folate d. Thiamin


What are dietary recommendations for niacin given as niacin equivalents? a. The body can convert dietary fatty acids into niacin. b. The body can convert dietary pyridoxal into niacin. c. The body can convert dietary tryptophan into niacin. d. The body can convert dietary intrinsic factor into niacin.


Which choice INCORRECTLY pairs the vitamin with the name of its deficiency disease? a. Riboflavin - Ariboflavinosis b. Vitamin C - Scurvy c. Vitamin B6 - Beriberi d. Niacin - Pellagra


Which of these vitamins plays a major role as an antioxidant? a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin E c. All of the Above d. Beta-Carotene


dietary fat contributes to satiety by: a. adding to the effect of high-carbohydrate foods in raising blood glucose levels b. increasing the rate at which food passes through he GI tract c. prolonging the time food stays in the stomach d. producing bulk to fill the stomach


functions of protein do NOT include a. serving as an energy source b. serving as a structural component of hair and fingernails c. serving as a store of excess amino acids d. serving as hormones e. catalyzing chemical reactions in the body


genetically modified (GM) foods a. are regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) b. are required in the US to have a label indicating presence of GM foods on packaging c. are derived from organisms that have had their genetic material modified in some way that does not occur naturally d. do not have to meet the same safety and regulatory requirements as conventional foods e. are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides


like carbohydrates and fat, protein is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. protein differs in that it also contains a. calcium b. chloride c. nitrogen d. phosphorus e. sodium


linoleic acid and linolenic acid a. can be synthesized from phospholipids in the body b. are both classified as omega-3 fatty acids c. must be consumed through the diet to meet the body's needs d. are both saturated fatty acids e. are both trans fatty acids


nonessential amino acids: a. are incomplete proteins b. are extra essential amino acids c. can be manufactured in the body d. enhance muscle development e. are found only in plant foods


overnutrition: a. currently affects only individuals in affluent, developed nations b. is not associated with adverse health effects or outcomes c. affects more people worldwide than does undernutrition d. relates only to excess calorie intake


protein denaturation refers to: a. the lack of one or more essential amino acids in a food b. the process of adding an amino acid to a food that is not present naturally c. a change in shape of protein structure due to heat, light, motion, or change in pH d. breakdown of muscle mass during caloric restriction e. the conversion of protein to glucose or fatty acids


the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations identifies four dimensions of food security, including all of the following except: a. access b. availability c. education d. stability e. utilization


the former US Food Stamps program is now known as the: a. Federal Food Supply Program b. Food for Life Program c. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program d. Women and Infant Assistance Program


the shape of a protein is a determinant of its ________ in the body. a. storage form b. energy potential c. function d. heat production e. permanence


What Vitamin plays a key role in both blood clotting and bone formation? a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin A d. Vitamin K


What vitamin occurs naturally only in animal products? a. Thiamin b. Niacin c. Vitamin B6 d. Vitamin B12


Which of the following are plant foods that are considered high-quality protein sources? a. Avocado and Banana b. Broccoli and Butternut Squash c. Peanut and Tree Nuts d. Tofu and Quinoa


Which of these vitamins DOES NOT play a major role as an antioxidant? a. Vitamin E b. Vitamin C c. Beta-Carotene d. Vitamin A


a serving of cookies has 7 grams of fat, how man calories from fat would these cookies provide? a. 7 calories b. 28 calories c. 49 calories d. 63 calories e. 70 calories


as an indicator for undernutrition in children, stunting is defined as: a. cognitive impairment resulting in lower-than-normal IQ b. disproportionate torso length in relation to extremities c. low body weight for height d. low height for age


cholesterol is a sterol that a. must be consumed in the die to meet the body's needs b. provides 9 calories per gram c. is found in plant foods that are high in saturated fats d. functions as a precursor for synthesis of steroid hormones


forms of malnutrition include: a. only undernourishment as a consequence of hunger and famine b. only undernutrition resulting from micronutrient deficiencies c. protein and energy deficiencies found only in developing nations d. undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overnutrition


omega-3 fatty acids a. can be synthesized in the body in sufficient amounts to meet our needs b. consumed in the US in proportionally higher amounts than omega-6 fatty acids c. are supplied in the US diet primarily through vegetable oils d. provide a source of linoleic acid e. provide a source of alpha-linolenic acid


the second step of protein synthesis in which the order of amino acids added to the growing protein chain is read from (or dictated by) the information in the mRNA is termed a. phosphorylation b. gluconeogenesis c. transcription d. translation e. deamination


twenty amino acids are present in proteins; of these, ________ are considered essential and ________ are considered nonessential amino acids a. 7, 13 b. 13, 7 c. 15, 5 d. 9, 11 e. 11, 9


what is the AMDR for total calories from dietary fat for adults? a. 5-20% b. 10-25% c. 15-30% d. 20-35% e. 25-40%


Nick lifts weights and takes a daily protein supplement in addition to his 30% protein weight-maintenance diet. taking the protein supplement: a. is an effective practice to add muscle weight without exercise b. is not necessary because his intake is already in excess of the RDA c. provides additional calories that can contribute to fat stores d. will increase his athletic performance e. both b and c are true


according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, food insecurity in the US is associated with a. inadequate intake of key nutrients b. increased risk for chronic disease c. poor psychological and cognitive functioning d. substandard academic achievement e. all of the above


although food security refers to access to a safe and sufficient food supply to meet dietary needs, nutrition security further warrants: a. that individuals actually consume the food to which they have access b. that appropriate nutrition education is available to foster positive food choice c. appropriate health and environmental conditions d. access to appropriate healthcare e. all of the above


factors that contribute to human-generated greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) include: a. diets that contain a high proportion of animal foods b. diets that emphasize foods with low sustainability c. deforestation d. manure produced by cattle, sheep, and goats e. all of the above


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