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Select the bolded phrases that accurately describe research findings about child-free women.

- increased steadily through the 1980s and 1990s - less stigmatized now than in the past.

Select the bolded terms that represent overt racism.

- referring to Mexican migrants as racist - promoting white superiority

Based on your knowledge of civil rights history, place the following events in chronological order.

1. NAACP 2. Brown v Board of Ed 3. Montgomery Bus Boycott 4. March on Washington 5. Civil Rights Act

Match each type of family to the correct description.

1. two adults living in a household with their own or adopted children Correct label: nuclear family 2. the family in which one is brought up Correct label: families of orientation 3. the family in which one enters as an adult and may have one's own children Correct label: families of procreation 4. a household comprised of close adult relatives, some of whom are not related by marriage Correct label: extended family

Approximately what percentage of people are married, or have been married at one point, by their mid-fifties?


Identify the following statements as a common reason for cohabitating, or not.

A Common Reason - "We were spending most nights together, anyway." - "I just love spending time with him!" Not common - "I need to see whether he'll do any housework before I decide to marry him." - "I need to test out my ability to be in a serious relationship."

Identify the following as major immigrant groups in the United States since 1965, or not

Major - latin america - asia

Which of the following household types is most common in the United States today?

Married without children

Chapter 14: Families


Identify the reasons why it is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on intimate partner violence.

Reason(s) 1. Victims of severe abuse may not have the time and freedom to answer survey questions. 2. There are different types of intimate partner violence, which may lead to confusion. 3. Perpetrators of domestic abuse may underreport.

Ferguson MO reasons for protest.

Reason: - because black teenager Michael Brown had been fatally shot by a white police officer - because of concern over institutional racism in the criminal justice system Not: - because of the cumulative burden of microaggressions, white privilege, and stereotyping - because of President Donald Trump's overtly racist statements

According to the textbook and the following chart, identify the two reasons for the stagnation in Hispanics' median household income in the 2000s.

Reason: - low level jobs - poor immigrants Not: - fear of undocumented immigrants - young immigrants

Which of the following factors are related to an increased risk of divorce?

Related: - premarital cohabitation marrying at an early age Not related: - high income - having children

David Popenoe and Judith Stacey disagree on the question of whether changes in family forms in the United States are "bad" for adults and children. Match each sociologist to the correct argument. Labels can be used more than once.

STACEY - Children need loving caretakers, regardless of their gender. - In the postmodern economy, it is increasingly difficult for one spouse to earn enough to support a family. POPENOE - The increase in divorce, cohabitation, non-marital births, and decrease in marriage are associated with social ills such as child poverty, substance abuse, and juvenile crime. - Mothers and fathers play different and essential roles in socializing their children.

The social causation explanation suggests that cohabitation is the kind of experience that erodes belief in marriage, thus increasing the likelihood of divorce.


Which of the following statements are true about the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments?

True: - It gave preference to immigrants who sought entry into the United States for family reunification reasons. - It was partially responsible for the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of immigrants in the United States. - It ended the practice of giving preference to immigrants from northern and western Europe. False: - It provided amnesty for illegal immigrants in the United States. - quota system

Which of the following examples most clearly displays prejudice?

White person believes Hispanics are dangerous but does not act on that belief

Why do sociologists analyze and critique U.S. Census categories for race and ethnicity?

b/c they are official counts and categories used by federal government

Identify the statements that accurately describe feminist research findings regarding gender and housework for heterosexual couples.

Accurate Statement(s) - On a given day, the man is less likely to do housework. - When men do housework, they spend much less time on it. Not - Heterosexual couples are nearly "symmetrical" in terms of housework labor, a dramatic shift over the last 30 years. - Men more often do rational tasks, and women do affective tasks.

Identify the statements that support either Borjas's or Simon's position.

Borjas - low skill - increase labor force Simon

Which concept emerged from the work of sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva?

Color blindness

Identify parenting practices

Concentrated Cultivation: Children are enrolled in numerous extracurricular activities. Children are comfortable expressing themselves and questioning authority. Accomplishment of natural growth: Children are very close to extended kin. Children are independent in entertaining themselves and playing with friends. Parents speak briefly to children and use command statements.

According to the textbook, which factors have contributed to the movement away from traditional family forms and toward nuclear family arrangements in many societies?

Contributing: - migration from rural to urban areas - the development of centralized governments - employment in institutions, rather than on the land Not: - the spread of ideas about the utility of marriage - widespread interest in retaining religious traditions

Identify the following negative statements as expressions of racism, or not.

Correct: - believing that white people are superior to other groups - in apartheid South Africa, believing that black males were sexually dangerous to white women Incorrect: - opposing immigration from Spanish-speaking nations due to a desire to retain English as the dominant U.S. language - telling jokes about Polish Americans that present them as unintelligent

According to the textbook, which of the following factors contributed to the rise of racism?

Correct: - invention of race as hierarchal - exploitation - white and black as good and evil Wrong: - stories passed down

Why does Amy Chua argue that democracy and a free market would not solve the problem of ethnic conflicts?

Democracy may trigger backlash from ethnic majority

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the isolation of ethnic groups.

Ethnic cleansing Segregation

Diane Vaughan's research on "uncoupling" focuses on how previously married individuals and their children are affected by divorce in the long run (10 or more years after divorce).


In the United States, cohabitation is often seen as an alternative to marriage. Many single people say they would prefer to cohabit than marry.


Identify the features that sociologists use to define family. These features are true of all families.

Feature(s) of Family: - a group of people connected by kinship ties - a group of people in which the adult members take responsibility for the children's upbringing - a group of people who form an economic unit Not features: - a group of kin in which the adults are joined by marriage - a group of people who love one another and live in the same household

indicate which statements accurately represent racial and ethnic differences in median household income over time.


Select the bolded terms that represent scapegoating

- Blaming black people for violence - Blaming immigrants on economy

U.S. law and social policy toward same-sex marriage has changed markedly over the past two decades. Place the following three related landmark moments in order from earliest to most recent.

- DOMA - Windsor v. US - SC ruling invalidates bans

Match each type of single-parent household to the correct description.

-They comprise more than 60 percent of single-parent households. Correct label: divorced mother (head of household) -This group is expanding most rapidly among single-parent households. Correct label: older, never-married, and financially stable mother (head of household -A high proportion of this group is poor. Correct label: young, never-married mother (head of household) -They comprise a small proportion of single-parent households but are relatively economically stable; more than half of this group are homeowners. Correct label: widowed mother (head of household)

Match each statement about the photograph to the theory that best fits it.

FUNCTIONALISM When men work from an instrumental role and women from an affective role, this rational household organization works well. FEMINIST The woman appears happy, but she may be trapped, captive to her unpaid household labor. SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM The woman uses a hug, posture, and laundry to communicate a caring posture toward her son and household.

A minority group is smaller in number than a majority group (e.g., Asians are a minority group in the United States, at about 5 percent of the population, compared to whites, who comprise about 63 percent of the population).


According to Stephanie Coontz, why isn't the colonial family as idyllic as often portrayed? Click

High death rates

Identify whether Native Americans have either higher or lower rates of the following compared to other racial/ethnic groups.

Higher Rates: - intermarriage by race - teen births - births outside of marriage - divorce

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